Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


pRwxI jwxY iehu qnu myrw ] (180-1)
paraanee jaanai ih tan mayraa.
The mortal claims this body as his own.

bhuir bhuir auAwhU lptyrw ] (180-1)
bahur bahur u-aahoo laptayraa.
Again and again, he clings to it.

puqR klqR igrsq kw Pwsw ] (180-1)
putar kaltar girsat kaa faasaa.
He is entangled with his children, his wife and household affairs.

honu n pweIAY rwm ky dwsw ]1] (180-2)
hon na paa-ee-ai raam kay daasaa. ||1||
He cannot be the slave of the Lord. ||1||

kvn su ibiD ijqu rwm gux gwie ] (180-2)
kavan so biDh jit raam gun gaa-ay.
What is that way, by which the Lord's Praises might be sung?

kvn su miq ijqu qrY ieh mwie ]1] rhwau ] (180-2)
kavan so mat jit tarai ih maa-ay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
What is that intellect, by which this person might swim across, O mother? ||1||Pause||

jo BlweI so burw jwnY ] (180-3)
jo bhalaa-ee so buraa jaanai.
That which is for his own good, he thinks is evil.

swcu khY so ibKY smwnY ] (180-3)
saach kahai so bikhai samaanai.
If someone tells him the truth, he looks upon that as poison.

jwxY nwhI jIq Aru hwr ] (180-3)
jaanai naahee jeet ar haar.
He cannot tell victory from defeat.

iehu vlyvw swkq sMswr ]2] (180-4)
ih valayvaa saakat sansaar. ||2||
This is the way of life in the world of the faithless cynic. ||2||

jo hlwhl so pIvY baurw ] (180-4)
jo halaahal so peevai ba-uraa.
The demented fool drinks in the deadly poison,

AMimRqu nwmu jwnY kir kaurw ] (180-4)
amrit naam jaanai kar ka-uraa.
while he believes the Ambrosial Naam to be bitter.

swDsMg kY nwhI nyir ] (180-5)
saaDhsang kai naahee nayr.
He does not even approach the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy;

lK caurwsIh BRmqw Pyir ]3] (180-5)
lakh cha-oraaseeh bharmataa fayr. ||3||
he wanders lost through 8.4 million incarnations. ||3||

eykY jwil Phwey pMKI ] (180-5)
aykai jaal fahaa-ay pankhee.
The birds are caught in the net of Maya;

ris ris Bog krih bhu rMgI ] (180-5)
ras ras bhog karahi baho rangee.
immersed in the pleasures of love, they frolic in so many ways.

khu nwnk ijsu Bey ik®pwl ] guir pUrY qw ky kwty jwl ]4]13]82] (180-6)
kaho naanak jis bha-ay kirpaal. gur poorai taa kay kaatay jaal. ||4||13||82||
Says Nanak, the Perfect Guru has cut away the noose from those, unto whom the Lord has shown His Mercy. ||4||13||82||

gauVI guAwryrI mhlw 5 ] (180-6)
ga-orhee gu-aarayree mehlaa 5.
Gauree Gwaarayree, Fifth Mehl:

qau ikrpw qy mwrgu pweIAY ] (180-7)
ta-o kirpaa tay maarag paa-ee-ai.
By Your Grace, we find the Way.

pRB ikrpw qy nwmu iDAweIAY ] (180-7)
parabh kirpaa tay naam Dhi-aa-ee-ai.
By God's Grace, we meditate on the Naam, the Name of the Lord.

pRB ikrpw qy bMDn CutY ] (180-7)
parabh kirpaa tay banDhan chhutai.
By God's Grace, we are released from our bondage.

qau ikrpw qy haumY qutY ]1] (180-8)
ta-o kirpaa tay ha-umai tutai. ||1||
By Your Grace, egotism is eradicated. ||1||

qum lwvhu qau lwgh syv ] (180-8)
tum laavhu ta-o laagah sayv.
As You assign me, so I take to Your service.

hm qy kCU n hovY dyv ]1] rhwau ] (180-8)
ham tay kachhoo na hovai dayv. ||1|| rahaa-o.
By myself, I cannot do anything at all, O Divine Lord. ||1||Pause||

quDu BwvY qw gwvw bwxI ] (180-9)
tuDh bhaavai taa gaavaa banee.
If it pleases You, then I sing the Word of Your Bani.

quDu BwvY qw scu vKwxI ] (180-9)
tuDh bhaavai taa sach vakhaanee.
If it pleases You, then I speak the Truth.

quDu BwvY qw siqgur mieAw ] (180-9)
tuDh bhaavai taa satgur ma-i-aa.
If it pleases You, then the True Guru showers His Mercy upon me.

srb suKw pRB qyrI dieAw ]2] (180-10)
sarab sukhaa parabh tayree da-i-aa. ||2||
All peace comes by Your Kindness, God. ||2||

jo quDu BwvY so inrml krmw ] (180-10)
jo tuDh bhaavai so nirmal karmaa.
Whatever pleases You is a pure action of karma.

jo quDu BwvY so scu Drmw ] (180-10)
jo tuDh bhaavai so sach Dharmaa.
Whatever pleases You is the true faith of Dharma.

srb inDwn gux qum hI pwis ] (180-10)
sarab niDhaan gun tum hee paas.
The treasure of all excellence is with You.

qUM swihbu syvk Ardwis ]3] (180-11)
tooN saahib sayvak ardaas. ||3||
Your servant prays to You, O Lord and Master. ||3||

mnu qnu inrmlu hoie hir rMig ] (180-11)
man tan nirmal ho-ay har rang.
The mind and body become immaculate through the Lord's Love.

srb suKw pwvau sqsMig ] (180-11)
sarab sukhaa paava-o satsang.
All peace is found in the Sat Sangat, the True Congregation.

nwim qyrY rhY mnu rwqw ] (180-12)
naam tayrai rahai man raataa.
My mind remains attuned to Your Name;

iehu kilAwxu nwnk kir jwqw ]4]14]83] (180-12)
ih kali-aan naanak kar jaataa. ||4||14||83||
Nanak affirms this as his greatest pleasure. ||4||14||83||

gauVI guAwryrI mhlw 5 ] (180-13)
ga-orhee gu-aarayree mehlaa 5.
Gauree Gwaarayree, Fifth Mehl:

Awn rsw jyqy qY cwKy ] (180-13)
aan rasaa jaytay tai chaakhay.
You may taste the other flavors,

inmK n iqRsnw qyrI lwQy ] (180-13)
nimakh na tarisnaa tayree laathay.
but your thirst shall not depart, even for an instant.

hir rs kw qUM cwKih swdu ] (180-13)
har ras kaa tooN chaakhahi saad.
But when you taste the sweet flavor the the Lord's sublime essence

cwKq hoie rhih ibsmwdu ]1] (180-14)
chaakhat ho-ay raheh bismaad. ||1||
- upon tasting it, you shall be wonder-struck and amazed. ||1||

AMimRqu rsnw pIau ipAwrI ] (180-14)
amrit rasnaa pee-o pi-aaree.
O dear beloved tongue, drink in the Ambrosial Nectar.

ieh rs rwqI hoie iqRpqwrI ]1] rhwau ] (180-14)
ih ras raatee ho-ay tariptaaree. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Imbued with this sublime essence, you shall be satisfied. ||1||Pause||

hy ijhvy qUM rwm gux gwau ] (180-15)
hay jihvay tooN raam gun gaa-o.
O tongue, sing the Glorious Praises of the Lord.

inmK inmK hir hir hir iDAwau ] (180-15)
nimakh nimakh har har har Dhi-aa-o.
Each and every moment, meditate on the Lord, Har, Har, Har.

Awn n sunIAY kqhUM jweIAY ] (180-15)
aan na sunee-ai katahooN jaa-ee-ai.
Do not listen to any other, and do not go anywhere else.

swDsMgiq vfBwgI pweIAY ]2] (180-16)
saaDhsangat vadbhaagee paa-ee-ai. ||2||
By great good fortune, you shall find the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy. ||2||

AwT phr ijhvy AwrwiD ] pwrbRhm Twkur AwgwiD ] (180-16)
aath pahar jihvay aaraaDh. paarbarahm thaakur aagaaDh.
Twenty-four hours a day, O tongue, dwell upon God, the Unfathomable, Supreme Lord and Master.

eIhw aUhw sdw suhylI ] (180-17)
eehaa oohaa sadaa suhaylee.
Here and hereafter, you shall be happy forever.

hir gux gwvq rsn AmolI ]3] (180-17)
har gun gaavat rasan amolee. ||3||
Chanting the Glorious Praises of the Lord, O tongue, you shall become priceless. ||3||

bnspiq maulI Pl Pul pyfy ] (180-17)
banaspat ma-ulee fal ful payday.
All the vegetation will blossom forth for you, flowering in fruition;

ieh rs rwqI bhuir n Cofy ] (180-18)
ih ras raatee bahur na chhoday.
imbued with this sublime essence, you shall never leave it again.

Awn n rs ks lvY n lweI ] (180-18)
aan na ras kas lavai na laa-ee.
No other sweet and tasty flavors can compare to it.

khu nwnk gur Bey hY shweI ]4]15]84] (180-18)
kaho naanak gur bha-ay hai sahaa-ee. ||4||15||84||
Says Nanak, the Guru has become my Support. ||4||15||84||

gauVI guAwryrI mhlw 5 ] (180-19)
ga-orhee gu-aarayree mehlaa 5.
Gauree Gwaarayree, Fifth Mehl:

mnu mMdru qnu swjI bwir ] (180-19)
man mandar tan saajee baar.
The mind is the temple, and the body is the fence built around it.


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD