Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


nr inhkyvl inrBau nwau ] (224-1)
nar nihkayval nirbha-o naa-o.
The Name makes a man pure and fearless.

AnwQh nwQ kry bil jwau ] (224-1)
anaathah naath karay bal jaa-o.
It makes the masterless become the master of all. I am a sacrifice to him.

punrip jnmu nwhI gux gwau ]5] (224-1)
punrap janam naahee gun gaa-o. ||5||
Such a person is not reincarnated again; he sings the Glories of God. ||5||

AMqir bwhir eyko jwxY ] (224-2)
antar baahar ayko jaanai.
Inwardly and outwardly, he knows the One Lord;

gur kY sbdy Awpu pCwxY ] (224-2)
gur kai sabday aap pachhaanai.
through the Word of the Guru's Shabad, he realizes himself.

swcY sbid dir nIswxY ]6] (224-2)
saachai sabad dar neesaanai. ||6||
He bears the Banner and Insignia of the True Shabad in the Lord's Court. ||6||

sbid mrY iqsu inj Gir vwsw ] (224-2)
sabad marai tis nij ghar vaasaa.
One who dies in the Shabad abides in his own home within.

AwvY n jwvY cUkY Awsw ] (224-3)
aavai na jaavai chookai aasaa.
He does not come or go in reincarnation, and his hopes are subdued.

gur kY sbid kmlu prgwsw ]7] (224-3)
gur kai sabad kamal pargaasaa. ||7||
Through the Word of the Guru's Shabad, his heart-lotus blossoms forth. ||7||

jo dIsY so Aws inrwsw ] (224-3)
jo deesai so aas niraasaa.
Whoever is seen, is driven by hope and despair,

kwm kRoD ibKu BUK ipAwsw ] (224-4)
kaam karoDh bikh bhookh pi-aasaa.
by sexual desire, anger, corruption, hunger and thirst.

nwnk ibrly imlih audwsw ]8]7] (224-4)
naanak birlay mileh udaasaa. ||8||7||
O Nanak, those detached recluses who meet the Lord are so very rare. ||8||7||

gauVI mhlw 1 ] (224-4)
ga-orhee mehlaa 1.
Gauree, First Mehl:

AYso dwsu imlY suKu hoeI ] (224-5)
aiso daas milai sukh ho-ee.
Meeting such a slave, peace is obtained.

duKu ivsrY pwvY scu soeI ]1] (224-5)
dukh visrai paavai sach so-ee. ||1||
Pain is forgotten, when the True Lord is found. ||1||

drsnu dyiK BeI miq pUrI ] (224-5)
darsan daykh bha-ee mat pooree.
Beholding the blessed vision of his darshan, my understanding has become perfect.

ATsiT mjnu crnh DUrI ]1] rhwau ] (224-5)
athsath majan charnah Dhooree. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The cleansing baths at the sixty-eight sacred shrines of pilgrimage are in the dust of his feet. ||1||Pause||

nyqR sMqoKy eyk ilv qwrw ] (224-6)
naytar santokhay ayk liv taaraa.
My eyes are contented with the constant love of the One Lord.

ijhvw sUcI hir rs swrw ]2] (224-6)
jihvaa soochee har ras saaraa. ||2||
My tongue is purified by the most sublime essence of the Lord. ||2||

scu krxI AB AMqir syvw ] (224-7)
sach karnee abh antar sayvaa.
True are my actions, and deep within my being, I serve Him.

mnu iqRpqwisAw AlK AByvw ]3] (224-7)
man tariptaasi-aa alakh abhayvaa. ||3||
My mind is satisfied by the Inscrutable, Mysterious Lord. ||3||

jh jh dyKau qh qh swcw ] (224-7)
jah jah daykh-a-u tah tah saachaa.
Wherever I look, there I find the True Lord.

ibnu bUJy Jgrq jgu kwcw ]4] (224-8)
bin boojhay jhagrat jag kaachaa. ||4||
Without understanding, the world argues in falsehood. ||4||

guru smJwvY soJI hoeI ] (224-8)
gur samjhaavai sojhee ho-ee.
When the Guru instructs, understanding is obtained.

gurmuiK ivrlw bUJY koeI ]5] (224-8)
gurmukh virlaa boojhai ko-ee. ||5||
How rare is that Gurmukh who understands. ||5||

kir ikrpw rwKhu rKvwly ] (224-8)
kar kirpaa raakho rakhvaalay.
Show Your Mercy, and save me, O Savior Lord!

ibnu bUJy psU Bey byqwly ]6] (224-9)
bin boojhay pasoo bha-ay baytaalay. ||6||
Without understanding, people become beasts and demons. ||6||

guir kihAw Avru nhI dUjw ] (224-9)
gur kahi-aa avar nahee doojaa.
The Guru has said that there is no other at all.

iksu khu dyiK krau An pUjw ]7] (224-9)
kis kaho daykh kara-o an poojaa. ||7||
So tell me, who should I see, and who should I worship? ||7||

sMq hyiq pRiB iqRBvx Dwry ] (224-10)
sant hayt parabh taribhavan Dhaaray.
For the sake of the Saints, God has established the three worlds.

Awqmu cInY su qqu bIcwry ]8] (224-10)
aatam cheenai so tat beechaaray. ||8||
One who understands his own soul, contemplates the essence of reality. ||8||

swcu irdY scu pRym invws ] (224-11)
saach ridai sach paraym nivaas.
One whose heart is filled with Truth and true love

pRxviq nwnk hm qw ky dws ]9]8] (224-11)
paranvat naanak ham taa kay daas. ||9||8||
- prays Nanak, I am his servant. ||9||8||

gauVI mhlw 1 ] (224-11)
ga-orhee mehlaa 1.
Gauree, First Mehl:

bRhmY grbu kIAw nhI jwinAw ] (224-11)
barahmai garab kee-aa nahee jaani-aa.
Brahma acted in pride, and did not understand.

byd kI ibpiq pVI pCuqwinAw ] (224-12)
bayd kee bipat parhee pachhutaani-aa.
Only when he was faced with the downfall of the Vedas did he repent.

jh pRB ismry qhI mnu mwinAw ]1] (224-12)
jah parabh simray tahee man maani-aa. ||1||
Remembering God in meditation, the mind is conciliated. ||1||

AYsw grbu burw sMswrY ] (224-13)
aisaa garab buraa sansaarai.
Such is the horrible pride of the world.

ijsu guru imlY iqsu grbu invwrY ]1] rhwau ] (224-13)
jis gur milai tis garab nivaarai. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The Guru eliminates the pride of those who meet Him. ||1||Pause||

bil rwjw mwieAw AhMkwrI ] (224-13)
bal raajaa maa-i-aa ahaNkaaree.
Bal the King, in Maya and egotism,

jgn krY bhu Bwr APwrI ] (224-14)
jagan karai baho bhaar afaaree.
held his ceremonial feasts, but he was puffed up with pride.

ibnu gur pUCy jwie pieAwrI ]2] (224-14)
bin gur poochhay jaa-ay pa-i-aaree. ||2||
Without the Guru's advice, he had to go to the underworld. ||2||

hrIcMdu dwnu krY jsu lyvY ] (224-14)
hareechand daan karai jas layvai.
Hari Chand gave in charity, and earned public praise.

ibnu gur AMqu n pwie AByvY ] (224-15)
bin gur ant na paa-ay abhayvai.
But without the Guru, he did not find the limits of the Mysterious Lord.

Awip Bulwie Awpy miq dyvY ]3] (224-15)
aap bhulaa-ay aapay mat dayvai. ||3||
The Lord Himself misleads people, and He Himself imparts understanding. ||3||

durmiq hrxwKsu durwcwrI ] (224-15)
durmat harnaakhas duraachaaree.
The evil-minded Harnaakhash committed evil deeds.

pRBu nwrwiexu grb pRhwrI ] (224-16)
parabh naaraa-in garab par-haaree.
God, the Lord of all, is the Destroyer of pride.

pRhlwd auDwry ikrpw DwrI ]4] (224-16)
parahlaad uDhaaray kirpaa Dhaaree. ||4||
He bestowed His Mercy, and saved Prahlaad. ||4||

BUlo rwvxu mugDu Acyiq ] (224-16)
bhoolo raavan mugaDh achayt.
Raawan was deluded, foolish and unwise.

lUtI lµkw sIs smyiq ] (224-17)
lootee lankaa sees samayt.
Sri Lanka was plundered, and he lost his head.

grib gieAw ibnu siqgur hyiq ]5] (224-17)
garab ga-i-aa bin satgur hayt. ||5||
He indulged in ego, and lacked the love of the True Guru. ||5||

shsbwhu mDu kIt mihKwsw ] (224-17)
sahasbaahu maDh keet mahikhaasaa.
The Lord killed the thousand-armed Arjun, and the demons Madhu-keetab and Meh-khaasaa.

hrxwKsu ly nKhu ibDwsw ] (224-18)
harnaakhas lay nakhahu biDhaasaa.
He seized Harnaakhash and tore him apart with his nails.

dYq sMGwry ibnu Bgiq AiBAwsw ]6] (224-18)
dait sanghaaray bin bhagat abhi-aasaa. ||6||
The demons were slain; they did not practice devotional worship. ||6||

jrwsMiD kwljmun sMGwry ] (224-19)
jaraasanDh kaalajmun sanghaaray.
The demons Jaraa-sandh and Kaal-jamun were destroyed.

rkqbIju kwlunymu ibdwry ] (224-19)
rakatbeej kaalunaym bidaaray.
Rakat-beej and Kaal-naym were annihilated.

dYq sMGwir sMq insqwry ]7] (224-19)
dait sanghaar sant nistaaray. ||7||
Slaying the demons, the Lord saved His Saints. ||7||

Awpy siqguru sbdu bIcwry ] (224-19)
aapay satgur sabad beechaaray.
He Himself, as the True Guru, contemplates the Shabad.


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD