Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


pihrY bwgw kir iesnwnw coAw cMdn lwey ] (213-1)
pahirai baagaa kar isnaanaa cho-aa chandan laa-ay.
You wear white clothes and take cleansing baths, and anoint yourself with sandalwood oil.

inrBau inrMkwr nhI cIinAw ijau hsqI nwvwey ]3] (213-1)
nirbha-o nirankaar nahee cheeni-aa ji-o hastee naavaa-ay. ||3||
But you do not remember the Fearless, Formless Lord - you are like an elephant bathing in the mud. ||3||

jau hoie ik®pwl q siqguru mylY siB suK hir ky nwey ] (213-2)
ja-o ho-ay kirpaal ta satgur maylai sabh sukh har kay naa-ay.
When God becomes merciful, He leads you to meet the True Guru; all peace is in the Name of the Lord.

mukqu BieAw bMDn guir Koly jn nwnk hir gux gwey ]4]14]152] (213-2)
mukat bha-i-aa banDhan gur kholay jan naanak har gun gaa-ay. ||4||14||152||
The Guru has liberated me from bondage; servant Nanak sings the Glorious Praises of the Lord. ||4||14||152||

gauVI pUrbI mhlw 5 ] (213-3)
ga-orhee poorbee mehlaa 5.
Gauree, Fifth Mehl:

myry mn guru guru guru sd krIAY ] (213-3)
mayray man gur gur gur sad karee-ai.
O my mind, dwell always upon the Guru, Guru, Guru.

rqn jnmu sPlu guir kIAw drsn kau bilhrIAY ]1] rhwau ] (213-4)
ratan janam safal gur kee-aa darsan ka-o baliharee-ai. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The Guru has made the jewel of this human life prosperous and fruitful. I am a sacrifice to the Blessed Vision of His Darshan. ||1||Pause||

jyqy sws gRws mnu lyqw qyqy hI gun gweIAY ] (213-4)
jaytay saas garaas man laytaa taytay hee gun gaa-ee-ai.
As many breaths and morsels as you take, O my mind - so many times, sing His Glorious Praises.

jau hoie dYAwlu siqguru Apunw qw ieh miq buiD pweIAY ]1] (213-5)
ja-o ho-ay dai-aal satgur apunaa taa ih mat buDh paa-ee-ai. ||1||
When the True Guru becomes merciful, then this wisdom and understanding is obtained. ||1||

myry mn nwim ley jm bMD qy CUtih srb suKw suK pweIAY ] (213-6)
mayray man naam la-ay jam banDh tay chhooteh sarab sukhaa sukh paa-ee-ai.
O my mind, taking the Naam, you shall be released from the bondage of death, and the peace of all peace will be found.

syiv suAwmI siqguru dwqw mn bMCq Pl AweIAY ]2] (213-6)
sayv su-aamee satgur daataa man banchhat fal aa-ee-ai. ||2||
Serving your Lord and Master, the True Guru, the Great Giver, you shall obtain the fruits of your mind's desires. ||2||

nwmu iestu mIq suq krqw mn sMig quhwrY cwlY ] (213-7)
naam isat meet sut kartaa man sang tuhaarai chaalai.
The Name of the Creator is your beloved friend and child; it alone shall go along with you, O my mind.

kir syvw siqgur Apuny kI gur qy pweIAY pwlY ]3] (213-7)
kar sayvaa satgur apunay kee gur tay paa-ee-ai paalai. ||3||
So serve your True Guru, and you shall receive the Name from the Guru. ||3||

guir ikrpwil ik®pw pRiB DwrI ibnsy srb AMdysw ] (213-8)
gur kirpaal kirpaa parabh Dhaaree binsay sarab andaysaa.
When God, the Merciful Guru, showered His Mercy upon me, all my anxieties were dispelled.

nwnk suKu pwieAw hir kIrqin imitE sgl klysw ]4]15]153] (213-8)
naanak sukh paa-i-aa har keertan miti-o sagal kalaysaa. ||4||15||153||
Nanak has found the peace of the Kirtan of the Lord's Praises. All his sorrows have been dispelled. ||4||15||153||

rwgu gauVI mhlw 5 (213-10)
raag ga-orhee mehlaa 5
Raag Gauree, Fifth Mehl:

<> siqgur pRswid ] (213-10)
ik-oaNkaar satgur parsaad.
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:

iqRsnw ibrly hI kI buJI hy ]1] rhwau ] (213-11)
tarisnaa birlay hee kee bujhee hay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The thirst of only a few is quenched. ||1||Pause||

koit jory lwK k®ory mnu n hory ] (213-11)
kot joray laakh kroray man na horay.
People may accumulate hundreds of thousands, millions, tens of millions, and yet the mind is not restrained.

prY prY hI kau luJI hy ]1] (213-11)
parai parai hee ka-o lujhee hay. ||1||
They only yearn for more and more. ||1||

suMdr nwrI Aink prkwrI pr igRh ibkwrI ] (213-12)
sundar naaree anik parkaaree par garih bikaaree.
They may have all sorts of beautiful women, but still, they commit adultery in the homes of others.

burw Blw nhI suJI hy ]2] (213-12)
buraa bhalaa nahee sujhee hay. ||2||
They do not distinguish between good and bad. ||2||

Aink bMDn mwieAw Brmqu BrmwieAw gux iniD nhI gwieAw ] (213-12)
anik banDhan maa-i-aa bharmat bharmaa-i-aa gun niDh nahee gaa-i-aa.
They wander around lost, trapped in the myriad bonds of Maya; they do not sing the Praises of the Treasure of Virtue.

mn ibKY hI mih luJI hy ]3] (213-13)
man bikhai hee meh lujhee hay. ||3||
Their minds are engrossed in poison and corruption. ||3||

jw kau ry ikrpw krY jIvq soeI mrY swDsMig mwieAw qrY ] (213-13)
jaa ka-o ray kirpaa karai jeevat so-ee marai saaDhsang maa-i-aa tarai.
Those, unto whom the Lord shows His Mercy, remain dead while yet alive. In the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, they cross over the ocean of Maya.

nwnk so jnu dir hir isJI hy ]4]1]154] (213-14)
naanak so jan dar har sijhee hay. ||4||1||154||
O Nanak, those humble beings are honored in the Court of the Lord. ||4||1||154||

gauVI mhlw 5 ] (213-15)
ga-orhee mehlaa 5.
Gauree, Fifth Mehl:

sBhU ko rsu hir ho ]1] rhwau ] (213-15)
sabhhoo ko ras har ho. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The Lord is the essence of all. ||1||Pause||

kwhU jog kwhU Bog kwhU igAwn kwhU iDAwn ] (213-15)
kaahoo jog kaahoo bhog kaahoo gi-aan kaahoo Dhi-aan.
Some practice Yoga, some indulge in pleasures; some live in spiritual wisdom, some live in meditation.

kwhU ho fMf Dir ho ]1] (213-16)
kaahoo ho dand Dhar ho. ||1||
Some are bearers of the staff. ||1||

kwhU jwp kwhU qwp kwhU pUjw hom nym ] (213-16)
kaahoo jaap kaahoo taap kaahoo poojaa hom naym.
Some chant in meditation, some practice deep, austere meditation; some worship Him in adoration, some practice daily rituals.

kwhU ho gaunu kir ho ]2] (213-16)
kaahoo ho ga-un kar ho. ||2||
Some live the life of a wanderer. ||2||

kwhU qIr kwhU nIr kwhU byd bIcwr ] (213-17)
kaahoo teer kaahoo neer kaahoo bayd beechaar.
Some live by the shore, some live on the water; some study the Vedas.

nwnkw Bgiq ipRA ho ]3]2]155] (213-17)
naankaa bhagat pari-a ho. ||3||2||155||
Nanak loves to worship the Lord. ||3||2||155||

gauVI mhlw 5 ] (213-17)
ga-orhee mehlaa 5.
Gauree, Fifth Mehl:

gun kIriq iniD morI ]1] rhwau ] (213-18)
gun keerat niDh moree. ||1|| rahaa-o.
To sing the Kirtan of the Lord's Praises is my treasure. ||1||Pause||

qUMhI rs qUMhI js qUMhI rUp qUhI rMg ] (213-18)
tooNhee ras tooNhee jas tooNhee roop toohee rang.
You are my delight, You are my praise. You are my beauty, You are my love.

Aws Et pRB qorI ]1] (213-18)
aas ot parabh toree. ||1||
O God, You are my hope and support. ||1||

qUhI mwn qUMhI Dwn qUhI piq qUhI pRwn ] (213-19)
toohee maan tooNhee Dhaan toohee pat toohee paraan.
You are my pride, You are my wealth. You are my honor, You are my breath of life.

guir qUtI lY jorI ]2] (213-19)
gur tootee lai joree. ||2||
The Guru has repaired that which was broken. ||2||

qUhI igRih qUhI bin qUhI gwau qUhI suin ] (213-19)
toohee garihi toohee ban toohee gaa-o toohee sun.
You are in the household, and You are in the forest. You are in the village, and You are in the wilderness.


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD