Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


kvn gunu jo quJu lY gwvau ] (187-1)
kavan gun jo tujh lai gaava-o.
What is that virtue, by which I may sing of You?

kvn bol pwrbRhm rIJwvau ]1] rhwau ] (187-1)
kavan bol paarbarahm reejhaava-o. ||1|| rahaa-o.
What is that speech, by which I may please the Supreme Lord God? ||1||Pause||

kvn su pUjw qyrI krau ] (187-1)
kavan so poojaa tayree kara-o.
What worship service shall I perform for You?

kvn su ibiD ijqu Bvjl qrau ]2] (187-2)
kavan so biDh jit bhavjal tara-o. ||2||
How can I cross over the terrifying world-ocean? ||2||

kvn qpu ijqu qpIAw hoie ] (187-2)
kavan tap jit tapee-aa ho-ay.
What is that penance, by which I may become a penitent?

kvnu su nwmu haumY mlu Koie ]3] (187-2)
kavan so naam ha-umai mal kho-ay. ||3||
What is that Name, by which the filth of egotism may be washed away? ||3||

gux pUjw igAwn iDAwn nwnk sgl Gwl ] (187-3)
gun poojaa gi-aan Dhi-aan naanak sagal ghaal.
Virtue, worship, spiritual wisdom, meditation and all service, O Nanak,

ijsu kir ikrpw siqguru imlY dieAwl ]4] (187-3)
jis kar kirpaa satgur milai da-i-aal. ||4||
are obtained from the True Guru, when, in His Mercy and Kindness, He meets us. ||4||

iqs hI gunu iqn hI pRBu jwqw ] (187-4)
tis hee gun tin hee parabh jaataa.
They alone receive this merit, and they alone know God,

ijs kI mwin lyie suKdwqw ]1] rhwau dUjw ]36]105] (187-4)
jis kee maan lay-ay sukh-daata. ||1|| rahaa-o doojaa. ||36||105||
who are approved by the Giver of peace. ||1||Second Pause||36||105||

gauVI mhlw 5 ] (187-5)
ga-orhee mehlaa 5.
Gauree, Fifth Mehl:

Awpn qnu nhI jw ko grbw ] (187-5)
aapan tan nahee jaa ko garbaa.
The body which you are so proud of, does not belong to you.

rwj imlK nhI Awpn drbw ]1] (187-5)
raaj milakh nahee aapan darbaa. ||1||
Power, property and wealth are not yours. ||1||

Awpn nhI kw kau lptwieE ] (187-6)
aapan nahee kaa ka-o laptaa-i-o.
They are not yours, so why do you cling to them?

Awpn nwmu siqgur qy pwieE ]1] rhwau ] (187-6)
aapan naam satgur tay paa-i-o. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Only the Naam, the Name of the Lord, is yours; it is received from the True Guru. ||1||Pause||

suq binqw Awpn nhI BweI ] (187-7)
sut banitaa aapan nahee bhaa-ee.
Children, spouse and siblings are not yours.

iest mIq Awp bwpu n mweI ]2] (187-7)
isat meet aap baap na maa-ee. ||2||
Dear friends, mother and father are not yours. ||2||

suienw rUpw Puin nhI dwm ] (187-7)
su-inaa roopaa fun nahee daam.
Gold, silver and money are not yours.

hYvr gYvr Awpn nhI kwm ]3] (187-8)
haivar gaivar aapan nahee kaam. ||3||
Fine horses and magnificent elephants are of no use to you. ||3||

khu nwnk jo guir bKis imlwieAw ] (187-8)
kaho naanak jo gur bakhas milaa-i-aa.
Says Nanak, those whom the Guru forgives, meet with the Lord.

iqs kw sBu ikCu ijs kw hir rwieAw ]4]37]106] (187-8)
tis kaa sabh kichh jis kaa har raa-i-aa. ||4||37||106||
Everything belongs to those who have the Lord as their King. ||4||37||106||

gauVI mhlw 5 ] (187-9)
ga-orhee mehlaa 5.
Gauree, Fifth Mehl:

gur ky crx aUpir myry mwQy ] (187-9)
gur kay charan oopar mayray maathay.
I place the Guru's Feet on my forehead,

qw qy duK myry sgly lwQy ]1] (187-9)
taa tay dukh mayray saglay laathay. ||1||
and all my pains are gone. ||1||

siqgur Apuny kau kurbwnI ] (187-10)
satgur apunay ka-o kurbaanee.
I am a sacrifice to my True Guru.

Awqm cIin prm rMg mwnI ]1] rhwau ] (187-10)
aatam cheen param rang maanee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
I have come to understand my soul, and I enjoy supreme bliss. ||1||Pause||

crx ryxu gur kI muiK lwgI ] (187-11)
charan rayn gur kee mukh laagee.
I have applied the dust of the Guru's Feet to my face,

AhMbuiD iqin sgl iqAwgI ]2] (187-11)
ahaN-buDh tin sagal ti-aagee. ||2||
which has removed all my arrogant intellect. ||2||

gur kw sbdu lgo min mITw ] (187-11)
gur kaa sabad lago man meethaa.
The Word of the Guru's Shabad has become sweet to my mind,

pwrbRhmu qw qy moih fITw ]3] (187-12)
paarbarahm taa tay mohi deethaa. ||3||
and I behold the Supreme Lord God. ||3||

guru suKdwqw guru krqwru ] (187-12)
gur sukh-daata gur kartaar.
The Guru is the Giver of peace; the Guru is the Creator.

jIA pRwx nwnk guru AwDwru ]4]38]107] (187-12)
jee-a paraan naanak gur aaDhaar. ||4||38||107||
O Nanak, the Guru is the Support of the breath of life and the soul. ||4||38||107||

gauVI mhlw 5 ] (187-13)
ga-orhee mehlaa 5.
Gauree, Fifth Mehl:

ry mn myry qUM qw kau Awih ] jw kY aUxw kChU nwih ]1] (187-13)
ray man mayray tooN taa ka-o aahi. jaa kai oonaa kachhhoo naahi. ||1||
O my mind, seek the One who lacks nothing. ||1||

hir sw pRIqmu kir mn mIq ] (187-13)
har saa pareetam kar man meet.
Make the Beloved Lord your friend.

pRwn ADwru rwKhu sd cIq ]1] rhwau ] (187-14)
paraan aDhaar raakho sad cheet. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Keep Him constantly in your mind; He is the Support of the breath of life. ||1||Pause||

ry mn myry qUM qw kau syiv ] (187-14)
ray man mayray tooN taa ka-o sayv.
O my mind, serve Him;

Awid purK AprMpr dyv ]2] (187-15)
aad purakh aprampar dayv. ||2||
He is the Primal Being, the Infinite Divine Lord. ||2||

iqsu aUpir mn kir qUM Awsw ] (187-15)
tis oopar man kar tooN aasaa.
Place your hopes in the One

Awid jugwid jw kw Brvwsw ]3] (187-15)
aad jugaad jaa kaa bharvaasaa. ||3||
who is the Support of all beings, from the very beginning of time, and throughout the ages. ||3||

jw kI pRIiq sdw suKu hoie ] (187-16)
jaa kee pareet sadaa sukh ho-ay.
His Love brings eternal peace;

nwnku gwvY gur imil soie ]4]39]108] (187-16)
naanak gaavai gur mil so-ay. ||4||39||108||
meeting the Guru, Nanak sings His Glorious Praises. ||4||39||108||

gauVI mhlw 5 ] (187-16)
ga-orhee mehlaa 5.
Gauree, Fifth Mehl:

mIqu krY soeI hm mwnw ] (187-17)
meet karai so-ee ham maanaa.
Whatever my Friend does, I accept.

mIq ky krqb kusl smwnw ]1] (187-17)
meet kay kartab kusal samaanaa. ||1||
My Friend's actions are pleasing to me. ||1||

eykw tyk myrY min cIq ] (187-17)
aykaa tayk mayrai man cheet.
Within my conscious mind, the One Lord is my only Support.

ijsu ikCu krxw su hmrw mIq ]1] rhwau ] (187-17)
jis kichh karnaa so hamraa meet. ||1|| rahaa-o.
One who does this is my Friend. ||1||Pause||

mIqu hmwrw vyprvwhw ] (187-18)
meet hamaaraa vayparvaahaa.
My Friend is Carefree.

gur ikrpw qy moih Asnwhw ]2] (187-18)
gur kirpaa tay mohi asnaahaa. ||2||
By Guru's Grace, I give my love to Him. ||2||

mIqu hmwrw AMqrjwmI ] (187-19)
meet hamaaraa antarjaamee.
My Friend is the Inner-knower, the Searcher of hearts.

smrQ purKu pwrbRhmu suAwmI ]3] (187-19)
samrath purakh paarbarahm su-aamee. ||3||
He is the All-powerful Being, the Supreme Lord and Master. ||3||

hm dwsy qum Twkur myry ] (187-19)
ham daasay tum thaakur mayray.
I am Your servant; You are my Lord and Master.


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD