Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


AauKD mMqR qMq siB Cwru ] (196-1)
a-ukhaDh mantar tant sabh chhaar.
All medicines and remedies, mantras and tantras are nothing more than ashes.

krxYhwru irdy mih Dwru ]3] (196-1)
karnaihaar riday meh Dhaar. ||3||
Enshrine the Creator Lord within your heart. ||3||

qij siB Brm BijE pwrbRhmu ] (196-1)
taj sabh bharam bhaji-o paarbarahm.
Renounce all your doubts, and vibrate upon the Supreme Lord God.

khu nwnk Atl iehu Drmu ]4]80]149] (196-2)
kaho naanak atal ih Dharam. ||4||80||149||
Says Nanak, this path of Dharma is eternal and unchanging. ||4||80||149||

gauVI mhlw 5 ] (196-2)
ga-orhee mehlaa 5.
Gauree, Fifth Mehl:

kir ikrpw Byty gur soeI ] (196-2)
kar kirpaa bhaytay gur so-ee.
The Lord bestowed His Mercy, and led me to meet the Guru.

iqqu bil rogu n ibAwpY koeI ]1] (196-3)
tit bal rog na bi-aapai ko-ee. ||1||
By His power, no disease afflicts me. ||1||

rwm rmx qrx BY swgr ] (196-3)
raam raman taran bhai saagar.
Remembering the Lord, I cross over the terrifying world-ocean.

srix sUr Pwry jm kwgr ]1] rhwau ] (196-3)
saran soor faaray jam kaagar. ||1|| rahaa-o.
In the Sanctuary of the spiritual warrior, the account books of the Messenger of Death are torn up. ||1||Pause||

siqguir mMqRü dIE hir nwm ] (196-4)
satgur mantar dee-o har naam.
The True Guru has given me the Mantra of the Lord's Name.

ieh Awsr pUrn Bey kwm ]2] (196-4)
ih aasar pooran bha-ay kaam. ||2||
By this Support, my affairs have been resolved. ||2||

jp qp sMjm pUrI vifAweI ] gur ikrpwl hir Bey shweI ]3] (196-4)
jap tap sanjam pooree vadi-aa-ee. gur kirpaal har bha-ay sahaa-ee. ||3||
Meditation, self-discipline, self-control and perfect greatness were obtained when the Merciful Lord, the Guru, became my Help and Support. ||3||

mwn moh Koey guir Brm ] (196-5)
maan moh kho-ay gur bharam.
The Guru has dispelled pride, emotional attachment and superstition.

pyKu nwnk psry pwrbRhm ]4]81]150] (196-5)
paykh naanak pasray paarbarahm. ||4||81||150||
Nanak sees the Supreme Lord God pervading everywhere. ||4||81||150||

gauVI mhlw 5 ] (196-6)
ga-orhee mehlaa 5.
Gauree, Fifth Mehl:

ibKY rwj qy AMDulw BwrI ] (196-6)
bikhai raaj tay anDhulaa bhaaree.
The blind beggar is better off than the vicious king.

duiK lwgY rwm nwmu icqwrI ]1] (196-6)
dukh laagai raam naam chitaaree. ||1||
Overcome by pain, the blind man invokes the Lord's Name. ||1||

qyry dws kau quhI vifAweI ] (196-7)
tayray daas ka-o tuhee vadi-aa-ee.
You are the glorious greatness of Your slave.

mwieAw mgnu nrik lY jweI ]1] rhwau ] (196-7)
maa-i-aa magan narak lai jaa-ee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The intoxication of Maya leads the others to hell. ||1||Pause||

rog igrsq icqwry nwau ] (196-8)
rog girsat chitaaray naa-o.
Gripped by disease, they invoke the Name.

ibKu mwqy kw Taur n Twau ]2] (196-8)
bikh maatay kaa tha-ur na thaa-o. ||2||
But those who are intoxicated with vice shall find no home, no place of rest. ||2||

crn kml isau lwgI pRIiq ] (196-8)
charan kamal si-o laagee pareet.
One who is in love with the Lord's Lotus Feet,

Awn suKw nhI Awvih cIiq ]3] (196-9)
aan sukhaa nahee aavahi cheet. ||3||
does not think of any other comforts. ||3||

sdw sdw ismrau pRB suAwmI ] (196-9)
sadaa sadaa simra-o parabh su-aamee.
Forever and ever, meditate on God, your Lord and Master.

imlu nwnk hir AMqrjwmI ]4]82]151] (196-9)
mil naanak har antarjaamee. ||4||82||151||
O Nanak, meet with the Lord, the Inner-knower, the Searcher of hearts. ||4||82||151||

gauVI mhlw 5 ] (196-10)
ga-orhee mehlaa 5.
Gauree, Fifth Mehl:

AwT phr sMgI btvwry ] (196-10)
aath pahar sangee batvaaray.
Twenty-four hours a day, the highway robbers are my companions.

kir ikrpw pRiB ley invwry ]1] (196-10)
kar kirpaa parabh la-ay nivaaray. ||1||
Granting His Grace, God has driven them away. ||1||

AYsw hir rsu rmhu sBu koie ] (196-11)
aisaa har ras ramhu sabh ko-ay.
Everyone should dwell on the Sweet Name of such a Lord.

srb klw pUrn pRBu soie ]1] rhwau ] (196-11)
sarab kalaa pooran parabh so-ay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
God is overflowing with all power. ||1||Pause||

mhw qpiq swgr sMswr ] (196-11)
mahaa tapat saagar sansaar.
The world-ocean is burning hot!

pRB iKn mih pwir auqwrxhwr ]2] (196-12)
parabh khin meh paar utaaranhaar. ||2||
In an instant, God saves us, and carries us across. ||2||

Aink bMDn qory nhI jwih ] (196-12)
anik banDhan toray nahee jaahi.
There are so many bonds, they cannot be broken.

ismrq nwm mukiq Pl pwih ]3] (196-12)
simrat naam mukat fal paahi. ||3||
Remembering the Naam, the Name of the Lord, the fruit of liberation is obtained. ||3||

aukiq isAwnp ies qy kCu nwih ] (196-13)
ukat si-aanap is tay kachh naahi.
By clever devices, nothing is accomplished.

kir ikrpw nwnk gux gwih ]4]83]152] (196-13)
kar kirpaa naanak gun gaahi. ||4||83||152||
Grant Your Grace to Nanak, that he may sing the Glories of God. ||4||83||152||

gauVI mhlw 5 ] (196-14)
ga-orhee mehlaa 5.
Gauree, Fifth Mehl:

QwqI pweI hir ko nwm ] (196-14)
thaatee paa-ee har ko naam.
Those who obtain the wealth of the Lord's Name

ibcru sMswr pUrn siB kwm ]1] (196-14)
bichar sansaar pooran sabh kaam. ||1||
move freely in the world; all their affairs are resolved. ||1||

vfBwgI hir kIrqnu gweIAY ] (196-15)
vadbhaagee har keertan gaa-ee-ai.
By great good fortune, the Kirtan of the Lord's Praises are sung.

pwrbRhm qUM dyih q pweIAY ]1] rhwau ] (196-15)
paarbarahm tooN deh ta paa-ee-ai. ||1|| rahaa-o.
O Supreme Lord God, as You give, so do I receive. ||1||Pause||

hir ky crx ihrdY auir Dwir ] (196-15)
har kay charan hirdai ur Dhaar.
Enshrine the Lord's Feet within your heart.

Bv swgru ciV auqrih pwir ]2] (196-16)
bhav saagar charh utreh paar. ||2||
Get aboard this boat, and cross over the terrifying world-ocean. ||2||

swDU sMgu krhu sBu koie ] (196-16)
saaDhoo sang karahu sabh ko-ay.
Everyone who joins the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy,

sdw kilAwx iPir dUKu n hoie ]3] (196-16)
sadaa kali-aan fir dookh na ho-ay. ||3||
obtains eternal peace; pain does not afflict them any longer. ||3||

pRym Bgiq Bju guxI inDwnu ] (196-17)
paraym bhagat bhaj gunee niDhaan.
With loving devotional worship, meditate on the treasure of excellence.

nwnk drgh pweIAY mwnu ]4]84]153] (196-17)
naanak dargeh paa-ee-ai maan. ||4||84||153||
O Nanak, you shall be honored in the Court of the Lord. ||4||84||153||

gauVI mhlw 5 ] (196-18)
ga-orhee mehlaa 5.
Gauree, Fifth Mehl:

jil Qil mhIAil pUrn hir mIq ] (196-18)
jal thal mahee-al pooran har meet.
The Lord, our Friend, is totally pervading the water, the land and the skies.

BRm ibnsy gwey gux nIq ]1] (196-18)
bharam binsay gaa-ay gun neet. ||1||
Doubts are dispelled by continually singing the Lord's Glorious Praises. ||1||

aUTq sovq hir sMig phrUAw ] (196-19)
oothat sovat har sang pahroo-aa.
While rising up, and while lying down in sleep, the Lord is always with you, watching over you.

jw kY ismrix jm nhI frUAw ]1] rhwau ] (196-19)
jaa kai simran jam nahee daroo-aa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Remembering Him in meditation, the fear of Death departs. ||1||Pause||

crx kml pRB irdY invwsu ] (196-19)
charan kamal parabh ridai nivaas.
With God's Lotus Feet abiding in the heart,


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD