Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


qin min sUcY swcu su cIiq ] (222-1)
tan man soochai saach so cheet.
Their bodies and minds are purified, as they enshrine the True Lord in their consciousness.

nwnk hir Bju nIqw nIiq ]8]2] (222-1)
naanak har bhaj neetaa neet. ||8||2||
O Nanak, meditate on the Lord, each and every day. ||8||2||

gauVI guAwryrI mhlw 1 ] (222-1)
ga-orhee gu-aarayree mehlaa 1.
Gauree Gwaarayree, First Mehl:

nw mnu mrY n kwrju hoie ] (222-2)
naa man marai na kaaraj ho-ay.
The mind does not die, so the job is not accomplished.

mnu vis dUqw durmiq doie ] (222-2)
man vas dootaa durmat do-ay.
The mind is under the power of the demons of evil intellect and duality.

mnu mwnY gur qy ieku hoie ]1] (222-2)
man maanai gur tay ik ho-ay. ||1||
But when the mind surrenders, through the Guru, it becomes one. ||1||

inrgux rwmu guxh vis hoie ] (222-2)
nirgun raam gunah vas ho-ay.
The Lord is without attributes; the attributes of virtue are under His control.

Awpu invwir bIcwry soie ]1] rhwau ] (222-3)
aap nivaar beechaaray so-ay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
One who eliminates selfishness contemplates Him. ||1||Pause||

mnu BUlo bhu icqY ivkwru ] (222-3)
man bhoolo baho chitai vikaar.
The deluded mind thinks of all sorts of corruption.

mnu BUlo isir AwvY Bwru ] (222-3)
man bhoolo sir aavai bhaar.
When the mind is deluded, the load of wickedness falls on the head.

mnu mwnY hir eykMkwru ]2] (222-4)
man maanai har aykankaar. ||2||
But when the mind surrenders to the Lord, it realizes the One and Only Lord. ||2||

mnu BUlo mwieAw Gir jwie ] (222-4)
man bhoolo maa-i-aa ghar jaa-ay.
The deluded mind enters the house of Maya.

kwim ibrUDau rhY n Twie ] (222-4)
kaam birooDha-o rahai na thaa-ay.
Engrossed in sexual desire, it does not remain steady.

hir Bju pRwxI rsn rswie ]3] (222-5)
har bhaj paraanee rasan rasaa-ay. ||3||
O mortal, lovingly vibrate the Lord's Name with your tongue. ||3||

gYvr hYvr kMcn suq nwrI ] (222-5)
gaivar haivar kanchan sut naaree.
Elephants, horses, gold, children and spouses

bhu icMqw ipV cwlY hwrI ] (222-5)
baho chintaa pirh chaalai haaree.
- in the anxious affairs of all these, people lose the game and depart.

jUAY Kylxu kwcI swrI ]4] (222-6)
joo-ai khaylan kaachee saaree. ||4||
In the game of chess, their pieces do not reach their destination. ||4||

sMpau sMcI Bey ivkwr ] (222-6)
sampa-o sanchee bha-ay vikaar.
They gather wealth, but only evil comes from it.

hrK sok auBy drvwir ] (222-6)
harakh sok ubhay darvaar.
Pleasure and pain stand in the doorway.

suKu shjy jip irdY murwir ]5] (222-6)
sukh sehjay jap ridai muraar. ||5||
Intuitive peace comes by meditating on the Lord, within the heart. ||5||

ndir kry qw myil imlwey ] (222-7)
nadar karay taa mayl milaa-ay.
When the Lord bestows His Glance of Grace, then He unites us in His Union.

gux sMgRih Aaugx sbid jlwey ] (222-7)
gun sangrahi a-ugan sabad jalaa-ay.
Through the Word of the Shabad, merits are gathered in, and demerits are burned away.

gurmuiK nwmu pdwrQu pwey ]6] (222-7)
gurmukh naam padaarath paa-ay. ||6||
The Gurmukh obtains the treasure of the Naam, the Name of the Lord. ||6||

ibnu nwvY sB dUK invwsu ] (222-8)
bin naavai sabh dookh nivaas.
Without the Name, all live in pain.

mnmuK mUV mwieAw icq vwsu ] (222-8)
manmukh moorh maa-i-aa chit vaas.
The consciousness of the foolish, self-willed manmukh is the dwelling place of Maya.

gurmuiK igAwnu Duir krim iliKAwsu ]7] (222-8)
gurmukh gi-aan Dhur karam likhi-aas. ||7||
The Gurmukh obtains spiritual wisdom, according to pre-ordained destiny. ||7||

mnu cMclu Dwvqu Puin DwvY ] (222-9)
man chanchal Dhaavat fun Dhaavai.
The fickle mind continuously runs after fleeting things.

swcy sUcy mYlu n BwvY ] (222-9)
saachay soochay mail na bhaavai.
The Pure True Lord is not pleased by filth.

nwnk gurmuiK hir gux gwvY ]8]3] (222-9)
naanak gurmukh har gun gaavai. ||8||3||
O Nanak, the Gurmukh sings the Glorious Praises of the Lord. ||8||3||

gauVI guAwryrI mhlw 1 ] (222-10)
ga-orhee gu-aarayree mehlaa 1.
Gauree Gwaarayree, First Mehl:

haumY kriqAw nh suKu hoie ] (222-10)
ha-umai karti-aa nah sukh ho-ay.
Acting in egotism, peace is not obtained.

mnmiq JUTI scw soie ] (222-10)
manmat jhoothee sachaa so-ay.
The intellect of the mind is false; only the Lord is True.

sgl ibgUqy BwvY doie ] (222-11)
sagal bigootay bhaavai do-ay.
All who love duality are ruined.

so kmwvY Duir iliKAw hoie ]1] (222-11)
so kamaavai Dhur likhi-aa ho-ay. ||1||
People act as they are pre-ordained. ||1||

AYsw jgu dyiKAw jUAwrI ] (222-11)
aisaa jag daykhi-aa joo-aaree.
I have seen the world to be such a gambler;

siB suK mwgY nwmu ibswrI ]1] rhwau ] (222-12)
sabh sukh maagai naam bisaaree. ||1|| rahaa-o.
all beg for peace, but they forget the Naam, the Name of the Lord. ||1||Pause||

Aidstu idsY qw kihAw jwie ] (222-12)
adisat disai taa kahi-aa jaa-ay.
If the Unseen Lord could be seen, then He could be described.

ibnu dyKy khxw ibrQw jwie ] (222-12)
bin daykhay kahnaa birthaa jaa-ay.
Without seeing Him, all descriptions are useless.

gurmuiK dIsY shij suBwie ] (222-13)
gurmukh deesai sahj subhaa-ay.
The Gurmukh sees Him with intuitive ease.

syvw suriq eyk ilv lwie ]2] (222-13)
sayvaa surat ayk liv laa-ay. ||2||
So serve the One Lord, with loving awareness. ||2||

suKu mWgq duKu Awgl hoie ] (222-13)
sukh maaNgat dukh aagal ho-ay.
People beg for peace, but they receive severe pain.

sgl ivkwrI hwru proie ] (222-14)
sagal vikaaree haar paro-ay.
They are all weaving a wreath of corruption.

eyk ibnw JUTy mukiq n hoie ] (222-14)
ayk binaa jhoothay mukat na ho-ay.
You are false - without the One, there is no liberation.

kir kir krqw dyKY soie ]3] (222-14)
kar kar kartaa daykhai so-ay. ||3||
The Creator created the creation, and He watches over it. ||3||

iqRsnw Agin sbid buJwey ] (222-14)
tarisnaa agan sabad bujhaa-ay.
The fire of desire is quenched by the Word of the Shabad.

dUjw Brmu shij suBwey ] (222-15)
doojaa bharam sahj subhaa-ay.
Duality and doubt are automatically eliminated.

gurmqI nwmu irdY vswey ] (222-15)
gurmatee naam ridai vasaa-ay.
Following the Guru's Teachings, the Naam abides in the heart.

swcI bwxI hir gux gwey ]4] (222-15)
saachee banee har gun gaa-ay. ||4||
Through the True Word of His Bani, sing the Glorious Praises of the Lord. ||4||

qn mih swco gurmuiK Bwau ] (222-16)
tan meh saacho gurmukh bhaa-o.
The True Lord abides within the body of that Gurmukh who enshrines love for Him.

nwm ibnw nwhI inj Twau ] (222-16)
naam binaa naahee nij thaa-o.
Without the Naam, none obtain their own place.

pRym prwiex pRIqm rwau ] (222-16)
paraym paraa-in pareetam raa-o.
The Beloved Lord King is dedicated to love.

ndir kry qw bUJY nwau ]5] (222-17)
nadar karay taa boojhai naa-o. ||5||
If He bestows His Glance of Grace, then we realize His Name. ||5||

mwieAw mohu srb jMjwlw ] (222-17)
maa-i-aa moh sarab janjaalaa.
Emotional attachment to Maya is total entanglement.

mnmuK kucIl kuiCq ibkrwlw ] (222-17)
manmukh kucheel khuchhit bikraalaa.
The self-willed manmukh is filthy, cursed and dreadful.

siqguru syvy cUkY jMjwlw ] (222-18)
satgur sayvay chookai janjaalaa.
Serving the True Guru, these entanglements are ended.

AMimRq nwmu sdw suKu nwlw ]6] (222-18)
amrit naam sadaa sukh naalaa. ||6||
In the Ambrosial Nectar of the Naam, you shall abide in lasting peace. ||6||

gurmuiK bUJY eyk ilv lwey ] (222-18)
gurmukh boojhai ayk liv laa-ay.
The Gurmukhs understand the One Lord, and enshrine love for Him.

inj Gir vwsY swic smwey ] (222-18)
nij ghar vaasai saach samaa-ay.
They dwell in the home of their own inner beings, and merge in the True Lord.

jMmxu mrxw Twik rhwey ] (222-19)
jaman marnaa thaak rahaa-ay.
The cycle of birth and death is ended.

pUry gur qy ieh miq pwey ]7] (222-19)
pooray gur tay ih mat paa-ay. ||7||
This understanding is obtained from the Perfect Guru. ||7||

kQnI kQau n AwvY Eru ] (222-19)
kathnee katha-o na aavai or.
Speaking the speech, there is no end to it.


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD