Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


rwgu gauVI pUrbI mhlw 5 (210-1)
raag ga-orhee poorbee mehlaa 5
Raag Gauree Poorbee, Fifth Mehl:

<> siqgur pRswid ] (210-1)
ik-oaNkaar satgur parsaad.
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:

hir hir kbhU n mnhu ibswry ] (210-2)
har har kabhoo na manhu bisaaray.
Never forget the Lord, Har, Har, from your mind.

eIhw aUhw srb suKdwqw sgl Gtw pRiqpwry ]1] rhwau ] (210-2)
eehaa oohaa sarab sukh-daata sagal ghataa partipaaray. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Here and hereafter, He is the Giver of all peace. He is the Cherisher of all hearts. ||1||Pause||

mhw kst kwtY iKn BIqir rsnw nwmu icqwry ] (210-3)
mahaa kasat kaatai khin bheetar rasnaa naam chitaaray.
He removes the most terrible pains in an instant, if the tongue repeats His Name.

sIql sWiq sUK hir srxI jlqI Agin invwry ]1] (210-3)
seetal saaNt sookh har sarnee jaltee agan nivaaray. ||1||
In the Lord's Sanctuary there is soothing coolness, peace and tranquility. He has extinguished the burning fire. ||1||

grB kuMf nrk qy rwKY Bvjlu pwir auqwry ] (210-4)
garabh kund narak tay raakhai bhavjal paar utaaray.
He saves us from the hellish pit of the womb, and carries us across the terrifying world-ocean.

crn kml AwrwDq mn mih jm kI qRws ibdwry ]2] (210-4)
charan kamal aaraaDhat man meh jam kee taraas bidaaray. ||2||
Adoring His Lotus Feet in the mind, the fear of death is banished. ||2||

pUrn pwrbRhm prmysur aUcw Agm Apwry ] (210-5)
pooran paarbarahm parmaysur oochaa agam apaaray.
He is the Perfect, Supreme Lord God, the Transcendent Lord, lofty, unfathomable and infinite.

gux gwvq iDAwvq suK swgr jUey jnmu n hwry ]3] (210-5)
gun gaavat Dhi-aavat sukh saagar joo-ay janam na haaray. ||3||
Singing His Glorious Praises, and meditating on the Ocean of peace, one's life is not lost in the gamble. ||3||

kwim k®oiD loiB moih mnu lIno inrgux ky dwqwry ] (210-6)
kaam kroDh lobh mohi man leeno nirgun kay daataaray.
My mind is engrossed in sexual desire, anger, greed and attachment, O Giver to the unworthy.

kir ikrpw Apuno nwmu dIjY nwnk sd bilhwry ]4]1]138] (210-6)
kar kirpaa apuno naam deejai naanak sad balihaaray. ||4||1||138||
Please grant Your Grace, and bless me with Your Name; Nanak is forever a sacrifice to You. ||4||1||138||

rwgu gauVI cyqI mhlw 5 (210-8)
raag ga-orhee chaytee 1 mehlaa 5
Raag Gauree Chaytee, Fifth Mehl:

<> siqgur pRswid ] (210-8)
ik-oaNkaar satgur parsaad.
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:

suKu nwhI ry hir Bgiq ibnw ] (210-9)
sukh naahee ray har bhagat binaa.
There is no peace without devotional worship of the Lord.

jIiq jnmu iehu rqnu Amolku swDsMgiq jip iek iKnw ]1] rhwau ] (210-9)
jeet janam ih ratan amolak saaDhsangat jap ik khinaa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Be victorious, and win the priceless jewel of this human life, by meditating on Him in the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, even for an instant. ||1||Pause||

suq sMpiq binqw ibnod ] Coif gey bhu log Bog ]1] (210-10)
sut sampat banitaa binod. chhod ga-ay baho log bhog. ||1||
Many have renounced and left their children, wealth, spouses, joyful games and pleasures. ||1||

hYvr gYvr rwj rMg ] (210-10)
haivar gaivar raaj rang.
Horses, elephants and the pleasures of power

iqAwig cilE hY mUV nµg ]2] (210-10)
ti-aag chali-o hai moorh nang. ||2||
- leaving these behind, the fool must depart naked. ||2||

coAw cMdn dyh PUilAw ] (210-11)
cho-aa chandan dayh fooli-aa.
The body, scented with musk and sandalwood

so qnu Dr sMig rUilAw ]3] (210-11)
so tan Dhar sang rooli-aa. ||3||
- that body shall come to roll in the dust. ||3||

moih moihAw jwnY dUir hY ] (210-11)
mohi mohi-aa jaanai door hai.
Infatuated with emotional attachment, they think that God is far away.

khu nwnk sdw hdUir hY ]4]1]139] (210-12)
kaho naanak sadaa hadoor hai. ||4||1||139||
Says Nanak, he is Ever-present! ||4||1||139||

gauVI mhlw 5 ] (210-12)
ga-orhee mehlaa 5.
Gauree, Fifth Mehl:

mn Dr qrby hir nwm no ] (210-12)
man Dhar tarbay har naam no.
O mind, cross over with the Support of the Lord's Name.

swgr lhir sMsw sMswru guru boihQu pwr grwmno ]1] rhwau ] (210-13)
saagar lahar sansaa sansaar gur bohith paar garaamano. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The Guru is the boat to carry you across the world-ocean, through the waves of cynicism and doubt. ||1||Pause||

kil kwlK AMiDAwrIAw ] (210-13)
kal kaalakh anDhi-aaree-aa.
In this Dark Age of Kali Yuga, there is only pitch darkness.

gur igAwn dIpk auijAwrIAw ]1] (210-13)
gur gi-aan deepak uji-aaree-aa. ||1||
The lamp of the Guru's spiritual wisdom illuminates and enlightens. ||1||

ibKu ibiKAw psrI Aiq GnI ] (210-14)
bikh bikhi-aa pasree at ghanee.
The poison of corruption is spread out far and wide.

aubry jip jip hir gunI ]2] (210-14)
ubray jap jap har gunee. ||2||
Only the virtuous are saved, chanting and meditating on the Lord. ||2||

mqvwro mwieAw soieAw ] (210-15)
matvaaro maa-i-aa so-i-aa.
Intoxicated with Maya, the people are asleep.

gur Bytq BRmu Bau KoieAw ]3] (210-15)
gur bhaytat bharam bha-o kho-i-aa. ||3||
Meeting the Guru, doubt and fear are dispelled. ||3||

khu nwnk eyku iDAwieAw ] (210-15)
kaho naanak ayk Dhi-aa-i-aa.
Says Nanak, meditate on the One Lord;

Git Git ndrI AwieAw ]4]2]140] (210-15)
ghat ghat nadree aa-i-aa. ||4||2||140||
behold Him in each and every heart. ||4||2||140||

gauVI mhlw 5 ] (210-16)
ga-orhee mehlaa 5.
Gauree, Fifth Mehl:

dIbwnu hmwro quhI eyk ] (210-16)
deebaan hamaaro tuhee ayk.
You alone are my Chief Advisor.

syvw QwrI gurih tyk ]1] rhwau ] (210-16)
sayvaa thaaree gureh tayk. ||1|| rahaa-o.
I serve You with the Support of the Guru. ||1||Pause||

Aink jugiq nhI pwieAw ] (210-17)
anik jugat nahee paa-i-aa.
By various devices, I could not find You.

guir cwkr lY lwieAw ]1] (210-17)
gur chaakar lai laa-i-aa. ||1||
Taking hold of me, the Guru has made me Your slave. ||1||

mwry pMc ibKwdIAw ] (210-17)
maaray panch bikhaadee-aa.
I have conquered the five tyrants.

gur ikrpw qy dlu swiDAw ]2] (210-18)
gur kirpaa tay dal saaDhi-aa. ||2||
By Guru's Grace, I have vanquished the army of evil. ||2||

bKsIs vjhu imil eyku nwm ] (210-18)
bakhsees vajahu mil ayk naam.
I have received the One Name as His bounty and blessing.

sUK shj Awnµd ibsRwm ]3] (210-18)
sookh sahj aanand bisraam. ||3||
Now, I dwell in peace, poise and bliss. ||3||


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD