Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


sgl dUK kw hoieAw nwsu ]2] (197-1)
sagal dookh kaa ho-i-aa naas. ||2||
all suffering comes to an end. ||2||

Awsw mwxu qwxu Dnu eyk ] (197-1)
aasaa maan taan Dhan ayk.
The One Lord is my hope, honor, power and wealth.

swcy swh kI mn mih tyk ]3] (197-1)
saachay saah kee man meh tayk. ||3||
Within my mind is the Support of the True Banker. ||3||

mhw grIb jn swD AnwQ ] (197-2)
mahaa gareeb jan saaDh anaath.
I am the poorest and most helpless servant of the Holy.

nwnk pRiB rwKy dy hwQ ]4]85]154] (197-2)
naanak parabh raakhay day haath. ||4||85||154||
O Nanak, giving me His Hand, God has protected me. ||4||85||154||

gauVI mhlw 5 ] (197-3)
ga-orhee mehlaa 5.
Gauree, Fifth Mehl:

hir hir nwim mjnu kir sUcy ] (197-3)
har har naam majan kar soochay.
Taking my cleansing bath in the Name of the Lord, Har, Har, I have been purified.

koit gRhx puMn Pl mUcy ]1] rhwau ] (197-3)
kot garahan punn fal moochay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Its reward surpasses the giving of charity at millions of solar eclipses. ||1||Pause||

hir ky crx irdy mih bsy ] (197-3)
har kay charan riday meh basay.
With the Lord's Feet abiding in the heart,

jnm jnm ky iklivK nsy ]1] (197-4)
janam janam kay kilvikh nasay. ||1||
the sinful mistakes of countless incarnations are removed. ||1||

swDsMig kIrqn Plu pwieAw ] (197-4)
saaDhsang keertan fal paa-i-aa.
I have obtained the reward of the Kirtan of the Lord's Praises, in the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy.

jm kw mwrgu idRsit n AwieAw ]2] (197-5)
jam kaa maarag darisat na aa-i-aa. ||2||
I no longer have to gaze upon the way of death. ||2||

mn bc k®m goivMd ADwru ] (197-5)
man bach karam govind aDhaar.
In thought, word and deed, seek the Support of the Lord of the Universe;

qw qy CuitE ibKu sMswru ]3] (197-5)
taa tay chhuti-o bikh sansaar. ||3||
thus you shall be saved from the poisonous world-ocean. ||3||

kir ikrpw pRiB kIno Apnw ] (197-6)
kar kirpaa parabh keeno apnaa.
Granting His Grace, God has made me His Own.

nwnk jwpu jpy hir jpnw ]4]86]155] (197-6)
naanak jaap japay har japnaa. ||4||86||155||
Nanak chants and meditates on the Chant of the Lord's Name. ||4||86||155||

gauVI mhlw 5 ] (197-6)
ga-orhee mehlaa 5.
Gauree, Fifth Mehl:

pau srxweI ijin hir jwqy ] (197-7)
pa-o sarnaa-ee jin har jaatay.
Seek the Sanctuary of those who have come to know the Lord.

mnu qnu sIqlu crx hir rwqy ]1] (197-7)
man tan seetal charan har raatay. ||1||
Your mind and body shall become cool and peaceful, imbued with the Feet of the Lord. ||1||

BY BMjn pRB min n bswhI ] (197-7)
bhai bhanjan parabh man na basaahee.
If God, the Destroyer of fear, does not dwell within your mind,

frpq frpq jnm bhuqu jwhI ]1] rhwau ] (197-8)
darpat darpat janam bahut jaahee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
you shall spend countless incarnations in fear and dread. ||1||Pause||

jw kY irdY bisE hir nwm ] (197-8)
jaa kai ridai basi-o har naam.
Those who have the Lord's Name dwelling within their hearts

sgl mnorQ qw ky pUrn kwm ]2] (197-8)
sagal manorath taa kay pooran kaam. ||2||
have all their desires and tasks fulfilled. ||2||

jnmu jrw imrqu ijsu vwis ] (197-9)
janam jaraa mirat jis vaas.
Birth, old age and death are in His Power,

so smrQu ismir swis igrwis ]3] (197-9)
so samrath simar saas giraas. ||3||
so remember that All-powerful Lord with each breath and morsel of food. ||3||

mIqu swjnu sKw pRBu eyk ] (197-9)
meet saajan sakhaa parabh ayk.
The One God is my Intimate, Best Friend and Companion.

nwmu suAwmI kw nwnk tyk ]4]87]156] (197-10)
naam su-aamee kaa naanak tayk. ||4||87||156||
The Naam, the Name of my Lord and Master, is Nanak's only Support. ||4||87||156||

gauVI mhlw 5 ] (197-10)
ga-orhee mehlaa 5.
Gauree, Fifth Mehl:

bwhir rwiKE irdY smwil ] (197-10)
baahar raakhi-o ridai samaal.
When they are out and about, they keep Him enshrined in their hearts;

Gir Awey goivMdu lY nwil ]1] (197-11)
ghar aa-ay govind lai naal. ||1||
returning home, the Lord of the Universe is still with them. ||1||

hir hir nwmu sMqn kY sMig ] (197-11)
har har naam santan kai sang.
The Name of the Lord, Har, Har, is the Companion of His Saints.

mnu qnu rwqw rwm kY rMig ]1] rhwau ] (197-11)
man tan raataa raam kai rang. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Their minds and bodies are imbued with the Love of the Lord. ||1||Pause||

gur prswdI swgru qirAw ] (197-12)
gur parsaadee saagar tari-aa.
By Guru's Grace, one crosses over the world-ocean;

jnm jnm ky iklivK siB ihirAw ]2] (197-12)
janam janam kay kilvikh sabh hiri-aa. ||2||
the sinful mistakes of countless incarnations are all washed away. ||2||

soBw suriq nwim BgvMqu ] (197-13)
sobhaa surat naam bhagvant.
Honor and intuitive awareness are acquired through the Name of the Lord God.

pUry gur kw inrml mMqu ]3] (197-13)
pooray gur kaa nirmal mant. ||3||
The Teachings of the Perfect Guru are immaculate and pure. ||3||

crx kml ihrdy mih jwpu ] (197-13)
charan kamal hirday meh jaap.
Within your heart, meditate on the His Lotus Feet.

nwnku pyiK jIvY prqwpu ]4]88]157] (197-14)
naanak paykh jeevai partaap. ||4||88||157||
Nanak lives by beholding the Lord's Expansive Power. ||4||88||157||

gauVI mhlw 5 ] (197-14)
ga-orhee mehlaa 5.
Gauree, Fifth Mehl:

DMnu iehu Qwnu goivMd gux gwey ] (197-14)
Dhan ih thaan govind gun gaa-ay.
Blessed is this place, where the Glorious Praises of the Lord of the Universe are sung.

kusl Kym pRiB Awip bswey ]1] rhwau ] (197-15)
kusal khaym parabh aap basaa-ay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
God Himself bestows peace and pleasure. ||1||Pause||

ibpiq qhw jhw hir ismrnu nwhI ] (197-15)
bipat tahaa jahaa har simran naahee.
Misfortune occurs where the Lord is not remembered in meditation.

koit Anµd jh hir gun gwhI ]1] (197-15)
kot anand jah har gun gaahee. ||1||
There are millions of joys where the Glorious Praises of the Lord are sung. ||1||

hir ibsirAY duK rog Gnyry ] (197-16)
har bisri-ai dukh rog ghanayray.
Forgetting the Lord, all sorts of pains and diseases come.

pRB syvw jmu lgY n nyry ]2] (197-16)
parabh sayvaa jam lagai na nayray. ||2||
Serving God, the Messenger of Death will not even approach you. ||2||

so vfBwgI inhcl Qwnu ] (197-16)
so vadbhaagee nihchal thaan.
Very blessed, stable and sublime is that place,

jh jpIAY pRB kyvl nwmu ]3] (197-17)
jah japee-ai parabh kayval naam. ||3||
where the Name of God alone is chanted. ||3||

jh jweIAY qh nwil myrw suAwmI ] (197-17)
jah jaa-ee-ai tah naal mayraa su-aamee.
Wherever I go, my Lord and Master is with me.

nwnk kau imilAw AMqrjwmI ]4]89]158] (197-17)
naanak ka-o mili-aa antarjaamee. ||4||89||158||
Nanak has met the Inner-knower, the Searcher of hearts. ||4||89||158||

gauVI mhlw 5 ] (197-18)
ga-orhee mehlaa 5.
Gauree, Fifth Mehl:

jo pRwxI goivMdu iDAwvY ] (197-18)
jo paraanee govind Dhi-aavai.
That mortal who meditates on the Lord of the Universe,

piVAw AxpiVAw prm giq pwvY ]1] (197-18)
parhi-aa anparhi-aa param gat paavai. ||1||
whether educated or uneducated, obtains the state of supreme dignity. ||1||

swDU sMig ismir gopwl ] (197-19)
saaDhoo sang simar gopaal.
In the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, meditate on the Lord of the World.

ibnu nwvY JUTw Dnu mwlu ]1] rhwau ] (197-19)
bin naavai jhoothaa Dhan maal. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Without the Name, wealth and property are false. ||1||Pause||


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD