Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


mwnu AiBmwnu doaU smwny msqku fwir gur pwigE ] (215-1)
maan abhimaan do-oo samaanay mastak daar gur paagi-o.
Honor and dishonor are the same to me; I have placed my forehead upon the Guru's Feet.

sMpq hrKu n Awpq dUKw rMgu TwkurY lwigE ]1] (215-1)
sampat harakh na aapat dookhaa rang thaakurai laagi-o. ||1||
Wealth does not excite me, and misfortune does not disturb me; I have embraced love for my Lord and Master. ||1||

bws bwsrI eykY suAwmI auidAwn idRstwigE ] (215-2)
baas baasree aykai su-aamee udi-aan daristaagi-o.
The One Lord and Master dwells in the home; He is seen in the wilderness as well.

inrBau Bey sMq BRmu fwirE pUrn srbwigE ]2] (215-2)
nirbha-o bha-ay sant bharam daari-o pooran sarbaagi-o. ||2||
I have become fearless; the Saint has removed my doubts. The All-knowing Lord is pervading everywhere. ||2||

jo ikCu krqY kwrxu kIno min buro n lwigE ] (215-3)
jo kichh kartai kaaran keeno man buro na laagi-o.
Whatever the Creator does, my mind is not troubled.

swDsMgiq prswid sMqn kY soieE mnu jwigE ]3] (215-3)
saaDhsangat parsaad santan kai so-i-o man jaagi-o. ||3||
By the Grace of the Saints and the Company of the Holy, my sleeping mind has been awakened. ||3||

jn nwnk EiV quhwrI pirE AwieE srxwigE ] (215-4)
jan naanak orh tuhaaree pari-o aa-i-o sarnaagi-o.
Servant Nanak seeks Your Support; he has come to Your Sanctuary.

nwm rMg shj rs mwxy iPir dUKu n lwigE ]4]2]160] (215-5)
naam rang sahj ras maanay fir dookh na laagi-o. ||4||2||160||
In the Love of the Naam, the Name of the Lord, he enjoys intuitive peace; pain no longer touches him. ||4||2||160||

gauVI mwlw mhlw 5 ] (215-5)
ga-orhee maalaa mehlaa 5.
Gauree Maalaa, Fifth Mehl:

pwieAw lwlu rqnu min pwieAw ] (215-5)
paa-i-aa laal ratan man paa-i-aa.
I have found the jewel of my Beloved within my mind.

qnu sIqlu mnu sIqlu QIAw sqgur sbid smwieAw ]1] rhwau ] (215-6)
tan seetal man seetal thee-aa satgur sabad samaa-i-aa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
My body is cooled, my mind is cooled and soothed, and I am absorbed into the Shabad, the Word of the True Guru. ||1||Pause||

lwQI BUK iqRsn sB lwQI icMqw sgl ibswrI ] (215-7)
laathee bhookh tarisan sabh laathee chintaa sagal bisaaree.
My hunger has departed, my thirst has totally departed, and all my anxiety is forgotten.

kru msqik guir pUrY DirE mnu jIqo jgu swrI ]1] (215-7)
kar mastak gur poorai Dhari-o man jeeto jag saaree. ||1||
The Perfect Guru has placed His Hand upon my forehead; conquering my mind, I have conquered the whole world. ||1||

iqRpiq AGwie rhy ird AMqir foln qy Ab cUky ] (215-8)
taripat aghaa-ay rahay rid antar dolan tay ab chookay.
Satisfied and satiated, I remain steady within my heart, and now, I do not waver at all.

AKutu Kjwnw siqguir dIAw qoit nhI ry mUky ]2] (215-8)
akhut khajaanaa satgur dee-aa tot nahee ray mookay. ||2||
The True Guru has given me the inexhaustible treasure; it never decreases, and never runs out. ||2||

Acrju eyku sunhu ry BweI guir AYsI bUJ buJweI ] (215-9)
achraj ayk sunhu ray bhaa-ee gur aisee boojh bujhaa-ee.
Listen to this wonder, O Siblings of Destiny: the Guru has given me this understanding.

lwih prdw Twkuru jau ByitE qau ibsrI qwiq prweI ]3] (215-9)
laahi pardaa thaakur ja-o bhayti-o ta-o bisree taat paraa-ee. ||3||
I threw off the veil of illusion, when I met my Lord and Master; then, I forgot my jealousy of others. ||3||

kihE n jweI eyhu AcMBau so jwnY ijin cwiKAw ] (215-10)
kahi-o na jaa-ee ayhu achambha-o so jaanai jin chaakhi-aa.
This is a wonder which cannot be described. They alone know it, who have tasted it.

khu nwnk sc Bey ibgwsw guir inDwnu irdY lY rwiKAw ]4]3]161] (215-10)
kaho naanak sach bha-ay bigaasaa gur niDhaan ridai lai raakhi-aa. ||4||3||161||
Says Nanak, the Truth has been revealed to me. The Guru has given me the treasure; I have taken it and enshrined it within my heart. ||4||3||161||

gauVI mwlw mhlw 5 ] (215-11)
ga-orhee maalaa mehlaa 5.
Gauree Maalaa, Fifth Mehl:

aubrq rwjw rwm kI srxI ] (215-11)
ubrat raajaa raam kee sarnee.
Those who take to the Sanctuary of the Lord, the King, are saved.

srb lok mwieAw ky mMfl igir igir prqy DrxI ]1] rhwau ] (215-12)
sarab lok maa-i-aa kay mandal gir gir partay Dharnee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
All other people, in the mansion of Maya, fall flat on their faces on the ground. ||1||Pause||

swsq isMimRiq byd bIcwry mhw purKn ieau kihAw ] (215-12)
saasat simrit bayd beechaaray mahaa purkhan i-o kahi-aa.
The great men have studied the Shaastras, the Simritees and the Vedas, and they have said this:

ibnu hir Bjn nwhI insqwrw sUKu n iknhUM lihAw ]1] (215-13)
bin har bhajan naahee nistaaraa sookh na kinhooN lahi-aa. ||1||
"Without the Lord's meditation, there is no emancipation, and no one has ever found peace."||1||

qIin Bvn kI lKmI jorI bUJq nwhI lhry ] (215-14)
teen bhavan kee lakhmee joree boojhat naahee lahray.
People may accumulate the wealth of the three worlds, but the waves of greed are still not subdued.

ibnu hir Bgiq khw iQiq pwvY iPrqo phry phry ]2] (215-14)
bin har bhagat kahaa thit paavai firto pahray pahray. ||2||
Without devotional worship of the Lord, where can anyone find stability? People wander around endlessly. ||2||

Aink iblws krq mn mohn pUrn hoq n kwmw ] (215-15)
anik bilaas karat man mohan pooran hot na kaamaa.
People engage in all sorts of mind-enticing pastimes, but their passions are not fulfilled.

jlqo jlqo kbhU n bUJq sgl ibRQy ibnu nwmw ]3] (215-15)
jalto jalto kabhoo na boojhat sagal barithay bin naamaa. ||3||
They burn and burn, and are never satisfied; without the Lord's Name, it is all useless. ||3||

hir kw nwmu jphu myry mIqw iehY swr suKu pUrw ] (215-16)
har kaa naam japahu mayray meetaa ihai saar sukh pooraa.
Chant the Name of the Lord, my friend; this is the essence of perfect peace.

swDsMgiq jnm mrxu invwrY nwnk jn kI DUrw ]4]4]162] (215-16)
saaDhsangat janam maran nivaarai naanak jan kee Dhooraa. ||4||4||162||
In the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, birth and death are ended. Nanak is the dust of the feet of the humble. ||4||4||162||

gauVI mwlw mhlw 5 ] (215-17)
ga-orhee maalaa mehlaa 5.
Gauree Maalaa, Fifth Mehl:

mo kau ieh ibiD ko smJwvY ] (215-17)
mo ka-o ih biDh ko samjhaavai.
Who can help me understand my condition?

krqw hoie jnwvY ]1] rhwau ] (215-18)
kartaa ho-ay janaavai. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Only the Creator knows it. ||1||Pause||

Anjwnq ikCu ienih kmwno jp qp kCU n swDw ] (215-18)
anjaanat kichh ineh kamaano jap tap kachhoo na saaDhaa.
This person does things in ignorance; he does not chant in meditation, and does not perform any deep, self-disciplined meditation.

dh idis lY iehu mnu daurwieE kvn krm kir bwDw ]1] (215-18)
dah dis lai ih man da-uraa-i-o kavan karam kar baaDhaa. ||1||
This mind wanders around in the ten directions - how can it be restrained? ||1||

mn qn Dn BUim kw Twkuru hau ies kw iehu myrw ] (215-19)
man tan Dhan bhoom kaa thaakur ha-o is kaa ih mayraa.
"I am the lord, the master of my mind, body, wealth and lands. These are mine."


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD