Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


gauVI mhlw 5 ] (212-1)
ga-orhee mehlaa 5.
Gauree, Fifth Mehl:

jw kau ibsrY rwm nwm qwhU kau pIr ] (212-1)
jaa ka-o bisrai raam naam taahoo ka-o peer.
One who forgets the Lord's Name, suffers in pain.

swDsMgiq imil hir rvih sy guxI ghIr ]1] rhwau ] (212-1)
saaDhsangat mil har raveh say gunee gaheer. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Those who join the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, and dwell upon the Lord, find the Ocean of virtue. ||1||Pause||

jw kau gurmuiK irdY buiD ] (212-2)
jaa ka-o gurmukh ridai buDh.
Those Gurmukhs whose hearts are filled with wisdom,

qw kY kr ql nv iniD isiD ]1] (212-2)
taa kai kar tal nav niDh siDh. ||1||
hold the nine treasures, and the miraculous spiritual powers of the Siddhas in the palms of their hands. ||1||

jo jwnih hir pRB DnI ] (212-2)
jo jaaneh har parabh Dhanee.
Those who know the Lord God as their Master,

ikCu nwhI qw kY kmI ]2] (212-3)
kichh naahee taa kai kamee. ||2||
do not lack anything. ||2||

krxYhwru pCwinAw ] (212-3)
karnaihaar pachhaani-aa.
Those who realize the Creator Lord,

srb sUK rMg mwixAw ]3] (212-3)
sarab sookh rang maani-aa. ||3||
enjoy all peace and pleasure. ||3||

hir Dnu jw kY igRih vsY ] (212-3)
har Dhan jaa kai garihi vasai.
Those whose inner homes are filled with the Lord's wealth

khu nwnk iqn sMig duKu nsY ]4]9]147] (212-4)
kaho naanak tin sang dukh nasai. ||4||9||147||
- says Nanak, in their company, pain departs. ||4||9||147||

gauVI mhlw 5 ] (212-4)
ga-orhee mehlaa 5.
Gauree, Fifth Mehl:

grbu bfo mUlu ieqno ] (212-4)
garab bado mool itno.
Your pride is so great, but what about your origins?

rhnu nhI ghu ikqno ]1] rhwau ] (212-5)
rahan nahee gahu kitno. ||1|| rahaa-o.
You cannot remain, no matter how much you try to hold on. ||1||Pause||

bybrjq byd sMqnw auAwhU isau ry ihqno ] (212-5)
baybarjat bayd santnaa u-aahoo si-o ray hitno.
That which is forbidden by the Vedas and the Saints - with that, you are in love.

hwr jUAwr jUAw ibDy ieMdRI vis lY ijqno ]1] (212-5)
haar joo-aar joo-aa biDhay indree vas lai jitno. ||1||
Like the gambler losing the game of chance, you are held in the power of sensory desires. ||1||

hrn Brn sMpUrnw crn kml rMig irqno ] (212-6)
haran bharan sampoornaa charan kamal rang ritno.
The One who is All-powerful to empty out and fill up - you have no love for His Lotus Feet.

nwnk auDry swDsMig ikrpw iniD mY idqno ]2]10]148] (212-6)
naanak uDhray saaDhsang kirpaa niDh mai ditno. ||2||10||148||
O Nanak, I have been saved, in the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy. I have been blessed by the Treasure of Mercy. ||2||10||148||

gauVI mhlw 5 ] (212-7)
ga-orhee mehlaa 5.
Gauree, Fifth Mehl:

moih dwsro Twkur ko ] (212-7)
mohi daasro thaakur ko.
I am the slave of my Lord and Master.

Dwnu pRB kw Kwnw ]1] rhwau ] (212-8)
Dhaan parabh kaa khaanaa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
I eat whatever God gives me. ||1||Pause||

AYso hY ry Ksmu hmwrw ] (212-8)
aiso hai ray khasam hamaaraa.
Such is my Lord and Master.

iKn mih swij svwrxhwrw ]1] (212-8)
khin meh saaj savaaranhaaraa. ||1||
In an instant, He creates and embellishes. ||1||

kwmu krI jy Twkur Bwvw ] (212-8)
kaam karee jay thaakur bhaavaa.
I do that work which pleases my Lord and Master.

gIq cirq pRB ky gun gwvw ]2] (212-9)
geet charit parabh kay gun gaavaa. ||2||
I sing the songs of God's glory, and His wondrous play. ||2||

srix pirE Twkur vjIrw ] (212-9)
saran pari-o thaakur vajeeraa.
I seek the Sanctuary of the Lord's Prime Minister;

iqnw dyiK myrw mnu DIrw ]3] (212-9)
tinaa daykh mayraa man Dheeraa. ||3||
beholding Him, my mind is comforted and consoled. ||3||

eyk tyk eyko AwDwrw ] (212-10)
ayk tayk ayko aaDhaaraa.
The One Lord is my support, the One is my steady anchor.

jn nwnk hir kI lwgw kwrw ]4]11]149] (212-10)
jan naanak har kee laagaa kaaraa. ||4||11||149||
Servant Nanak is engaged in the Lord's work. ||4||11||149||

gauVI mhlw 5 ] (212-11)
ga-orhee mehlaa 5.
Gauree, Fifth Mehl:

hY koeI AYsw haumY qorY ] (212-11)
hai ko-ee aisaa ha-umai torai.
Is there anyone, who can shatter his ego,

iesu mITI qy iehu mnu horY ]1] rhwau ] (212-11)
is meethee tay ih man horai. ||1|| rahaa-o.
and turn his mind away from this sweet Maya? ||1||Pause||

AigAwnI mwnuKu BieAw jo nwhI so lorY ] (212-11)
agi-aanee maanukh bha-i-aa jo naahee so lorai.
Humanity is in spiritual ignorance; people see things that do not exist.

rYix AMDwrI kwrIAw kvn jugiq ijqu BorY ]1] (212-12)
rain anDhaaree kaaree-aa kavan jugat jit bhorai. ||1||
The night is dark and gloomy; how will the morning dawn? ||1||

BRmqo BRmqo hwirAw Aink ibDI kir torY ] (212-12)
bharmato bharmato haari-aa anik biDhee kar torai.
Wandering, wandering all around, I have grown weary; trying all sorts of things, I have been searching.

khu nwnk ikrpw BeI swDsMgiq iniD morY ]2]12]150] (212-13)
kaho naanak kirpaa bha-ee saaDhsangat niDh morai. ||2||12||150||
Says Nanak, He has shown mercy to me; I have found the treasure of the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy. ||2||12||150||

gauVI mhlw 5 ] (212-14)
ga-orhee mehlaa 5.
Gauree, Fifth Mehl:

icMqwmix kruxw mey ]1] rhwau ] (212-14)
chintaaman karunaa ma-ay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
He is the Wish-fulfilling Jewel, the Embodiment of Mercy. ||1||Pause||

dIn dieAwlw pwrbRhm ] (212-14)
deen da-i-aalaa paarbarahm.
The Supreme Lord God is Merciful to the meek;

jw kY ismrix suK Bey ]1] (212-14)
jaa kai simran sukh bha-ay. ||1||
meditating in remembrance on Him, peace is obtained. ||1||

Akwl purK AgwiD boD ] (212-15)
akaal purakh agaaDh boDh.
The Wisdom of the Undying Primal Being is beyond comprehension.

sunq jso koit AG Key ]2] (212-15)
sunat jaso kot agh kha-ay. ||2||
Hearing His Praises, millions of sins are erased. ||2||

ikrpw iniD pRB mieAw Dwir ] nwnk hir hir nwm ley ]3]13]151] (212-15)
kirpaa niDh parabh ma-i-aa Dhaar. naanak har har naam la-ay. ||3||13||151||
O God, Treasure of Mercy, please bless Nanak with Your kindness, that he may repeat the Name of the Lord, Har, Har. ||3||13||151||

gauVI pUrbI mhlw 5 ] (212-16)
ga-orhee poorbee mehlaa 5.
Gauree Poorbee, Fifth Mehl:

myry mn srix pRBU suK pwey ] (212-17)
mayray man saran parabhoo sukh paa-ay.
O my mind, in the Sanctuary of God, peace is found.

jw idin ibsrY pRwn suKdwqw so idnu jwq Ajwey ]1] rhwau ] (212-17)
jaa din bisrai paraan sukh-daata so din jaat ajaa-ay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
That day, when the Giver of life and peace is forgotten - that day passes uselessly. ||1||Pause||

eyk rYx ky pwhun qum Awey bhu jug Aws bDwey ] (212-18)
ayk rain kay paahun tum aa-ay baho jug aas baDhaa-ay.
You have come as a guest for one short night, and yet you hope to live for many ages.

igRh mMdr sMpY jo dIsY ijau qrvr kI Cwey ]1] (212-18)
garih mandar sampai jo deesai ji-o tarvar kee chhaa-ay. ||1||
Households, mansions and wealth - whatever is seen, is like the shade of a tree. ||1||

qnu myrw sMpY sB myrI bwg imlK sB jwey ] (212-19)
tan mayraa sampai sabh mayree baag milakh sabh jaa-ay.
My body, wealth, and all my gardens and property shall all pass away.

dyvnhwrw ibsirE Twkuru iKn mih hoq prwey ]2] (212-19)
dayvanhaaraa bisri-o thaakur khin meh hot paraa-ay. ||2||
You have forgotten your Lord and Master, the Great Giver. In an instant, these shall belong to somebody else. ||2||


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD