Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


ibAwpq hrK sog ibsQwr ] (182-1)
bi-aapat harakh sog bisthaar.
It torments us with the expression of pleasure and pain.

ibAwpq surg nrk Avqwr ] (182-1)
bi-aapat surag narak avtaar.
It torments us through incarnations in heaven and hell.

ibAwpq Dn inrDn pyiK soBw ] (182-1)
bi-aapat Dhan nirDhan paykh sobhaa.
It is seen to afflict the rich, the poor and the glorious.

mUlu ibAwDI ibAwpis loBw ]1] (182-2)
mool bi-aaDhee bi-aapas lobhaa. ||1||
The source of this illness which torments us is greed. ||1||

mwieAw ibAwpq bhu prkwrI ] (182-2)
maa-i-aa bi-aapat baho parkaaree.
Maya torments us in so many ways.

sMq jIvih pRB Et qumwrI ]1] rhwau ] (182-2)
sant jeeveh parabh ot tumaaree. ||1|| rahaa-o.
But the Saints live under Your Protection, God. ||1||Pause||

ibAwpq AhMbuiD kw mwqw ] (182-3)
bi-aapat ahaN-buDh kaa maataa.
It torments us through intoxication with intellectual pride.

ibAwpq puqR klqR sMig rwqw ] (182-3)
bi-aapat putar kaltar sang raataa.
It torments us through the love of children and spouse.

ibAwpq hsiq GoVy Aru bsqw ] (182-3)
bi-aapat hasat ghorhay ar bastaa.
It torments us through elephants, horses and beautiful clothes.

ibAwpq rUp jobn md msqw ]2] (182-4)
bi-aapat roop joban mad mastaa. ||2||
It torments us through the intoxication of wine and the beauty of youth. ||2||

ibAwpq BUim rMk Aru rMgw ] (182-4)
bi-aapat bhoom rank ar rangaa.
It torments landlords, paupers and lovers of pleasure.

ibAwpq gIq nwd suix sMgw ] (182-4)
bi-aapat geet naad sun sangaa.
It torments us through the sweet sounds of music and parties.

ibAwpq syj mhl sIgwr ] (182-5)
bi-aapat sayj mahal seegaar.
It torments us through beautiful beds, palaces and decorations.

pMc dUq ibAwpq AMiDAwr ]3] (182-5)
panch doot bi-aapat anDhi-aar. ||3||
It torments us through the darkness of the five evil passions. ||3||

ibAwpq krm krY hau Pwsw ] (182-5)
bi-aapat karam karai ha-o faasaa.
It torments those who act, entangled in ego.

ibAwpiq igrsq ibAwpq audwsw ] (182-6)
bi-aapat girsat bi-aapat udaasaa.
It torments us through household affairs, and it torments us in renunciation.

Awcwr ibauhwr ibAwpq ieh jwiq ] (182-6)
aachaar bi-uhaar bi-aapat ih jaat.
It torments us through character, lifestyle and social status.

sB ikCu ibAwpq ibnu hir rMg rwq ]4] (182-6)
sabh kichh bi-aapat bin har rang raat. ||4||
It torments us through everything, except for those who are imbued with the Love of the Lord. ||4||

sMqn ky bMDn kwty hir rwie ] (182-7)
santan kay banDhan kaatay har raa-ay.
The Sovereign Lord King has cut away the bonds of His Saints.

qw kau khw ibAwpY mwie ] (182-7)
taa ka-o kahaa bi-aapai maa-ay.
How can Maya torment them?

khu nwnk ijin DUir sMq pweI ] qw kY inkit n AwvY mweI ]5]19]88] (182-7)
kaho naanak jin Dhoor sant paa-ee. taa kai nikat na aavai maa-ee. ||5||19||88||
Says Nanak, Maya does not draw near those who have obtained the dust of the feet of the Saints. ||5||19||88||

gauVI guAwryrI mhlw 5 ] (182-8)
ga-orhee gu-aarayree mehlaa 5.
Gauree Gwaarayree, Fifth Mehl:

nYnhu nId pr idRsit ivkwr ] (182-9)
nainhu need par darisat vikaar.
The eyes are asleep in corruption, gazing upon the beauty of another.

sRvx soey suix inMd vIcwr ] (182-9)
sarvan so-ay sun nind veechaar.
The ears are asleep, listening to slanderous stories.

rsnw soeI loiB mITY swid ] (182-9)
rasnaa so-ee lobh meethai saad.
The tongue is asleep, in its desire for sweet flavors.

mnu soieAw mwieAw ibsmwid ]1] (182-9)
man so-i-aa maa-i-aa bismaad. ||1||
The mind is asleep, fascinated by Maya. ||1||

iesu igRh mih koeI jwgqu rhY ] (182-10)
is garih meh ko-ee jaagat rahai.
Those who remain awake in this house are very rare;

swbqu vsqu Ehu ApnI lhY ]1] rhwau ] (182-10)
saabat vasat oh apnee lahai. ||1|| rahaa-o.
by doing so, they receive the whole thing. ||1||Pause||

sgl shylI ApnY rs mwqI ] (182-11)
sagal sahaylee apnai ras maatee.
All of my companions are intoxicated with their sensory pleasures;

igRh Apuny kI Kbir n jwqI ] (182-11)
garih apunay kee khabar na jaatee.
they do not know how to guard their own home.

musnhwr pMc btvwry ] (182-11)
musanhaar panch batvaaray.
The five thieves have plundered them;

sUny ngir pry Tghwry ]2] (182-12)
soonay nagar paray thag-haaray. ||2||
the thugs descend upon the unguarded village. ||2||

aun qy rwKY bwpu n mweI ] (182-12)
un tay raakhai baap na maa-ee.
Our mothers and fathers cannot save us from them;

aun qy rwKY mIqu n BweI ] (182-12)
un tay raakhai meet na bhaa-ee.
friends and brothers cannot protect us from them

drib isAwxp nw Eie rhqy ] (182-12)
darab si-aanap naa o-ay rahtay.
- they cannot be restrained by wealth or cleverness.

swDsMig Eie dust vis hoqy ]3] (182-13)
saaDhsang o-ay dusat vas hotay. ||3||
Only through the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, can those villains be brought under control. ||3||

kir ikrpw moih swirMgpwix ] (182-13)
kar kirpaa mohi saaringpaan.
Have Mercy upon me, O Lord, Sustainer of the world.

sMqn DUir srb inDwn ] (182-13)
santan Dhoor sarab niDhaan.
The dust of the feet of the Saints is all the treasure I need.

swbqu pUMjI siqgur sMig ] (182-14)
saabat poonjee satgur sang.
In the Company of the True Guru, one's investment remains intact.

nwnku jwgY pwrbRhm kY rMig ]4] (182-14)
naanak jaagai paarbarahm kai rang. ||4||
Nanak is awake to the Love of the Supreme Lord. ||4||

so jwgY ijsu pRBu ikrpwlu ] (182-14)
so jaagai jis parabh kirpaal.
He alone is awake, unto whom God shows His Mercy.

ieh pUMjI swbqu Dnu mwlu ]1] rhwau dUjw ]20]89] (182-15)
ih poonjee saabat Dhan maal. ||1|| rahaa-o doojaa. ||20||89||
This investment, wealth and property shall remain intact. ||1||Second Pause||20||89||

gauVI guAwryrI mhlw 5 ] (182-15)
ga-orhee gu-aarayree mehlaa 5.
Gauree Gwaarayree, Fifth Mehl:

jw kY vis Kwn sulqwn ] (182-16)
jaa kai vas khaan sultaan.
Kings and emperors are under His Power.

jw kY vis hY sgl jhwn ] (182-16)
jaa kai vas hai sagal jahaan.
The whole world is under His Power.

jw kw kIAw sBu ikCu hoie ] (182-16)
jaa kaa kee-aa sabh kichh ho-ay.
Everything is done by His doing;

iqs qy bwhir nwhI koie ]1] (182-16)
tis tay baahar naahee ko-ay. ||1||
other than Him, there is nothing at all. ||1||

khu bynµqI Apuny siqgur pwih ] (182-17)
kaho baynantee apunay satgur paahi.
Offer your prayers to your True Guru;

kwj qumwry dyie inbwih ]1] rhwau ] (182-17)
kaaj tumaaray day-ay nibaahi. ||1|| rahaa-o.
He will resolve your affairs. ||1||Pause||

sB qy aUc jw kw drbwru ] (182-17)
sabh tay ooch jaa kaa darbaar.
The Darbaar of His Court is the most exalted of all.

sgl Bgq jw kw nwmu ADwru ] (182-18)
sagal bhagat jaa kaa naam aDhaar.
His Name is the Support of all His devotees.

srb ibAwipq pUrn DnI ] (182-18)
sarab bi-aapat pooran Dhanee.
The Perfect Master is pervading everywhere.

jw kI soBw Git Git bnI ]2] (182-18)
jaa kee sobhaa ghat ghat banee. ||2||
His Glory is manifest in each and every heart. ||2||

ijsu ismrq duK fyrw FhY ] (182-19)
jis simrat dukh dayraa dhahai.
Remembering Him in meditation, the home of sorrow is abolished.

ijsu ismrq jmu ikCU n khY ] (182-19)
jis simrat jam kichhoo na kahai.
Remembering Him in meditation, the Messenger of Death shall not touch you.

ijsu ismrq hoq sUky hry ] (182-19)
jis simrat hot sookay haray.
Remembering Him in meditation, the dry branches become green again.


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD