Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


koeI ij mUrKu loBIAw mUil n suxI kihAw ]2] (218-1)
ko-ee je moorakh lobhee-aa mool na sunee kahi-aa. ||2||
But he is foolish and greedy, and he never listens to what he is told. ||2||

ieksu duhu chu ikAw gxI sB iekqu swid muTI ] (218-1)
ikas duhu chahu ki-aa ganee sabh ikat saad muthee.
Why bother to count one, two, three, four? The whole world is defrauded by the same enticements.

ieku ADu nwie rsIAVw kw ivrlI jwie vuTI ]3] (218-2)
ik aDh naa-ay rasee-arhaa kaa virlee jaa-ay vuthee. ||3||
Hardly anyone loves the Lord's Name; how rare is that place which is in bloom. ||3||

Bgq scy dir sohdy And krih idn rwiq ] (218-2)
bhagat sachay dar sohday anad karahi din raat.
The devotees look beautiful in the True Court; night and day, they are happy.

rMig rqy prmysrY jn nwnk iqn bil jwq ]4]1]169] (218-3)
rang ratay parmaysrai jan naanak tin bal jaat. ||4||1||169||
They are imbued with the Love of the Transcendent Lord; servant Nanak is a sacrifice to them. ||4||1||169||

gauVI mhlw 5 mWJ ] (218-4)
ga-orhee mehlaa 5 maaNjh.
Gauree, Fifth Mehl, Maajh:

duK BMjnu qyrw nwmu jI duK BMjnu qyrw nwmu ] (218-4)
dukh bhanjan tayraa naam jee dukh bhanjan tayraa naam.
The Destroyer of sorrow is Your Name, Lord; the Destroyer of sorrow is Your Name.

AwT phr AwrwDIAY pUrn siqgur igAwnu ]1] rhwau ] (218-4)
aath pahar aaraaDhee-ai pooran satgur gi-aan. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Twenty-four hours a day, dwell upon the wisdom of the Perfect True Guru. ||1||Pause||

ijqu Git vsY pwrbRhmu soeI suhwvw Qwau ] (218-5)
jit ghat vasai paarbarahm so-ee suhaavaa thaa-o.
That heart, in which the Supreme Lord God abides, is the most beautiful place.

jm kMkru nyiV n AwveI rsnw hir gux gwau ]1] (218-5)
jam kankar nayrh na aavee rasnaa har gun gaa-o. ||1||
The Messenger of Death does not even approach those who chant the Glorious Praises of the Lord with the tongue. ||1||

syvw suriq n jwxIAw nw jwpY AwrwiD ] (218-6)
sayvaa surat na jaanee-aa naa jaapai aaraaDh.
I have not understood the wisdom of serving Him, nor have I worshipped Him in meditation.

Et qyrI jgjIvnw myry Twkur Agm AgwiD ]2] (218-6)
ot tayree jagjeevanaa mayray thaakur agam agaaDh. ||2||
You are my Support, O Life of the World; O my Lord and Master, Inaccessible and Incomprehensible. ||2||

Bey ik®pwl gusweIAw nTy sog sMqwp ] (218-7)
bha-ay kirpaal gusaa-ee-aa nathay sog santaap.
When the Lord of the Universe became merciful, sorrow and suffering departed.

qqI vwau n lgeI siqguir rKy Awip ]3] (218-7)
tatee vaa-o na lag-ee satgur rakhay aap. ||3||
The hot winds do not even touch those who are protected by the True Guru. ||3||

guru nwrwiexu dXu guru guru scw isrjxhwru ] (218-8)
gur naaraa-in da-yu gur gur sachaa sirjanhaar.
The Guru is the All-pervading Lord, the Guru is the Merciful Master; the Guru is the True Creator Lord.

guir quTY sB ikCu pwieAw jn nwnk sd bilhwr ]4]2]170] (218-8)
gur tuthai sabh kichh paa-i-aa jan naanak sad balihaar. ||4||2||170||
When the Guru was totally satisfied, I obtained everything. Servant Nanak is forever a sacrifice to Him. ||4||2||170||

gauVI mwJ mhlw 5 ] (218-9)
ga-orhee maajh mehlaa 5.
Gauree Maajh, Fifth Mehl:

hir rwm rwm rwm rwmw ] (218-9)
har raam raam raam raamaa.
The Lord, the Lord, Raam, Raam, Raam:

jip pUrn hoey kwmw ]1] rhwau ] (218-10)
jap pooran ho-ay kaamaa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
meditating on Him, all affairs are resolved. ||1||Pause||

rwm goibMd jpyidAw hoAw muKu pivqRü ] (218-10)
raam gobind japaydi-aa ho-aa mukh pavitar.
Chanting the Name of the Lord of the Universe, one's mouth is sanctified.

hir jsu suxIAY ijs qy soeI BweI imqRü ]1] (218-10)
har jas sunee-ai jis tay so-ee bhaa-ee mitar. ||1||
One who recites to me the Praises of the Lord is my friend and brother. ||1||

siB pdwrQ siB Plw srb guxw ijsu mwih ] (218-11)
sabh padaarath sabh falaa sarab gunaa jis maahi.
All treasures, all rewards and all virtues are in the Lord of the Universe.

ikau goibMdu mnhu ivswrIAY ijsu ismrq duK jwih ]2] (218-11)
ki-o gobind manhu visaaree-ai jis simrat dukh jaahi. ||2||
Why forget Him from your mind? Remembering Him in meditation, pain departs. ||2||

ijsu liV ligAY jIvIAY Bvjlu peIAY pwir ] (218-12)
jis larh lagi-ai jeevee-ai bhavjal pa-ee-ai paar.
Grasping the hem of His robe, we live, and cross over the terrifying world-ocean.

imil swDU sMig auDwru hoie muK aUjl drbwir ]3] (218-12)
mil saaDhoo sang uDhaar ho-ay mukh oojal darbaar. ||3||
Joining the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, one is saved, and one's face becomes radiant in the Court of the Lord. ||3||

jIvn rUp gopwl jsu sMq jnw kI rwis ] (218-13)
jeevan roop gopaal jas sant janaa kee raas.
The Praise of the Sustainer of the Universe is the essence of life, and the wealth of His Saints.

nwnk aubry nwmu jip dir scY swbwis ]4]3]171] (218-13)
naanak ubray naam jap dar sachai saabaas. ||4||3||171||
Nanak is saved, chanting the Naam, the Name of the Lord; in the True Court, he is cheered and applauded. ||4||3||171||

gauVI mwJ mhlw 5 ] (218-14)
ga-orhee maajh mehlaa 5.
Gauree Maajh, Fifth Mehl:

mITy hir gux gwau ijMdU qUM mITy hir gux gwau ] (218-14)
meethay har gun gaa-o jindoo tooN meethay har gun gaa-o.
Sing the Sweet Praises of the Lord, O my soul, sing the Sweet Praises of the Lord.

scy syqI riqAw imilAw inQwvy Qwau ]1] rhwau ] (218-15)
sachay saytee rati-aa mili-aa nithaavay thaa-o. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Attuned to the True One, even the homeless find a home. ||1||Pause||

hoir swd siB iPikAw qnu mnu iPkw hoie ] (218-15)
hor saad sabh fiki-aa tan man fikaa ho-ay.
All other tastes are bland and insipid; through them, the body and mind are rendered insipid as well.

ivxu prmysr jo kry iPtu su jIvxu soie ]1] (218-16)
vin parmaysar jo karay fit so jeevan so-ay. ||1||
Without the Transcendent Lord, what can anyone do? Cursed is his life, and cursed his reputation. ||1||

AMclu gih kY swD kw qrxw iehu sMswru ] (218-16)
anchal geh kai saaDh kaa tarnaa ih sansaar.
Grasping the hem of the robe of the Holy Saint, we cross over the world-ocean.

pwrbRhmu AwrwDIAY auDrY sB prvwru ]2] (218-17)
paarbarahm aaraaDhee-ai uDhrai sabh parvaar. ||2||
Worship and adore the Supreme Lord God, and all your family will be saved as well. ||2||

swjnu bMDu suimqRü so hir nwmu ihrdY dyie ] (218-17)
saajan banDh sumitar so har naam hirdai day-ay.
He is a companion, a relative, and a good friend of mine, who implants the Lord's Name within my heart.

Aaugx siB imtwie kY praupkwru kryie ]3] (218-18)
a-ugan sabh mitaa-ay kai par-upkaar karay-i. ||3||
He washes off all my demerits, and is so generous to me. ||3||

mwlu Kjwnw Qyhu Gru hir ky crx inDwn ] (218-18)
maal khajaanaa thayhu ghar har kay charan niDhaan.
Wealth, treasures, and household are all just ruins; the Lord's Feet are the only treasure.

nwnku jwcku dir qyrY pRB quDno mMgY dwnu ]4]4]172] (218-19)
naanak jaachak dar tayrai parabh tuDhno mangai daan. ||4||4||172||
Nanak is a beggar standing at Your Door, God; he begs for Your charity. ||4||4||172||


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD