Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


nwmu n cyqih aupwvxhwrw ] (232-1)
naam na cheeteh upaavanhaaraa.
They do not remember the Name of the Creator Lord.

mir jMmih iPir vwro vwrw ]2] (232-1)
mar jameh fir vaaro vaaraa. ||2||
They die, and are reborn, over and over, again and again. ||2||

AMDy gurU qy Brmu n jweI ] (232-1)
anDhay guroo tay bharam na jaa-ee.
Those whose guru is spiritually blind - their doubts are not dispelled.

mUlu Coif lwgy dUjY BweI ] (232-2)
mool chhod laagay doojai bhaa-ee.
Abandoning the Source of all, they have become attached to the love of duality.

ibKu kw mwqw ibKu mwih smweI ]3] (232-2)
bikh kaa maataa bikh maahi samaa-ee. ||3||
Infected with poison, they are immersed in poison. ||3||

mwieAw kir mUlu jMqR Brmwey ] (232-2)
maa-i-aa kar mool jantar bharmaa-ay.
Believing Maya to be the source of all, they wander in doubt.

hir jIau ivsirAw dUjY Bwey ] (232-3)
har jee-o visri-aa doojai bhaa-ay.
They have forgotten the Dear Lord, and they are in love with duality.

ijsu ndir kry so prm giq pwey ]4] (232-3)
jis nadar karay so param gat paa-ay. ||4||
The supreme status is obtained only by those who are blessed with His Glance of Grace. ||4||

AMqir swcu bwhir swcu vrqwey ] (232-3)
antar saach baahar saach vartaa-ay.
One who has Truth pervading within, radiates Truth outwardly as well.

swcu n CpY jy ko rKY Cpwey ] (232-4)
saach na chhapai jay ko rakhai chhapaa-ay.
The Truth does not remain hidden, even though one may try to hide it.

igAwnI bUJih shij suBwey ]5] (232-4)
gi-aanee boojheh sahj subhaa-ay. ||5||
The spiritually wise know this intuitively. ||5||

gurmuiK swic rihAw ilv lwey ] (232-4)
gurmukh saach rahi-aa liv laa-ay.
The Gurmukhs keep their consciousness lovingly centered on the Lord.

haumY mwieAw sbid jlwey ] (232-5)
ha-umai maa-i-aa sabad jalaa-ay.
Ego and Maya are burned away by the Word of the Shabad.

myrw pRBu swcw myil imlwey ]6] (232-5)
mayraa parabh saachaa mayl milaa-ay. ||6||
My True God unites them in His Union. ||6||

siqguru dwqw sbdu suxwey ] (232-5)
satgur daataa sabad sunaa-ay.
The True Guru, The Giver, preaches the Shabad.

Dwvqu rwKY Twik rhwey ] (232-6)
Dhaavat raakhai thaak rahaa-ay.
He controls, and restrains, and holds still the wandering mind.

pUry gur qy soJI pwey ]7] (232-6)
pooray gur tay sojhee paa-ay. ||7||
Understanding is obtained through the Perfect Guru. ||7||

Awpy krqw isRsit isrij ijin goeI ] (232-6)
aapay kartaa sarisat siraj jin go-ee.
The Creator Himself has created the universe; He Himself shall destroy it.

iqsu ibnu dUjw Avru n koeI ] (232-7)
tis bin doojaa avar na ko-ee.
Without Him, there is no other at all.

nwnk gurmuiK bUJY koeI ]8]6] (232-7)
naanak gurmukh boojhai ko-ee. ||8||6||
O Nanak, how rare are those who, as Gurmukh, understand this! ||8||6||

gauVI mhlw 3 ] (232-7)
ga-orhee mehlaa 3.
Gauree, Third Mehl:

nwmu Amolku gurmuiK pwvY ] (232-8)
naam amolak gurmukh paavai.
The Gurmukhs obtain the Naam, the Priceless Name of the Lord.

nwmo syvy nwim shij smwvY ] (232-8)
naamo sayvay naam sahj samaavai.
They serve the Name, and through the Name, they are absorbed in intuitive peace and poise.

AMimRqu nwmu rsnw inq gwvY ] (232-8)
amrit naam rasnaa nit gaavai.
With their tongues, they continually sing the Ambrosial Naam.

ijs no ik®pw kry so hir rsu pwvY ]1] (232-8)
jis no kirpaa karay so har ras paavai. ||1||
They obtain the Lord's Name; the Lord showers His Mercy upon them. ||1||

Anidnu ihrdY jpau jgdIsw ] (232-9)
an-din hirdai japa-o jagdeesaa.
Night and day, within your heart, meditate on the Lord of the Universe.

gurmuiK pwvau prm pdu sUKw ]1] rhwau ] (232-9)
gurmukh paava-o param pad sookhaa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The Gurmukhs obtain the supreme state of peace. ||1||Pause||

ihrdY sUKu BieAw prgwsu ] (232-10)
hirdai sookh bha-i-aa pargaas.
Peace comes to fill the hearts of those

gurmuiK gwvih scu guxqwsu ] (232-10)
gurmukh gaavahi sach guntaas.
who, as Gurmukh, sing of the True Lord, the treasure of excellence.

dwsin dws inq hovih dwsu ] (232-10)
daasan daas nit hoveh daas.
They become the constant slaves of the slaves of the Lord's slaves.

igRh kutMb mih sdw audwsu ]2] (232-11)
garih kutamb meh sadaa udaas. ||2||
Within their households and families, they remain always detached. ||2||

jIvn mukqu gurmuiK ko hoeI ] (232-11)
jeevan mukat gurmukh ko ho-ee.
How rare are those who, as Gurmukh, become Jivan Mukta - liberated while yet alive.

prm pdwrQu pwvY soeI ] (232-11)
param padaarath paavai so-ee.
They alone obtain the supreme treasure.

qRY gux myty inrmlu hoeI ] (232-12)
tarai gun maytay nirmal ho-ee.
Eradicating the three qualities, they become pure.

shjy swic imlY pRBu soeI ]3] (232-12)
sehjay saach milai parabh so-ee. ||3||
They are intuitively absorbed in the True Lord God. ||3||

moh kutMb isau pRIiq n hoie ] (232-12)
moh kutamb si-o pareet na ho-ay.
Emotional attachment to family does not exist,

jw ihrdY visAw scu soie ] (232-13)
jaa hirdai vasi-aa sach so-ay.
when the True Lord abides within the heart.

gurmuiK mnu byiDAw AsiQru hoie ] (232-13)
gurmukh man bayDhi-aa asthir ho-ay.
The mind of the Gurmukh is pierced through and held steady.

hukmu pCwxY bUJY scu soie ]4] (232-13)
hukam pachhaanai boojhai sach so-ay. ||4||
One who recognizes the Hukam of the Lord's Command understands the True Lord. ||4||

qUM krqw mY Avru n koie ] (232-14)
tooN kartaa mai avar na ko-ay.
You are the Creator Lord - there is no other for me.

quJu syvI quJ qy piq hoie ] (232-14)
tujh sayvee tujh tay pat ho-ay.
I serve You, and through You, I obtain honor.

ikrpw krih gwvw pRBu soie ] (232-14)
kirpaa karahi gaavaa parabh so-ay.
God showers His Mercy, and I sing His Praises.

nwm rqnu sB jg mih loie ]5] (232-15)
naam ratan sabh jag meh lo-ay. ||5||
The light of the jewel of the Naam permeates the entire world. ||5||

gurmuiK bwxI mITI lwgI ] (232-15)
gurmukh banee meethee laagee.
To the Gurmukhs, the Word of God's Bani seems so sweet.

AMqru ibgsY Anidnu ilv lwgI ] (232-15)
antar bigsai an-din liv laagee.
Deep within, their hearts blossom forth; night and day, they lovingly center themselves on the Lord.

shjy scu imilAw prswdI ] (232-16)
sehjay sach mili-aa parsaadee.
The True Lord is intuitively obtained, by His Grace.

siqguru pwieAw pUrY vfBwgI ]6] (232-16)
satgur paa-i-aa poorai vadbhaagee. ||6||
The True Guru is obtained by the destiny of perfect good fortune. ||6||

haumY mmqw durmiq duK nwsu ] (232-16)
ha-umai mamtaa durmat dukh naas.
Egotism, possessiveness, evil-mindedness and suffering depart,

jb ihrdY rwm nwm guxqwsu ] (232-17)
jab hirdai raam naam guntaas.
when the Lord's Name, the Ocean of Virtue, comes to dwell within the heart.

gurmuiK buiD pRgtI pRB jwsu ] (232-17)
gurmukh buDh pargatee parabh jaas.
The intellect of the Gurmukhs is awakened, and they praise God,

jb ihrdY rivAw crx invwsu ]7] (232-17)
jab hirdai ravi-aa charan nivaas. ||7||
when the Lord's Lotus Feet come to dwell within the heart. ||7||

ijsu nwmu dyie soeI jnu pwey ] (232-18)
jis naam day-ay so-ee jan paa-ay.
They alone receive the Naam, unto whom it is given.

gurmuiK myly Awpu gvwey ] (232-18)
gurmukh maylay aap gavaa-ay.
The Gurmukhs shed their ego, and merge with the Lord.

ihrdY swcw nwmu vswey ] (232-18)
hirdai saachaa naam vasaa-ay.
The True Name abides within their hearts.

nwnk shjy swic smwey ]8]7] (232-19)
naanak sehjay saach samaa-ay. ||8||7||
O Nanak, they are intuitively absorbed in the True Lord. ||8||7||

gauVI mhlw 3 ] (232-19)
ga-orhee mehlaa 3.
Gauree, Third Mehl:

mn hI mnu svwirAw BY shij suBwie ] (232-19)
man hee man savaari-aa bhai sahj subhaa-ay.
The mind has intuitively healed itself, through the Fear of God.


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD