Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


pIaU dwdy kw Koil ifTw Kjwnw ] (186-1)
pee-oo daaday kaa khol dithaa khajaanaa.
When I opened it up and gazed upon the treasures of my father and grandfather,

qw myrY min BieAw inDwnw ]1] (186-1)
taa mayrai man bha-i-aa niDhaanaa. ||1||
then my mind became very happy. ||1||

rqn lwl jw kw kCU n molu ] Bry BMfwr AKUt Aqol ]2] (186-2)
ratan laal jaa kaa kachhoo na mol. bharay bhandaar akhoot atol. ||2||
The storehouse is inexhaustible and immeasurable, overflowing with priceless jewels and rubies. ||2||

Kwvih Krcih ril imil BweI ] (186-2)
khaaveh kharcheh ral mil bhaa-ee.
The Siblings of Destiny meet together, and eat and spend,

qoit n AwvY vDdo jweI ]3] (186-2)
tot na aavai vaDh-do jaa-ee. ||3||
but these resources do not diminish; they continue to increase. ||3||

khu nwnk ijsu msqik lyKu ilKwie ] (186-3)
kaho naanak jis mastak laykh likhaa-ay.
Says Nanak, one who has such destiny written on his forehead,

su eyqu KjwnY lieAw rlwie ]4]31]100] (186-3)
so ayt khajaanai la-i-aa ralaa-ay. ||4||31||100||
becomes a partner in these treasures. ||4||31||100||

gauVI mhlw 5 ] (186-4)
ga-orhee mehlaa 5.
Gauree, Fifth Mehl:

fir fir mrqy jb jwnIAY dUir ] (186-4)
dar dar martay jab jaanee-ai door.
I was scared, scared to death, when I thought that He was far away.

fru cUkw dyiKAw BrpUir ]1] (186-4)
dar chookaa daykhi-aa bharpoor. ||1||
But my fear was removed, when I saw that He is pervading everywhere. ||1||

siqgur Apuny kau bilhwrY ] (186-5)
satgur apunay ka-o balihaarai.
I am a sacrifice to my True Guru.

Coif n jweI srpr qwrY ]1] rhwau ] (186-5)
chhod na jaa-ee sarpar taarai. ||1|| rahaa-o.
He shall not abandon me; He shall surely carry me across. ||1||Pause||

dUKu rogu sogu ibsrY jb nwmu ] (186-5)
dookh rog sog bisrai jab naam.
Pain, disease and sorrow come when one forgets the Naam, the Name of the Lord.

sdw Anµdu jw hir gux gwmu ]2] (186-6)
sadaa anand jaa har gun gaam. ||2||
Eternal bliss comes when one sings the Glorious Praises of the Lord. ||2||

burw Blw koeI n khIjY ] (186-6)
buraa bhalaa ko-ee na kaheejai.
Do not say that anyone is good or bad.

Coif mwnu hir crn ghIjY ]3] (186-6)
chhod maan har charan gaheejai. ||3||
Renounce your arrogant pride, and grasp the Feet of the Lord. ||3||

khu nwnk gur mMqRü icqwir ] (186-7)
kaho naanak gur mantar chitaar.
Says Nanak, remember the GurMantra;

suKu pwvih swcY drbwir ]4]32]101] (186-7)
sukh paavahi saachai darbaar. ||4||32||101||
you shall find peace at the True Court. ||4||32||101||

gauVI mhlw 5 ] (186-7)
ga-orhee mehlaa 5.
Gauree, Fifth Mehl:

jw kw mIqu swjnu hY smIAw ] (186-8)
jaa kaa meet saajan hai samee-aa.
Those who have the Lord as their Friend and Companion

iqsu jn kau khu kw kI kmIAw ]1] (186-8)
tis jan ka-o kaho kaa kee kamee-aa. ||1||
- tell me, what else do they need? ||1||

jw kI pRIiq goibMd isau lwgI ] (186-8)
jaa kee pareet gobind si-o laagee.
Those who are in love with the Lord of the Universe

dUKu drdu BRmu qw kw BwgI ]1] rhwau ] (186-9)
dookh darad bharam taa kaa bhaagee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
- pain, suffering and doubt run away from them. ||1||Pause||

jw kau rsu hir rsu hY AwieE ] (186-9)
jaa ka-o ras har ras hai aa-i-o.
Those who have enjoyed the flavor of the Lord's sublime essence

so An rs nwhI lptwieE ]2] (186-9)
so an ras naahee laptaa-i-o. ||2||
are not attracted to any other pleasures. ||2||

jw kw kihAw drgh clY ] (186-10)
jaa kaa kahi-aa dargeh chalai.
Those whose speech is accepted in the Court of the Lord

so iks kau ndir lY AwvY qlY ]3] (186-10)
so kis ka-o nadar lai aavai talai. ||3||
- what do they care about anything else? ||3||

jw kw sBu ikCu qw kw hoie ] (186-10)
jaa kaa sabh kichh taa kaa ho-ay.
Those who belong to the One, unto whom all things belong

nwnk qw kau sdw suKu hoie ]4]33]102] (186-11)
naanak taa ka-o sadaa sukh ho-ay. ||4||33||102||
- O Nanak, they find a lasting peace. ||4||33||102||

gauVI mhlw 5 ] (186-11)
ga-orhee mehlaa 5.
Gauree, Fifth Mehl:

jw kY duKu suKu sm kir jwpY ] (186-11)
jaa kai dukh sukh sam kar jaapai.
Those who look alike upon pleasure and pain

qw kau kwVw khw ibAwpY ]1] (186-12)
taa ka-o kaarhaa kahaa bi-aapai. ||1||
- how can anxiety touch them? ||1||

shj Anµd hir swDU mwih ] (186-12)
sahj anand har saaDhoo maahi.
The Lord's Holy Saints abide in celestial bliss.

AwigAwkwrI hir hir rwie ]1] rhwau ] (186-12)
aagi-aakaaree har har raa-ay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
They remain obedient to the Lord, the Sovereign Lord King. ||1||Pause||

jw kY AicMqu vsY min Awie ] (186-13)
jaa kai achint vasai man aa-ay.
Those who have the Carefree Lord abiding in their minds

qw kau icMqw kqhUM nwih ]2] (186-13)
taa ka-o chintaa katahooN naahi. ||2||
- no cares will ever bother them. ||2||

jw kY ibnisE mn qy Brmw ] (186-13)
jaa kai binsi-o man tay bharmaa.
Those who have banished doubt from their minds

qw kY kCU nwhI fru jmw ]3] (186-14)
taa kai kachhoo naahee dar jamaa. ||3||
are not afraid of death at all. ||3||

jw kY ihrdY dIE guir nwmw ] (186-14)
jaa kai hirdai dee-o gur naamaa.
Those whose hearts are filled with the Lord's Name by the Guru

khu nwnk qw kY sgl inDwnw ]4]34]103] (186-14)
kaho naanak taa kai sagal niDhaanaa. ||4||34||103||
- says Nanak, all treasures come to them. ||4||34||103||

gauVI mhlw 5 ] (186-15)
ga-orhee mehlaa 5.
Gauree, Fifth Mehl:

Agm rUp kw mn mih Qwnw ] (186-15)
agam roop kaa man meh thaanaa.
The Lord of Unfathomable Form has His Place in the mind.

gur pRswid iknY ivrlY jwnw ]1] (186-15)
gur parsaad kinai virlai jaanaa. ||1||
By Guru's Grace, a rare few come to understand this. ||1||

shj kQw ky AMimRq kuMtw ] (186-16)
sahj kathaa kay amrit kuntaa.
The Ambrosial Pools of the celestial sermon

ijsih prwpiq iqsu lY BuMcw ]1] rhwau ] (186-16)
jisahi paraapat tis lai bhunchaa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
- those who find them, drink them in. ||1||Pause||

Anhq bwxI Qwnu inrwlw ] (186-17)
anhat banee thaan niraalaa.
The unstruck melody of the Guru's Bani vibrates in that most special place.

qw kI Duin mohy gopwlw ]2] (186-17)
taa kee Dhun mohay gopaalaa. ||2||
The Lord of the World is fascinated with this melody. ||2||

qh shj AKwry Anyk Anµqw ] (186-17)
tah sahj akhaaray anayk anantaa.
The numerous, countless places of celestial peace

pwrbRhm ky sMgI sMqw ]3] (186-18)
paarbarahm kay sangee santaa. ||3||
- there, the Saints dwell, in the Company of the Supreme Lord God. ||3||

hrK Anµq sog nhI bIAw ] (186-18)
harakh anant sog nahee bee-aa.
There is infinite joy, and no sorrow or duality.

so Gru guir nwnk kau dIAw ]4]35]104] (186-18)
so ghar gur naanak ka-o dee-aa. ||4||35||104||
The Guru has blessed Nanak with this home. ||4||35||104||

gauVI mÚ 5 ] (186-19)
ga-orhee mehlaa 5.
Gauree, Fifth Mehl:

kvn rUpu qyrw AwrwDau ] (186-19)
kavan roop tayraa aaraaDha-o.
What form of Yours should I worship and adore?

kvn jog kwieAw ly swDau ]1] (186-19)
kavan jog kaa-i-aa lay saaDha-o. ||1||
What Yoga should I practice to control my body? ||1||


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD