Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


dUjY Bwie dYq sMGwry ] (225-1)
doojai bhaa-ay dait sanghaaray.
Because of the love of duality, God killed the demons.

gurmuiK swic Bgiq insqwry ]8] (225-1)
gurmukh saach bhagat nistaaray. ||8||
By their true devotion, the Gurmukhs have been saved. ||8||

bUfw durjoDnu piq KoeI ] (225-1)
boodaa durjoDhan pat kho-ee.
Sinking down, Durodhan lost his honor.

rwmu n jwinAw krqw soeI ] (225-2)
raam na jaani-aa kartaa so-ee.
He did not know the Creator Lord.

jn kau dUiK pcY duKu hoeI ]9] (225-2)
jan ka-o dookh pachai dukh ho-ee. ||9||
One who makes the Lord's humble servant suffer, shall himself suffer and rot. ||9||

jnmyjY gur sbdu n jwinAw ] (225-2)
janmayjai gur sabad na jaani-aa.
Janameja did not know the Word of the Guru's Shabad.

ikau suKu pwvY Brim BulwinAw ] (225-3)
ki-o sukh paavai bharam bhulaani-aa.
Deluded by doubt, how could he find peace?

ieku iqlu BUly bhuir pCuqwinAw ]10] (225-3)
ik til bhoolay bahur pachhutaani-aa. ||10||
Making a mistake, for even an instant, you shall regret and repent later on. ||10||

kMsu kysu cWfUru n koeI ] (225-3)
kans kays chaaNdoor na ko-ee.
Kansa the King and his warriors Kays and Chandoor had no equals.

rwmu n cIinAw ApnI piq KoeI ] (225-4)
raam na cheeni-aa apnee pat kho-ee.
But they did not remember the Lord, and they lost their honor.

ibnu jgdIs n rwKY koeI ]11] (225-4)
bin jagdees na raakhai ko-ee. ||11||
Without the Lord of the Universe, no one can be saved. ||11||

ibnu gur grbu n myitAw jwie ] (225-4)
bin gur garab na mayti-aa jaa-ay.
Without the Guru, pride cannot be eradicated.

gurmiq Drmu DIrju hir nwie ] (225-5)
gurmat Dharam Dheeraj har naa-ay.
Following the Guru's Teachings, one obtains Dharmic faith, composure and the Lord's Name.

nwnk nwmu imlY gux gwie ]12]9] (225-5)
naanak naam milai gun gaa-ay. ||12||9||
O Nanak, singing the Glories of God, His Name is received. ||12||9||

gauVI mhlw 1 ] (225-6)
ga-orhee mehlaa 1.
Gauree, First Mehl:

coAw cMdnu AMik cVwvau ] (225-6)
cho-aa chandan ank charhaava-o.
I may anoint my limbs with sandalwood oil.

pwt ptMbr pihir hFwvau ] (225-6)
paat patambar pahir hadhaava-o.
I may dress up and wear silk and satin clothes.

ibnu hir nwm khw suKu pwvau ]1] (225-6)
bin har naam kahaa sukh paava-o. ||1||
But without the Lord's Name, where would I find peace? ||1||

ikAw pihrau ikAw EiF idKwvau ] (225-7)
ki-aa pahira-o ki-aa odh dikhaava-o.
So what should I wear? In what clothes should I display myself?

ibnu jgdIs khw suKu pwvau ]1] rhwau ] (225-7)
bin jagdees kahaa sukh paava-o. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Without the Lord of the Universe, how can I find peace? ||1||Pause||

kwnI kuMfl gil moqIAn kI mwlw ] (225-8)
kaanee kundal gal motee-an kee maalaa.
I may wear ear-rings, and a pearl necklace around my neck;

lwl inhwlI PUl gulwlw ] (225-8)
laal nihaalee fool gulaalaa.
my bed may be adorned with red blankets, flowers and red powder;

ibnu jgdIs khw suKu Bwlw ]2] (225-8)
bin jagdees kahaa sukh bhaalaa. ||2||
but without the Lord of the Universe, where can I search for peace? ||2||

nYn slonI suMdr nwrI ] (225-9)
nain salonee sundar naaree.
I may have a beautiful woman with fascinating eyes;

KoV sIgwr krY Aiq ipAwrI ] (225-9)
khorh seegaar karai at pi-aaree.
she may decorate herself with the sixteen adornments, and make herself appear gorgeous.

ibnu jgdIs Bjy inq KuAwrI ]3] (225-9)
bin jagdees bhajay nit khu-aaree. ||3||
But without meditating on the Lord of the Universe, there is only continual suffering. ||3||

dr Gr mhlw syj suKwlI ] (225-10)
dar ghar mehlaa sayj sukhaalee.
In his hearth and home, in his palace, upon his soft and comfortable bed,

Aihinis PUl ibCwvY mwlI ] (225-10)
ahinis fool bichhaavai maalee.
day and night, the flower-girls scatter flower petals;

ibnu hir nwm su dyh duKwlI ]4] (225-10)
bin har naam so dayh dukhaalee. ||4||
but without the Lord's Name, the body is miserable. ||4||

hYvr gYvr nyjy vwjy ] (225-11)
haivar gaivar nayjay vaajay.
Horses, elephants, lances, marching bands,

lskr nyb KvwsI pwjy ] (225-11)
laskar nayb khavaasee paajay.
armies, standard bearers, royal attendants and ostentatious displays

ibnu jgdIs JUTy idvwjy ]5] (225-11)
bin jagdees jhoothay divaajay. ||5||
- without the Lord of the Universe, these undertakings are all useless. ||5||

isDu khwvau iriD isiD bulwvau ] (225-12)
siDh kahaava-o riDh siDh bulaava-o.
He may be called a Siddha, a man of spiritual perfection, and he may summon riches and supernatural powers;

qwj kulh isir CqRü bnwvau ] (225-12)
taaj kulah sir chhatar banaava-o.
he may place a crown upon his head, and carry a royal umbrella;

ibnu jgdIs khw scu pwvau ]6] (225-12)
bin jagdees kahaa sach paava-o. ||6||
but without the Lord of the Universe, where can Truth be found? ||6||

Kwnu mlUku khwvau rwjw ] (225-13)
khaan malook kahaava-o raajaa.
He may be called an emperor, a lord, and a king;

Aby qby kUVy hY pwjw ] (225-13)
abay tabay koorhay hai paajaa.
he may give orders - "Do this now, do this then" - but this is a false display.

ibnu gur sbd n svris kwjw ]7] (225-13)
bin gur sabad na savras kaajaa. ||7||
Without the Word of the Guru's Shabad, his works are not accomplished. ||7||

haumY mmqw gur sbid ivswrI ] (225-14)
ha-umai mamtaa gur sabad visaaree.
Egotism and possessiveness are dispelled by the Word of the Guru's Shabad.

gurmiq jwinAw irdY murwrI ] (225-14)
gurmat jaani-aa ridai muraaree.
With the Guru's Teachings in my heart, I have come to know the Lord.

pRxviq nwnk srix qumwrI ]8]10] (225-14)
paranvat naanak saran tumaaree. ||8||10||
Prays Nanak, I seek Your Sanctuary. ||8||10||

gauVI mhlw 1 ] (225-15)
ga-orhee mehlaa 1.
Gauree, First Mehl:

syvw eyk n jwnis Avry ] (225-15)
sayvaa ayk na jaanas avray.
Those who serve the One Lord, do not know any other.

prpMc ibAwiD iqAwgY kvry ] (225-15)
parpanch bi-aaDh ti-aagai kavray.
They abandon the bitter worldly conflicts.

Bwie imlY scu swcY scu ry ]1] (225-16)
bhaa-ay milai sach saachai sach ray. ||1||
Through love and truth, they meet the Truest of the True. ||1||

AYsw rwm Bgqu jnu hoeI ] (225-16)
aisaa raam bhagat jan ho-ee.
Such are the humble devotees of the Lord.

hir gux gwie imlY mlu DoeI ]1] rhwau ] (225-16)
har gun gaa-ay milai mal Dho-ee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
They sing the Glorious Praises of the Lord, and their pollution is washed away. ||1||Pause||

aUNDo kvlu sgl sMswrY ] (225-17)
ooNDho kaval sagal sansaarai.
The heart-lotus of the entire universe is upside-down.

durmiq Agin jgq prjwrY ] (225-17)
durmat agan jagat parjaarai.
The fire of evil-mindedness is burning up the world.

so aubrY gur sbdu bIcwrY ]2] (225-17)
so ubrai gur sabad beechaarai. ||2||
They alone are saved, who contemplate the Word of the Guru's Shabad. ||2||

iBRMg pqMgu kuMcru Aru mInw ] (225-18)
bharing patang kunchar ar meenaa.
The bumble bee, the moth, the elephant, the fish

imrgu mrY sih Apunw kInw ] (225-18)
mirag marai seh apunaa keenaa.
and the deer - all suffer for their actions, and die.

iqRsnw rwic qqu nhI bInw ]3] (225-18)
tarisnaa raach tat nahee beenaa. ||3||
Trapped by desire, they cannot see reality. ||3||

kwmu icqY kwmix ihqkwrI ] (225-19)
kaam chitai kaaman hitkaaree.
The lover of women is obsessed with sex.

k®oDu ibnwsY sgl ivkwrI ] (225-19)
kroDh binaasai sagal vikaaree.
All the wicked are ruined by their anger.

piq miq Kovih nwmu ivswrI ]4] (225-19)
pat mat khoveh naam visaaree. ||4||
Honor and good sense are lost, when one forgets the Naam, the Name of the Lord. ||4||


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD