Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


pRB pwey hm Avru n BwirAw ]7] (228-1)
parabh paa-ay ham avar na bhaari-aa. ||7||
I have found God - I am not searching for any other. ||7||

swc mhil guir AlKu lKwieAw ] (228-1)
saach mahal gur alakh lakhaa-i-aa.
The Guru has shown me the unseen Mansion of the True Lord.

inhcl mhlu nhI CwieAw mwieAw ] (228-1)
nihchal mahal nahee chhaa-i-aa maa-i-aa.
His Mansion is eternal and unchanging; it is not a mere reflection of Maya.

swic sMqoKy Brmu cukwieAw ]8] (228-2)
saach santokhay bharam chukaa-i-aa. ||8||
Through truth and contentment, doubt is dispelled. ||8||

ijn kY min visAw scu soeI ] (228-2)
jin kai man vasi-aa sach so-ee.
That person, within whose mind the True Lord dwells

iqn kI sMgiq gurmuiK hoeI ] (228-3)
tin kee sangat gurmukh ho-ee.
- in his company, one becomes Gurmukh.

nwnk swic nwim mlu KoeI ]9]15] (228-3)
naanak saach naam mal kho-ee. ||9||15||
O Nanak, the True Name washes off the pollution. ||9||15||

gauVI mhlw 1 ] (228-3)
ga-orhee mehlaa 1.
Gauree, First Mehl:

rwim nwim icqu rwpY jw kw ] (228-3)
raam naam chit raapai jaa kaa.
One whose consciousness is permeated with the Lord's Name

aupjMip drsnu kIjY qw kw ]1] (228-4)
upjamp darsan keejai taa kaa. ||1||
- receive the blessing of his darshan in the early light of dawn. ||1||

rwm n jphu ABwgu qumwrw ] (228-4)
raam na japahu abhaag tumaaraa.
If you do not meditate on the Lord, it is your own misfortune.

juig juig dwqw pRBu rwmu hmwrw ]1] rhwau ] (228-4)
jug jug daataa parabh raam hamaaraa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
In each and every age, the Great Giver is my Lord God. ||1||Pause||

gurmiq rwmu jpY jnu pUrw ] (228-5)
gurmat raam japai jan pooraa.
Following the Guru's Teachings, the perfect humble beings meditate on the Lord.

iqqu Gt Anhq bwjy qUrw ]2] (228-5)
tit ghat anhat baajay tooraa. ||2||
Within their hearts, the unstruck melody vibrates. ||2||

jo jn rwm Bgiq hir ipAwir ] (228-5)
jo jan raam bhagat har pi-aar.
Those who worship the Lord and love the Lord

sy pRiB rwKy ikrpw Dwir ]3] (228-6)
say parabh raakhay kirpaa Dhaar. ||3||
- showering His Mercy, God protects them. ||3||

ijn kY ihrdY hir hir soeI ] (228-6)
jin kai hirdai har har so-ee.
Those whose hearts are filled with the Lord, Har, Har

iqn kw drsu pris suKu hoeI ]4] (228-6)
tin kaa daras paras sukh ho-ee. ||4||
- gazing upon the blessed vision of their darshan, peace is obtained. ||4||

srb jIAw mih eyko rvY ] (228-7)
sarab jee-aa meh ayko ravai.
Among all beings, the One Lord is pervading.

mnmuiK AhMkwrI iPir jUnI BvY ]5] (228-7)
manmukh ahaNkaaree fir joonee bhavai. ||5||
The eogtistical, self-willed manmukhs wander in reincarnation. ||5||

so bUJY jo siqguru pwey ] (228-7)
so boojhai jo satgur paa-ay.
They alone understand, who have found the True Guru.

haumY mwry gur sbdy pwey ]6] (228-8)
ha-umai maaray gur sabday paa-ay. ||6||
Subduing their ego, they receive the Word of the Guru's Shabad. ||6||

ArD aurD kI sMiD ikau jwnY ] (228-8)
araDh uraDh kee sanDh ki-o jaanai.
How can anyone know of the Union between the being below and the Supreme Being above?

gurmuiK sMiD imlY mnu mwnY ]7] (228-8)
gurmukh sanDh milai man maanai. ||7||
The Gurmukhs obtain this Union; their minds are reconciliated. ||7||

hm pwpI inrgux kau guxu krIAY ] (228-9)
ham paapee nirgun ka-o gun karee-ai.
I am a worthless sinner, without merit. What merit do I have?

pRB hoie dieAwlu nwnk jn qrIAY ]8]16] (228-9)
parabh ho-ay da-i-aal naanak jan taree-ai. ||8||16||
When God showers His Mercy, servant Nanak is emancipated. ||8||16||

solh AstpdIAw guAwryrI gauVI kIAw ] (228-10)
solah asatpadee-aa gu-aarayree ga-orhee kee-aa.
Sixteen Ashtapadees Of Gwaarayree Gauree||

gauVI bYrwgix mhlw 1 (228-11)
ga-orhee bairaagan mehlaa 1
Gauree Bairaagan, First Mehl:

<> siqgur pRswid ] (228-11)
ik-oaNkaar satgur parsaad.
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:

ijau gweI kau goielI rwKih kir swrw ] Aihinis pwlih rwiK lyih Awqm suKu Dwrw ]1] (228-12)
ji-o gaa-ee ka-o go-ilee raakhahi kar saaraa. ahinis paaleh raakh layhi aatam sukh Dhaaraa. ||1||
As the dairy farmer watches over and protects his cows, so does the Lord cherish and protect us, night and day. He blesses the soul with peace. ||1||

ieq auq rwKhu dIn dieAwlw ] (228-13)
it ut raakho deen da-i-aalaa.
Please protect me here and hereafter, O Lord, Merciful to the meek.

qau srxwgiq ndir inhwlw ]1] rhwau ] (228-13)
ta-o sarnaagat nadar nihaalaa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
I seek Your Sanctuary; please bless me with Your Glance of Grace. ||1||Pause||

jh dyKau qh riv rhy rKu rwKnhwrw ] (228-13)
jah daykh-a-u tah rav rahay rakh raakhanhaaraa.
Wherever I look, there You are. Save me, O Savior Lord!

qUM dwqw Bugqw qUMhY qUM pRwx ADwrw ]2] (228-14)
tooN daataa bhugtaa tooNhai tooN paraan aDhaaraa. ||2||
You are the Giver, and You are the Enjoyer; You are the Support of the breath of life. ||2||

ikrqu pieAw AD aUrDI ibnu igAwn bIcwrw ] (228-14)
kirat pa-i-aa aDh oorDhee bin gi-aan beechaaraa.
According to the karma of past actions, people descend to the depths or rise to the heights, unless they contemplate spiritual wisdom.

ibnu aupmw jgdIs kI ibnsY n AMiDAwrw ]3] (228-15)
bin upmaa jagdees kee binsai na anDhi-aaraa. ||3||
Without the Praises of the Lord of the Universe, the darkness is not dispelled. ||3||

jgu ibnsq hm dyiKAw loBy AhMkwrw ] (228-15)
jag binsat ham daykhi-aa lobhay ahaNkaaraa.
I have seen the world being destroyed by greed and egotism.

gur syvw pRBu pwieAw scu mukiq duAwrw ]4] (228-16)
gur sayvaa parabh paa-i-aa sach mukat du-aaraa. ||4||
Only by serving the Guru is God obtained, and the true gate of liberation found. ||4||

inj Gir mhlu Apwr ko AprMpru soeI ] (228-16)
nij ghar mahal apaar ko aprampar so-ee.
The Mansion of the Infinite Lord's Presence is within the home of one's own being. He is beyond any boundaries.

ibnu sbdY iQru ko nhI bUJY suKu hoeI ]5] (228-17)
bin sabdai thir ko nahee boojhai sukh ho-ee. ||5||
Without the Word of the Shabad, nothing shall endure. Through understanding, peace is obtained. ||5||

ikAw lY AwieAw ly jwie ikAw Pwsih jm jwlw ] (228-17)
ki-aa lai aa-i-aa lay jaa-ay ki-aa faaseh jam jaalaa.
What have you brought, and what will you take away, when you are caught by the noose of Death?

folu bDw kis jyvrI Awkwis pqwlw ]6] (228-18)
dol baDhaa kas jayvree aakaas pataalaa. ||6||
Like the bucket tied to the rope in the well, you are pulled up to the Akaashic Ethers, and then lowered down to the nether regions of the underworld. ||6||

gurmiq nwmu n vIsrY shjy piq pweIAY ] (228-18)
gurmat naam na veesrai sehjay pat paa-ee-ai.
Follow the Guru's Teachings, and do not forget the Naam, the Name of the Lord; you shall automatically obtain honor.

AMqir sbdu inDwnu hY imil Awpu gvweIAY ]7] (228-18)
antar sabad niDhaan hai mil aap gavaa-ee-ai. ||7||
Deep within the self is the treasure of the Shabad; it is obtained only by eradicating selfishness and conceit. ||7||

ndir kry pRBu AwpxI gux AMik smwvY ] (228-19)
nadar karay parabh aapnee gun ank samaavai.
When God bestows His Glance of Grace, people settle in the Lap of the Virtuous Lord.

nwnk mylu n cUkeI lwhw scu pwvY ]8]1]17] (228-19)
naanak mayl na chook-ee laahaa sach paavai. ||8||1||17||
O Nanak, this Union cannot be broken; the true profit is obtained. ||8||1||17||


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD