Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


hY nwnk nyr nyrI ]3]3]156] (214-1)
hai naanak nayr nayree. ||3||3||156||
Nanak: You are near, so very near! ||3||3||156||

gauVI mhlw 5 ] (214-1)
ga-orhee mehlaa 5.
Gauree, Fifth Mehl:

mwqo hir rMig mwqo ]1] rhwau ] (214-1)
maato har rang maato. ||1|| rahaa-o.
I am intoxicated, intoxicated with the Love of the Lord. ||1||Pause||

EuhI pIE EuhI KIE gurih dIE dwnu kIE ] (214-2)
ohee pee-o ohee khee-o gureh dee-o daan kee-o.
I drink it in - I am drunk with it. The Guru has given it to me in charity.

auAwhU isau mnu rwqo ]1] (214-2)
u-aahoo si-o man raato. ||1||
My mind is drenched with it. ||1||

EuhI BwTI EuhI pocw auhI ipAwro auhI rUcw ] (214-2)
ohee bhaathee ohee pochaa uhee pi-aaro uhee roochaa.
It is my furnace, it is the cooling plaster. It is my love, it is my longing.

min Eho suKu jwqo ]2] (214-3)
man oho sukh jaato. ||2||
My mind knows it as peace. ||2||

shj kyl And Kyl rhy Pyr Bey myl ] (214-3)
sahj kayl anad khayl rahay fayr bha-ay mayl.
I enjoy intuitive peace, and I play in bliss; the cycle of reincarnation is ended for me, and I am merged with the Lord.

nwnk gur sbid prwqo ]3]4]157] (214-4)
naanak gur sabad paraato. ||3||4||157||
Nanak is pierced through with the Word of the Guru's Shabad. ||3||4||157||

rwgu gOVI mwlvw mhlw 5 (214-5)
raag gourhee maalvaa mehlaa 5
Raag Gauree Maalwaa, Fifth Mehl:

<> siqgur pRswid ] (214-5)
ik-oaNkaar satgur parsaad.
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:

hir nwmu lyhu mIqw lyhu AwgY ibKm pMQu BYAwn ]1] rhwau ] (214-6, gOVI mwlvw)
har naam layho meetaa layho aagai bikham panth bhai-aan. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Chant the Lord's Name; O my friend, chant it. Hereafter, the path is terrifying and treacherous. ||1||Pause||

syvq syvq sdw syiv qyrY sMig bsqu hY kwlu ] (214-7, gOVI mwlvw)
sayvat sayvat sadaa sayv tayrai sang basat hai kaal.
Serve, serve, forever serve the Lord. Death hangs over your head.

kir syvw qUM swD kI ho kwtIAY jm jwlu ]1] (214-7, gOVI mwlvw)
kar sayvaa tooN saaDh kee ho kaatee-ai jam jaal. ||1||
Do seva, selfless service, for the Holy Saints, and the noose of Death shall be cut away. ||1||

hom jg qIrQ kIey ibic haumY bDy ibkwr ] (214-8, gOVI mwlvw)
hom jag tirath kee-ay bich ha-umai baDhay bikaar.
You may make burnt offerings, sacrificial feasts and pilgrimages to sacred shrines in egotism, but your corruption only increases.

nrku surgu duie BuMcnw hoie bhuir bhuir Avqwr ]2] (214-8, gOVI mwlvw)
narak surag du-ay bhunchanaa ho-ay bahur bahur avtaar. ||2||
You are subject to both heaven and hell, and you are reincarnated over and over again. ||2||

isv purI bRhm ieMdR purI inhclu ko Qwau nwih ] (214-9, gOVI mwlvw)
siv puree barahm indar puree nihchal ko thaa-o naahi.
The realm of Shiva, the realms of Brahma and Indra as well - no place anywhere is permanent.

ibnu hir syvw suKu nhI ho swkq Awvih jwih ]3] (214-9, gOVI mwlvw)
bin har sayvaa sukh nahee ho saakat aavahi jaahi. ||3||
Without serving the Lord, there is no peace at all. The faithless cynic comes and goes in reincarnation. ||3||

jYso guir aupdyisAw mY qYso kihAw pukwir ] (214-10, gOVI mwlvw)
jaiso gur updaysi-aa mai taiso kahi-aa pukaar.
As the Guru has taught me, so have I spoken.

nwnku khY suin ry mnw kir kIrqnu hoie auDwru ]4]1]158] (214-10, gOVI mwlvw)
naanak kahai sun ray manaa kar keertan ho-ay uDhaar. ||4||1||158||
Says Nanak, listen, people: sing the Kirtan of the Lord's Praises, and you shall be saved. ||4||1||158||

rwgu gauVI mwlw mhlw 5 (214-12)
raag ga-orhee maalaa mehlaa 5
Raag Gauree Maalaa, Fifth Mehl:

<> siqgur pRswid ] (214-12)
ik-oaNkaar satgur parsaad.
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:

pwieE bwl buiD suKu ry ] (214-13)
paa-i-o baal buDh sukh ray.
Adopting the innocent mind of a child, I have found peace.

hrK sog hwin imrqu dUK suK iciq smsir gur imly ]1] rhwau ] (214-13)
harakh sog haan mirat dookh sukh chit samsar gur milay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Joy and sorrow, profit and loss, birth and death, pain and pleasure - they are all the same to my consciousness, since I met the Guru. ||1||Pause||

jau lau hau ikCu socau icqvau qau lau duKnu Bry ] (214-14)
ja-o la-o ha-o kichh socha-o chitva-o ta-o la-o dukhan bharay.
As long as I plotted and planned things, I was full of frustration.

jau ik®pwlu guru pUrw ByitAw qau Awnd shjy ]1] (214-14)
ja-o kirpaal gur pooraa bhayti-aa ta-o aanad sehjay. ||1||
When I met the Kind, Perfect Guru, then I obtained bliss so easily. ||1||

jyqI isAwnp krm hau kIey qyqy bMD pry ] (214-15)
jaytee si-aanap karam ha-o kee-ay taytay banDh paray.
The more clever tricks I tried, the more bonds I was saddled with.

jau swDU kru msqik DirE qb hm mukq Bey ]2] (214-15)
ja-o saaDhoo kar mastak Dhari-o tab ham mukat bha-ay. ||2||
When the Holy Saint placed His Hand upon my forehead, then I was liberated. ||2||

jau lau myro myro krqo qau lau ibKu Gyry ] (214-16)
ja-o la-o mayro mayro karto ta-o la-o bikh ghayray.
As long as I claimed, "Mine, mine!", I was surrounded by wickedness and corruption.

mnu qnu buiD ArpI Twkur kau qb hm shij soey ]3] (214-16)
man tan buDh arpee thaakur ka-o tab ham sahj so-ay. ||3||
But when I dedicated my mind, body and intellect to my Lord and Master, then I began to sleep in peace. ||3||

jau lau pot auTweI cilAau qau lau fwn Bry ] (214-17)
ja-o la-o pot uthaa-ee chali-a-o ta-o la-o daan bharay.
As long as I walked along, carrying the load, I continued to pay the fine.

pot fwir guru pUrw imilAw qau nwnk inrBey ]4]1]159] (214-17)
pot daar gur pooraa mili-aa ta-o naanak nirbha-ay. ||4||1||159||
But I threw away that bundle, when I met the Perfect Guru; O Nanak, then I became fearless. ||4||1||159||

gauVI mwlw mhlw 5 ] (214-18)
ga-orhee maalaa mehlaa 5.
Gauree Maalaa, Fifth Mehl:

Bwvnu iqAwigE rI iqAwigE ] (214-18)
bhaavan ti-aagi-o ree ti-aagi-o.
I have renounced my desires; I have renounced them.

iqAwigE mY gur imil iqAwigE ] (214-19)
ti-aagi-o mai gur mil ti-aagi-o.
I have renounced them; meeting the Guru, I have renounced them.

srb suK Awnµd mMgl rs mwin goibMdY AwigE ]1] rhwau ] (214-19)
sarab sukh aanand mangal ras maan gobindai aagi-o. ||1|| rahaa-o.
All peace, joy, happiness and pleasures have come since I surrendered to the Will of the Lord of the Universe. ||1||Pause||


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD