Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


gauVI mhlw 5 ] (194-1)
ga-orhee mehlaa 5.
Gauree, Fifth Mehl:

krY duhkrm idKwvY horu ] (194-1)
karai duhkaram dikhaavai hor.
They do their evil deeds, and pretend otherwise;

rwm kI drgh bwDw coru ]1] (194-2)
raam kee dargeh baaDhaa chor. ||1||
but in the Court of the Lord, they shall be bound and gagged like thieves. ||1||

rwmu rmY soeI rwmwxw ] (194-2)
raam ramai so-ee raamaanaa.
Those who remember the Lord belong to the Lord.

jil Qil mhIAil eyku smwxw ]1] rhwau ] (194-2)
jal thal mahee-al ayk samaanaa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The One Lord is contained in the water, the land and the sky. ||1||Pause||

AMqir ibKu muiK AMimRqu suxwvY ] (194-3)
antar bikh mukh amrit sunaavai.
Their inner beings are filled with poison, and yet with their mouths, they preach words of Ambrosial Nectar.

jm puir bwDw cotw KwvY ]2] (194-3)
jam pur baaDhaa chotaa khaavai. ||2||
Bound and gagged in the City of Death, they are punished and beaten. ||2||

Aink pVdy mih kmwvY ivkwr ] (194-3)
anik parh-day meh kamaavai vikaar.
Hiding behind many screens, they commit acts of corruption,

iKn mih pRgt hoih sMswr ]3] (194-4)
khin meh pargat hohi sansaar. ||3||
but in an instant, they are revealed to all the world. ||3||

AMqir swic nwim ris rwqw ] (194-4)
antar saach naam ras raataa.
Those whose inner beings are true, who are attuned to the ambrosial essence of the Naam, the Name of the Lord

nwnk iqsu ikrpwlu ibDwqw ]4]71]140] (194-4)
naanak tis kirpaal biDhaataa. ||4||71||140||
- O Nanak, the Lord, the Architect of Destiny, is merciful to them. ||4||71||140||

gauVI mhlw 5 ] (194-5)
ga-orhee mehlaa 5.
Gauree, Fifth Mehl:

rwm rMgu kdy auqir n jwie ] (194-5)
raam rang kaday utar na jaa-ay.
The Lord's Love shall never leave or depart.

guru pUrw ijsu dyie buJwie ]1] (194-5)
gur pooraa jis day-ay bujhaa-ay. ||1||
They alone understand, unto whom the Perfect Guru gives it. ||1||

hir rMig rwqw so mnu swcw ] (194-6)
har rang raataa so man saachaa.
One whose mind is attuned to the Lord's Love is true.

lwl rMg pUrn purKu ibDwqw ]1] rhwau ] (194-6)
laal rang pooran purakh biDhaataa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The Love of the Beloved, the Architect of Destiny, is perfect. ||1||Pause||

sMqh sMig bYis gun gwie ] (194-7)
santeh sang bais gun gaa-ay.
Sitting in the Society of the Saints, sing the Glorious Praises of the Lord.

qw kw rMgu n auqrY jwie ]2] (194-7)
taa kaa rang na utrai jaa-ay. ||2||
The color of His Love shall never fade away. ||2||

ibnu hir ismrn suKu nhI pwieAw ] (194-7)
bin har simran sukh nahee paa-i-aa.
Without meditating in remembrance on the Lord, peace is not found.

Awn rMg PIky sB mwieAw ]3] (194-8)
aan rang feekay sabh maa-i-aa. ||3||
All the other loves and tastes of Maya are bland and insipid. ||3||

guir rMgy sy Bey inhwl ] (194-8)
gur rangay say bha-ay nihaal.
Those who are imbued with love by the Guru become happy.

khu nwnk gur Bey hY dieAwl ]4]72]141] (194-8)
kaho naanak gur bha-ay hai da-i-aal. ||4||72||141||
Says Nanak, the Guru has become merciful to them. ||4||72||141||

gauVI mhlw 5 ] (194-9)
ga-orhee mehlaa 5.
Gauree, Fifth Mehl:

ismrq suAwmI iklivK nwsy ] (194-9)
simrat su-aamee kilvikh naasay.
Meditating in remembrance on the Lord Master, sinful mistakes are erased,

sUK shj Awnµd invwsy ]1] (194-9)
sookh sahj aanand nivaasay. ||1||
and one comes to abide in peace, celestial joy and bliss. ||1||

rwm jnw kau rwm Brosw ] (194-10)
raam janaa ka-o raam bharosaa.
The Lord's humble servants place their faith in the Lord.

nwmu jpq sBu imitE AMdysw ]1] rhwau ] (194-10)
naam japat sabh miti-o andaysaa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Chanting the Naam, the Name of the Lord, all anxieties are dispelled. ||1||Pause||

swDsMig kCu Bau n BrwqI ] (194-10)
saaDhsang kachh bha-o na bharaatee.
In the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, there is no fear or doubt.

gux gopwl gweIAih idnu rwqI ]2] (194-11)
gun gopaal gaa-ee-ah din raatee. ||2||
The Glorious Praises of the Lord are sung there, day and night. ||2||

kir ikrpw pRB bMDn Cot ] (194-11)
kar kirpaa parabh banDhan chhot.
Granting His Grace, God has released me from bondage.

crx kml kI dInI Et ]3] (194-11)
charan kamal kee deenee ot. ||3||
He has given me the Support of His Lotus Feet. ||3||

khu nwnk min BeI prqIiq ] inrml jsu pIvih jn nIiq ]4]73]142] (194-12)
kaho naanak man bha-ee parteet. nirmal jas peeveh jan neet. ||4||73||142||
Says Nanak, faith comes into the mind of His servant, who continually drinks in the Immaculate Praises of the Lord. ||4||73||142||

gauVI mhlw 5 ] (194-13)
ga-orhee mehlaa 5.
Gauree, Fifth Mehl:

hir crxI jw kw mnu lwgw ] (194-13)
har charnee jaa kaa man laagaa.
Those who keep their minds attached to the Lord's Feet

dUKu drdu BRmu qw kw Bwgw ]1] (194-13)
dookh darad bharam taa kaa bhaagaa. ||1||
- pain, suffering and doubt run away from them. ||1||

hir Dn ko vwpwrI pUrw ] (194-13)
har Dhan ko vaapaaree pooraa.
Those who deal in the Lord's wealth are perfect.

ijsih invwjy so jnu sUrw ]1] rhwau ] (194-14)
jisahi nivaajay so jan sooraa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Those who are honored by the Lord are the true spiritual heroes. ||1||Pause||

jw kau Bey ik®pwl gusweI ] (194-14)
jaa ka-o bha-ay kirpaal gusaa-ee.
Those humble beings, unto whom the Lord of the Universe shows mercy,

sy jn lwgy gur kI pweI ]2] (194-14)
say jan laagay gur kee paa-ee. ||2||
fall at the Guru's Feet. ||2||

sUK shj sWiq Awnµdw ] (194-15)
sookh sahj saaNt aanandaa.
They are blessed with peace, celestial bliss, tranquility and ecstasy;

jip jip jIvy prmwnµdw ]3] (194-15)
jap jap jeevay parmaanandaa. ||3||
chanting and meditating, they live in supreme bliss. ||3||

nwm rwis swD sMig KwtI ] (194-15)
naam raas saaDh sang khaatee.
In the Saadh Sangat, I have earned the wealth of the Naam.

khu nwnk pRiB Apdw kwtI ]4]74]143] (194-16)
kaho naanak parabh apdaa kaatee. ||4||74||143||
Says Nanak, God has relieved my pain. ||4||74||143||

gauVI mhlw 5 ] (194-16)
ga-orhee mehlaa 5.
Gauree, Fifth Mehl:

hir ismrq siB imtih klys ] (194-16)
har simrat sabh miteh kalays.
Meditating in remembrance on the Lord, all suffering is eradicated.

crx kml mn mih prvys ]1] (194-17)
charan kamal man meh parvays. ||1||
The Lord's Lotus Feet are enshrined within my mind. ||1||

aucrhu rwm nwmu lK bwrI ] (194-17)
uchrahu raam naam lakh baaree.
Chant the Lord's Name, hundreds of thousands of times, O my dear,

AMimRq rsu pIvhu pRB ipAwrI ]1] rhwau ] (194-17)
amrit ras peevhu parabh pi-aaree. ||1|| rahaa-o.
and drink deeply of the Ambrosial Essence of God. ||1||Pause||

sUK shj rs mhw Anµdw ] (194-18)
sookh sahj ras mahaa anandaa.
Peace, celestial bliss, pleasures and the greatest ecstasy are obtained;

jip jip jIvy prmwnµdw ]2] (194-18)
jap jap jeevay parmaanandaa. ||2||
chanting and meditating, you shall live in supreme bliss. ||2||

kwm k®oD loB md Koey ] (194-18)
kaam kroDh lobh mad kho-ay.
Sexual desire, anger, greed and ego are eradicated;

swD kY sMig iklibK sB Doey ]3] (194-19)
saaDh kai sang kilbikh sabh Dho-ay. ||3||
in the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, all sinful mistakes are washed away. ||3||

kir ikrpw pRB dIn dieAwlw ] (194-19)
kar kirpaa parabh deen da-i-aalaa.
Grant Your Grace, O God, O Merciful to the meek.

nwnk dIjY swD rvwlw ]4]75]144] (194-19)
naanak deejai saaDh ravaalaa. ||4||75||144||
Please bless Nanak with the dust of the feet of the Holy. ||4||75||144||


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD