Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


ijsu ismrq fUbq pwhn qry ]3] (183-1)
jis simrat doobat paahan taray. ||3||
Remembering Him in meditation, sinking stones are made to float. ||3||

sMq sBw kau sdw jYkwru ] (183-1)
sant sabhaa ka-o sadaa jaikaar.
I salute and applaud the Society of the Saints.

hir hir nwmu jn pRwn ADwru ] (183-1)
har har naam jan paraan aDhaar.
The Name of the Lord, Har, Har, is the Support of the breath of life of His servant.

khu nwnk myrI suxI Ardwis ] (183-2)
kaho naanak mayree sunee ardaas.
Says Nanak, the Lord has heard my prayer;

sMq pRswid mo kau nwm invwis ]4]21]90] (183-2)
sant parsaad mo ka-o naam nivaas. ||4||21||90||
by the Grace of the Saints, I dwell in the Naam, the Name of the Lord. ||4||21||90||

gauVI guAwryrI mhlw 5 ] (183-3)
ga-orhee gu-aarayree mehlaa 5.
Gauree Gwaarayree, Fifth Mehl:

siqgur drsin Agin invwrI ] (183-3)
satgur darsan agan nivaaree.
By the Blessed Vision of the True Guru's Darshan, the fire of desire is quenched.

siqgur Bytq haumY mwrI ] (183-3)
satgur bhaytat ha-umai maaree.
Meeting the True Guru, egotism is subdued.

siqgur sMig nwhI mnu folY ] (183-4)
satgur sang naahee man dolai.
In the Company of the True Guru, the mind does not waver.

AMimRq bwxI gurmuiK bolY ]1] (183-4)
amrit banee gurmukh bolai. ||1||
The Gurmukh speaks the Ambrosial Word of Gurbani. ||1||

sBu jgu swcw jw sc mih rwqy ] (183-4)
sabh jag saachaa jaa sach meh raatay.
He sees the True One pervading the whole world; he is imbued with the True One.

sIql swiq gur qy pRB jwqy ]1] rhwau ] (183-5)
seetal saat gur tay parabh jaatay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
I have become cool and tranquil, knowing God, through the Guru. ||1||Pause||

sMq pRswid jpY hir nwau ] (183-5)
sant parsaad japai har naa-o.
By the Grace of the Saints, one chants the Lord's Name.

sMq pRswid hir kIrqnu gwau ] (183-5)
sant parsaad har keertan gaa-o.
By the Grace of the Saints, one sings the Kirtan of the Lord's Praises.

sMq pRswid sgl duK imty ] (183-6)
sant parsaad sagal dukh mitay.
By the Grace of the Saints, all pains are erased.

sMq pRswid bMDn qy Cuty ]2] (183-6)
sant parsaad banDhan tay chhutay. ||2||
By the Grace of the Saints, one is released from bondage. ||2||

sMq ik®pw qy imty moh Brm ] (183-6)
sant kirpaa tay mitay moh bharam.
By the kind Mercy of the Saints, emotional attachment and doubt are removed.

swD ryx mjn siB Drm ] (183-7)
saaDh rayn majan sabh Dharam.
Taking a bath in the dust of the feet of the Holy - this is true Dharmic faith.

swD ik®pwl dieAwl goivMdu ] (183-7)
saaDh kirpaal da-i-aal govind.
By the kindness of the Holy, the Lord of the Universe becomes merciful.

swDw mih ieh hmrI ijMdu ]3] (183-7)
saaDhaa meh ih hamree jind. ||3||
The life of my soul is with the Holy. ||3||

ikrpw iniD ikrpwl iDAwvau ] swDsMig qw bYTxu pwvau ] (183-8)
kirpaa niDh kirpaal Dhi-aava-o. saaDhsang taa baithan paava-o.
Meditating on the Merciful Lord, the Treasure of Mercy, I have obtained a seat in the Saadh Sangat.

moih inrgux kau pRiB kInI dieAw ] (183-8)
mohi nirgun ka-o parabh keenee da-i-aa.
I am worthless, but God has been kind to me.

swDsMig nwnk nwmu lieAw ]4]22]91] (183-9)
saaDhsang naanak naam la-i-aa. ||4||22||91||
In the Saadh Sangat, Nanak has taken to the Naam, the Name of the Lord. ||4||22||91||

gauVI guAwryrI mhlw 5 ] (183-9)
ga-orhee gu-aarayree mehlaa 5.
Gauree Gwaarayree, Fifth Mehl:

swDsMig jipE BgvMqu ] (183-9)
saaDhsang japi-o bhagvant.
In the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, I meditate on the Lord God.

kyvl nwmu dIE guir mMqu ] (183-10)
kayval naam dee-o gur mant.
The Guru has given me the Mantra of the Naam, the Name of the Lord.

qij AiBmwn Bey inrvYr ] (183-10)
taj abhimaan bha-ay nirvair.
Shedding my ego, I have become free of hate.

AwT phr pUjhu gur pYr ]1] (183-10)
aath pahar poojahu gur pair. ||1||
Twenty-four hours a day, I worship the Guru's Feet. ||1||

Ab miq ibnsI dust ibgwnI ] (183-11)
ab mat binsee dusat bigaanee.
Now, my evil sense of alienation is eliminated,

jb qy suixAw hir jsu kwnI ]1] rhwau ] (183-11)
jab tay suni-aa har jas kaanee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
since I have heard the Praises of the Lord with my ears. ||1||Pause||

shj sUK Awnµd inDwn ] (183-11)
sahj sookh aanand niDhaan.
The Savior Lord is the treasure of intuitive peace, poise and bliss.

rwKnhwr riK lyie indwn ] (183-12)
raakhanhaar rakh lay-ay nidaan.
He shall save me in the end.

dUK drd ibnsy BY Brm ] (183-12)
dookh darad binsay bhai bharam.
My pains, sufferings, fears and doubts have been erased.

Awvx jwx rKy kir krm ]2] (183-12)
aavan jaan rakhay kar karam. ||2||
He has mercifully saved me from coming and going in reincarnation. ||2||

pyKY bolY suxY sBu Awip ] (183-13)
paykhai bolai sunai sabh aap.
He Himself beholds, speaks and hears all.

sdw sMig qw kau mn jwip ] (183-13)
sadaa sang taa ka-o man jaap.
O my mind, meditate on the One who is always with you.

sMq pRswid BieE prgwsu ] (183-13)
sant parsaad bha-i-o pargaas.
By the Grace of the Saints, the Light has dawned.

pUir rhy eykY guxqwsu ]3] (183-14)
poor rahay aykai guntaas. ||3||
The One Lord, the Treasure of Excellence, is perfectly pervading everywhere. ||3||

khq pivqR suxq punIq ] gux goivMd gwvih inq nIq ] (183-14)
kahat pavitar sunat puneet. gun govind gaavahi nit neet.
Pure are those who speak, and sanctified are those who hear and sing, forever and ever, the Glorious Praises of the Lord of the Universe.

khu nwnk jw kau hohu ik®pwl ] (183-15)
kaho naanak jaa ka-o hohu kirpaal.
Says Nanak, when the Lord bestows His Mercy,

iqsu jn kI sB pUrn Gwl ]4]23]92] (183-15)
tis jan kee sabh pooran ghaal. ||4||23||92||
all one's efforts are fulfilled. ||4||23||92||

gauVI guAwryrI mhlw 5 ] (183-15)
ga-orhee gu-aarayree mehlaa 5.
Gauree Gwaarayree, Fifth Mehl:

bMDn qoiV bolwvY rwmu ] (183-16)
banDhan torh bolaavai raam.
He breaks our bonds, and inspires us to chant the Lord's Name.

mn mih lwgY swcu iDAwnu ] imtih klys suKI hoie rhIAY ] (183-16)
man meh laagai saach Dhi-aan. miteh kalays sukhee ho-ay rahee-ai.
With the mind centered in meditation on the True Lord, anguish is eradicated, and one comes to dwell in peace.

AYsw dwqw siqguru khIAY ]1] (183-17)
aisaa daataa satgur kahee-ai. ||1||
Such is the True Guru, the Great Giver. ||1||

so suKdwqw ij nwmu jpwvY ] (183-17)
so sukh-daata je naam japaavai.
He alone is the Giver of peace, who inspires us to chant the Naam, the Name of the Lord.

kir ikrpw iqsu sMig imlwvY ]1] rhwau ] (183-17)
kar kirpaa tis sang milaavai. ||1|| rahaa-o.
By His Grace, He leads us to merge with Him. ||1||Pause||

ijsu hoie dieAwlu iqsu Awip imlwvY ] (183-18)
jis ho-ay da-i-aal tis aap milaavai.
He unites with Himself those unto whom He has shown His Mercy.

srb inDwn gurU qy pwvY ] (183-18)
sarab niDhaan guroo tay paavai.
All treasures are received from the Guru.

Awpu iqAwig imtY Awvx jwxw ] (183-18)
aap ti-aag mitai aavan jaanaa.
Renouncing selfishness and conceit, coming and going come to an end.

swD kY sMig pwrbRhmu pCwxw ]2] (183-19)
saaDh kai sang paarbarahm pachhaanaa. ||2||
In the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, the Supreme Lord God is recognized. ||2||

jn aUpir pRB Bey dieAwl ] (183-19)
jan oopar parabh bha-ay da-i-aal.
God has become merciful to His humble servant.


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD