Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


gauVI mhlw 5 ] (209-1)
ga-orhee mehlaa 5.
Gauree, Fifth Mehl:

qum hir syqI rwqy sMqhu ] (209-1)
tum har saytee raatay santahu.
O Saint, You are attuned to the Lord.

inbwih lyhu mo kau purK ibDwqy EiV phucwvhu dwqy ]1] rhwau ] (209-2)
nibaahi layho mo ka-o purakh biDhaatay orh pahuchaavahu daatay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Please stand my me, Architect of Destiny; please take me to my destination, Great Giver. ||1||Pause||

qumrw mrmu qumw hI jwinAw qum pUrn purK ibDwqy ] (209-2)
tumraa maram tumaa hee jaani-aa tum pooran purakh biDhaatay.
You alone know Your mystery; You are the Perfect Architect of Destiny.

rwKhu srix AnwQ dIn kau krhu hmwrI gwqy ]1] (209-3)
raakho saran anaath deen ka-o karahu hamaaree gaatay. ||1||
I am a helpless orphan - please keep me under Your Protection and save me. ||1||

qrx swgr boihQ crx qumwry qum jwnhu ApunI Bwqy ] (209-3)
taran saagar bohith charan tumaaray tum jaanhu apunee bhaatay.
Your Feet are the boat to carry us across the world-ocean; You alone know Your ways.

kir ikrpw ijsu rwKhu sMgy qy qy pwir prwqy ]2] (209-4)
kar kirpaa jis raakho sangay tay tay paar paraatay. ||2||
Those whom You keep protected, by Your Kindness, cross over to the other side. ||2||

eIq aUq pRB qum smrQw sBu ikCu qumrY hwQy ] (209-5)
eet oot parabh tum samrathaa sabh kichh tumrai haathay.
Here and hereafter, God, You are All-powerful; everything is in Your Hands.

AYsw inDwnu dyhu mo kau hir jn clY hmwrY swQy ]3] (209-5)
aisaa niDhaan dayh mo ka-o har jan chalai hamaarai saathay. ||3||
Please give me that treasure, which will go along with me, O servant of the Lord. ||3||

inrgunIAwry kau gunu kIjY hir nwmu myrw mnu jwpy ] (209-6)
nirgunee-aaray ka-o gun keejai har naam mayraa man jaapay.
I am without virtue - please bless me with virtue, so that my mind might chant the Name of the Lord.

sMq pRswid nwnk hir Byty mn qn sIql DRwpy ]4]14]135] (209-6)
sant parsaad naanak har bhaytay man tan seetal Dharaapay. ||4||14||135||
By the Grace of the Saints, Nanak has met the Lord; his mind and body are soothed and satisfied. ||4||14||135||

gauVI mhlw 5 ] (209-7)
ga-orhee mehlaa 5.
Gauree, Fifth Mehl:

shij smwieE dyv ] (209-7)
sahj samaa-i-o dayv.
I am intuitively absorbed in the Divine Lord.

mo kau siqgur Bey dieAwl dyv ]1] rhwau ] (209-7)
mo ka-o satgur bha-ay da-i-aal dayv. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The Divine True Guru has become Merciful to me. ||1||Pause||

kwit jyvrI kIE dwsro sMqn thlwieE ] (209-8)
kaat jayvree kee-o daasro santan tahlaa-i-o.
Cutting away the halter, He has made me His slave, and now I work for the Saints.

eyk nwm ko QIE pUjwrI mo kau Acrju gurih idKwieE ]1] (209-8)
ayk naam ko thee-o poojaaree mo ka-o achraj gureh dikhaa-i-o. ||1||
I have become a worshipper of the One Name; the Guru has shown me this amazing wonder. ||1||

BieE pRgwsu srb aujIAwrw gur igAwnu mnih pRgtwieE ] (209-9)
bha-i-o pargaas sarab ujee-aaraa gur gi-aan maneh paragtaa-i-o.
The Divine Light has dawned, and everything is illuminated; the Guru has revealed this spiritual wisdom to my mind.

AMimRqu nwmu pIE mnu iqRpiqAw AnBY ThrwieE ]2] (209-10)
amrit naam pee-o man taripti-aa anbhai thahraa-i-o. ||2||
Drinking deeply of the Ambrosial Naam, the Name of the Lord, my mind is satisfied, and my fears have been vanquished. ||2||

mwin AwigAw srb suK pwey dUKh Twau gvwieE ] (209-10)
maan aagi-aa sarab sukh paa-ay dookhah thaa-o gavaa-i-o.
Accepting the Command of the Lord's Will, I have found total peace; the home of suffering has been destroyed.

jau supRsMn Bey pRB Twkur sBu Awnd rUpu idKwieE ]3] (209-11)
ja-o suparsan bha-ay parabh thaakur sabh aanad roop dikhaa-i-o. ||3||
When God, our Lord and Master was totally pleased, He revealed everything in the form of ecstasy. ||3||

nw ikCu Awvq nw ikCu jwvq sBu Kylu kIE hir rwieE ] (209-11)
naa kichh aavat naa kichh jaavat sabh khayl kee-o har raa-i-o.
Nothing comes, and nothing goes; this play is all set in motion by the Lord, the Sovereign King.

khu nwnk Agm Agm hY Twkur Bgq tyk hir nwieE ]4]15]136] (209-12)
kaho naanak agam agam hai thaakur bhagat tayk har naa-i-o. ||4||15||136||
Says Nanak, our Lord and Master is inaccessible and unfathomable. The Lord's devotees take His Name as their Support. ||4||15||136||

gauVI mhlw 5 ] (209-13)
ga-orhee mehlaa 5.
Gauree, Fifth Mehl:

pwrbRhm pUrn prmysur mn qw kI Et ghIjY ry ] (209-13)
paarbarahm pooran parmaysur man taa kee ot gaheejai ray.
He is the Supreme Lord God, the Perfect Transcendent Lord; O my mind, hold tight to the Support of the One

ijin Dwry bRhmMf KMf hir qw ko nwmu jpIjY ry ]1] rhwau ] (209-14)
jin Dhaaray barahmand khand har taa ko naam japeejai ray. ||1|| rahaa-o.
who established the solar systems and galaxies. Chant the Name of that Lord. ||1||Pause||

mn kI miq iqAwghu hir jn hukmu bUiJ suKu pweIAY ry ] (209-14)
man kee mat ti-aagahu har jan hukam boojh sukh paa-ee-ai ray.
Renounce the intellectual cleverness of your mind, O humble servants of the Lord; understanding the Hukam of His Command, peace is found.

jo pRBu krY soeI Bl mwnhu suiK duiK EhI iDAweIAY ry ]1] (209-15)
jo parabh karai so-ee bhal maanhu sukh dukh ohee Dhi-aa-ee-ai ray. ||1||
Whatever God does, accept that with pleasure; in comfort and in suffering, meditate on Him. ||1||

koit piqq auDwry iKn mih krqy bwr n lwgY ry ] (209-15)
kot patit uDhaaray khin meh kartay baar na laagai ray.
The Creator emancipates millions of sinners in an instant, without a moment's delay.

dIn drd duK BMjn suAwmI ijsu BwvY iqsih invwjY ry ]2] (209-16)
deen darad dukh bhanjan su-aamee jis bhaavai tiseh nivaajai ray. ||2||
The Lord, the Destroyer of the pain and sorrow of the poor, blesses those with whom He is pleased. ||2||

sB ko mwq ipqw pRiqpwlk jIA pRwn suK swgru ry ] (209-17)
sabh ko maat pitaa partipaalak jee-a paraan sukh saagar ray.
He is Mother and Father, the Cherisher of all; He is the Breath of life of all beings, the Ocean of peace.

dyNdy qoit nwhI iqsu krqy pUir rihE rqnwgru ry ]3] (209-17)
dayNday tot naahee tis kartay poor rahi-o ratnaagar ray. ||3||
While giving so generously, the Creator does not diminish at all. The Source of jewels, He is All-pervading. ||3||

jwicku jwcY nwmu qyrw suAwmI Gt Gt AMqir soeI ry ] (209-18)
jaachik jaachai naam tayraa su-aamee ghat ghat antar so-ee ray.
The beggar begs for Your Name, O Lord and Master; God is contained deep within the nucleus of each and every heart.

nwnku dwsu qw kI srxweI jw qy ibRQw n koeI ry ]4]16]137] (209-18)
naanak daas taa kee sarnaa-ee jaa tay baritha na ko-ee ray. ||4||16||137||
Slave Nanak has entered His Sanctuary; no one returns from Him empty-handed. ||4||16||137||


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD