Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


gauVI mhlw 5 ] (195-1)
ga-orhee mehlaa 5.
Gauree, Fifth Mehl:

ijs kw dIAw pYnY Kwie ] (195-1)
jis kaa dee-aa painai khaa-ay.
They wear and eat the gifts from the Lord;

iqsu isau Awlsu ikau bnY mwie ]1] (195-1)
tis si-o aalas ki-o banai maa-ay. ||1||
how can laziness help them, O mother? ||1||

Ksmu ibswir Awn kMim lwgih ] (195-2)
khasam bisaar aan kamm laageh.
Forgetting her Husband Lord, and attaching herself to other affairs,

kaufI bdly rqnu iqAwgih ]1] rhwau ] (195-2)
ka-udee badlay ratan ti-aageh. ||1|| rahaa-o.
the soul-bride throws away the precious jewel in exchange for a mere shell. ||1||Pause||

pRBU iqAwig lwgq An loBw ] (195-3)
parabhoo ti-aag laagat an lobhaa.
Forsaking God, she is attached to other desires.

dwis slwmu krq kq soBw ]2] (195-3)
daas salaam karat kat sobhaa. ||2||
But who has gained honor by saluting the slave? ||2||

AMimRq rsu Kwvih Kwn pwn ] (195-3)
amrit ras khaaveh khaan paan.
They consume food and drink, delicious and sublime as ambrosial nectar.

ijin dIey iqsih n jwnih suAwn ]3] (195-4)
jin dee-ay tiseh na jaaneh su-aan. ||3||
But the dog does not know the One who has bestowed these. ||3||

khu nwnk hm lUx hrwmI ] (195-4)
kaho naanak ham loon haraamee.
Says Nanak, I have been unfaithful to my own nature.

bKis lyhu pRB AMqrjwmI ]4]76]145] (195-4)
bakhas layho parabh antarjaamee. ||4||76||145||
Please forgive me, O God, O Searcher of hearts. ||4||76||145||

gauVI mhlw 5 ] (195-5)
ga-orhee mehlaa 5.
Gauree, Fifth Mehl:

pRB ky crn mn mwih iDAwnu ] (195-5)
parabh kay charan man maahi Dhi-aan.
I meditate on the Feet of God within my mind.

sgl qIrQ mjn iesnwnu ]1] (195-5)
sagal tirath majan isnaan. ||1||
This is my cleansing bath at all the sacred shrines of pilgrimage. ||1||

hir idnu hir ismrnu myry BweI ] (195-6)
har din har simran mayray bhaa-ee.
Meditate in remembrance on the Lord every day, O my Siblings of Destiny.

koit jnm kI mlu lih jweI ]1] rhwau ] (195-6)
kot janam kee mal leh jaa-ee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Thus, the filth of millions of incarnations shall be taken away. ||1||Pause||

hir kI kQw ird mwih bsweI ] (195-7)
har kee kathaa rid maahi basaa-ee.
Enshrine the Lord's Sermon within your heart,

mn bWCq sgly Pl pweI ]2] (195-7)
man baaNchhat saglay fal paa-ee. ||2||
and you shall obtain all the desires of your mind. ||2||

jIvn mrxu jnmu prvwnu ] (195-7)
jeevan maran janam parvaan.
Redeemed is the life, death and birth of those,

jw kY irdY vsY Bgvwnu ]3] (195-8)
jaa kai ridai vasai bhagvaan. ||3||
within whose hearts the Lord God abides. ||3||

khu nwnk syeI jn pUry ] (195-8)
kaho naanak say-ee jan pooray.
Says Nanak, those humble beings are perfect,

ijnw prwpiq swDU DUry ]4]77]146] (195-8)
jinaa paraapat saaDhoo Dhooray. ||4||77||146||
who are blessed with the dust of the feet of the Holy. ||4||77||146||

gauVI mhlw 5 ] (195-9)
ga-orhee mehlaa 5.
Gauree, Fifth Mehl:

Kwdw pYndw mUkir pwie ] (195-9)
khaadaa paindaa mookar paa-ay.
They eat and wear what they are given, but still, they deny the Lord.

iqs no johih dUq Drmrwie ]1] (195-9)
tis no joheh doot Dharamraa-ay. ||1||
The messengers of the Righteous Judge of Dharma shall hunt them down. ||1||

iqsu isau bymuKu ijin jIau ipMfu dInw ] (195-9)
tis si-o baymukh jin jee-o pind deenaa.
They are unfaithful to the One, who has given them body and soul.

koit jnm Brmih bhu jUnw ]1] rhwau ] (195-10)
kot janam bharmeh baho joonaa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Through millions of incarnations, for so many lifetimes, they wander lost. ||1||Pause||

swkq kI AYsI hY rIiq ] (195-10)
saakat kee aisee hai reet.
Such is the lifestyle of the faithless cynics;

jo ikCu krY sgl ibprIiq ]2] (195-10)
jo kichh karai sagal bipreet. ||2||
everything they do is evil. ||2||

jIau pRwx ijin mnu qnu DwirAw ] soeI Twkuru mnhu ibswirAw ]3] (195-11)
jee-o paraan jin man tan Dhaari-aa. so-ee thaakur manhu bisaari-aa. ||3||
Within their minds, they have forgotten that Lord and Master, who created the soul, breath of life, mind and body. ||3||

bDy ibkwr ilKy bhu kwgr ] (195-12)
baDhay bikaar likhay baho kaagar.
Their wickedness and corruption have increased - they are recorded in volumes of books.

nwnk auDru ik®pw suK swgr ]4] (195-12)
naanak uDhar kirpaa sukh saagar. ||4||
O Nanak, they are saved only by the Mercy of God, the Ocean of peace. ||4||

pwrbRhm qyrI srxwie ] (195-12)
paarbarahm tayree sarnaa-ay.
O Supreme Lord God, I have come to Your Sanctuary.

bMDn kwit qrY hir nwie ]1] rhwau dUjw ]78]147] (195-13)
banDhan kaat tarai har naa-ay. ||1|| rahaa-o doojaa. ||78||147||
Break my bonds, and carry me across, with the Lord's Name. ||1||Second Pause||78||147||

gauVI mhlw 5 ] (195-13)
ga-orhee mehlaa 5.
Gauree, Fifth Mehl:

Apny loB kau kIno mIqu ] (195-13)
apnay lobh ka-o keeno meet.
For their own advantage, they make God their friend.

sgl mnorQ mukiq pdu dIqu ]1] (195-14)
sagal manorath mukat pad deet. ||1||
He fulfills all their desires, and blesses them with the state of liberation. ||1||

AYsw mIqu krhu sBu koie ] (195-14)
aisaa meet karahu sabh ko-ay.
Everyone should make Him such a friend.

jw qy ibrQw koie n hoie ]1] rhwau ] (195-14)
jaa tay birthaa ko-ay na ho-ay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
No one goes away empty-handed from Him. ||1||Pause||

ApunY suAwie irdY lY DwirAw ] (195-15)
apunai su-aa-ay ridai lai Dhaari-aa.
For their own purposes, they enshrine the Lord in the heart;

dUK drd rog sgl ibdwirAw ]2] (195-15)
dookh darad rog sagal bidaari-aa. ||2||
all pain, suffering and disease are taken away. ||2||

rsnw gIDI bolq rwm ] (195-16)
rasnaa geeDhee bolat raam.
Their tongues learn the habit of chanting the Lord's Name,

pUrn hoey sgly kwm ]3] (195-16)
pooran ho-ay saglay kaam. ||3||
and all their works are brought to perfection. ||3||

Aink bwr nwnk bilhwrw ] (195-16)
anik baar naanak balihaaraa.
So many times, Nanak is a sacrifice to Him;

sPl drsnu goibMdu hmwrw ]4]79]148] (195-16)
safal darsan gobind hamaaraa. ||4||79||148||
fruitful is the Blessed Vision, the Darshan, of my Lord of the Universe. ||4||79||148||

gauVI mhlw 5 ] (195-17)
ga-orhee mehlaa 5.
Gauree, Fifth Mehl:

koit ibGn ihry iKn mwih ] (195-17)
kot bighan hiray khin maahi.
Millions of obstacles are removed in an instant,

hir hir kQw swDsMig sunwih ]1] (195-18)
har har kathaa saaDhsang sunaahi. ||1||
for those who listen to the Sermon of the Lord, Har, Har, in the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy. ||1||

pIvq rwm rsu AMimRq gux jwsu ] (195-18)
peevat raam ras amrit gun jaas.
They drink in the sublime essence of the Lord's Name, the Ambrosial Elixir.

jip hir crx imtI KuiD qwsu ]1] rhwau ] (195-18)
jap har charan mitee khuDh taas. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Meditating on the Lord's Feet, hunger is taken away. ||1||Pause||

srb kilAwx suK shj inDwn ] (195-19)
sarab kali-aan sukh sahj niDhaan.
The treasure of all happiness, celestial peace and poise,

jw kY irdY vsih Bgvwn ]2] (195-19)
jaa kai ridai vaseh bhagvaan. ||2||
are obtained by those, whose hearts are filled with the Lord God. ||2||


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD