Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


ies hI mDy bsqu Apwr ] (181-1)
is hee maDhay basat apaar.
The infinite substance is within it.

ies hI BIqir sunIAq swhu ] (181-1)
is hee bheetar sunee-at saahu.
Within it, the great merchant is said to dwell.

kvnu bwpwrI jw kw aUhw ivswhu ]1] (181-1)
kavan baapaaree jaa kaa oohaa visaahu. ||1||
Who is the trader who deals there? ||1||

nwm rqn ko ko ibauhwrI ] (181-2)
naam ratan ko ko bi-uhaaree.
How rare is that trader who deals in the jewel of the Naam, the Name of the Lord.

AMimRq Bojnu kry AwhwrI ]1] rhwau ] (181-2)
amrit bhojan karay aahaaree. ||1|| rahaa-o.
He takes the Ambrosial Nectar as his food. ||1||Pause||

mnu qnu ArpI syv krIjY ] (181-2)
man tan arpee sayv kareejai.
He dedicates his mind and body to serving the Lord.

kvn su jugiq ijqu kir BIjY ] (181-3)
kavan so jugat jit kar bheejai.
How can we please the Lord?

pwie lgau qij myrw qyrY ] (181-3)
paa-ay laga-o taj mayraa tayrai.
I fall at His Feet, and I renounce all sense of 'mine and yours'.

kvnu su jnu jo saudw jorY ]2] (181-3)
kavan so jan jo sa-udaa jorai. ||2||
Who can settle this bargain? ||2||

mhlu swh kw ikn ibiD pwvY ] (181-4)
mahal saah kaa kin biDh paavai.
How can I attain the Mansion of the Lord's Presence?

kvn su ibiD ijqu BIqir bulwvY ] (181-4)
kavan so biDh jit bheetar bulaavai.
How can I get Him to call me inside?

qUM vf swhu jw ky koit vxjwry ] (181-4)
tooN vad saahu jaa kay kot vanjaaray.
You are the Great Merchant; You have millions of traders.

kvnu su dwqw ly sMcwry ]3] (181-5)
kavan so daataa lay sanchaaray. ||3||
Who is the benefactor? Who can take me to Him? ||3||

Kojq Kojq inj Gru pwieAw ] (181-5)
khojat khojat nij ghar paa-i-aa.
Seeking and searching, I have found my own home, deep within my own being.

Amol rqnu swcu idKlwieAw ] (181-5)
amol ratan saach dikhlaa-i-aa.
The True Lord has shown me the priceless jewel.

kir ikrpw jb myly swih ] (181-6)
kar kirpaa jab maylay saahi.
When the Great Merchant shows His Mercy, He blends us into Himself.

khu nwnk gur kY vyswih ]4]16]85] (181-6)
kaho naanak gur kai vaysaahi. ||4||16||85||
Says Nanak, place your faith in the Guru. ||4||16||85||

gauVI mhlw 5 guAwryrI ] (181-6)
ga-orhee mehlaa 5 gu-aarayree.
Gauree, Fifth Mehl, Gwaarayree:

rYix idnsu rhY iek rMgw ] (181-7)
rain dinas rahai ik rangaa.
Night and day, they remain in the Love of the One.

pRB kau jwxY sd hI sMgw ] (181-7)
parabh ka-o jaanai sad hee sangaa.
They know that God is always with them.

Twkur nwmu kIE auin vrqin ] (181-7)
thaakur naam kee-o un vartan.
They make the Name of their Lord and Master their way of life;

iqRpiq AGwvnu hir kY drsin ]1] (181-8)
taripat aghaavan har kai darsan. ||1||
they are satisfied and fulfilled with the Blessed Vision of the Lord's Darshan. ||1||

hir sMig rwqy mn qn hry ] (181-8)
har sang raatay man tan haray.
Imbued with the Love of the Lord, their minds and bodies are rejuvenated,

gur pUry kI srnI pry ]1] rhwau ] (181-8)
gur pooray kee sarnee paray. ||1|| rahaa-o.
entering the Sanctuary of the Perfect Guru. ||1||Pause||

crx kml Awqm AwDwr ] (181-9)
charan kamal aatam aaDhaar.
The Lord's Lotus Feet are the Support of the soul.

eyku inhwrih AwigAwkwr ] (181-9)
ayk nihaarahi aagi-aakaar.
They see only the One, and obey His Order.

eyko bnju eyko ibauhwrI ] (181-9)
ayko banaj ayko bi-uhaaree.
There is only one trade, and one occupation.

Avru n jwnih ibnu inrMkwrI ]2] (181-10)
avar na jaaneh bin nirankaaree. ||2||
They know no other than the Formless Lord. ||2||

hrK sog duhhUM qy mukqy ] (181-10)
harakh sog duhhooN tay muktay.
They are free of both pleasure and pain.

sdw Ailpqu jog Aru jugqy ] (181-10)
sadaa alipat jog ar jugtay.
They remain unattached, joined to the Lord's Way.

dIsih sB mih sB qy rhqy ] (181-11)
deeseh sabh meh sabh tay rahtay.
They are seen among all, and yet they are distinct from all.

pwrbRhm kw Eie iDAwnu Drqy ]3] (181-11)
paarbarahm kaa o-ay Dhi-aan Dhartay. ||3||
They focus their meditation on the Supreme Lord God. ||3||

sMqn kI mihmw kvn vKwnau ] (181-11)
santan kee mahimaa kavan vakhaana-o.
How can I describe the Glories of the Saints?

AgwiD boiD ikCu imiq nhI jwnau ] (181-12)
agaaDh boDh kichh mit nahee jaan-o.
Their knowledge is unfathomable; their limits cannot be known.

pwrbRhm moih ikrpw kIjY ] (181-12)
paarbarahm mohi kirpaa keejai.
O Supreme Lord God, please shower Your Mercy upon me.

DUir sMqn kI nwnk dIjY ]4]17]86] (181-12)
Dhoor santan kee naanak deejai. ||4||17||86||
Bless Nanak with the dust of the feet of the Saints. ||4||17||86||

gauVI guAwryrI mhlw 5 ] (181-13)
ga-orhee gu-aarayree mehlaa 5.
Gauree Gwaarayree, Fifth Mehl:

qUM myrw sKw qUMhI myrw mIqu ] (181-13)
tooN mayraa sakhaa tooNhee mayraa meet.
You are my Companion; You are my Best Friend.

qUM myrw pRIqmu qum sMig hIqu ] (181-13)
tooN mayraa pareetam tum sang heet.
You are my Beloved; I am in love with You.

qUM myrI piq qUhY myrw ghxw ] (181-14)
tooN mayree pat toohai mayraa gahnaa.
You are my honor; You are my decoration.

quJ ibnu inmKu n jweI rhxw ]1] (181-14)
tujh bin nimakh na jaa-ee rahnaa. ||1||
Without You, I cannot survive, even for an instant. ||1||

qUM myry lwln qUM myry pRwn ] (181-14)
tooN mayray laalan tooN mayray paraan.
You are my Intimate Beloved, You are my breath of life.

qUM myry swihb qUM myry Kwn ]1] rhwau ] (181-15)
tooN mayray saahib tooN mayray khaan. ||1|| rahaa-o.
You are my Lord and Master; You are my Leader. ||1||Pause||

ijau qum rwKhu iqv hI rhnw ] (181-15)
ji-o tum raakho tiv hee rahnaa.
As You keep me, so do I survive.

jo qum khhu soeI moih krnw ] (181-16)
jo tum kahhu so-ee mohi karnaa.
Whatever You say, that is what I do.

jh pyKau qhw qum bsnw ] (181-16)
jah paykha-o tahaa tum basnaa.
Wherever I look, there I see You dwelling.

inrBau nwmu jpau qyrw rsnw ]2] (181-16)
nirbha-o naam japa-o tayraa rasnaa. ||2||
O my Fearless Lord, with my tongue, I chant Your Name. ||2||

qUM myrI nv iniD qUM BMfwru ] (181-16)
tooN mayree nav niDh tooN bhandaar.
You are my nine treasures, You are my storehouse.

rMg rsw qUM mnih ADwru ] (181-17)
rang rasaa tooN maneh aDhaar.
I am imbued with Your Love; You are the Support of my mind.

qUM myrI soBw qum sMig rcIAw ] (181-17)
tooN mayree sobhaa tum sang rachee-aa.
You are my Glory; I am blended with You.

qUM myrI Et qUM hY myrw qkIAw ]3] (181-17)
tooN mayree ot tooN hai mayraa takee-aa. ||3||
You are my Shelter; You are my Anchoring Support. ||3||

mn qn AMqir quhI iDAwieAw ] (181-18)
man tan antar tuhee Dhi-aa-i-aa.
Deep within my mind and body, I meditate on You.

mrmu qumwrw gur qy pwieAw ] (181-18)
maram tumaaraa gur tay paa-i-aa.
I have obtained Your secret from the Guru.

siqgur qy idRiVAw ieku eykY ] (181-18)
satgur tay darirhi-aa ik aykai.
Through the True Guru, the One and only Lord was implanted within me;

nwnk dws hir hir hir tykY ]4]18]87] (181-19)
naanak daas har har har taykai. ||4||18||87||
servant Nanak has taken to the Support of the Lord, Har, Har, Har. ||4||18||87||

gauVI guAwryrI mhlw 5 ] (181-19)
ga-orhee gu-aarayree mehlaa 5.
Gauree Gwaarayree, Fifth Mehl:


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD