Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


sMq pRswid jnm mrx qy Cot ]1] (189-1)
sant parsaad janam maran tay chhot. ||1||
By the Grace of the Saints, one is released from birth and death. ||1||

sMq kw drsu pUrn iesnwnu ] (189-1)
sant kaa daras pooran isnaan.
The Blessed Vision of the Saints is the perfect cleansing bath.

sMq ik®pw qy jpIAY nwmu ]1] rhwau ] (189-1)
sant kirpaa tay japee-ai naam. ||1|| rahaa-o.
By the Grace of the Saints, one comes to chant the Naam, the Name of the Lord. ||1||Pause||

sMq kY sMig imitAw AhMkwru ] (189-2)
sant kai sang miti-aa ahaNkaar.
In the Society of the Saints, egotism is shed,

idRsit AwvY sBu eykMkwru ]2] (189-2)
darisat aavai sabh aykankaar. ||2||
and the One Lord is seen everywhere. ||2||

sMq supRsMn Awey vis pMcw ] (189-2)
sant suparsan aa-ay vas panchaa.
By the pleasure of the Saints, the five passions are overpowered,

AMimRqu nwmu irdY lY sMcw ]3] (189-3)
amrit naam ridai lai sanchaa. ||3||
and the heart is irrigated with the Ambrosial Naam. ||3||

khu nwnk jw kw pUrw krm ] (189-3)
kaho naanak jaa kaa pooraa karam.
Says Nanak, one whose karma is perfect,

iqsu Byty swDU ky crn ]4]46]115] (189-3)
tis bhaytay saaDhoo kay charan. ||4||46||115||
touches the feet of the Holy. ||4||46||115||

gauVI mhlw 5 ] (189-4)
ga-orhee mehlaa 5.
Gauree, Fifth Mehl:

hir gux jpq kmlu prgwsY ] (189-4)
har gun japat kamal pargaasai.
Meditating on the Glories of the Lord, the heart-lotus blossoms radiantly.

hir ismrq qRws sB nwsY ]1] (189-4)
har simrat taraas sabh naasai. ||1||
Remembering the Lord in meditation, all fears are dispelled. ||1||

sw miq pUrI ijqu hir gux gwvY ] (189-5)
saa mat pooree jit har gun gaavai.
Perfect is that intellect, by which the Glorious Praises of the Lord are sung.

vfY Bwig swDU sMgu pwvY ]1] rhwau ] (189-5)
vadai bhaag saaDhoo sang paavai. ||1|| rahaa-o.
By great good fortune, one finds the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy. ||1||Pause||

swDsMig pweIAY iniD nwmw ] (189-5)
saaDhsang paa-ee-ai niDh naamaa.
In the Saadh Sangat, the treasure of the Name is obtained.

swDsMig pUrn siB kwmw ]2] (189-6)
saaDhsang pooran sabh kaamaa. ||2||
In the Saadh Sangat, all one's works are brought to fruition. ||2||

hir kI Bgiq jnmu prvwxu ] (189-6)
har kee bhagat janam parvaan.
Through devotion to the Lord, one's life is approved.

gur ikrpw qy nwmu vKwxu ]3] (189-6)
gur kirpaa tay naam vakhaan. ||3||
By Guru's Grace, one chants the Naam, the Name of the Lord. ||3||

khu nwnk so jnu prvwnu ] (189-7)
kaho naanak so jan parvaan.
Says Nanak, that humble being is accepted,

jw kY irdY vsY Bgvwnu ]4]47]116] (189-7)
jaa kai ridai vasai bhagvaan. ||4||47||116||
within whose heart the Lord God abides. ||4||47||116||

gauVI mhlw 5 ] (189-7)
ga-orhee mehlaa 5.
Gauree, Fifth Mehl:

eyksu isau jw kw mnu rwqw ] (189-8)
aykas si-o jaa kaa man raataa.
Those whose minds are imbued with the One Lord,

ivsrI iqsY prweI qwqw ]1] (189-8)
visree tisai paraa-ee taataa. ||1||
forget to feel jealous of others. ||1||

ibnu goibMd n dIsY koeI ] (189-8)
bin gobind na deesai ko-ee.
They see none other than the Lord of the Universe.

krn krwvn krqw soeI ]1] rhwau ] (189-9)
karan karaavan kartaa so-ee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The Creator is the Doer, the Cause of causes. ||1||Pause||

mnih kmwvY muiK hir hir bolY ] (189-9)
maneh kamaavai mukh har har bolai.
Those who work willingly, and chant the Name of the Lord, Har, Har

so jnu ieq auq kqih n folY ]2] (189-9)
so jan it ut kateh na dolai. ||2||
- they do not waver, here or hereafter. ||2||

jw kY hir Dnu so sc swhu ] (189-10)
jaa kai har Dhan so sach saahu.
Those who possess the wealth of the Lord are the true bankers.

guir pUrY kir dIno ivswhu ]3] (189-10)
gur poorai kar deeno visaahu. ||3||
The Perfect Guru has established their line of credit. ||3||

jIvn purKu imilAw hir rwieAw ] (189-10)
jeevan purakh mili-aa har raa-i-aa.
The Giver of life, the Sovereign Lord King meets them.

khu nwnk prm pdu pwieAw ]4]48]117] (189-11)
kaho naanak param pad paa-i-aa. ||4||48||117||
Says Nanak, they attain the supreme status. ||4||48||117||

gauVI mhlw 5 ] (189-11)
ga-orhee mehlaa 5.
Gauree, Fifth Mehl:

nwmu Bgq kY pRwn ADwru ] (189-11)
naam bhagat kai paraan aDhaar.
The Naam, the Name of the Lord, is the Support of the breath of life of His devotees.

nwmo Dnu nwmo ibauhwru ]1] (189-12)
naamo Dhan naamo bi-uhaar. ||1||
The Naam is their wealth, the Naam is their occupation. ||1||

nwm vfweI jnu soBw pwey ] (189-12)
naam vadaa-ee jan sobhaa paa-ay.
By the greatness of the Naam, His humble servants are blessed with glory.

kir ikrpw ijsu Awip idvwey ]1] rhwau ] (189-12)
kar kirpaa jis aap divaa-ay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The Lord Himself bestows it, in His Mercy. ||1||Pause||

nwmu Bgq kY suK AsQwnu ] (189-13)
naam bhagat kai sukh asthaan.
The Naam is the home of peace of His devotees.

nwm rqu so Bgqu prvwnu ]2] (189-13)
naam rat so bhagat parvaan. ||2||
Attuned to the Naam, His devotees are approved. ||2||

hir kw nwmu jn kau DwrY ] (189-13)
har kaa naam jan ka-o Dhaarai.
The Name of the Lord is the support of His humble servants.

swis swis jnu nwmu smwrY ]3] (189-14)
saas saas jan naam samaarai. ||3||
With each and every breath, they remember the Naam. ||3||

khu nwnk ijsu pUrw Bwgu ] (189-14)
kaho naanak jis pooraa bhaag.
Says Nanak, those who have perfect destiny

nwm sMig qw kw mnu lwgu ]4]49]118] (189-14)
naam sang taa kaa man laag. ||4||49||118||
- their minds are attached to the Naam. ||4||49||118||

gauVI mhlw 5 ] (189-15)
ga-orhee mehlaa 5.
Gauree, Fifth Mehl:

sMq pRswid hir nwmu iDAwieAw ] (189-15)
sant parsaad har naam Dhi-aa-i-aa.
By the Grace of the Saints, I meditated on the Name of the Lord.

qb qy Dwvqu mnu iqRpqwieAw ]1] (189-15)
tab tay Dhaavat man tariptaa-i-aa. ||1||
Since then, my restless mind has been satisfied. ||1||

suK ibsRwmu pwieAw gux gwie ] (189-16)
sukh bisraam paa-i-aa gun gaa-ay.
I have obtained the home of peace, singing His Glorious Praises.

sRmu imitAw myrI hqI blwie ]1] rhwau ] (189-16)
saram miti-aa mayree hatee balaa-ay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
My troubles have ended, and the demon has been destroyed. ||1||Pause||

crn kml ArwiD BgvMqw ] (189-17)
charan kamal araaDh bhagvantaa.
Worship and adore the Lotus Feet of the Lord God.

hir ismrn qy imtI myrI icMqw ]2] (189-17)
har simran tay mitee mayree chintaa. ||2||
Meditating in remembrance on the Lord, my anxiety has come to an end. ||2||

sB qij AnwQu eyk srix AwieE ] (189-17)
sabh taj anaath ayk saran aa-i-o.
I have renounced all - I am an orphan. I have come to the Sanctuary of the One Lord.

aUc AsQwnu qb shjy pwieE ]3] (189-18)
ooch asthaan tab sehjay paa-i-o. ||3||
Since then, I have found the highest celestial home. ||3||

dUKu drdu Brmu Bau nisAw ] (189-18)
dookh darad bharam bha-o nasi-aa.
My pains, troubles, doubts and fears are gone.

krxhwru nwnk min bisAw ]4]50]119] (189-18)
karanhaar naanak man basi-aa. ||4||50||119||
The Creator Lord abides in Nanak's mind. ||4||50||119||

gauVI mhlw 5 ] (189-19)
ga-orhee mehlaa 5.
Gauree, Fifth Mehl:

kr kir thl rsnw gux gwvau ] (189-19)
kar kar tahal rasnaa gun gaava-o.
With my hands I do His work; with my tongue I sing His Glorious Praises.


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD