Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


guru puiC dyiKAw nwhI dru horu ] (223-1)
gur puchh daykhi-aa naahee dar hor.
I have consulted the Guru, and I have seen that there is no other door than His.

duKu suKu BwxY iqsY rjwie ] (223-1)
dukh sukh bhaanai tisai rajaa-ay.
Pain and pleasure reside in the Pleasure of His Will and His Command.

nwnku nIcu khY ilv lwie ]8]4] (223-1)
naanak neech kahai liv laa-ay. ||8||4||
Nanak, the lowly, says embrace love for the Lord. ||8||4||

gauVI mhlw 1 ] (223-2)
ga-orhee mehlaa 1.
Gauree, First Mehl:

dUjI mwieAw jgq icq vwsu ] (223-2)
doojee maa-i-aa jagat chit vaas.
The duality of Maya dwells in the consciousness of the people of the world.

kwm k®oD AhMkwr ibnwsu ]1] (223-2)
kaam kroDh ahaNkaar binaas. ||1||
They are destroyed by sexual desire, anger and egotism. ||1||

dUjw kauxu khw nhI koeI ] (223-3)
doojaa ka-un kahaa nahee ko-ee.
Whom should I call the second, when there is only the One?

sB mih eyku inrMjnu soeI ]1] rhwau ] (223-3)
sabh meh ayk niranjan so-ee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The One Immaculate Lord is pervading among all. ||1||Pause||

dUjI durmiq AwKY doie ] (223-3)
doojee durmat aakhai do-ay.
The dual-minded evil intellect speaks of a second.

AwvY jwie mir dUjw hoie ]2] (223-4)
aavai jaa-ay mar doojaa ho-ay. ||2||
One who harbors duality comes and goes and dies. ||2||

Drix ggn nh dyKau doie ] (223-4)
Dharan gagan nah daykh-a-u do-ay.
In the earth and in the sky, I do not see any second.

nwrI purK sbweI loie ]3] (223-4)
naaree purakh sabaa-ee lo-ay. ||3||
Among all the women and the men, His Light is shining. ||3||

riv sis dyKau dIpk auijAwlw ] (223-5)
rav sas daykh-a-u deepak uji-aalaa.
In the lamps of the sun and the moon, I see His Light.

srb inrMqir pRIqmu bwlw ]4] (223-5)
sarab nirantar pareetam baalaa. ||4||
Dwelling among all is my ever-youthful Beloved. ||4||

kir ikrpw myrw icqu lwieAw ] (223-5)
kar kirpaa mayraa chit laa-i-aa.
In His Mercy, He attuned my consciousness to the Lord.

siqguir mo kau eyku buJwieAw ]5] (223-6)
satgur mo ka-o ayk bujhaa-i-aa. ||5||
The True Guru has led me to understand the One Lord. ||5||

eyku inrMjnu gurmuiK jwqw ] (223-6)
ayk niranjan gurmukh jaataa.
The Gurmukh knows the One Immaculate Lord.

dUjw mwir sbid pCwqw ]6] (223-6)
doojaa maar sabad pachhaataa. ||6||
Subduing duality, one comes to realize the Word of the Shabad. ||6||

eyko hukmu vrqY sB loeI ] (223-7)
ayko hukam vartai sabh lo-ee.
The Command of the One Lord prevails throughout all the worlds.

eyksu qy sB Epiq hoeI ]7] (223-7)
aykas tay sabh opat ho-ee. ||7||
From the One, all have arisen. ||7||

rwh dovY Ksmu eyko jwxu ] (223-7)
raah dovai khasam ayko jaan.
There are two routes, but remember that their Lord and Master is only One.

gur kY sbid hukmu pCwxu ]8] (223-8)
gur kai sabad hukam pachhaan. ||8||
Through the Word of the Guru's Shabad, recognize the Hukam of the Lord's Command. ||8||

sgl rUp vrn mn mwhI ] (223-8)
sagal roop varan man maahee.
He is contained in all forms, colors and minds.

khu nwnk eyko swlwhI ]9]5] (223-8)
kaho naanak ayko saalaahee. ||9||5||
Says Nanak, praise the One Lord. ||9||5||

gauVI mhlw 1 ] (223-9)
ga-orhee mehlaa 1.
Gauree, First Mehl:

AiDAwqm krm kry qw swcw ] (223-9)
aDhi-aatam karam karay taa saachaa.
Those who live a spiritual lifestyle - they alone are true.

mukiq Bydu ikAw jwxY kwcw ]1] (223-9)
mukat bhayd ki-aa jaanai kaachaa. ||1||
What can the false know about the secrets of liberation? ||1||

AYsw jogI jugiq bIcwrY ] (223-9)
aisaa jogee jugat beechaarai.
Those who contemplate the Way are Yogis.

pMc mwir swcu auir DwrY ]1] rhwau ] (223-10)
panch maar saach ur Dhaarai. ||1|| rahaa-o.
They conquer the five thieves, and enshrine the True Lord in the heart. ||1||Pause||

ijs kY AMqir swcu vswvY ] (223-10)
jis kai antar saach vasaavai.
Those who enshrine the True Lord deep within,

jog jugiq kI kImiq pwvY ]2] (223-10)
jog jugat kee keemat paavai. ||2||
realize the value of the Way of Yoga. ||2||

riv sis eyko igRh auidAwnY ] (223-11)
rav sas ayko garih udi-aanai.
The sun and the moon are one and the same for them, as are household and wilderness.

krxI kIriq krm smwnY ]3] (223-11)
karnee keerat karam samaanai. ||3||
The karma of their daily practice is to praise the Lord. ||3||

eyk sbd iek iBiKAw mwgY ] (223-11)
ayk sabad ik bhikhi-aa maagai.
They beg for the alms of the one and only Shabad.

igAwnu iDAwnu jugiq scu jwgY ]4] (223-12)
gi-aan Dhi-aan jugat sach jaagai. ||4||
They remain awake and aware in spiritual wisdom and meditation, and the true way of life. ||4||

BY ric rhY n bwhir jwie ] (223-12)
bhai rach rahai na baahar jaa-ay.
They remain absorbed in the fear of God; they never leave it.

kImiq kaux rhY ilv lwie ]5] (223-13)
keemat ka-un rahai liv laa-ay. ||5||
Who can estimate their value? They remain lovingly absorbed in the Lord. ||5||

Awpy myly Brmu cukwey ] (223-13)
aapay maylay bharam chukaa-ay.
The Lord unites them with Himself, dispelling their doubts.

gur prswid prm pdu pwey ]6] (223-13)
gur parsaad param pad paa-ay. ||6||
By Guru's Grace, the supreme status is obtained. ||6||

gur kI syvw sbdu vIcwru ] (223-14)
gur kee sayvaa sabad veechaar.
In the Guru's service is reflection upon the Shabad.

haumY mwry krxI swru ]7] (223-14)
ha-umai maaray karnee saar. ||7||
Subduing ego, practice pure actions. ||7||

jp qp sMjm pwT purwxu ] (223-14)
jap tap sanjam paath puraan.
Chanting, meditation, austere self-discipline and the reading of the Puraanas,

khu nwnk AprMpr mwnu ]8]6] (223-14)
kaho naanak aprampar maan. ||8||6||
says Nanak, are contained in surrender to the Unlimited Lord. ||8||6||

gauVI mhlw 1 ] (223-15)
ga-orhee mehlaa 1.
Gauree, First Mehl:

iKmw ghI bRqu sIl sMqoKM ] (223-15)
khimaa gahee barat seel santokhaN.
To practice forgiveness is the true fast, good conduct and contentment.

rogu n ibAwpY nw jm doKM ] (223-15)
rog na bi-aapai naa jam dokhaN.
Disease does not afflict me, nor does the pain of death.

mukq Bey pRB rUp n ryKM ]1] (223-16)
mukat bha-ay parabh roop na raykhaN. ||1||
I am liberated, and absorbed into God, who has no form or feature. ||1||

jogI kau kYsw fru hoie ] (223-16)
jogee ka-o kaisaa dar ho-ay.
What fear does the Yogi have?

rUiK ibriK igRih bwhir soie ]1] rhwau ] (223-16)
rookh birakh garihi baahar so-ay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The Lord is among the trees and the plants, within the household and outside as well. ||1||Pause||

inrBau jogI inrMjnu iDAwvY ] (223-17)
nirbha-o jogee niranjan Dhi-aavai.
The Yogis meditate on the Fearless, Immaculate Lord.

Anidnu jwgY sic ilv lwvY ] (223-17)
an-din jaagai sach liv laavai.
Night and day, they remain awake and aware, embracing love for the True Lord.

so jogI myrY min BwvY ]2] (223-17)
so jogee mayrai man bhaavai. ||2||
Those Yogis are pleasing to my mind. ||2||

kwlu jwlu bRhm AgnI jwry ] (223-18)
kaal jaal barahm agnee jaaray.
The trap of death is burnt by the Fire of God.

jrw mrx gqu grbu invwry ] (223-18)
jaraa maran gat garab nivaaray.
Old age, death and pride are conquered.

Awip qrY ipqrI insqwry ]3] (223-18)
aap tarai pitree nistaaray. ||3||
They swim across, and save their ancestors as well. ||3||

siqguru syvy so jogI hoie ] (223-19)
satgur sayvay so jogee ho-ay.
Those who serve the True Guru are the Yogis.

BY ric rhY su inrBau hoie ] (223-19)
bhai rach rahai so nirbha-o ho-ay.
Those who remain immersed in the Fear of God become fearless.

jYsw syvY qYso hoie ]4] (223-19)
jaisaa sayvai taiso ho-ay. ||4||
They become just like the One they serve. ||4||


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD