Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


mwnu mhqu nwnk pRBu qyry ]4]40]109] (188-1)
maan mahat naanak parabh tayray. ||4||40||109||
Nanak: my honor and glory are Yours, God. ||4||40||109||

gauVI mhlw 5 ] (188-1)
ga-orhee mehlaa 5.
Gauree, Fifth Mehl:

jw kau qum Bey smrQ AMgw ] (188-1)
jaa ka-o tum bha-ay samrath angaa.
Those who have You on their side, O All-powerful Lord

qw kau kCu nwhI kwlµgw ]1] (188-2)
taa ka-o kachh naahee kaalangaa. ||1||
- no black stain can stick to them. ||1||

mwDau jw kau hY Aws qumwrI ] (188-2)
maaDha-o jaa ka-o hai aas tumaaree.
O Lord of wealth, those who place their hopes in You

qw kau kCu nwhI sMswrI ]1] rhwau ] (188-2)
taa ka-o kachh naahee sansaaree. ||1|| rahaa-o.
- nothing of the world can touch them at all. ||1||Pause||

jw kY ihrdY Twkuru hoie ] (188-3)
jaa kai hirdai thaakur ho-ay.
Those whose hearts are filled with their Lord and Master

qw kau shsw nwhI koie ]2] (188-3)
taa ka-o sahsaa naahee ko-ay. ||2||
- no anxiety can affect them. ||2||

jw kau qum dInI pRB DIr ] (188-3)
jaa ka-o tum deenee parabh Dheer.
Those, unto whom You give Your consolation, God

qw kY inkit n AwvY pIr ]3] (188-4)
taa kai nikat na aavai peer. ||3||
- pain does not even approach them. ||3||

khu nwnk mY so guru pwieAw ] (188-4)
kaho naanak mai so gur paa-i-aa.
Says Nanak, I have found that Guru,

pwrbRhm pUrn dyKwieAw ]4]41]110] (188-4)
paarbarahm pooran daykhaa-i-aa. ||4||41||110||
who has shown me the Perfect, Supreme Lord God. ||4||41||110||

gauVI mhlw 5 ] (188-5)
ga-orhee mehlaa 5.
Gauree, Fifth Mehl:

dulB dyh pweI vfBwgI ] (188-5)
dulabh dayh paa-ee vadbhaagee.
This human body is so difficult to obtain; it is only obtained by great good fortune.

nwmu n jpih qy Awqm GwqI ]1] (188-5)
naam na jaapeh tay aatam ghaatee. ||1||
Those who do not meditate on the Naam, the Name of the Lord, are murderers of the soul. ||1||

mir n jwhI ijnw ibsrq rwm ] (188-6)
mar na jaahee jinaa bisrat raam.
Those who forget the Lord might just as well die.

nwm ibhUn jIvn kaun kwm ]1] rhwau ] (188-6)
naam bihoon jeevan ka-un kaam. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Without the Naam, of what use are their lives? ||1||Pause||

Kwq pIq Kylq hsq ibsQwr ] (188-7)
khaat peet khaylat hasat bisthaar.
Eating, drinking, playing, laughing and showing off

kvn ArQ imrqk sIgwr ]2] (188-7)
kavan arath mirtak seegaar. ||2||
- what use are the ostentatious displays of the dead? ||2||

jo n sunih jsu prmwnµdw ] (188-7)
jo na suneh jas parmaanandaa.
Those who do not listen to the Praises of the Lord of supreme bliss,

psu pMKI iqRgd join qy mMdw ]3] (188-8)
pas pankhee tarigad jon tay mandaa. ||3||
are worse off than beasts, birds or creeping creatures. ||3||

khu nwnk guir mMqRü idRVwieAw ] (188-8)
kaho naanak gur mantar drirh-aa-i-aa.
Says Nanak, the GurMantra has been implanted within me;

kyvl nwmu ird mwih smwieAw ]4]42]111] (188-8)
kayval naam rid maahi samaa-i-aa. ||4||42||111||
the Name alone is contained within my heart. ||4||42||111||

gauVI mhlw 5 ] (188-9)
ga-orhee mehlaa 5.
Gauree, Fifth Mehl:

kw kI mweI kw ko bwp ] (188-9)
kaa kee maa-ee kaa ko baap.
Whose mother is this? Whose father is this?

nwm DwrIk JUTy siB swk ]1] (188-9)
naam Dhaareek jhoothay sabh saak. ||1||
They are relatives in name only- they are all false. ||1||

kwhy kau mUrK BKlwieAw ] (188-10)
kaahay ka-o moorakh bhakhlaa-i-aa.
Why are you screaming and shouting, you fool?

imil sMjoig hukim qUM AwieAw ]1] rhwau ] (188-10)
mil sanjog hukam tooN aa-i-aa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
By good destiny and the Lord's Order, you have come into the world. ||1||Pause||

eykw mwtI eykw joiq ] (188-10)
aykaa maatee aykaa jot.
There is the one dust, the one light,

eyko pvnu khw kaunu roiq ]2] (188-11)
ayko pavan kahaa ka-un rot. ||2||
the one praanic wind. Why are you crying? For whom do you cry? ||2||

myrw myrw kir ibllwhI ] (188-11)
mayraa mayraa kar billaahee.
People weep and cry out, "Mine, mine!"

mrxhwru iehu jIArw nwhI ]3] (188-11)
maranhaar ih jee-araa naahee. ||3||
This soul is not perishable. ||3||

khu nwnk guir Koly kpwt ] (188-12)
kaho naanak gur kholay kapaat.
Says Nanak, the Guru has opened my shutters;

mukqu Bey ibnsy BRm Qwt ]4]43]112] (188-12)
mukat bha-ay binsay bharam thaat. ||4||43||112||
I am liberated, and my doubts have been dispelled. ||4||43||112||

gauVI mhlw 5 ] (188-13)
ga-orhee mehlaa 5.
Gauree, Fifth Mehl:

vfy vfy jo dIsih log ] (188-13)
vaday vaday jo deeseh log.
Those who seem to be great and powerful,

iqn kau ibAwpY icMqw rog ]1] (188-13)
tin ka-o bi-aapai chintaa rog. ||1||
are afflicted by the disease of anxiety. ||1||

kaun vfw mwieAw vifAweI ] (188-13)
ka-un vadaa maa-i-aa vadi-aa-ee.
Who is great by the greatness of Maya?

so vfw ijin rwm ilv lweI ]1] rhwau ] (188-14)
so vadaa jin raam liv laa-ee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
They alone are great, who are lovingly attached to the Lord. ||1||Pause||

BUmIAw BUim aUpir inq luJY ] (188-14)
bhoomee-aa bhoom oopar nit lujhai.
The landlord fights over his land each day.

Coif clY iqRsnw nhI buJY ]2] (188-14)
chhod chalai tarisnaa nahee bujhai. ||2||
He shall have to leave it in the end, and yet his desire is still not satisfied. ||2||

khu nwnk iehu qqu bIcwrw ] (188-15)
kaho naanak ih tat beechaaraa.
Says Nanak, this is the essence of Truth:

ibnu hir Bjn nwhI Cutkwrw ]3]44]113] (188-15)
bin har bhajan naahee chhutkaaraa. ||3||44||113||
without the Lord's meditation, there is no salvation. ||3||44||113||

gauVI mhlw 5 ] (188-16)
ga-orhee mehlaa 5.
Gauree, Fifth Mehl:

pUrw mwrgu pUrw iesnwnu ] (188-16)
pooraa maarag pooraa isnaan.
Perfect is the path; perfect is the cleansing bath.

sBu ikCu pUrw ihrdY nwmu ]1] (188-16)
sabh kichh pooraa hirdai naam. ||1||
Everything is perfect, if the Naam is in the heart. ||1||

pUrI rhI jw pUrY rwKI ] (188-16)
pooree rahee jaa poorai raakhee.
One's honor remains perfect, when the Perfect Lord preserves it.

pwrbRhm kI srix jn qwkI ]1] rhwau ] (188-17)
paarbarahm kee saran jan taakee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
His servant takes to the Sanctuary of the Supreme Lord God. ||1||Pause||

pUrw suKu pUrw sMqoKu ] (188-17)
pooraa sukh pooraa santokh.
Perfect is the peace; perfect is the contentment.

pUrw qpu pUrn rwju jogu ]2] (188-17)
pooraa tap pooran raaj jog. ||2||
Perfect is the penance; perfect is the Raja Yoga, the Yoga of meditation and success. ||2||

hir kY mwrig piqq punIq ] (188-18)
har kai maarag patit puneet.
On the Lord's Path, sinners are purified.

pUrI soBw pUrw lokIk ]3] (188-18)
pooree sobhaa pooraa lokeek. ||3||
Perfect is their glory; perfect is their humanity. ||3||

krxhwru sd vsY hdUrw ] (188-18)
karanhaar sad vasai hadooraa.
They dwell forever in the Presence of the Creator Lord.

khu nwnk myrw siqguru pUrw ]4]45]114] (188-19)
kaho naanak mayraa satgur pooraa. ||4||45||114||
Says Nanak, my True Guru is Perfect. ||4||45||114||

gauVI mhlw 5 ] (188-19)
ga-orhee mehlaa 5.
Gauree, Fifth Mehl:

sMq kI DUir imty AG kot ] (188-19)
sant kee Dhoor mitay agh kot.
Millions of sins are wiped away by the dust of the feet of the Saints.


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD