Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


qqu n cInih bMnih pMf prwlw ]2] (231-1)
tat na cheeneh baneh pand paraalaa. ||2||
They do not understand the essence of reality, and they gather their worthless bundles of straw. ||2||

mnmuK AigAwin kumwrig pwey ] (231-1)
manmukh agi-aan kumaarag paa-ay.
The self-willed manmukhs, in ignorance, take the path of evil.

hir nwmu ibswirAw bhu krm idRVwey ] (231-2)
har naam bisaari-aa baho karam drirh-aa-ay.
They forget the Lord's Name, and in its place, they establish all sorts of rituals.

Bvjil fUby dUjY Bwey ]3] (231-2)
bhavjal doobay doojai bhaa-ay. ||3||
They drown in the terrifying world-ocean, in the love of duality. ||3||

mwieAw kw muhqwju pMifqu khwvY ] (231-2)
maa-i-aa kaa muhtaaj pandit kahaavai.
Driven crazy, infatuated by Maya, they call themselves Pandits - religious scholars;

ibiKAw rwqw bhuqu duKu pwvY ] (231-3)
bikhi-aa raataa bahut dukh paavai.
stained with corruption, they suffer terrible pain.

jm kw gil jyvVw inq kwlu sMqwvY ]4] (231-3)
jam kaa gal jayvrhaa nit kaal santaavai. ||4||
The noose of the Messenger of Death is around their necks; they are constantly tormented by death. ||4||

gurmuiK jmkwlu nyiV n AwvY ] (231-3)
gurmukh jamkaal nayrh na aavai.
The Messenger of Death does not even approach the Gurmukhs.

haumY dUjw sbid jlwvY ] (231-4)
ha-umai doojaa sabad jalaavai.
Through the Word of the Shabad, they burn away their ego and duality.

nwmy rwqy hir gux gwvY ]5] (231-4)
naamay raatay har gun gaavai. ||5||
Attuned to the Name, they sing the Glorious Praises of the Lord. ||5||

mwieAw dwsI Bgqw kI kwr kmwvY ] (231-4)
maa-i-aa daasee bhagtaa kee kaar kamaavai.
Maya is the slave of the Lord's devotees; it works for them.

crxI lwgY qw mhlu pwvY ] (231-5)
charnee laagai taa mahal paavai.
One who falls at their feet attains the Mansion of the Lord's Presence.

sd hI inrmlu shij smwvY ]6] (231-5)
sad hee nirmal sahj samaavai. ||6||
He is forever immaculate; he is absorbed in intuitive peace. ||6||

hir kQw suxih sy DnvMq idsih jug mwhI ] (231-5)
har kathaa suneh say Dhanvant diseh jug maahee.
Those who listen to the Lord's Sermon are seen to be the wealthy people in this world.

iqn kau siB invih Anidnu pUj krwhI ] (231-6)
tin ka-o sabh niveh an-din pooj karaahee.
Everyone bows down to them, and adores them, night and day.

shjy gux rvih swcy mn mwhI ]7] (231-6)
sehjay gun raveh saachay man maahee. ||7||
They intuitively savor the Glories of the True Lord within their minds. ||7||

pUrY siqguir sbdu suxwieAw ] (231-7)
poorai satgur sabad sunaa-i-aa.
The Perfect True Guru has revealed the Shabad;

qRY gux myty cauQY icqu lwieAw ] (231-7)
tarai gun maytay cha-uthai chit laa-i-aa.
it eradicates the three qualities, and attunes the consciousness to the fourth state.

nwnk haumY mwir bRhm imlwieAw ]8]4] (231-7)
naanak ha-umai maar barahm milaa-i-aa. ||8||4||
O Nanak, subduing egotism, one is absorbed into God. ||8||4||

gauVI mhlw 3 ] (231-8)
ga-orhee mehlaa 3.
Gauree, Third Mehl:

bRhmw vydu pVY vwdu vKwxY ] (231-8)
barahmaa vayd parhai vaad vakhaanai.
Brahma studied the Vedas, but these lead only to debates and disputes.

AMqir qwmsu Awpu n pCwxY ] (231-8)
antar taamas aap na pachhaanai.
He is filled with darkness; he does not understand himself.

qw pRBu pwey gur sbdu vKwxY ]1] (231-9)
taa parabh paa-ay gur sabad vakhaanai. ||1||
And yet, if he chants the Word of the Guru's Shabad, he finds God. ||1||

gur syvw krau iPir kwlu n Kwie ] (231-9)
gur sayvaa kara-o fir kaal na khaa-ay.
So serve the Guru, and you shall not be consumed by death.

mnmuK KwDy dUjY Bwie ]1] rhwau ] (231-9)
manmukh khaaDhay doojai bhaa-ay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The self-willed manmukhs have been consumed by the love of duality. ||1||Pause||

gurmuiK pRwxI AprwDI sIDy ] (231-10)
gurmukh paraanee apraaDhee seeDhay.
Becoming Gurmukh, the sinful mortals are purified.

gur kY sbid AMqir shij rIDy ] (231-10)
gur kai sabad antar sahj reeDhay.
Through the Word of the Guru's Shabad, they find intuitive peace and poise deep within.

myrw pRBu pwieAw gur kY sbid sIDy ]2] (231-10)
mayraa parabh paa-i-aa gur kai sabad seeDhay. ||2||
I have found my God, through the Guru's Shabad, and I have been reformed. ||2||

siqguir myly pRiB Awip imlwey ] (231-11)
satgur maylay parabh aap milaa-ay.
God Himself unites us in Union with the True Guru,

myry pRB swcy kY min Bwey ] (231-11)
mayray parabh saachay kai man bhaa-ay.
when we become pleasing to the Mind of my True God.

hir gux gwvih shij suBwey ]3] (231-12)
har gun gaavahi sahj subhaa-ay. ||3||
They sing the Glorious Praises of the Lord, in the poise of celestial peace. ||3||

ibnu gur swcy Brim Bulwey ] (231-12)
bin gur saachay bharam bhulaa-ay.
Without the True Guru, they are deluded by doubt.

mnmuK AMDy sdw ibKu Kwey ] (231-12)
manmukh anDhay sadaa bikh khaa-ay.
The blind, self-willed manmukhs constantly eat poison.

jm fMfu shih sdw duKu pwey ]4] (231-13)
jam dand saheh sadaa dukh paa-ay. ||4||
They are beaten by the Messenger of Death with his rod, and they suffer in constant pain. ||4||

jmUAw n johY hir kI srxweI ] (231-13)
jamoo-aa na johai har kee sarnaa-ee.
The Messenger of Death does not catch sight of those who enter the Sanctuary of the Lord.

haumY mwir sic ilv lweI ] (231-13)
ha-umai maar sach liv laa-ee.
Subduing egotism, they lovingly center their consciousness on the True Lord.

sdw rhY hir nwim ilv lweI ]5] (231-14)
sadaa rahai har naam liv laa-ee. ||5||
They keep their consciousness constantly focused on the Lord's Name. ||5||

siqguru syvih sy jn inrml pivqw ] (231-14)
satgur sayveh say jan nirmal pavitaa.
Those humble beings who serve the True Guru are pure and immaculate.

mn isau mnu imlwie sBu jgu jIqw ] (231-14)
man si-o man milaa-ay sabh jag jeetaa.
Merging their minds into the Mind, they conquer the entire world.

ien ibiD kuslu qyrY myry mIqw ]6] (231-15)
in biDh kusal tayrai mayray meetaa. ||6||
In this way, you too shall find happiness, O my friend. ||6||

siqgurU syvy so Plu pwey ] (231-15)
satguroo sayvay so fal paa-ay.
Those who serve the True Guru are blessed with fruitful rewards.

ihrdY nwmu ivchu Awpu gvwey ] (231-15)
hirdai naam vichahu aap gavaa-ay.
The Naam, the Name of the Lord, abides in their hearts; selfishness and conceit depart from within them.

Anhd bwxI sbdu vjwey ]7] (231-16)
anhad banee sabad vajaa-ay. ||7||
The unstruck melody of the Shabad vibrates for them. ||7||

siqgur qy kvnu kvnu n sIDo myry BweI ] (231-16)
satgur tay kavan kavan na seeDho mayray bhaa-ee.
Who - who has not been purified by the True Guru, O my Siblings of Destiny?

BgqI sIDy dir soBw pweI ] (231-17)
bhagtee seeDhay dar sobhaa paa-ee.
The devotees are purified, and honored in His Court.

nwnk rwm nwim vifAweI ]8]5] (231-17)
naanak raam naam vadi-aa-ee. ||8||5||
O Nanak, greatness is in the Lord's Name. ||8||5||

gauVI mhlw 3 ] (231-17)
ga-orhee mehlaa 3.
Gauree, Third Mehl:

qRY gux vKwxY Brmu n jwie ] (231-17)
tarai gun vakhaanai bharam na jaa-ay.
Those who speak of the three qualities - their doubts do not depart.

bMDn n qUtih mukiq n pwie ] (231-18)
banDhan na tooteh mukat na paa-ay.
Their bonds are not broken, and they do not obtain liberation.

mukiq dwqw siqguru jug mwih ]1] (231-18)
mukat daataa satgur jug maahi. ||1||
The True Guru is the Bestower of liberation in this age. ||1||

gurmuiK pRwxI Brmu gvwie ] (231-19)
gurmukh paraanee bharam gavaa-ay.
Those mortals who become Gurmukh give up their doubts.

shj Duin aupjY hir ilv lwie ]1] rhwau ] (231-19)
sahj Dhun upjai har liv laa-ay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The celestial music wells up, when they lovingly attune their consciousness to the Lord. ||1||Pause||

qRY gux kwlY kI isir kwrw ] (231-19)
tarai gun kaalai kee sir kaaraa.
Those who are controlled by the three qualities have death hovering over their heads.


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD