Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


krn krwvn sBu ikCu eykY ] (236-1)
karan karaavan sabh kichh aykai.
The One Lord is the Creator of all things, the Cause of causes.

Awpy buiD bIcwir ibbykY ] (236-1)
aapay buDh beechaar bibaykai.
He Himself is wisdom, contemplation and discerning understanding.

dUir n nyrY sB kY sMgw ] (236-1)
door na nayrai sabh kai sangaa.
He is not far away; He is near at hand, with all.

scu swlwhxu nwnk hir rMgw ]8]1] (236-2)
sach saalaahan naanak har rangaa. ||8||1||
So praise the True One, O Nanak, with love! ||8||1||

gauVI mhlw 5 ] (236-2)
ga-orhee mehlaa 5.
Gauree, Fifth Mehl:

gur syvw qy nwmy lwgw ] (236-2)
gur sayvaa tay naamay laagaa.
Serving the Guru, one is committed to the Naam, the Name of the Lord.

iqs kau imilAw ijsu msqik Bwgw ] (236-2)
tis ka-o mili-aa jis mastak bhaagaa.
It is received only by those who have such good destiny inscribed upon their foreheads.

iqs kY ihrdY rivAw soie ] (236-3)
tis kai hirdai ravi-aa so-ay.
The Lord dwells within their hearts.

mnu qnu sIqlu inhclu hoie ]1] (236-3)
man tan seetal nihchal ho-ay. ||1||
Their minds and bodies become peaceful and stable. ||1||

AYsw kIrqnu kir mn myry ] (236-4)
aisaa keertan kar man mayray.
O my mind, sing such Praises of the Lord,

eIhw aUhw jo kwim qyrY ]1] rhwau ] (236-4)
eehaa oohaa jo kaam tayrai. ||1|| rahaa-o.
which shall be of use to you here and hereafter. ||1||Pause||

jwsu jpq Bau Apdw jwie ] (236-4)
jaas japat bha-o apdaa jaa-ay.
Meditating on Him, fear and misfortune depart,

Dwvq mnUAw AwvY Twie ] (236-5)
Dhaavat manoo-aa aavai thaa-ay.
and the wandering mind is held steady.

jwsu jpq iPir dUKu n lwgY ] (236-5)
jaas japat fir dookh na laagai.
Meditating on Him, suffering shall never again overtake you.

jwsu jpq ieh haumY BwgY ]2] (236-5)
jaas japat ih ha-umai bhaagai. ||2||
Meditating on Him, this ego runs away. ||2||

jwsu jpq vis Awvih pMcw ] (236-5)
jaas japat vas aavahi panchaa.
Meditating on Him, the five passions are overcome.

jwsu jpq irdY AMimRqu sMcw ] (236-6)
jaas japat ridai amrit sanchaa.
Meditating on Him, Ambrosial Nectar is collected in the heart.

jwsu jpq ieh iqRsnw buJY ] (236-6)
jaas japat ih tarisnaa bujhai.
Meditating on Him, this desire is quenched.

jwsu jpq hir drgh isJY ]3] (236-6)
jaas japat har dargeh sijhai. ||3||
Meditating on Him, one is approved in the Court of the Lord. ||3||

jwsu jpq koit imtih AprwD ] (236-7)
jaas japat kot miteh apraaDh.
Meditating on Him, millions of mistakes are erased.

jwsu jpq hir hovih swD ] (236-7)
jaas japat har hoveh saaDh.
Meditating on Him, one becomes Holy, blessed by the Lord.

jwsu jpq mnu sIqlu hovY ] (236-7)
jaas japat man seetal hovai.
Meditating on Him, the mind is cooled and soothed.

jwsu jpq mlu sglI KovY ]4] (236-8)
jaas japat mal saglee khovai. ||4||
Meditating on Him, all filth is washed away. ||4||

jwsu jpq rqnu hir imlY ] (236-8)
jaas japat ratan har milai.
Meditating on Him, the jewel of the Lord is obtained.

bhuir n CofY hir sMig ihlY ] (236-8)
bahur na chhodai har sang hilai.
One is reconciled with the Lord, and shall not abandon Him again.

jwsu jpq keI bYkuMT vwsu ] (236-9)
jaas japat ka-ee baikunth vaas.
Meditating on Him, many acquire a home in the heavens.

jwsu jpq suK shij invwsu ]5] (236-9)
jaas japat sukh sahj nivaas. ||5||
Meditating on Him, one abides in intuitive peace. ||5||

jwsu jpq ieh Agin n pohq ] (236-9)
jaas japat ih agan na pohat.
Meditating on Him, one is not affected by this fire.

jwsu jpq iehu kwlu n johq ] (236-10)
jaas japat ih kaal na johat.
Meditating on Him, one is not under the gaze of Death.

jwsu jpq qyrw inrml mwQw ] (236-10)
jaas japat tayraa nirmal maathaa.
Meditating on Him, your forehead shall be immaculate.

jwsu jpq sglw duKu lwQw ]6] (236-10)
jaas japat saglaa dukh laathaa. ||6||
Meditating on Him, all pains are destroyed. ||6||

jwsu jpq musklu kCU n bnY ] (236-11)
jaas japat muskal kachhoo na banai.
Meditating on Him, no difficulties are encountered.

jwsu jpq suix Anhq DunY ] (236-11)
jaas japat sun anhat Dhunai.
Meditating on Him, one hears the unstruck melody.

jwsu jpq ieh inrml soie ] (236-11)
jaas japat ih nirmal so-ay.
Meditating on Him, one acquires this pure reputation.

jwsu jpq kmlu sIDw hoie ]7] (236-12)
jaas japat kamal seeDhaa ho-ay. ||7||
Meditating on Him, the heart-lotus is turned upright. ||7||

guir suB idRsit sB aUpir krI ] (236-12)
gur subh darisat sabh oopar karee.
The Guru has bestowed His Glance of Grace upon all,

ijs kY ihrdY mMqRü dy hrI ] (236-12)
jis kai hirdai mantar day haree.
within whose hearts the Lord has implanted His Mantra.

AKMf kIrqnu iqin Bojnu cUrw ] (236-13)
akhand keertan tin bhojan chooraa.
The unbroken Kirtan of the Lord's Praises is their food and nourishment.

khu nwnk ijsu siqguru pUrw ]8]2] (236-13)
kaho naanak jis satgur pooraa. ||8||2||
Says Nanak, they have the Perfect True Guru. ||8||2||

gauVI mhlw 5 ] (236-14)
ga-orhee mehlaa 5.
Gauree, Fifth Mehl:

gur kw sbdu ird AMqir DwrY ] (236-14)
gur kaa sabad rid antar Dhaarai.
Those who implant the Word of the Guru's Shabad within their hearts

pMc jnw isau sMgu invwrY ] (236-14)
panch janaa si-o sang nivaarai.
cut their connections with the five passions.

ds ieMdRI kir rwKY vwis ] (236-14)
das indree kar raakhai vaas.
They keep the ten organs under their control;

qw kY AwqmY hoie prgwsu ]1] (236-15)
taa kai aatmai ho-ay pargaas. ||1||
their souls are enlightened. ||1||

AYsI idRVqw qw kY hoie ] (236-15)
aisee darirh-taa taa kai ho-ay.
They alone acquire such stability,

jw kau dieAw mieAw pRB soie ]1] rhwau ] (236-15)
jaa ka-o da-i-aa ma-i-aa parabh so-ay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
whom God blesses with His Mercy and Grace. ||1||Pause||

swjnu dustu jw kY eyk smwnY ] (236-16)
saajan dusat jaa kai ayk samaanai.
Friend and foe are one and the same to them.

jyqw bolxu qyqw igAwnY ] (236-16)
jaytaa bolan taytaa gi-aanai.
Whatever they speak is wisdom.

jyqw sunxw qyqw nwmu ] (236-16)
jaytaa sunnaa taytaa naam.
Whatever they hear is the Naam, the Name of the Lord.

jyqw pyKnu qyqw iDAwnu ]2] (236-17)
jaytaa paykhan taytaa Dhi-aan. ||2||
Whatever they see is meditation. ||2||

shjy jwgxu shjy soie ] (236-17)
sehjay jaagan sehjay so-ay.
They awaken in peace and poise; they sleep in peace and poise.

shjy hoqw jwie su hoie ] (236-17)
sehjay hotaa jaa-ay so ho-ay.
That which is meant to be, automatically happens.

shij bYrwgu shjy hI hsnw ] (236-18)
sahj bairaag sehjay hee hasnaa.
In peace and poise, they remain detached; in peace and poise, they laugh.

shjy cUp shjy hI jpnw ]3] (236-18)
sehjay choop sehjay hee japnaa. ||3||
In peace and poise, they remain silent; in peace and poise, they chant. ||3||

shjy Bojnu shjy Bwau ] (236-18)
sehjay bhojan sehjay bhaa-o.
In peace and poise they eat; in peace and poise they love.

shjy imitE sgl durwau ] (236-18)
sehjay miti-o sagal duraa-o.
The illusion of duality is easily and totally removed.

shjy hoAw swDU sMgu ] (236-19)
sehjay ho-aa saaDhoo sang.
They naturally join the Saadh Sangat, the Society of the Holy.

shij imilE pwrbRhmu insMgu ]4] (236-19)
sahj mili-o paarbarahm nisang. ||4||
In peace and poise, they meet and merge with the Supreme Lord God. ||4||

shjy igRh mih shij audwsI ] (236-19)
sehjay garih meh sahj udaasee.
They are at peace in their homes, and they are at peace while detached.


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD