Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


haumY bMDn bMiD BvwvY ] (227-1)
ha-umai banDhan banDh bhavaavai.
Egotism binds people in bondage, and causes them to wander around lost.

nwnk rwm Bgiq suKu pwvY ]8]13] (227-1)
naanak raam bhagat sukh paavai. ||8||13||
O Nanak, peace is obtained through devotional worship of the Lord. ||8||13||

gauVI mhlw 1 ] (227-1)
ga-orhee mehlaa 1.
Gauree, First Mehl:

pRQmy bRhmw kwlY Gir AwieAw ] (227-2)
parathmay barahmaa kaalai ghar aa-i-aa.
First, Brahma entered the house of Death.

bRhm kmlu pieAwil n pwieAw ] (227-2)
barahm kamal pa-i-aal na paa-i-aa.
Brahma entered the lotus, and searched the nether regions, but he did not find the end of it.

AwigAw nhI lInI Brim BulwieAw ]1] (227-2)
aagi-aa nahee leenee bharam bhulaa-i-aa. ||1||
He did not accept the Lord's Order - he was deluded by doubt. ||1||

jo aupjY so kwil sMGwirAw ] (227-3)
jo upjai so kaal sanghaari-aa.
Whoever is created, shall be destroyed by Death.

hm hir rwKy gur sbdu bIcwirAw ]1] rhwau ] (227-3)
ham har raakhay gur sabad beechaari-aa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
But I am protected by the Lord; I contemplate the Word of the Guru's Shabad. ||1||Pause||

mwieAw mohy dyvI siB dyvw ] (227-4)
maa-i-aa mohay dayvee sabh dayvaa.
All the gods and goddesses are enticed by Maya.

kwlu n CofY ibnu gur kI syvw ] (227-4)
kaal na chhodai bin gur kee sayvaa.
Death cannot be avoided, without serving the Guru.

Ehu AibnwsI AlK AByvw ]2] (227-4)
oh abhinaasee alakh abhayvaa. ||2||
That Lord is Imperishable, Invisible and Inscrutable. ||2||

sulqwn Kwn bwidswh nhI rhnw ] (227-5)
sultaan khaan baadisaah nahee rahnaa.
The sultans, emperors and kings shall not remain.

nwmhu BUlY jm kw duKu shnw ] (227-5)
naamhu bhoolai jam kaa dukh sahnaa.
Forgetting the Name, they shall endure the pain of death.

mY Dr nwmu ijau rwKhu rhnw ]3] (227-5)
mai Dhar naam ji-o raakho rahnaa. ||3||
My only Support is the Naam, the Name of the Lord; as He keeps me, I survive. ||3||

cauDrI rwjy nhI iksY mukwmu ] (227-6)
cha-uDhree raajay nahee kisai mukaam.
The leaders and kings shall not remain.

swh mrih sMcih mwieAw dwm ] (227-6)
saah mareh saNcheh maa-i-aa daam.
The bankers shall die, after accumulating their wealth and money.

mY Dnu dIjY hir AMimRq nwmu ]4] (227-6)
mai Dhan deejai har amrit naam. ||4||
Grant me, O Lord, the wealth of Your Ambrosial Naam. ||4||

rXiq mhr mukdm iskdwrY ] (227-7)
ra-yat mahar mukdam sikdaarai.
The people, rulers, leaders and chiefs

inhclu koie n idsY sMswrY ] (227-7)
nihchal ko-ay na disai sansaarai.
- none of them shall be able to remain in the world.

APirau kwlu kUVu isir mwrY ]5] (227-7)
afri-o kaal koorh sir maarai. ||5||
Death is inevitable; it strikes the heads of the false. ||5||

inhclu eyku scw scu soeI ] (227-8)
nihchal ayk sachaa sach so-ee.
Only the One Lord, the Truest of the True, is permanent.

ijin kir swjI iqnih sB goeI ] (227-8)
jin kar saajee tineh sabh go-ee.
He who created and fashioned everything, shall destroy it.

Ehu gurmuiK jwpY qW piq hoeI ]6] (227-8)
oh gurmukh jaapai taaN pat ho-ee. ||6||
One who becomes Gurmukh and meditates on the Lord is honored. ||6||

kwjI syK ByK PkIrw ] (227-9)
kaajee saykh bhaykh fakeeraa.
The Qazis, Shaykhs and Fakeers in religious robes

vfy khwvih haumY qin pIrw ] (227-9)
vaday kahaaveh ha-umai tan peeraa.
call themselves great; but through their egotism, their bodies are suffering in pain.

kwlu n CofY ibnu siqgur kI DIrw ]7] (227-9)
kaal na chhodai bin satgur kee Dheeraa. ||7||
Death does not spare them, without the Support of the True Guru. ||7||

kwlu jwlu ijhvw Aru nYxI ] (227-10)
kaal jaal jihvaa ar nainee.
The trap of Death is hanging over their tongues and eyes.

kwnI kwlu suxY ibKu bYxI ] (227-10)
kaanee kaal sunai bikh bainee.
Death is over their ears, when they hear talk of evil.

ibnu sbdY mUTy idnu rYxI ]8] (227-10)
bin sabdai moothay din rainee. ||8||
Without the Shabad, they are plundered, day and night. ||8||

ihrdY swcu vsY hir nwie ] kwlu n joih skY gux gwie ] (227-11)
hirdai saach vasai har naa-ay. kaal na johi sakai gun gaa-ay.
Death cannot touch those whose hearts are filled with the True Name of the Lord, and who sing the Glories of God.

nwnk gurmuiK sbid smwie ]9]14] (227-11)
naanak gurmukh sabad samaa-ay. ||9||14||
O Nanak, the Gurmukh is absorbed in the Word of the Shabad. ||9||14||

gauVI mhlw 1 ] (227-12)
ga-orhee mehlaa 1.
Gauree, First Mehl:

bolih swcu imiQAw nhI rweI ] (227-12)
boleh saach mithi-aa nahee raa-ee.
They speak the Truth - not an iota of falsehood.

cwlih gurmuiK hukim rjweI ] (227-12)
chaaleh gurmukh hukam rajaa-ee.
The Gurmukhs walk in the Way of the Lord's Command.

rhih AqIq scy srxweI ]1] (227-12)
raheh ateet sachay sarnaa-ee. ||1||
They remain unattached, in the Sanctuary of the True Lord. ||1||

sc Gir bYsY kwlu n johY ] (227-13)
sach ghar baisai kaal na johai.
They dwell in their true home, and Death does not touch them.

mnmuK kau Awvq jwvq duKu mohY ]1] rhwau ] (227-13)
manmukh ka-o aavat jaavat dukh mohai. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The self-willed manmukhs come and go, in the pain of emotional attachment. ||1||Pause||

Aipau pIAau AkQu kiQ rhIAY ] (227-14)
api-o pee-a-o akath kath rahee-ai.
So, drink deeply of this Nectar, and speak the Unspoken Speech.

inj Gir bYis shj Gru lhIAY ] (227-14)
nij ghar bais sahj ghar lahee-ai.
Dwelling in the home of your own being within, you shall find the home of intuitive peace.

hir ris mwqy iehu suKu khIAY ]2] (227-14)
har ras maatay ih sukh kahee-ai. ||2||
One who is imbued with the Lord's sublime essence, is said to experience this peace. ||2||

gurmiq cwl inhcl nhI folY ] (227-15)
gurmat chaal nihchal nahee dolai.
Following the Guru's Teachings, one becomes perfectly stable, and never wavers.

gurmiq swic shij hir bolY ] (227-15)
gurmat saach sahj har bolai.
Following the Guru's Teachings, one intuitively chants the Name of the True Lord.

pIvY AMimRqu qqu ivrolY ]3] (227-15)
peevai amrit tat virolai. ||3||
Drinking in this Ambrosial Nectar, and churning it, the essential reality is discerned. ||3||

siqguru dyiKAw dIiKAw lInI ] (227-16)
satgur daykhi-aa deekhi-aa leenee.
Beholding the True Guru, I have received His Teachings.

mnu qnu AripE AMqr giq kInI ] (227-16)
man tan arpi-o antar gat keenee.
I have offered my mind and body, after searching deep within my own being.

giq imiq pweI Awqmu cInI ]4] (227-16)
gat mit paa-ee aatam cheenee. ||4||
I have come to realize the value of understanding my own soul. ||4||

Bojnu nwmu inrMjn swru ] (227-17)
bhojan naam niranjan saar.
The Naam, the Name of the Immaculate Lord, is the most excellent and sublime food.

prm hMsu scu joiq Apwr ] (227-17)
param hans sach jot apaar.
The pure swan-souls see the True Light of the Infinite Lord.

jh dyKau qh eykMkwru ]5] (227-17)
jah daykh-a-u tah aykankaar. ||5||
Wherever I look, I see the One and Only Lord. ||5||

rhY inrwlmu eykw scu krxI ] (227-18)
rahai niraalam aykaa sach karnee.
One who remains pure and unblemished and practices only true deeds,

prm pdu pwieAw syvw gur crxI ] (227-18)
param pad paa-i-aa sayvaa gur charnee.
obtains the supreme status, serving at the Guru's Feet.

mn qy mnu mwinAw cUkI AhM BRmxI ]6] (227-18)
man tay man maani-aa chookee ahaN bharmanee. ||6||
The mind is reconciliated with the mind, and the ego's wandering ways come to an end. ||6||

ien ibiD kauxu kauxu nhI qwirAw ] (227-19)
in biDh ka-un ka-un nahee taari-aa.
In this way, who - who has not been saved?

hir jis sMq Bgq insqwirAw ] (227-19)
har jas sant bhagat nistaari-aa.
The Lord's Praises have saved His Saints and devotees.


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD