Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


byd purwn swD mg suin kir inmK n hir gun gwvY ]1] rhwau ] (220-1)
bayd puraan saaDh mag sun kar nimakh na har gun gaavai. ||1|| rahaa-o.
This mind listens to the Vedas, the Puraanas, and the ways of the Holy Saints, but it does not sing the Glorious Praises of the Lord, for even an instant. ||1||Pause||

durlB dyh pwie mwns kI ibrQw jnmu isrwvY ] (220-1)
durlabh dayh paa-ay maanas kee birthaa janam siraavai.
Having obtained this human body, so very difficult to obtain, it is now being uselessly wasted.

mwieAw moh mhw sMkt bn qw isau ruc aupjwvY ]1] (220-2)
maa-i-aa moh mahaa sankat ban taa si-o ruch upjaavai. ||1||
Emotional attachment to Maya is such a treacherous wilderness, and yet, people are in love with it. ||1||

AMqir bwhir sdw sMig pRBu qw isau nyhu n lwvY ] (220-3)
antar baahar sadaa sang parabh taa si-o nayhu na laavai.
Inwardly and outwardly, God is always with them, and yet, they do not enshrine Love for Him.

nwnk mukiq qwih qum mwnhu ijh Git rwmu smwvY ]2]6] (220-3)
naanak mukat taahi tum maanhu jih ghat raam samaavai. ||2||6||
O Nanak, know that those whose hearts are filled with the Lord are liberated. ||2||6||

gauVI mhlw 9 ] (220-4)
ga-orhee mehlaa 9.
Gauree, Ninth Mehl:

swDo rwm srin ibsrwmw ] (220-4)
saaDho raam saran bisraamaa.
Holy Saadhus: rest and peace are in the Sanctuary of the Lord.

byd purwn pVy ko ieh gun ismry hir ko nwmw ]1] rhwau ] (220-4)
bayd puraan parhay ko ih gun simray har ko naamaa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
This is the blessing of studying the Vedas and the Puraanas, that you may meditate on the Name of the Lord. ||1||Pause||

loB moh mwieAw mmqw Puin Aau ibiKAn kI syvw ] hrK sog prsY ijh nwhin so mUriq hY dyvw ]1] (220-5)
lobh moh maa-i-aa mamtaa fun a-o bikhi-an kee sayvaa. harakh sog parsai jih naahan so moorat hai dayvaa. ||1||
Greed, emotional attachment to Maya, possessiveness, the service of evil, pleasure and pain - those who are not touched by these, are the very embodiment of the Divine Lord. ||1||

surg nrk AMimRq ibKu ey sB iqau kMcn Aru pYsw ] (220-6)
surag narak amrit bikh ay sabh ti-o kanchan ar paisaa.
Heaven and hell, ambrosial nectar and poison, gold and copper - these are all alike to them.

ausqiq inMdw ey sm jw kY loBu mohu Puin qYsw ]2] (220-6)
ustat nindaa ay sam jaa kai lobh moh fun taisaa. ||2||
Praise and slander are all the same to them, as are greed and attachment. ||2||

duKu suKu ey bwDy ijh nwhin iqh qum jwnau igAwnI ] (220-7)
dukh sukh ay baaDhay jih naahan tih tum jaan-o gi-aanee.
They are not bound by pleasure and pain - know that they are truly wise.

nwnk mukiq qwih qum mwnau ieh ibiD ko jo pRwnI ]3]7] (220-8)
naanak mukat taahi tum maan-o ih biDh ko jo paraanee. ||3||7||
O Nanak, recognize those mortal beings as liberated, who live this way of life. ||3||7||

gauVI mhlw 9 ] (220-8)
ga-orhee mehlaa 9.
Gauree, Ninth Mehl:

mn ry khw BieE qY baurw ] (220-8)
man ray kahaa bha-i-o tai ba-uraa.
O mind, why have you gone crazy?

Aihinis AauD GtY nhI jwnY BieE loB sMig haurw ]1] rhwau ] (220-9)
ahinis a-oDh ghatai nahee jaanai bha-i-o lobh sang ha-uraa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Don't you know that your life is decreasing, day and night? Your life is made worthless with greed. ||1||Pause||

jo qnu qY Apno kir mwinE Aru suMdr igRh nwrI ] (220-9)
jo tan tai apno kar maani-o ar sundar garih naaree.
That body, which you believe to be your own, and your beautiful home and spouse

ien mYN kCu qyro ry nwhin dyKo soc ibcwrI ]1] (220-10)
in maiN kachh tayro ray naahan daykho soch bichaaree. ||1||
- none of these is yours to keep. See this, reflect upon it and understand. ||1||

rqn jnmu Apno qY hwirE goibMd giq nhI jwnI ] (220-11)
ratan janam apno tai haari-o gobind gat nahee jaanee.
You have wasted the precious jewel of this human life; you do not know the Way of the Lord of the Universe.

inmK n lIn BieE crnn isNau ibrQw AauD isrwnI ]2] (220-11)
nimakh na leen bha-i-o charnan siN-o birthaa a-oDh siraanee. ||2||
You have not been absorbed in the Lord's Feet, even for an instant. Your life has passed away in vain! ||2||

khu nwnk soeI nru suKIAw rwm nwm gun gwvY ] (220-12)
kaho naanak so-ee nar sukhee-aa raam naam gun gaavai.
Says Nanak, that man is happy, who sings the Glorious Praises of the Lord's Name.

Aaur sgl jgu mwieAw moihAw inrBY pdu nhI pwvY ]3]8] (220-12)
a-or sagal jag maa-i-aa mohi-aa nirbhai pad nahee paavai. ||3||8||
All the rest of the world is enticed by Maya; they do not obtain the state of fearless dignity. ||3||8||

gauVI mhlw 9 ] (220-13)
ga-orhee mehlaa 9.
Gauree, Ninth Mehl:

nr Acyq pwp qy fru ry ] (220-13)
nar achayt paap tay dar ray.
You people are unconscious; you should be afraid of sin.

dIn dieAwl sgl BY BMjn srin qwih qum pru ry ]1] rhwau ] (220-13)
deen da-i-aal sagal bhai bhanjan saran taahi tum par ray. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Seek the Sanctuary of the Lord, Merciful to the meek, Destroyer of all fear. ||1||Pause||

byd purwn jws gun gwvq qw ko nwmu hIAY mo Dru ry ] (220-14)
bayd puraan jaas gun gaavat taa ko naam hee-ai mo Dhar ray.
The Vedas and the Puraanas sing His Praises; enshrine His Name within your heart.

pwvn nwmu jgiq mY hir ko ismir ismir ksml sB hru ry ]1] (220-15)
paavan naam jagat mai har ko simar simar kasmal sabh har ray. ||1||
Pure and sublime is the Name of the Lord in the world. Remembering it in meditation, all sinful mistakes shall be washed away. ||1||

mwns dyh bhuir nh pwvY kCU aupwau mukiq kw kru ry ] (220-15)
maanas dayh bahur nah paavai kachhoo upaa-o mukat kaa kar ray.
You shall not obtain this human body again; make the effort - try to achieve liberation!

nwnk khq gwie krunw mY Bv swgr kY pwir auqru ry ]2]9]251] (220-16)
naanak kahat gaa-ay karunaa mai bhav saagar kai paar utar ray. ||2||9||251||
Says Nanak, sing of the Lord of compassion, and cross over the terrifying world-ocean. ||2||9||251||

rwgu gauVI AstpdIAw mhlw 1 gauVI guAwryrI (220-18)
raag ga-orhee asatpadee-aa mehlaa 1 ga-orhee gu-aarayree
Raag Gauree, Ashtapadees, First Mehl: Gauree Gwaarayree:

<> siqnwmu krqw purKu gur pRswid ] (220-18)
ik-oaNkaar satnaam kartaa purakh gur parsaad.
One Universal Creator God. Truth Is The Name. Creative Being Personified. By Guru's Grace:

iniD isiD inrml nwmu bIcwru ] (220-19)
niDh siDh nirmal naam beechaar.
The nine treasures and the miraculous spiritual powers come by contemplating the Immaculate Naam, the Name of the Lord.

pUrn pUir rihAw ibKu mwir ] (220-19)
pooran poor rahi-aa bikh maar.
The Perfect Lord is All-pervading everywhere; He destroys the poison of Maya.

iqRkutI CUtI ibml mJwir ] (220-19)
tarikutee chhootee bimal majhaar.
I am rid of the three-phased Maya, dwelling in the Pure Lord.


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD