Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


sbid mnu rMigAw ilv lwie ] (233-1)
sabad man rangi-aa liv laa-ay.
The mind is attuned to the Word of the Shabad; it is lovingly attuned to the Lord.

inj Gir visAw pRB kI rjwie ]1] (233-1)
nij ghar vasi-aa parabh kee rajaa-ay. ||1||
It abides within its own home, in harmony with the Lord's Will. ||1||

siqguru syivAY jwie AiBmwnu ] (233-1)
satgur sayvi-ai jaa-ay abhimaan.
Serving the True Guru, egotistical pride departs,

goivdu pweIAY guxI inDwnu ]1] rhwau ] (233-2)
govid paa-ee-ai gunee niDhaan. ||1|| rahaa-o.
and the Lord of the Universe, the Treasure of Excellence, is obtained. ||1||Pause||

mnu bYrwgI jw sbid Bau Kwie ] (233-2)
man bairaagee jaa sabad bha-o khaa-ay.
The mind becomes detached and free of desire, when it experiences the Fear of God, through the Shabad.

myrw pRBu inrmlw sB qY rihAw smwie ] (233-2)
mayraa parabh nirmalaa sabh tai rahi-aa samaa-ay.
My Immaculate God is pervading and contained among all.

gur ikrpw qy imlY imlwie ]2] (233-3)
gur kirpaa tay milai milaa-ay. ||2||
By Guru's Grace, one is united in His Union. ||2||

hir dwsn ko dwsu suKu pwey ] (233-3)
har daasan ko daas sukh paa-ay.
The slave of the Lord's slave attains peace.

myrw hir pRBu ien ibiD pwieAw jwey ] (233-4)
mayraa har parabh in biDh paa-i-aa jaa-ay.
My Lord God is found in this way.

hir ikrpw qy rwm gux gwey ]3] (233-4)
har kirpaa tay raam gun gaa-ay. ||3||
By the Grace of the Lord, one comes to sing the Glorious Praises of the Lord. ||3||

iDRgu bhu jIvxu ijqu hir nwim n lgY ipAwru ] (233-4)
Dharig baho jeevan jit har naam na lagai pi-aar.
Cursed is that long life, during which love for the Lord's Name is not enshrined.

iDRgu syj suKwlI kwmix moh gubwru ] (233-5)
Dharig sayj sukhaalee kaaman moh gubaar.
Cursed is that comfortable bed which lures one into the darkness of attachment to sexual desire.

iqn sPlu jnmu ijn nwmu ADwru ]4] (233-5)
tin safal janam jin naam aDhaar. ||4||
Fruitful is the birth of that person who takes the Support of the Naam, the Name of the Lord. ||4||

iDRgu iDRgu igRhu kutMbu ijqu hir pRIiq n hoie ] (233-6)
Dharig Dharig garihu kutamb jit har pareet na ho-ay.
Cursed, cursed is that home and family, in which the love of the Lord is not embraced.

soeI hmwrw mIqu jo hir gux gwvY soie ] (233-6)
so-ee hamaaraa meet jo har gun gaavai so-ay.
He alone is my friend, who sings the Glorious Praises of the Lord.

hir nwm ibnw mY Avru n koie ]5] (233-7)
har naam binaa mai avar na ko-ay. ||5||
Without the Lord's Name, there is no other for me. ||5||

siqgur qy hm giq piq pweI ] (233-7)
satgur tay ham gat pat paa-ee.
From the True Guru, I have obtained salvation and honor.

hir nwmu iDAwieAw dUKu sgl imtweI ] (233-7)
har naam Dhi-aa-i-aa dookh sagal mitaa-ee.
I have meditated on the Name of the Lord, and all my sufferings have been erased.

sdw Anµdu hir nwim ilv lweI ]6] (233-8)
sadaa anand har naam liv laa-ee. ||6||
I am in constant bliss, lovingly attuned to the Lord's Name. ||6||

guir imilAY hm kau srIr suiD BeI ] (233-8)
gur mili-ai ham ka-o sareer suDh bha-ee.
Meeting the Guru, I came to understand my body.

haumY iqRsnw sB Agin buJeI ] (233-9)
ha-umai tarisnaa sabh agan bujh-ee.
The fires of ego and desire have been totally quenched.

ibnsy k®oD iKmw gih leI ]7] (233-9)
binsay kroDh khimaa geh la-ee. ||7||
Anger has been dispelled, and I have grasped hold of tolerance. ||7||

hir Awpy ik®pw kry nwmu dyvY ] (233-9)
har aapay kirpaa karay naam dayvai.
The Lord Himself showers His Mercy, and bestows the Naam.

gurmuiK rqnu ko ivrlw lyvY ] (233-10)
gurmukh ratan ko virlaa layvai.
How rare is that Gurmukh, who receives the jewel of the Naam.

nwnku gux gwvY hir AlK AByvY ]8]8] (233-10)
naanak gun gaavai har alakh abhayvai. ||8||8||
O Nanak, sing the Glorious Praises of the Lord, the Unknowable, the Incomprehensible. ||8||8||

<> siqgur pRswid ] (233-11)
ik-oaNkaar satgur parsaad.
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:

rwgu gauVI bYrwgix mhlw 3 ] (233-11)
raag ga-orhee bairaagan mehlaa 3.
Raag Gauree Bairaagan, Third Mehl:

siqgur qy jo muh Pyry qy vymuK bury idsMin ] (233-11)
satgur tay jo muh fayray tay vaimukh buray disann.
Those who turn their faces away from the True Guru, are seen to be unfaithful and evil.

Anidnu bDy mwrIAin iPir vylw nw lhMin ]1] (233-12)
an-din baDhay maaree-an fir vaylaa naa lahann. ||1||
They shall be bound and beaten night and day; they shall not have this opportunity again. ||1||

hir hir rwKhu ik®pw Dwir ] (233-12)
har har raakho kirpaa Dhaar.
O Lord, please shower Your Mercy upon me, and save me!

sqsMgiq mylwie pRB hir ihrdY hir gux swir ]1] rhwau ] (233-12)
satsangat maylaa-ay parabh har hirdai har gun saar. ||1|| rahaa-o.
O Lord God, please lead me to meet the Sat Sangat, the True Congregation, that I may dwell upon the Glorious Praises of the Lord within my heart. ||1||Pause||

sy Bgq hir Bwvdy jo gurmuiK Bwie clµin ] (233-13)
say bhagat har bhaavday jo gurmukh bhaa-ay chalann.
Those devotees are pleasing to the Lord, who as Gurmukh, walk in harmony with the Way of the Lord's Will.

Awpu Coif syvw krin jIvq muey rhMin ]2] (233-13)
aap chhod sayvaa karan jeevat mu-ay rahann. ||2||
Subduing their selfishness and conceit, and performing selfless service, they remain dead while yet alive. ||2||

ijs dw ipMfu prwx hY iqs kI isir kwr ] (233-14)
jis daa pind paraan hai tis kee sir kaar.
The body and the breath of life belong to the One - perform the greatest service to Him.

Ehu ikau mnhu ivswrIAY hir rKIAY ihrdY Dwir ]3] (233-14)
oh ki-o manhu visaaree-ai har rakhee-ai hirdai Dhaar. ||3||
Why forget Him from your mind? Keep the Lord enshrined in your heart. ||3||

nwim imilAY piq pweIAY nwim mMinAY suKu hoie ] (233-15)
naam mili-ai pat paa-ee-ai naam mani-ai sukh ho-ay.
Receiving the Naam, the Name of the Lord, one obtains honor; believing in the Naam, one is at peace.

siqgur qy nwmu pweIAY krim imlY pRBu soie ]4] (233-16)
satgur tay naam paa-ee-ai karam milai parabh so-ay. ||4||
The Naam is obtained from the True Guru; by His Grace, God is found. ||4||

siqgur qy jo muhu Pyry Eie BRmdy nw itkMin ] (233-16)
satgur tay jo muhu fayray o-ay bharamday naa tikann.
They turn their faces away from the True Guru; they continue to wander aimlessly.

Driq Asmwnu n JleI ivic ivstw pey pcMin ]5] (233-17)
Dharat asmaan na jhal-ee vich vistaa pa-ay pachann. ||5||
They are not accepted by the earth or the sky; they fall into manure, and rot. ||5||

iehu jgu Brim BulwieAw moh TgaulI pwie ] (233-17)
ih jag bharam bhulaa-i-aa moh thag-ulee paa-ay.
This world is deluded by doubt - it has taken the drug of emotional attachment.

ijnw siqguru ByitAw iqn nyiV n iBtY mwie ]6] (233-18)
jinaa satgur bhayti-aa tin nayrh na bhitai maa-ay. ||6||
Maya does not draw near those who have met with the True Guru. ||6||

siqguru syvin so sohxy haumY mYlu gvwie ] (233-18)
satgur sayvan so sohnay ha-umai mail gavaa-ay.
Those who serve the True Guru are very beautiful; they cast off the filth of selfishness and conceit.


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD