Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


rUpvMqu so cquru isAwxw ] (198-1)
roopvant so chatur si-aanaa.
They alone are handsome, clever and wise,

ijin jin mwinAw pRB kw Bwxw ]2] (198-1)
jin jan maani-aa parabh kaa bhaanaa. ||2||
who surrender to the Will of God. ||2||

jg mih AwieAw so prvwxu ] (198-1)
jag meh aa-i-aa so parvaan.
Blessed is their coming into this world,

Git Git Apxw suAwmI jwxu ]3] (198-2)
ghat ghat apnaa su-aamee jaan. ||3||
if they recognize their Lord and Master in each and every heart. ||3||

khu nwnk jw ky pUrn Bwg ] (198-2)
kaho naanak jaa kay pooran bhaag.
Says Nanak, their good fortune is perfect,

hir crxI qw kw mnu lwg ]4]90]159] (198-2)
har charnee taa kaa man laag. ||4||90||159||
if they enshrine the Lord's Feet within their minds. ||4||90||159||

gauVI mhlw 5 ] (198-3)
ga-orhee mehlaa 5.
Gauree, Fifth Mehl:

hir ky dws isau swkq nhI sMgu ] (198-3)
har kay daas si-o saakat nahee sang.
The Lord's servant does not associate with the faithless cynic.

Ehu ibKeI Esu rwm ko rMgu ]1] rhwau ] (198-3)
oh bikh-ee os raam ko rang. ||1|| rahaa-o.
One is in the clutches of vice, while the other is in love with the Lord. ||1||Pause||

mn Asvwr jYsy qurI sIgwrI ] (198-4)
man asvaar jaisay turee seegaaree.
It would be like an imaginary rider on a decorated horse,

ijau kwpurKu pucwrY nwrI ]1] (198-4)
ji-o kaapurakh puchaarai naaree. ||1||
or a eunuch caressing a woman. ||1||

bYl kau nyqRw pwie duhwvY ] (198-4)
bail ka-o naytaraa paa-ay duhaavai.
It would be like tying up an ox and trying to milk it,

gaU cir isMG pwCY pwvY ]2] (198-5)
ga-oo char singh paachhai paavai. ||2||
or riding a cow to chase a tiger. ||2||

gwfr ly kwmDynu kir pUjI ] (198-5)
gaadar lay kaamDhayn kar poojee.
It would be like taking a sheep and worshipping it as the Elysian cow,

saudy kau DwvY ibnu pUMjI ]3] (198-5)
sa-uday ka-o Dhaavai bin poonjee. ||3||
the giver of all blessings; it would be like going out shopping without any money. ||3||

nwnk rwm nwmu jip cIq ] (198-6)
naanak raam naam jap cheet.
O Nanak, consciously meditate on the Lord's Name.

ismir suAwmI hir sw mIq ]4]91]160] (198-6)
simar su-aamee har saa meet. ||4||91||160||
Meditate in remembrance on the Lord Master, your Best Friend. ||4||91||160||

gauVI mhlw 5 ] (198-6)
ga-orhee mehlaa 5.
Gauree, Fifth Mehl:

sw miq inrml khIAq DIr ] (198-7)
saa mat nirmal kahee-at Dheer.
Pure and steady is that intellect,

rwm rswiexu pIvq bIr ]1] (198-7)
raam rasaa-in peevat beer. ||1||
which drinks in the Lord's sublime essence. ||1||

hir ky crx ihrdY kir Et ] (198-7)
har kay charan hirdai kar ot.
Keep the Support of the Lord's Feet in your heart,

jnm mrx qy hovq Cot ]1] rhwau ] (198-8)
janam maran tay hovat chhot. ||1|| rahaa-o.
and you shall be saved from the cycle of birth and death. ||1||Pause||

so qnu inrmlu ijqu aupjY n pwpu ] (198-8)
so tan nirmal jit upjai na paap.
Pure is that body, in which sin does not arise.

rwm rMig inrml prqwpu ]2] (198-8)
raam rang nirmal partaap. ||2||
In the Love of the Lord is pure glory. ||2||

swDsMig imit jwq ibkwr ] (198-9)
saaDhsang mit jaat bikaar.
In the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, corruption is eradicated.

sB qy aUc eyho aupkwr ]3] (198-9)
sabh tay ooch ayho upkaar. ||3||
This is the greatest blessing of all. ||3||

pRym Bgiq rwqy gopwl ] (198-9)
paraym bhagat raatay gopaal.
Imbued with loving devotional worship of the Sustainer of the Universe,

nwnk jwcY swD rvwl ]4]92]161] (198-10)
naanak jaachai saaDh ravaal. ||4||92||161||
Nanak asks for the dust of the feet of the Holy. ||4||92||161||

gauVI mhlw 5 ] (198-10)
ga-orhee mehlaa 5.
Gauree, Fifth Mehl:

AYsI pRIiq goivMd isau lwgI ] (198-10)
aisee pareet govind si-o laagee.
Such is my love for the Lord of the Universe;

myil ley pUrn vfBwgI ]1] rhwau ] (198-11)
mayl la-ay pooran vadbhaagee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
through perfect good destiny, I have been united with Him. ||1||Pause||

Brqw pyiK ibgsY ijau nwrI ] (198-11)
bhartaa paykh bigsai ji-o naaree.
As the wife is delighted upon beholding her husband,

iqau hir jnu jIvY nwmu icqwrI ]1] (198-11)
ti-o har jan jeevai naam chitaaree. ||1||
so does the Lord's humble servant live by chanting the Naam, the Name of the Lord. ||1||

pUq pyiK ijau jIvq mwqw ] (198-12)
poot paykh ji-o jeevat maataa.
As the mother is rejuvenated upon seeing her son,

Eiq poiq jnu hir isau rwqw ]2] (198-12)
ot pot jan har si-o raataa. ||2||
so is the Lord's humble servant imbued with Him, through and through. ||2||

loBI Andu krY pyiK Dnw ] (198-12)
lobhee anad karai paykh Dhanaa.
As the greedy man rejoices upon beholding his wealth,

jn crn kml isau lwgo mnw ]3] (198-13)
jan charan kamal si-o laago manaa. ||3||
so is the mind of the Lord's humble servant attached to His Lotus Feet. ||3||

ibsru nhI ieku iqlu dwqwr ] (198-13)
bisar nahee ik til daataar.
May I never forget You, for even an instant, O Great Giver!

nwnk ky pRB pRwn ADwr ]4]93]162] (198-14)
naanak kay parabh paraan aDhaar. ||4||93||162||
Nanak's God is the Support of his breath of life. ||4||93||162||

gauVI mhlw 5 ] (198-14)
ga-orhee mehlaa 5.
Gauree, Fifth Mehl:

rwm rswieix jo jn gIDy ] (198-14)
raam rasaa-in jo jan geeDhay.
Those humble beings who are accustomed to the Lord's sublime essence,

crn kml pRym BgqI bIDy ]1] rhwau ] (198-14)
charan kamal paraym bhagtee beeDhay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
are pierced through with loving devotional worship of the Lord's Lotus Feet. ||1||Pause||

Awn rsw dIsih siB Cwru ] (198-15)
aan rasaa deeseh sabh chhaar.
All other pleasures look like ashes;

nwm ibnw inhPl sMswr ]1] (198-15)
naam binaa nihfal sansaar. ||1||
without the Naam, the Name of the Lord, the world is fruitless. ||1||

AMD kUp qy kwFy Awip ] (198-16)
anDh koop tay kaadhay aap.
He Himself rescues us from the deep dark well.

gux goivMd Acrj prqwp ]2] (198-16)
gun govind achraj partaap. ||2||
Wondrous and Glorious are the Praises of the Lord of the Universe. ||2||

vix iqRix iqRBvix pUrn gopwl ] (198-16)
van tarin taribhavan pooran gopaal.
In the woods and meadows, and throughout the three worlds, the Sustainer of the Universe is pervading.

bRhm pswru jIA sMig dieAwl ]3] (198-17)
barahm pasaar jee-a sang da-i-aal. ||3||
The Expansive Lord God is Merciful to all beings. ||3||

khu nwnk sw kQnI swru ] (198-17)
kaho naanak saa kathnee saar.
Says Nanak, that speech alone is excellent,

mwin lyqu ijsu isrjnhwru ]4]94]163] (198-17)
maan layt jis sirjanhaar. ||4||94||163||
which is approved by the Creator Lord. ||4||94||163||

gauVI mhlw 5 ] (198-18)
ga-orhee mehlaa 5.
Gauree, Fifth Mehl:

inqpRiq nwvxu rwm sir kIjY ] (198-18)
nitparat naavan raam sar keejai.
Every day, take your bath in the Sacred Pool of the Lord.

Joil mhw rsu hir AMimRqu pIjY ]1] rhwau ] (198-18)
jhol mahaa ras har amrit peejai. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Mix and drink in the most delicious, sublime Ambrosial Nectar of the Lord. ||1||Pause||

inrml audku goivMd kw nwm ] (198-19)
nirmal udak govind kaa naam.
The water of the Name of the Lord of the Universe is immaculate and pure.

mjnu krq pUrn siB kwm ]1] (198-19)
majan karat pooran sabh kaam. ||1||
Take your cleansing bath in it, and all your affairs shall be resolved. ||1||


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD