Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


sMqsMig qh gosit hoie ] (199-1)
satsang tah gosat ho-ay.
In the Society of the Saints, spiritual conversations take place.

koit jnm ky iklivK Koie ]2] (199-1)
kot janam kay kilvikh kho-ay. ||2||
The sinful mistakes of millions of incarnations are erased. ||2||

ismrih swD krih Awnµdu ] (199-1)
simrahi saaDh karahi aanand.
The Holy Saints meditate in remembrance, in ecstasy.

min qin rivAw prmwnµdu ]3] (199-2)
man tan ravi-aa parmaanand. ||3||
Their minds and bodies are immersed in supreme ecstasy. ||3||

ijsih prwpiq hir crx inDwn ] nwnk dws iqsih kurbwn ]4]95]164] (199-2)
jisahi paraapat har charan niDhaan. naanak daas tiseh kurbaan. ||4||95||164||
Slave Nanak is a sacrifice to those who have obtained the treasure of the Lord's Feet. ||4||95||164||

gauVI mhlw 5 ] (199-3)
ga-orhee mehlaa 5.
Gauree, Fifth Mehl:

so ikCu kir ijqu mYlu n lwgY ] (199-3)
so kichh kar jit mail na laagai.
Do only that, by which no filth or pollution shall stick to you.

hir kIrqn mih eyhu mnu jwgY ]1] rhwau ] (199-3)
har keertan meh ayhu man jaagai. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Let your mind remain awake and aware, singing the Kirtan of the Lord's Praises. ||1||Pause||

eyko ismir n dUjw Bwau ] (199-4)
ayko simar na doojaa bhaa-o.
Meditate in remembrance on the One Lord; do not be in love with duality.

sMqsMig jip kyvl nwau ]1] (199-4)
satsang jap kayval naa-o. ||1||
In the Society of the Saints, chant only the Name. ||1||

krm Drm nym bRq pUjw ] (199-5)
karam Dharam naym barat poojaa.
The karma of good actions, the Dharma of righteous living, religious rituals, fasts and worship

pwrbRhm ibnu jwnu n dUjw ]2] (199-5)
paarbarahm bin jaan na doojaa. ||2||
- practice these, but do not know any other than the Supreme Lord God. ||2||

qw kI pUrn hoeI Gwl ] jw kI pRIiq Apuny pRB nwil ]3] (199-5)
taa kee pooran ho-ee ghaal. jaa kee pareet apunay parabh naal. ||3||
Those who place their love in God - their works are brought to fruition. ||3||

so bYsno hY Apr Apwru ] (199-6)
so baisno hai apar apaar.
Infinitely invaluable is that Vaishnaav, that worshipper of Vishnu,

khu nwnk ijin qjy ibkwr ]4]96]165] (199-6)
kaho naanak jin tajay bikaar. ||4||96||165||
says Nanak, who has renounced corruption. ||4||96||165||

gauVI mhlw 5 ] (199-7)
ga-orhee mehlaa 5.
Gauree, Fifth Mehl:

jIvq Cwif jwih dyvwny ] (199-7)
jeevat chhaad jaahi dayvaanay.
They desert you even when you are alive, O madman;

muieAw aun qy ko vrsWny ]1] (199-7)
mu-i-aa un tay ko varsaaNnay. ||1||
what good can they do when someone is dead? ||1||

ismir goivMdu min qin Duir iliKAw ] (199-7)
simar govind man tan Dhur likhi-aa.
Meditate in remembrance on the Lord of the Universe in your mind and body - this is your pre-ordained destiny.

kwhU kwj n Awvq ibiKAw ]1] rhwau ] (199-8)
kaahoo kaaj na aavat bikhi-aa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The poison of Maya is of no use at all. ||1||Pause||

ibKY TgaurI ijin ijin KweI ] (199-8)
bikhai thag-uree jin jin khaa-ee.
Those who have eaten this poison of deception

qw kI iqRsnw kbhUM n jweI ]2] (199-9)
taa kee tarisnaa kabahooN na jaa-ee. ||2||
- their thirst shall never depart. ||2||

dwrn duK duqr sMswru ] (199-9)
daaran dukh dutar sansaar.
The treacherous world-ocean is filled with terrible pain.

rwm nwm ibnu kYsy auqris pwir ]3] (199-9)
raam naam bin kaisay utras paar. ||3||
Without the Lord's Name, how can anyone cross over? ||3||

swDsMig imil duie kul swiD ] (199-10)
saaDhsang mil du-ay kul saaDh.
Joining the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, you shall be saved here and hereafter.

rwm nwm nwnk AwrwiD ]4]97]166] (199-10)
raam naam naanak aaraaDh. ||4||97||166||
O Nanak, worship and adore the Name of the Lord. ||4||97||166||

gauVI mhlw 5 ] (199-10)
ga-orhee mehlaa 5.
Gauree, Fifth Mehl:

grIbw aupir ij iKMjY dwVI ] (199-11)
gareebaa upar je khinjai daarhee.
The bearded emperor who struck down the poor,

pwrbRhim sw Agin mih swVI ]1] (199-11)
paarbarahm saa agan meh saarhee. ||1||
has been burnt in the fire by the Supreme Lord God. ||1||

pUrw inAwau kry krqwru ] (199-11)
pooraa ni-aa-o karay kartaar.
The Creator administers true justice.

Apuny dws kau rwKnhwru ]1] rhwau ] (199-12)
apunay daas ka-o raakhanhaar. ||1|| rahaa-o.
He is the Saving Grace of His slaves. ||1||Pause||

Awid jugwid pRgit prqwpu ] (199-12)
aad jugaad pargat partaap.
In the beginning, and throughout the ages, His glory is manifest.

inMdku muAw aupij vf qwpu ]2] (199-12)
nindak mu-aa upaj vad taap. ||2||
The slanderer died after contracting the deadly fever. ||2||

iqin mwirAw ij rKY n koie ] (199-13)
tin maari-aa je rakhai na ko-ay.
He is killed, and no one can save him.

AwgY pwCY mMdI soie ]3] (199-13)
aagai paachhai mandee so-ay. ||3||
Here and hereafter, his reputation is evil. ||3||

Apuny dws rwKY kMiT lwie ] (199-13)
apunay daas raakhai kanth laa-ay.
The Lord hugs His slaves close in His Embrace.

srix nwnk hir nwmu iDAwie ]4]98]167] (199-14)
saran naanak har naam Dhi-aa-ay. ||4||98||167||
Nanak seeks the Lord's Sanctuary, and meditates on the Naam. ||4||98||167||

gauVI mhlw 5 ] (199-14)
ga-orhee mehlaa 5.
Gauree, Fifth Mehl:

mhjru JUTw kIqonu Awip ] (199-14)
mahjar jhoothaa keeton aap.
The memorandum was proven to be false by the Lord Himself.

pwpI kau lwgw sMqwpu ]1] (199-15)
paapee ka-o laagaa santaap. ||1||
The sinner is now suffering in despair. ||1||

ijsih shweI goibdu myrw ] (199-15)
jisahi sahaa-ee gobid mayraa.
Those who have my Lord of the Universe as their support

iqsu kau jmu nhI AwvY nyrw ]1] rhwau ] (199-15)
tis ka-o jam nahee aavai nayraa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
- death does not even approach them. ||1||Pause||

swcI drgh bolY kUVu ] (199-16)
saachee dargeh bolai koorh.
In the True Court, they lie;

isru hwQ pCoVY AMDw mUVu ]2] (199-16)
sir haath pachhorhay anDhaa moorh. ||2||
the blind fools strike their own heads with their own hands. ||2||

rog ibAwpy krdy pwp ] (199-16)
rog bi-aapay karday paap.
Sickness afflicts those who commit sins;

AdlI hoie bYTw pRBu Awip ]3] (199-17)
adlee ho-ay baithaa parabh aap. ||3||
God Himself sits as the Judge. ||3||

Apn kmwieAY Awpy bwDy ] (199-17)
apan kamaa-i-ai aapay baaDhay.
By their own actions, they are bound and gagged.

drbu gieAw sBu jIA kY swQY ]4] (199-17)
darab ga-i-aa sabh jee-a kai saathai. ||4||
All their wealth is gone, along with their lives. ||4||

nwnk srin pry drbwir ] (199-18)
naanak saran paray darbaar.
Nanak has taken to the Sanctuary of the Lord's Court;

rwKI pYj myrY krqwir ]5]99]168] (199-18)
raakhee paij mayrai kartaar. ||5||99||168||
my Creator has preserved my honor. ||5||99||168||

gauVI mhlw 5 ] (199-18)
ga-orhee mehlaa 5.
Gauree, Fifth Mehl:

jn kI DUir mn mIT KtwnI ] (199-19)
jan kee Dhoor man meeth khataanee.
The dust of the feet of the humble beings is so sweet to my mind.

pUrib krim iliKAw Duir pRwnI ]1] rhwau ] (199-19)
poorab karam likhi-aa Dhur paraanee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Perfect karma is the mortal's pre-ordained destiny. ||1||Pause||


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD