Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


gur kI miq jIie AweI kwir ]1] (221-1)
gur kee mat jee-ay aa-ee kaar. ||1||
The Guru's Teachings are useful to my soul. ||1||

ien ibiD rwm rmq mnu mwinAw ] (221-1)
in biDh raam ramat man maani-aa.
Chanting the Lord's Name in this way, my mind is satisfied.

igAwn AMjnu gur sbid pCwinAw ]1] rhwau ] (221-1)
gi-aan anjan gur sabad pachhaani-aa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
I have obtained the ointment of spiritual wisdom, recognizing the Word of the Guru's Shabad. ||1||Pause||

ieku suKu mwinAw shij imlwieAw ] (221-2)
ik sukh maani-aa sahj milaa-i-aa.
Blended with the One Lord, I enjoy intuitive peace.

inrml bwxI Brmu cukwieAw ] (221-2)
nirmal banee bharam chukaa-i-aa.
Through the Immaculate Bani of the Word, my doubts have been dispelled.

lwl Bey sUhw rMgu mwieAw ] (221-3)
laal bha-ay soohaa rang maa-i-aa.
Instead of the pale color of Maya, I am imbued with the deep crimson color of the Lord's Love.

ndir BeI ibKu Twik rhwieAw ]2] (221-3)
nadar bha-ee bikh thaak rahaa-i-aa. ||2||
By the Lord's Glance of Grace, the poison has been eliminated. ||2||

ault BeI jIvq mir jwigAw ] (221-3)
ulat bha-ee jeevat mar jaagi-aa.
When I turned away, and became dead while yet alive, I was awakened.

sbid rvy mnu hir isau lwigAw ] (221-4)
sabad ravay man har si-o laagi-aa.
Chanting the Word of the Shabad, my mind is attached to the Lord.

rsu sMgRih ibKu prhir iqAwigAw ] (221-4)
ras sangrahi bikh parhar ti-aagi-aa.
I have gathered in the Lord's sublime essence, and cast out the poison.

Bwie bsy jm kw Bau BwigAw ]3] (221-4)
bhaa-ay basay jam kaa bha-o bhaagi-aa. ||3||
Abiding in His Love, the fear of death has run away. ||3||

swd rhy bwdM AhMkwrw ] (221-5)
saad rahay baadaN ahaNkaaraa.
My taste for pleasure ended, along with conflict and egotism.

icqu hir isau rwqw hukim Apwrw ] (221-5)
chit har si-o raataa hukam apaaraa.
My consciousness is attuned to the Lord, by the Order of the Infinite.

jwiq rhy piq ky Awcwrw ] (221-5)
jaat rahay pat kay aachaaraa.
My pursuit for worldy pride and honour is over.

idRsit BeI suKu Awqm Dwrw ]4] (221-6)
darisat bha-ee sukh aatam Dhaaraa. ||4||
When He blessed me with His Glance of Grace, peace was established in my soul. ||4||

quJ ibnu koie n dyKau mIqu ] (221-6)
tujh bin ko-ay na daykh-a-u meet.
Without You, I see no friend at all.

iksu syvau iksu dyvau cIqu ] (221-6)
kis sayva-o kis dayva-o cheet.
Whom should I serve? Unto whom should I dedicate my consciousness?

iksu pUCau iksu lwgau pwie ] (221-7)
kis poochha-o kis laaga-o paa-ay.
Whom should I ask? At whose feet should I fall?

iksu aupdyis rhw ilv lwie ]5] (221-7)
kis updays rahaa liv laa-ay. ||5||
By whose teachings will I remain absorbed in His Love? ||5||

gur syvI gur lwgau pwie ] (221-7)
gur sayvee gur laaga-o paa-ay.
I serve the Guru, and I fall at the Guru's Feet.

Bgiq krI rwcau hir nwie ] (221-8)
bhagat karee raacha-o har naa-ay.
I worship Him, and I am absorbed in the Lord's Name.

isiKAw dIiKAw Bojn Bwau ] (221-8)
sikhi-aa deekhi-aa bhojan bhaa-o.
The Lord's Love is my instruction, sermon and food.

hukim sMjogI inj Gir jwau ]6] (221-8)
hukam sanjogee nij ghar jaa-o. ||6||
Enjoined to the Lord's Command, I have entered the home of my inner self. ||6||

grb gqM suK Awqm iDAwnw ] (221-9)
garab gataN sukh aatam Dhi-aanaa.
With the extinction of pride, my soul has found peace and meditation.

joiq BeI joqI mwih smwnw ] (221-9)
jot bha-ee jotee maahi samaanaa.
The Divine Light has dawned, and I am absorbed in the Light.

ilKqu imtY nhI sbdu nIswnw ] (221-9)
likhat mitai nahee sabad neesaanaa.
Pre-ordained destiny cannot be erased; the Shabad is my banner and insignia.

krqw krxw krqw jwnw ]7] (221-10)
kartaa karnaa kartaa jaanaa. ||7||
I know the Creator, the Creator of His Creation. ||7||

nh pMifqu nh cquru isAwnw ] (221-10)
nah pandit nah chatur si-aanaa.
I am not a learned Pandit, I am not clever or wise.

nh BUlo nh Brim Bulwnw ] (221-10)
nah bhoolo nah bharam bhulaanaa.
I do not wander; I am not deluded by doubt.

kQau n kQnI hukmu pCwnw ] (221-10)
katha-o na kathnee hukam pachhaanaa.
I do not speak empty speech; I have recognized the Hukam of His Command.

nwnk gurmiq shij smwnw ]8]1] (221-11)
naanak gurmat sahj samaanaa. ||8||1||
Nanak is absorbed in intuitive peace through the Guru's Teachings. ||8||1||

gauVI guAwryrI mhlw 1 ] (221-11)
ga-orhee gu-aarayree mehlaa 1.
Gauree Gwaarayree, First Mehl:

mnu kuMcru kwieAw auidAwnY ] (221-11)
man kunchar kaa-i-aa udi-aanai.
The mind is an elephant in the forest of the body.

guru AMksu scu sbdu nIswnY ] rwj duAwrY soB su mwnY ]1] (221-12)
gur ankas sach sabad neesaanai. raaj du-aarai sobh so maanai. ||1||
The Guru is the controlling stick; when the Insignia of the True Shabad is applied, one obtains honor in the Court of God the King. ||1||

cqurweI nh cIinAw jwie ] (221-12)
chaturaa-ee nah cheeni-aa jaa-ay.
He cannot be known through clever tricks.

ibnu mwry ikau kImiq pwie ]1] rhwau ] (221-13)
bin maaray ki-o keemat paa-ay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Without subduing the mind, how can His value be estimated? ||1||Pause||

Gr mih AMimRqu qskru lyeI ] (221-13)
ghar meh amrit taskar lay-ee.
In the house of the self is the Ambrosial Nectar, which is being stolen by the thieves.

nµnwkwru n koie kryeI ] (221-14)
nannaakaar na ko-ay karay-ee.
No one can say no to them.

rwKY Awip vifAweI dyeI ]2] (221-14)
raakhai aap vadi-aa-ee day-ee. ||2||
He Himself protects us, and blesses us with greatness. ||2||

nIl AnIl Agin iek TweI ] (221-14)
neel aneel agan ik thaa-ee.
There are billions, countless billions of fires of desire at the seat of the mind.

jil invrI guir bUJ buJweI ] (221-14)
jal nivree gur boojh bujhaa-ee.
They are extinguished only with the water of understanding, imparted by the Guru.

mnu dy lIAw rhis gux gweI ]3] (221-15)
man day lee-aa rahas gun gaa-ee. ||3||
Offering my mind, I have attained it, and I joyfully sing His Glorious Praises. ||3||

jYsw Gir bwhir so qYsw ] (221-15)
jaisaa ghar baahar so taisaa.
Just as He is within the home of the self, so is He beyond.

bYis guPw mih AwKau kYsw ] (221-15)
bais gufaa meh aakha-o kaisaa.
But how can I describe Him, sitting in a cave?

swgir fUgir inrBau AYsw ]4] (221-16)
saagar doogar nirbha-o aisaa. ||4||
The Fearless Lord is in the oceans, just as He is in the mountains. ||4||

mUey kau khu mwry kaunu ] (221-16)
moo-ay ka-o kaho maaray ka-un.
Tell me, who can kill someone who is already dead?

infry kau kYsw fru kvnu ] (221-16)
nidray ka-o kaisaa dar kavan.
What does he fear? Who can frighten the fearless one?

sbid pCwnY qIny Baun ]5] (221-17)
sabad pachhaanai teenay bha-un. ||5||
He recognizes the Word of the Shabad, throughout the three worlds. ||5||

ijin kihAw iqin khnu vKwinAw ] (221-17)
jin kahi-aa tin kahan vakhaani-aa.
One who speaks, merely describes speech.

ijin bUiJAw iqin shij pCwinAw ] (221-17)
jin boojhi-aa tin sahj pachhaani-aa.
But one who understands, intuitively realizes.

dyiK bIcwir myrw mnu mwinAw ]6] (221-18)
daykh beechaar mayraa man maani-aa. ||6||
Seeing and reflecting upon it, my mind surrenders. ||6||

kIriq sUriq mukiq iek nweI ] (221-18)
keerat soorat mukat ik naa-ee.
Praise, beauty and liberation are in the One Name.

qhI inrMjnu rihAw smweI ] (221-18)
tahee niranjan rahi-aa samaa-ee.
In it, the Immaculate Lord is permeating and pervading.

inj Gir ibAwip rihAw inj TweI ]7] (221-19)
nij ghar bi-aap rahi-aa nij thaa-ee. ||7||
He dwells in the home of the self, and in His own sublime place. ||7||

ausqiq krih kyqy muin pRIiq ] (221-19)
ustat karahi kaytay mun pareet.
The many silent sages lovingly praise Him.


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD