Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


gauVI mhlw 1 ] (229-1)
ga-orhee mehlaa 1.
Gauree, First Mehl:

gur prswdI bUiJ ly qau hoie inbyrw ] (229-1)
gur parsaadee boojh lay ta-o ho-ay nibayraa.
By Guru's Grace, one comes to understand, and then, the account is settled.

Gir Gir nwmu inrMjnw so Twkuru myrw ]1] (229-2)
ghar ghar naam niranjanaa so thaakur mayraa. ||1||
In each and every heart is the Name of the Immaculate Lord; He is my Lord and Master. ||1||

ibnu gur sbd n CUtIAY dyKhu vIcwrw ] (229-2)
bin gur sabad na chhootee-ai daykhhu veechaaraa.
Without the Word of the Guru's Shabad, no one is emancipated. See this, and reflect upon it.

jy lK krm kmwvhI ibnu gur AMiDAwrw ]1] rhwau ] (229-2)
jay lakh karam kamaavahee bin gur anDhi-aaraa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Even though you may perform hundreds of thousands of rituals, without the Guru, there is only darkness. ||1||Pause||

AMDy AklI bwhry ikAw iqn isau khIAY ] (229-3)
anDhay aklee baahray ki-aa tin si-o kahee-ai.
What can you say, to one who is blind and without wisdom?

ibnu gur pMQu n sUJeI ikqu ibiD inrbhIAY ]2] (229-3)
bin gur panth na soojh-ee kit biDh nirabahee-ai. ||2||
Without the Guru, the Path cannot be seen. How can anyone proceed? ||2||

Koty kau Krw khY Kry swr n jwxY ] (229-4)
khotay ka-o kharaa kahai kharay saar na jaanai.
He calls the counterfeit genuine, and does not know the value of the genuine.

AMDy kw nwau pwrKU klI kwl ivfwxY ]3] (229-4)
anDhay kaa naa-o paarkhoo kalee kaal vidaanai. ||3||
The blind man is known as an appraiser; this Dark Age of Kali Yuga is so strange! ||3||

sUqy kau jwgqu khY jwgq kau sUqw ] (229-5)
sootay ka-o jaagat kahai jaagat ka-o sootaa.
The sleeper is said to be awake, and those who are awake are like sleepers.

jIvq kau mUAw khY mUey nhI roqw ]4] (229-5)
jeevat ka-o moo-aa kahai moo-ay nahee rotaa. ||4||
The living are said to be dead, and no one mourns for those who have died. ||4||

Awvq kau jwqw khY jwqy kau AwieAw ] (229-6)
aavat ka-o jaataa kahai jaatay ka-o aa-i-aa.
One who is coming is said to be going, and one who is gone is said to have come.

pr kI kau ApunI khY Apuno nhI BwieAw ]5] (229-6)
par kee ka-o apunee kahai apuno nahee bhaa-i-aa. ||5||
That which belongs to others, he calls his own, but he has no liking for that which is his. ||5||

mITy kau kauVw khY kVUey kau mITw ] (229-7)
meethay ka-o ka-urhaa kahai karhoo-ay ka-o meethaa.
That which is sweet is said to be bitter, and the bitter is said to be sweet.

rwqy kI inMdw krih AYsw kil mih fITw ]6] (229-7)
raatay kee nindaa karahi aisaa kal meh deethaa. ||6||
One who is imbued with the Lord's Love is slandered - his is what I have seen in this Dark Age of Kali Yuga. ||6||

cyrI kI syvw krih Twkuru nhI dIsY ] (229-7)
chayree kee sayvaa karahi thaakur nahee deesai.
He serves the maid, and does not see his Lord and Master.

poKru nIru ivrolIAY mwKnu nhI rIsY ]7] (229-8)
pokhar neer virolee-ai maakhan nahee reesai. ||7||
Churning the water in the pond, no butter is produced. ||7||

iesu pd jo ArQwie lyie so gurU hmwrw ] (229-8)
is pad jo arthaa-ay lay-ay so guroo hamaaraa.
One who understands the meaning of this verse is my Guru.

nwnk cInY Awp kau so Apr Apwrw ]8] (229-9)
naanak cheenai aap ka-o so apar apaaraa. ||8||
O Nanak, one who knows his own self, is infinite and incomparable. ||8||

sBu Awpy Awip vrqdw Awpy BrmwieAw ] (229-9)
sabh aapay aap varatdaa aapay bharmaa-i-aa.
He Himself is All-pervading; He Himself misleads the people.

gur ikrpw qy bUJIAY sBu bRhmu smwieAw ]9]2]18] (229-10)
gur kirpaa tay boojhee-ai sabh barahm samaa-i-aa. ||9||2||18||
By Guru's Grace, one comes to understand, that God is contained in all. ||9||2||18||

rwgu gauVI guAwryrI mhlw 3 AstpdIAw (229-11)
raag ga-orhee gu-aarayree mehlaa 3 asatpadee-aa
Raag Gauree Gwaarayree, Third Mehl, Ashtapadees:

<> siqgur pRswid ] (229-11)
ik-oaNkaar satgur parsaad.
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:

mn kw sUqku dUjw Bwau ] (229-12)
man kaa sootak doojaa bhaa-o.
The pollution of the mind is the love of duality.

Brmy BUly Awvau jwau ]1] (229-12)
bharmay bhoolay aava-o jaa-o. ||1||
Deluded by doubt, people come and go in reincarnation. ||1||

mnmuiK sUqku kbih n jwie ] (229-12)
manmukh sootak kabeh na jaa-ay.
The pollution of the self-willed manmukhs will never go away,

ijcru sbid n BIjY hir kY nwie ]1] rhwau ] (229-12)
jichar sabad na bheejai har kai naa-ay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
as long as they do not dwell on the Shabad, and the Name of the Lord. ||1||Pause||

sBo sUqku jyqw mohu Awkwru ] (229-13)
sabho sootak jaytaa moh aakaar.
All the created beings are contaminated by emotional attachment;

mir mir jMmY vwro vwr ]2] (229-13)
mar mar jammai vaaro vaar. ||2||
they die and are reborn, only to die over and over again. ||2||

sUqku Agin pauxY pwxI mwih ] (229-14)
sootak agan pa-unai paanee maahi.
Fire, air and water are polluted.

sUqku Bojnu jyqw ikCu Kwih ]3] (229-14)
sootak bhojan jaytaa kichh khaahi. ||3||
The food which is eaten is polluted. ||3||

sUqik krm n pUjw hoie ] (229-14)
sootak karam na poojaa ho-ay.
The actions of those who do not worship the Lord are polluted.

nwim rqy mnu inrmlu hoie ]4] (229-14)
naam ratay man nirmal ho-ay. ||4||
Attuned to the Naam, the Name of the Lord, the mind becomes immaculate. ||4||

siqguru syivAY sUqku jwie ] (229-15)
satgur sayvi-ai sootak jaa-ay.
Serving the True Guru, pollution is eradicated,

mrY n jnmY kwlu n Kwie ]5] (229-15)
marai na janmai kaal na khaa-ay. ||5||
and then, one does not suffer death and rebirth, or get devoured by death. ||5||

swsq isMimRiq soiD dyKhu koie ] (229-15)
saasat simrit soDh daykhhu ko-ay.
You may study and examine the Shaastras and the Simritees,

ivxu nwvY ko mukiq n hoie ]6] (229-16)
vin naavai ko mukat na ho-ay. ||6||
but without the Name, no one is liberated. ||6||

jug cwry nwmu auqmu sbdu bIcwir ] (229-16)
jug chaaray naam utam sabad beechaar.
Throughout the four ages, the Naam is the ultimate; reflect upon the Word of the Shabad.

kil mih gurmuiK auqris pwir ]7] (229-17)
kal meh gurmukh utras paar. ||7||
In this Dark Age of Kali Yuga, only the Gurmukhs cross over. ||7||

swcw mrY n AwvY jwie ] (229-17)
saachaa marai na aavai jaa-ay.
The True Lord does not die; He does not come or go.

nwnk gurmuiK rhY smwie ]8]1] (229-17)
naanak gurmukh rahai samaa-ay. ||8||1||
O Nanak, the Gurmukh remains absorbed in the Lord. ||8||1||

gauVI mhlw 3 ] (229-18)
ga-orhee mehlaa 3.
Gauree, Third Mehl:

gurmuiK syvw pRwn ADwrw ] (229-18)
gurmukh sayvaa paraan aDhaaraa.
Selfless service is the support of the breath of life of the Gurmukh.

hir jIau rwKhu ihrdY aur Dwrw ] (229-18)
har jee-o raakho hirdai ur Dhaaraa.
Keep the Dear Lord enshrined in your heart.

gurmuiK soBw swc duAwrw ]1] (229-19)
gurmukh sobhaa saach du-aaraa. ||1||
The Gurmukh is honored in the Court of the True Lord. ||1||

pMifq hir pVu qjhu ivkwrw ] (229-19)
pandit har parh tajahu vikaaraa.
O Pandit, O religious scholar, read about the Lord, and renounce your corrupt ways.

gurmuiK Baujlu auqrhu pwrw ]1] rhwau ] (229-19)
gurmukh bha-ojal utarahu paaraa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The Gurmukh crosses over the terrifying world-ocean. ||1||Pause||


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD