Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


gauVI mhlw 5 ] (208-1)
ga-orhee mehlaa 5.
Gauree, Fifth Mehl:

jog jugiq suin AwieE gur qy ] (208-1)
jog jugat sun aa-i-o gur tay.
I came to the Guru, to learn the Way of Yoga.

mo kau siqgur sbid buJwieE ]1] rhwau ] (208-1)
mo ka-o satgur sabad bujhaa-i-o. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The True Guru has revealed it to me through the Word of the Shabad. ||1||Pause||

nau KMf ipRQmI iesu qn mih rivAw inmK inmK nmskwrw ] (208-2)
na-o khand parithmee is tan meh ravi-aa nimakh nimakh namaskaaraa.
He is contained in the nine continents of the world, and within this body; each and every moment, I humbly bow to Him.

dIiKAw gur kI muMdRw kwnI idRiVE eyku inrMkwrw ]1] (208-2)
deekhi-aa gur kee mundraa kaanee darirhi-o ayk nirankaaraa. ||1||
I have made the Guru's Teachings my ear-rings, and I have enshrined the One Formless Lord within my being. ||1||

pMc cyly imil Bey iekqRw eyksu kY vis kIey ] (208-3)
panch chaylay mil bha-ay iktaraa aykas kai vas kee-ay.
I have brought the five disciples together, and they are now under the control of the one mind.

ds bYrwgin AwigAwkwrI qb inrml jogI QIey ]2] (208-3)
das bairaagan aagi-aakaaree tab nirmal jogee thee-ay. ||2||
When the ten hermits become obedient to the Lord, then I became an immaculate Yogi. ||2||

Brmu jrwie crweI ibBUqw pMQu eyku kir pyiKAw ] (208-4)
bharam jaraa-ay charaa-ee bibhootaa panth ayk kar paykhi-aa.
I have burnt my doubt, and smeared my body with the ashes. My path is to see the One and Only Lord.

shj sUK so kInI Bugqw jo Twkuir msqik lyiKAw ]3] (208-5)
sahj sookh so keenee bhugtaa jo thaakur mastak laykhi-aa. ||3||
I have made that intuitive peace my food; the Lord Master has written this pre-ordained destiny upon my forehead. ||3||

jh Bau nwhI qhw Awsnu bwiDE isMgI Anhq bwnI ] (208-5)
jah bha-o naahee tahaa aasan baaDhi-o singee anhat baanee.
In that place where there is no fear, I have assumed my Yogic posture. The unstruck melody of His Bani is my horn.

qqu bIcwru fMfw kir rwiKE jugiq nwmu min BwnI ]4] (208-6)
tat beechaar dandaa kar raakhi-o jugat naam man bhaanee. ||4||
I have made contemplation upon the essential reality my Yogic staff. The Love of the Name in my mind is my Yogic lifestyle. ||4||

AYsw jogI vfBwgI BytY mwieAw ky bMDn kwtY ] (208-6)
aisaa jogee vadbhaagee bhaytai maa-i-aa kay banDhan kaatai.
By great good fortune, such a Yogi is met, who cuts away the bonds of Maya.

syvw pUj krau iqsu mUriq kI nwnku iqsu pg cwtY ]5]11]132] (208-7)
sayvaa pooj kara-o tis moorat kee naanak tis pag chaatai. ||5||11||132||
Nanak serves and adores this wondrous person, and kisses his feet. ||5||11||132||

gauVI mhlw 5 ] (208-8)
ga-orhee mehlaa 5.
Gauree, Fifth Mehl:

AnUp pdwrQu nwmu sunhu sgl iDAwiely mIqw ] (208-8)
anoop padaarath naam sunhu sagal Dhi-aa-ilay meetaa.
The Naam, the Name of the Lord, is an incomparably beautiful treasure. Listen, everyone, and meditate on it, O friends.

hir AauKDu jw kau guir dIAw qw ky inrml cIqw ]1] rhwau ] (208-8)
har a-ukhaDh jaa ka-o gur dee-aa taa kay nirmal cheetaa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Those, unto whom the Guru has given the Lord's medicine - their minds become pure and immaculate. ||1||Pause||

AMDkwru imitE iqh qn qy guir sbid dIpku prgwsw ] (208-9)
anDhkaar miti-o tih tan tay gur sabad deepak pargaasaa.
Darkness is dispelled from within that body, in which the Divine Light of the Guru's Shabad shines.

BRm kI jwlI qw kI kwtI jw kau swDsMgiq ibsÍwsw ]1] (208-10)
bharam kee jaalee taa kee kaatee jaa ka-o saaDhsangat bisvaasaa. ||1||
The noose of doubt is cut away from those who place their faith in the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy. ||1||

qwrIly Bvjlu qwrU ibKVw boihQ swDU sMgw ] (208-10)
taareelay bhavjal taaroo bikh-rhaa bohith saaDhoo sangaa.
The treacherous and terrifying world-ocean is crossed over, in the boat of the Saadh Sangat.

pUrn hoeI mn kI Awsw guru ByitE hir rMgw ]2] (208-11)
pooran ho-ee man kee aasaa gur bhayti-o har rangaa. ||2||
My mind's desires are fulfilled, meeting the Guru, in love with the Lord. ||2||

nwm Kjwnw BgqI pwieAw mn qn iqRpiq AGwey ] (208-11)
naam khajaanaa bhagtee paa-i-aa man tan taripat aghaa-ay.
The devotees have found the treasure of the Naam; their minds and bodies are satisfied and satiated.

nwnk hir jIau qw kau dyvY jw kau hukmu mnwey ]3]12]133] (208-12)
naanak har jee-o taa ka-o dayvai jaa ka-o hukam manaa-ay. ||3||12||133||
O Nanak, the Dear Lord gives it only to those who surrender to the Lord's Command. ||3||12||133||

gauVI mhlw 5 ] (208-13)
ga-orhee mehlaa 5.
Gauree, Fifth Mehl:

dieAw mieAw kir pRwnpiq mory moih AnwQ srix pRB qorI ] (208-13)
da-i-aa ma-i-aa kar paraanpat moray mohi anaath saran parabh toree.
Please be kind and compassionate, O Lord of my life; I am helpless, and I seek Your Sanctuary, God.

AMD kUp mih hwQ dy rwKhu kCU isAwnp aukiq n morI ]1] rhwau ] (208-14)
anDh koop meh haath day raakho kachhoo si-aanap ukat na moree. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Please, give me Your Hand, and lift me up, out of the deep dark pit. I have no clever tricks at all. ||1||Pause||

krn krwvn sB ikCu qum hI qum smrQ nwhI An horI ] (208-14)
karan karaavan sabh kichh tum hee tum samrath naahee an horee.
You are the Doer, the Cause of causes - You are everything. You are All-powerful; there is no other than You.

qumrI giq imiq qum hI jwnI sy syvk ijn Bwg mQorI ]1] (208-15)
tumree gat mit tum hee jaanee say sayvak jin bhaag mathoree. ||1||
You alone know Your condition and extent. They alone become Your servants, upon whose foreheads such good destiny is recorded. ||1||

Apuny syvk sMig qum pRB rwqy Eiq poiq Bgqn sMig jorI ] (208-16)
apunay sayvak sang tum parabh raatay ot pot bhagtan sang joree.
You are imbued with Your servant, God; Your devotees are woven into Your Fabric, through and through.

ipRau ipRau nwmu qyrw drsnu cwhY jYsy idRsit Eh cMd ckorI ]2] (208-16)
pari-o pari-o naam tayraa darsan chaahai jaisay darisat oh chand chakoree. ||2||
O Darling Beloved, they yearn for Your Name and the Blessed Vision of Your Darshan, like the chakvee bird which longs to see the moon. ||2||

rwm sMq mih Bydu ikCu nwhI eyku jnu keI mih lwK krorI ] (208-17)
raam sant meh bhayd kichh naahee ayk jan ka-ee meh laakh karoree.
Between the Lord and His Saint, there is no difference at all. Among hundreds of thousands and millions, there is scarcely one humble being.

jw kY hIAY pRgtu pRBu hoAw Anidnu kIrqnu rsn rmorI ]3] (208-18)
jaa kai hee-ai pargat parabh ho-aa an-din keertan rasan ramoree. ||3||
Those whose hearts are illuminated by God, sing the Kirtan of His Praises night and day with their tongues. ||3||

qum smrQ Apwr Aiq aUcy suKdwqy pRB pRwn ADorI ] (208-19)
tum samrath apaar at oochay sukh-daatay parabh paraan aDhoree.
You are All-powerful and Infinite, the most lofty and exalted, the Giver of peace; O God, You are the Support of the breath of life.

nwnk kau pRB kIjY ikrpw aun sMqn kY sMig sMgorI ]4]13]134] (208-19)
naanak ka-o parabh keejai kirpaa un santan kai sang sangoree. ||4||13||134||
Please show mercy to Nanak, O God, that he may remain in the Society of the Saints. ||4||13||134||


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD