Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


<> siqgur pRswid ] (219-1)
ik-oaNkaar satgur parsaad.
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:

rwgu gauVI mhlw 9 ] (219-1)
raag ga-orhee mehlaa 9.
Raag Gauree, Ninth Mehl

swDo mn kw mwnu iqAwgau ] (219-1)
saaDho man kaa maan ti-aaga-o.
: Holy Saadhus: forsake the pride of your mind.

kwmu k®oDu sMgiq durjn kI qw qy Aihinis Bwgau ]1] rhwau ] (219-1)
kaam kroDh sangat durjan kee taa tay ahinis bhaaga-o. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Sexual desire, anger and the company of evil people - run away from them, day and night. ||1||Pause||

suKu duKu dono sm kir jwnY Aauru mwnu Apmwnw ] (219-2)
sukh dukh dono sam kar jaanai a-or maan apmaanaa.
One who knows that pain and pleasure are both the same, and honor and dishonor as well,

hrK sog qy rhY AqIqw iqin jig qqu pCwnw ]1] (219-3)
harakh sog tay rahai ateetaa tin jag tat pachhaanaa. ||1||
who remains detached from joy and sorrow, realizes the true essence in the world. ||1||

ausqiq inMdw doaU iqAwgY KojY pdu inrbwnw ] (219-3)
ustat nindaa do-oo ti-aagai khojai pad nirbaanaa.
Renounce both praise and blame; seek instead the state of Nirvaanaa.

jn nwnk iehu Kylu kTnu hY iknhUM gurmuiK jwnw ]2]1] (219-4)
jan naanak ih khayl kathan hai kinhooN gurmukh jaanaa. ||2||1||
O servant Nanak, this is such a difficult game; only a few Gurmukhs understand it! ||2||1||

gauVI mhlw 9 ] (219-4)
ga-orhee mehlaa 9.
Gauree, Ninth Mehl:

swDo rcnw rwm bnweI ] (219-4)
saaDho rachnaa raam banaa-ee.
Holy Saadhus: the Lord fashioned the creation.

ieik ibnsY iek AsiQru mwnY Acrju liKE n jweI ]1] rhwau ] (219-5)
ik binsai ik asthir maanai achraj lakhi-o na jaa-ee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
One person passes away, and another thinks that he will live forever - this is a wonder beyond understanding! ||1||Pause||

kwm k®oD moh bis pRwnI hir mUriq ibsrweI ] (219-5)
kaam kroDh moh bas paraanee har moorat bisraa-ee.
The mortal beings are held in the power of sexual desire, anger and emotional attachment; they have forgotten the Lord, the Immortal Form.

JUTw qnu swcw kir mwinE ijau supnw rYnweI ]1] (219-6)
jhoothaa tan saachaa kar maani-o ji-o supnaa rainaa-ee. ||1||
The body is false, but they believe it to be true; it is like a dream in the night. ||1||

jo dIsY so sgl ibnwsY ijau bwdr kI CweI ] (219-6)
jo deesai so sagal binaasai ji-o baadar kee chhaa-ee.
Whatever is seen, shall all pass away, like the shadow of a cloud.

jn nwnk jgu jwinE imiQAw rihE rwm srnweI ]2]2] (219-7)
jan naanak jag jaani-o mithi-aa rahi-o raam sarnaa-ee. ||2||2||
O servant Nanak, one who knows the world to be unreal, dwells in the Sanctuary of the Lord. ||2||2||

gauVI mhlw 9 ] (219-8)
ga-orhee mehlaa 9.
Gauree, Ninth Mehl:

pRwnI kau hir jsu min nhI AwvY ] (219-8)
paraanee ka-o har jas man nahee aavai.
The Praise of the Lord does not come to dwell in the minds of the mortal beings.

Aihinis mgnu rhY mwieAw mY khu kYsy gun gwvY ]1] rhwau ] (219-8)
ahinis magan rahai maa-i-aa mai kaho kaisay gun gaavai. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Day and night, they remain engrossed in Maya. Tell me, how can they sing God's Glories? ||1||Pause||

pUq mIq mwieAw mmqw isau ieh ibiD Awpu bMDwvY ] (219-9)
poot meet maa-i-aa mamtaa si-o ih biDh aap banDhaavai.
In this way, they bind themselves to children, friends, Maya and possessiveness.

imRg iqRsnw ijau JUTo iehu jg dyiK qwis auiT DwvY ]1] (219-9)
marig tarisnaa ji-o jhootho ih jag daykh taas uth Dhaavai. ||1||
Like the deer's delusion, this world is false; and yet, beholding it, they chase after it. ||1||

Bugiq mukiq kw kwrnu suAwmI mUV qwih ibsrwvY ] (219-10)
bhugat mukat kaa kaaran su-aamee moorh taahi bisraavai.
Our Lord and Master is the source of pleasures and liberation; and yet, the fool forgets Him.

jn nwnk kotn mY koaU Bjnu rwm ko pwvY ]2]3] (219-11)
jan naanak kotan mai ko-oo bhajan raam ko paavai. ||2||3||
O servant Nanak, among millions, there is scarcely anyone who attains the Lord's meditation. ||2||3||

gauVI mhlw 9 ] (219-11)
ga-orhee mehlaa 9.
Gauree, Ninth Mehl:

swDo iehu mnu gihE n jweI ] (219-11)
saaDho ih man gahi-o na jaa-ee.
Holy Saadhus: this mind cannot be restrained.

cMcl iqRsnw sMig bsqu hY Xw qy iQru n rhweI ]1] rhwau ] (219-12)
chanchal tarisnaa sang basat hai yaa tay thir na rahaa-ee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Fickle desires dwell with it, and so it cannot remain steady. ||1||Pause||

kTn kroD Gt hI ky BIqir ijh suiD sB ibsrweI ] (219-12)
kathan karoDh ghat hee kay bheetar jih suDh sabh bisraa-ee.
The heart is filled with anger and violence, which cause all sense to be forgotten.

rqnu igAwnu sB ko ihir lInw qw isau kCu n bsweI ]1] (219-13)
ratan gi-aan sabh ko hir leenaa taa si-o kachh na basaa-ee. ||1||
The jewel of spiritual wisdom has been taken away from everyone; nothing can withstand it. ||1||

jogI jqn krq siB hwry gunI rhy gun gweI ] (219-14)
jogee jatan karat sabh haaray gunee rahay gun gaa-ee.
The Yogis have tried everything and failed; the virtuous have grown weary of singing God's Glories.

jn nwnk hir Bey dieAwlw qau sB ibiD bin AweI ]2]4] (219-14)
jan naanak har bha-ay da-i-aalaa ta-o sabh biDh ban aa-ee. ||2||4||
O servant Nanak, when the Lord becomes merciful, then every effort is successful. ||2||4||

gauVI mhlw 9 ] (219-15)
ga-orhee mehlaa 9.
Gauree, Ninth Mehl:

swDo goibMd ky gun gwvau ] (219-15)
saaDho gobind kay gun gaava-o.
Holy Saadhus: sing the Glorious Praises of the Lord of the Universe.

mwns jnmu Amolku pwieE ibrQw kwih gvwvau ]1] rhwau ] (219-15)
maanas janam amolak paa-i-o birthaa kaahi gavaava-o. ||1|| rahaa-o.
You have obtained the priceless jewel of this human life; why are you uselessly wasting it? ||1||Pause||

piqq punIq dIn bMD hir srin qwih qum Awvau ] (219-16)
patit puneet deen banDh har saran taahi tum aava-o.
He is the Purifier of sinners, the Friend of the poor. Come, and enter the Lord's Sanctuary.

gj ko qRwsu imitE ijh ismrq qum kwhy ibsrwvau ]1] (219-16)
gaj ko taraas miti-o jih simrat tum kaahay bisraava-o. ||1||
Remembering Him, the elephant's fear was removed; so why do you forget Him? ||1||

qij AiBmwn moh mwieAw Puin Bjn rwm icqu lwvau ] (219-17)
taj abhimaan moh maa-i-aa fun bhajan raam chit laava-o.
Renounce your egotistical pride and your emotional attachment to Maya; focus your consciousness on the Lord's meditation.

nwnk khq mukiq pMQ iehu gurmuiK hoie qum pwvau ]2]5] (219-18)
naanak kahat mukat panth ih gurmukh ho-ay tum paava-o. ||2||5||
Says Nanak, this is the path to liberation. Become Gurmukh, and attain it. ||2||5||

gauVI mhlw 9 ] (219-19)
ga-orhee mehlaa 9.
Gauree, Ninth Mehl:

koaU mweI BUilE mnu smJwvY ] (219-19)
ko-oo maa-ee bhooli-o man samjhaavai.
O mother, if only someone would instruct my wayward mind.


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD