Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


BRmu Bau kwit kIey inrvYry jIau ] (217-1)
bharam bha-o kaat kee-ay nirvairay jee-o.
Dispelling my doubts and fears, the Guru has rid me of hatred.

gur mn kI Aws pUrweI jIau ]4] (217-1)
gur man kee aas pooraa-ee jee-o. ||4||
The Guru has fulfilled the desires of my mind. ||4||

ijin nwau pwieAw so DnvMqw jIau ] (217-1)
jin naa-o paa-i-aa so Dhanvantaa jee-o.
One who has obtained the Name is wealthy.

ijin pRBu iDAwieAw su soBwvMqw jIau ] (217-2)
jin parabh Dhi-aa-i-aa so sobhaavantaa jee-o.
One who meditates on God is glorified.

ijsu swDU sMgiq iqsu sB sukrxI jIau ] (217-2)
jis saaDhoo sangat tis sabh sukarnee jee-o.
Sublime are all the actions of those who join the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy.

jn nwnk shij smweI jIau ]5]1]166] (217-3)
jan naanak sahj samaa-ee jee-o. ||5||1||166||
Servant Nanak is intuitively absorbed into the Lord. ||5||1||166||

gauVI mhlw 5 mwJ ] (217-3)
ga-orhee mehlaa 5 maajh.
Gauree, Fifth Mehl, Maajh:

Awau hmwrY rwm ipAwry jIau ] (217-3)
aa-o hamaarai raam pi-aaray jee-o.
Come to me, O my Beloved Lord.

rYix idnsu swis swis icqwry jIau ] (217-4)
rain dinas saas saas chitaaray jee-o.
Night and day, with each and every breath, I think of You.

sMq dyau sMdysw pY crxwry jIau ] (217-4)
sant day-o sandaysaa pai charnaaray jee-o.
O Saints, give Him this message; I fall at Your Feet.

quDu ibnu ikqu ibiD qrIAY jIau ]1] (217-4)
tuDh bin kit biDh taree-ai jee-o. ||1||
Without You, how can I be saved? ||1||

sMig qumwrY mY kry Anµdw jIau ] (217-5)
sang tumaarai mai karay anandaa jee-o.
In Your Company, I am in ecstasy.

vix iqix iqRBvix suK prmwnµdw jIau ] (217-5)
van tin taribhavan sukh parmaanandaa jee-o.
In the forest, the fields and the three worlds, there is peace and supreme bliss.

syj suhwvI iehu mnu ibgsMdw jIau ] (217-6)
sayj suhaavee ih man bigsandaa jee-o.
My bed is beautiful, and my mind blossoms forth in ecstasy.

pyiK drsnu iehu suKu lhIAY jIau ]2] (217-6)
paykh darsan ih sukh lahee-ai jee-o. ||2||
Beholding the Blessed Vision of Your Darshan, I have found this peace. ||2||

crx pKwir krI inq syvw jIau ] (217-7)
charan pakhaar karee nit sayvaa jee-o.
I wash Your Feet, and constantly serve You.

pUjw Arcw bMdn dyvw jIau ] (217-7)
poojaa archaa bandan dayvaa jee-o.
O Divine Lord, I worship and adore You; I bow down before You.

dwsin dwsu nwmu jip lyvw jIau ] (217-7)
daasan daas naam jap layvaa jee-o.
I am the slave of Your slaves; I chant Your Name.

ibnau Twkur pih khIAY jIau ]3] (217-8)
bin-o thaakur peh kahee-ai jee-o. ||3||
I offer this prayer to my Lord and Master. ||3||

ieC puMnI myrI mnu qnu hirAw jIau ] (217-8)
ichh punnee mayree man tan hari-aa jee-o.
My desires are fulfilled, and my mind and body are rejuvenated.

drsn pyKq sB duK prhirAw jIau ] (217-8)
darsan paykhat sabh dukh parhari-aa jee-o.
Beholding the Blessed Vision of the Lord's Darshan, all my pains have been taken away.

hir hir nwmu jpy jip qirAw jIau ] (217-9)
har har naam japay jap tari-aa jee-o.
Chanting and meditating on the Name of the Lord, Har, Har, I have been saved.

iehu Ajru nwnk suKu shIAY jIau ]4]2]167] (217-9)
ih ajar naanak sukh sahee-ai jee-o. ||4||2||167||
Nanak endures this unendurable celestial bliss. ||4||2||167||

gauVI mwJ mhlw 5 ] (217-10)
ga-orhee maajh mehlaa 5.
Gauree Maajh, Fifth Mehl:

suix suix swjn mn imq ipAwry jIau ] (217-10)
sun sun saajan man mit pi-aaray jee-o.
Listen, listen, O my friend and companion, O Beloved of my mind:

mnu qnu qyrw iehu jIau iB vwry jIau ] (217-10)
man tan tayraa ih jee-o bhe vaaray jee-o.
my mind and body are Yours. This life is a sacrifice to You as well.

ivsru nwhI pRB pRwx ADwry jIau ] (217-11)
visar naahee parabh paraan aDhaaray jee-o.
May I never forget God, the Support of the breath of life.

sdw qyrI srxweI jIau ]1] (217-11)
sadaa tayree sarnaa-ee jee-o. ||1||
I have come to Your Eternal Sanctuary. ||1||

ijsu imilAY mnu jIvY BweI jIau ] (217-11)
jis mili-ai man jeevai bhaa-ee jee-o.
Meeting Him, my mind is revived, O Siblings of Destiny.

gur prswdI so hir hir pweI jIau ] (217-12)
gur parsaadee so har har paa-ee jee-o.
By Guru's Grace, I have found the Lord, Har, Har.

sB ikCu pRB kw pRB kIAw jweI jIau ] (217-12)
sabh kichh parabh kaa parabh kee-aa jaa-ee jee-o.
All things belong to God; all places belong to God.

pRB kau sd bil jweI jIa ]2] (217-13)
parabh ka-o sad bal jaa-ee jeea. ||2||
I am forever a sacrifice to God. ||2||

eyhu inDwnu jpY vfBwgI jIau ] (217-13)
ayhu niDhaan japai vadbhaagee jee-o.
Very fortunate are those who meditate on this treasure.

nwm inrMjn eyk ilv lwgI jIau ] (217-13)
naam niranjan ayk liv laagee jee-o.
They enshrine love for the Naam, the Name of the One Immaculate Lord.

guru pUrw pwieAw sBu duKu imtwieAw jIau ] (217-14)
gur pooraa paa-i-aa sabh dukh mitaa-i-aa jee-o.
Finding the Perfect Guru, all suffering is dispelled.

AwT phr gux gwieAw jIau ]3] (217-14)
aath pahar gun gaa-i-aa jee-o. ||3||
Twenty-four hours a day, I sing the Glories of God. ||3||

rqn pdwrQ hir nwmu qumwrw jIau ] (217-15)
ratan padaarath har naam tumaaraa jee-o.
Your Name is the treasure of jewels, Lord.

qUM scw swhu Bgqu vxjwrw jIau ] (217-15)
tooN sachaa saahu bhagat vanjaaraa jee-o.
You are the True Banker; Your devotee is the trader.

hir Dnu rwis scu vwpwrw jIau ] (217-15)
har Dhan raas sach vaapaaraa jee-o.
True is the trade of those who have the wealth of the Lord's assets.

jn nwnk sd bilhwrw jIau ]4]3]168] (217-16)
jan naanak sad balihaaraa jee-o. ||4||3||168||
Servant Nanak is forever a sacrifice. ||4||3||168||

rwgu gauVI mwJ mhlw 5 (217-17)
raag ga-orhee maajh mehlaa 5
Raag Gauree Maajh, Fifth Mehl:

<> siqgur pRswid ] (217-17)
ik-oaNkaar satgur parsaad.
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:

qUM myrw bhu mwxu krqy qUM myrw bhu mwxu ] (217-18)
tooN mayraa baho maan kartay tooN mayraa baho maan.
I am so proud of You, O Creator; I am so proud of You.

joir qumwrY suiK vsw scu sbdu nIswxu ]1] rhwau ] (217-18)
jor tumaarai sukh vasaa sach sabad neesaan. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Through Your Almighty Power, I dwell in peace. The True Word of the Shabad is my banner and insignia. ||1||Pause||

sBy glw jwqIAw suix kY cup kIAw ] (217-19)
sabhay galaa jaatee-aa sun kai chup kee-aa.
He hears and knows everything, but he keeps silent.

kd hI suriq n lDIAw mwieAw mohiVAw ]1] (217-19)
kad hee surat na laDhee-aa maa-i-aa mohrhi-aa. ||1||
Bewitched by Maya, he never regains awareness. ||1||

dyie buJwrq swrqw sy AKI ifTiVAw ] (217-19)
day-ay bujhaarat saartaa say akhee dith-rhi-aa.
The riddles and hints are given, and he sees them with his eyes.


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD