Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


pr Gir cIqu mnmuiK folwie ] (226-1)
par ghar cheet manmukh dolaa-ay.
The self-willed manmukh is lured by another man's wife.

gil jyvrI DMDY lptwie ] (226-1)
gal jayvree DhanDhai laptaa-ay.
The noose is around his neck, and he is entangled in petty conflicts.

gurmuiK CUtis hir gux gwie ]5] (226-1)
gurmukh chhootas har gun gaa-ay. ||5||
The Gurmukh is emancipated, singing the Glorious Praises of the Lord. ||5||

ijau qnu ibDvw pr kau dyeI ] (226-2)
ji-o tan biDhvaa par ka-o day-ee.
The lonely widow gives her body to a stranger;

kwim dwim icqu pr vis syeI ] (226-2)
kaam daam chit par vas say-ee.
she allows her mind to be controlled by others for lust or money

ibnu ipr iqRpiq n kbhUM hoeI ]6] (226-2)
bin pir taripat na kabahooN ho-ee. ||6||
, but without her husband, she is never satisfied. ||6||

piV piV poQI isMimRiq pwTw ] byd purwx pVY suix Qwtw ] (226-3)
parh parh pothee simrit paathaa. bayd puraan parhai sun thaataa.
You may read, recite and study the scriptures, the Simritees, Vedas and Puraanas;

ibnu rs rwqy mnu bhu nwtw ]7] (226-3)
bin ras raatay man baho naataa. ||7||
but without being imbued with the Lord's essence, the mind wanders endlessly. ||7||

ijau cwiqRk jl pRym ipAwsw ] (226-4)
ji-o chaatrik jal paraym pi-aasaa.
As the rainbird thirsts longingly for the drop of rain,

ijau mInw jl mwih aulwsw ] (226-4)
ji-o meenaa jal maahi ulaasaa.
and as the fish delights in the water,

nwnk hir rsu pI iqRpqwsw ]8]11] (226-4)
naanak har ras pee tariptaasaa. ||8||11||
Nanak is satisfied by the sublime essence of the Lord. ||8||11||

gauVI mhlw 1 ] (226-5)
ga-orhee mehlaa 1.
Gauree, First Mehl:

hTu kir mrY n lyKY pwvY ] (226-5)
hath kar marai na laykhai paavai.
One who dies in stubbornness shall not be approved,

vys krY bhu Bsm lgwvY ] (226-5)
vays karai baho bhasam lagaavai.
even though he may wear religious robes and smear his body all over with ashes.

nwmu ibswir bhuir pCuqwvY ]1] (226-5)
naam bisaar bahur pachhutaavai. ||1||
Forgetting the Naam, the Name of the Lord, he comes to regret and repent in the end. ||1||

qUM min hir jIau qUM min sUK ] (226-6)
tooN man har jee-o tooN man sookh.
Believe in the Dear Lord, and you shall find peace of mind.

nwmu ibswir shih jm dUK ]1] rhwau ] (226-6)
naam bisaar saheh jam dookh. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Forgetting the Naam, you shall have to endure the pain of death. ||1||Pause||

coAw cMdn Agr kpUir ] (226-7)
cho-aa chandan agar kapoor.
The smell of musk, sandalwood and camphor,

mwieAw mgnu prm pdu dUir ] (226-7)
maa-i-aa magan param pad door.
and the intoxication of Maya, takes one far away from the state of supreme dignity.

nwim ibswirAY sBu kUVo kUir ]2] (226-7)
naam bisaari-ai sabh koorho koor. ||2||
Forgetting the Naam, one becomes the most false of all the false. ||2||

nyjy vwjy qKiq slwmu ] (226-7)
nayjay vaajay takhat salaam.
Lances and swords, marching bands, thrones and the salutes of others

ADkI iqRsnw ivAwpY kwmu ] (226-8)
aDhkee tarisnaa vi-aapai kaam.
only increase his desire; he is engrossed in sexual desire.

ibnu hir jwcy Bgiq n nwmu ]3] (226-8)
bin har jaachay bhagat na naam. ||3||
Without seeking the Lord, neither devotional worship nor the Naam are obtained. ||3||

vwid AhMkwir nwhI pRB mylw ] (226-8)
vaad ahaNkaar naahee parabh maylaa.
Union with God is not obtained by arguments and egotism.

mnu dy pwvih nwmu suhylw ] (226-9)
man day paavahi naam suhaylaa.
But by offering your mind, the comfort of the Naam is obtained.

dUjY Bwie AigAwnu duhylw ]4] (226-9)
doojai bhaa-ay agi-aan duhaylaa. ||4||
In the love of duality and ignorance, you shall suffer. ||4||

ibnu dm ky saudw nhI hwt ] (226-9)
bin dam kay sa-udaa nahee haat.
Without money, you cannot buy anything in the store.

ibnu boihQ swgr nhI vwt ] (226-10)
bin bohith saagar nahee vaat.
Without a boat, you cannot cross over the ocean.

ibnu gur syvy Gwty Gwit ]5] (226-10)
bin gur sayvay ghaatay ghaat. ||5||
Without serving the Guru, everything is lost. ||5||

iqs kau vwhu vwhu ij vwt idKwvY ] (226-10)
tis ka-o vaahu vaahu je vaat dikhaavai.
Waaho! Waaho! - Hail, hail, to the one who shows us the Way.

iqs kau vwhu vwhu ij sbdu suxwvY ] (226-11)
tis ka-o vaahu vaahu je sabad sunaavai.
Waaho! Waaho! - Hail, hail, to the one who teaches the Word of the Shabad.

iqs kau vwhu vwhu ij myil imlwvY ]6] (226-11)
tis ka-o vaahu vaahu je mayl milaavai. ||6||
Waaho! Waaho! - Hail, hail, to the one who unites me in the Lord's Union. ||6||

vwhu vwhu iqs kau ijs kw iehu jIau ] (226-11)
vaahu vaahu tis ka-o jis kaa ih jee-o.
Waaho! Waaho! - Hail, hail, to the one who is the Keeper of this soul.

gur sbdI miQ AMimRqu pIau ] (226-12)
gur sabdee math amrit pee-o.
Through the Word of the Guru's Shabad, contemplate this Ambrosial Nectar.

nwm vfweI quDu BwxY dIau ]7] (226-12)
naam vadaa-ee tuDh bhaanai dee-o. ||7||
The Glorious Greatness of the Naam is bestowed according to the Pleasure of Your Will. ||7||

nwm ibnw ikau jIvw mwie ] (226-13)
naam binaa ki-o jeevaa maa-ay.
Without the Naam, how can I live, O mother?

Anidnu jpqu rhau qyrI srxwie ] (226-13)
an-din japat raha-o tayree sarnaa-ay.
Night and day, I chant it; I remain in the Protection of Your Sanctuary.

nwnk nwim rqy piq pwie ]8]12] (226-13)
naanak naam ratay pat paa-ay. ||8||12||
O Nanak, attuned to the Naam, honor is attained. ||8||12||

gauVI mhlw 1 ] (226-14)
ga-orhee mehlaa 1.
Gauree, First Mehl:

haumY krq ByKI nhI jwinAw ] (226-14)
ha-umai karat bhaykhee nahee jaani-aa.
Acting in egotism, the Lord is not known, even by wearing religious robes.

gurmuiK Bgiq ivrly mnu mwinAw ]1] (226-14)
gurmukh bhagat virlay man maani-aa. ||1||
How rare is that Gurmukh, who surrenders his mind in devotional worship. ||1||

hau hau krq nhI scu pweIAY ] (226-15)
ha-o ha-o karat nahee sach paa-ee-ai.
By actions done in egotism, selfishness and conceit, the True Lord is not obtained.

haumY jwie prm pdu pweIAY ]1] rhwau ] (226-15)
ha-umai jaa-ay param pad paa-ee-ai. ||1|| rahaa-o.
But when egotism departs, then the state of supreme dignity is obtained. ||1||Pause||

haumY kir rwjy bhu Dwvih ] (226-15)
ha-umai kar raajay baho Dhaaveh.
The kings act in egotism, and undertake all sorts of expeditions.

haumY Kpih jnim mir Awvih ]2] (226-16)
ha-umai khapeh janam mar aavahi. ||2||
But through their egotism, they are ruined; they die, only to be reborn over and over again. ||2||

haumY invrY gur sbdu vIcwrY ] (226-16)
ha-umai nivrai gur sabad veechaarai.
Egotism is overcome only by contemplating the Word of the Guru's Shabad.

cMcl miq iqAwgY pMc sMGwrY ]3] (226-16)
chanchal mat ti-aagai panch sanghaarai. ||3||
One who restrains his fickle mind subdues the five passions. ||3||

AMqir swcu shj Gir Awvih ] (226-17)
antar saach sahj ghar aavahi.
With the True Lord deep within the self, the Celestial Mansion is intuitively found.

rwjnu jwix prm giq pwvih ]4] (226-17)
raajan jaan param gat paavahi. ||4||
Understanding the Sovereign Lord, the state of supreme dignity is obtained. ||4||

scu krxI guru Brmu cukwvY ] (226-18)
sach karnee gur bharam chukhaavai.
The Guru dispels the doubts of those whose actions are true.

inrBau kY Gir qwVI lwvY ]5] (226-18)
nirbha-o kai ghar taarhee laavai. ||5||
They focus their attention on the Home of the Fearless Lord. ||5||

hau hau kir mrxw ikAw pwvY ] (226-18)
ha-o ha-o kar marnaa ki-aa paavai.
Those who act in egotism, selfishness and conceit die; what do they gain?

pUrw guru Byty so Jgru cukwvY ]6] (226-19)
pooraa gur bhaytay so jhagar chukhaavai. ||6||
Those who meet the Perfect Guru are rid of all conflicts. ||6||

jyqI hY qyqI ikhu nwhI ] (226-19)
jaytee hai taytee kihu naahee.
Whatever exists, is in reality nothing.

gurmuiK igAwn Byit gux gwhI ]7] (226-19)
gurmukh gi-aan bhayt gun gaahee. ||7||
Obtaining spiritual wisdom from the Guru, I sing the Glories of God. ||7||


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD