Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


mn myry ghu hir nwm kw Elw ] (179-1)
man mayray gahu har naam kaa olaa.
O my mind, hold tight to the Support of the Lord's Name.

quJY n lwgY qwqw Jolw ]1] rhwau ] (179-1)
tujhai na laagai taataa jholaa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The hot winds shall never even touch you. ||1||Pause||

ijau boihQu BY swgr mwih ] (179-1)
ji-o bohith bhai saagar maahi.
Like a boat in the ocean of fear;

AMDkwr dIpk dIpwih ] (179-2)
anDhkaar deepak deepaahi.
like a lamp which illumines the darkness;

Agin sIq kw lwhis dUK ] (179-2)
agan seet kaa laahas dookh.
like fire which takes away the pain of cold

nwmu jpq min hovq sUK ]2] (179-2)
naam japat man hovat sookh. ||2||
- just so, chanting the Name, the mind becomes peaceful. ||2||

auqir jwie qyry mn kI ipAws ] (179-3)
utar jaa-ay tayray man kee pi-aas.
The thirst of your mind shall be quenched,

pUrn hovY sglI Aws ] (179-3)
pooran hovai saglee aas.
and all hopes shall be fulfilled.

folY nwhI qumrw cIqu ] (179-3)
dolai naahee tumraa cheet.
Your consciousness shall not waver.

AMimRq nwmu jip gurmuiK mIq ]3] (179-4)
amrit naam jap gurmukh meet. ||3||
Meditate on the Ambrosial Naam as Gurmukh, O my friend. ||3||

nwmu AauKDu soeI jnu pwvY ] (179-4)
naam a-ukhaDh so-ee jan paavai.
He alone receives the panacea, the medicine of the Naam,

kir ikrpw ijsu Awip idvwvY ] (179-4)
kar kirpaa jis aap divaavai.
unto whom the Lord, in His Grace, bestows it.

hir hir nwmu jw kY ihrdY vsY ] (179-5)
har har naam jaa kai hirdai vasai.
One whose heart is filled with the Name of the Lord, Har, Har

dUKu drdu iqh nwnk nsY ]4]10]79] (179-5)
dookh darad tih naanak nasai. ||4||10||79||
- O Nanak, his pains and sorrows are eliminated. ||4||10||79||

gauVI guAwryrI mhlw 5 ] (179-6)
ga-orhee gu-aarayree mehlaa 5.
Gauree Gwaarayree, Fifth Mehl:

bhuqu drbu kir mnu n AGwnw ] (179-6)
bahut darab kar man na aghaanaa.
Even with vast sums of wealth, the mind is not satisfied.

Aink rUp dyiK nh pqIAwnw ] (179-6)
anik roop daykh nah patee-aanaa.
Gazing upon countless beauties, the man is not satisfied.

puqR klqR auriJE jwin myrI ] (179-7)
putar kaltar urjhi-o jaan mayree.
He is so involved with his wife and sons - he believes that they belong to him.

Eh ibnsY Eie BsmY FyrI ]1] (179-7)
oh binsai o-ay bhasmai dhayree. ||1||
That wealth shall pass away, and those relatives shall be reduced to ashes. ||1||

ibnu hir Bjn dyKau ibllwqy ] (179-7)
bin har bhajan daykh-a-u billaatay.
Without meditating and vibrating on the Lord, they are crying out in pain.

iDRgu qnu iDRgu Dnu mwieAw sMig rwqy ]1] rhwau ] (179-8)
Dharig tan Dharig Dhan maa-i-aa sang raatay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Their bodies are cursed, and their wealth is cursed - they are imbued with Maya. ||1||Pause||

ijau ibgwrI kY isir dIjih dwm ] (179-8)
ji-o bigaaree kai sir deejeh daam.
The servant carries the bags of money on his head,

Eie KsmY kY igRih aun dUK shwm ] (179-8)
o-ay khasmai kai garihi un dookh sahaam.
but it goes to his master's house, and he receives only pain.

ijau supnY hoie bYsq rwjw ] (179-9)
ji-o supnai ho-ay baisat raajaa.
The man sits as a king in his dreams,

nyqR pswrY qw inrwrQ kwjw ]2] (179-9)
naytar pasaarai taa niraarath kaajaa. ||2||
but when he opens his eyes, he sees that it was all in vain. ||2||

ijau rwKw Kyq aUpir prwey ] (179-10)
ji-o raakhaa khayt oopar paraa-ay.
The watchman oversees the field of another,

Kyqu Ksm kw rwKw auiT jwey ] (179-10)
khayt khasam kaa raakhaa uth jaa-ay.
but the field belongs to his master, while he must get up and depart.

ausu Kyq kwrix rwKw kVY ] (179-10)
us khayt kaaran raakhaa karhai.
He works so hard, and suffers for that field,

iqs kY pwlY kCU n pVY ]3] (179-10)
tis kai paalai kachhoo na parhai. ||3||
but still, nothing comes into his hands. ||3||

ijs kw rwju iqsY kw supnw ] (179-11)
jis kaa raaj tisai kaa supnaa.
The dream is His, and the kingdom is His;

ijin mwieAw dInI iqin lweI iqRsnw ] (179-11)
jin maa-i-aa deenee tin laa-ee tarisnaa.
He who has given the wealth of Maya, has infused the desire for it.

Awip ibnwhy Awip kry rwis ] (179-11)
aap binaahay aap karay raas.
He Himself annihilates, and He Himself restores.

nwnk pRB AwgY Ardwis ]4]11]80] (179-12)
naanak parabh aagai ardaas. ||4||11||80||
Nanak offers this prayer to God. ||4||11||80||

gauVI guAwryrI mhlw 5 ] (179-12)
ga-orhee gu-aarayree mehlaa 5.
Gauree Gwaarayree, Fifth Mehl:

bhu rMg mwieAw bhu ibiD pyKI ] (179-13)
baho rang maa-i-aa baho biDh paykhee.
I have gazed upon the many forms of Maya, in so many ways.

klm kwgd isAwnp lyKI ] (179-13)
kalam kaagad si-aanap laykhee.
With pen and paper, I have written clever things.

mhr mlUk hoie dyiKAw Kwn ] (179-13)
mahar malook ho-ay daykhi-aa khaan.
I have seen what it is to be a chief, a king, and an emperor,

qw qy nwhI mnu iqRpqwn ]1] (179-14)
taa tay naahee man tariptaan. ||1||
but they do not satisfy the mind. ||1||

so suKu mo kau sMq bqwvhu ] (179-14)
so sukh mo ka-o sant bataavhu.
Show me that peace, O Saints,

iqRsnw bUJY mnu iqRpqwvhu ]1] rhwau ] (179-14)
tarisnaa boojhai man tariptaavho. ||1|| rahaa-o.
which will quench my thirst and satisfy my mind. ||1||Pause||

Asu pvn hsiq AsvwrI ] (179-15)
as pavan hasat asvaaree.
You may have horses as fast as the wind, elephants to ride on,

coAw cMdnu syj suMdir nwrI ] (179-15)
cho-aa chandan sayj sundar naaree.
sandalwood oil, and beautiful women in bed,

nt nwitk AwKwry gwieAw ] (179-15)
nat naatik aakhaaray gaa-i-aa.
actors in dramas, singing in theaters

qw mih min sMqoKu n pwieAw ]2] (179-15)
taa meh man santokh na paa-i-aa. ||2||
- but even with them, the mind does not find contentment. ||2||

qKqu sBw mMfn dolIcy ] (179-16)
takhat sabhaa mandan doleechay.
You may have a throne at the royal court, with beautiful decorations and soft carpets,

sgl myvy suMdr bwgIcy ] (179-16)
sagal mayvay sundar baageechay.
all sorts of luscious fruits and beautiful gardens,

AwKyV ibriq rwjn kI lIlw ] (179-16)
aakhayrh birat raajan kee leelaa.
the excitement of the chase and princely pleasures

mnu n suhylw prpMcu hIlw ]3] (179-17)
man na suhaylaa parpanch heelaa. ||3||
- but still, the mind is not made happy by such illusory diversions. ||3||

kir ikrpw sMqn scu kihAw ] (179-17)
kar kirpaa santan sach kahi-aa.
In their kindness, the Saints have told me of the True One,

srb sUK iehu Awnµdu lihAw ] (179-17)
sarab sookh ih aanand lahi-aa.
and so I have obtained all comforts and joy.

swDsMig hir kIrqnu gweIAY ] (179-18)
saaDhsang har keertan gaa-ee-ai.
In the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, I sing the Kirtan of the Lord's Praises.

khu nwnk vfBwgI pweIAY ]4] (179-18)
kaho naanak vadbhaagee paa-ee-ai. ||4||
Says Nanak, through great good fortune, I have found this. ||4||

jw kY hir Dnu soeI suhylw ] (179-18)
jaa kai har Dhan so-ee suhaylaa.
One who obtains the wealth of the Lord becomes happy.

pRB ikrpw qy swDsMig mylw ]1] rhwau dUjw ]12]81] (179-19)
parabh kirpaa tay saaDhsang maylaa. ||1|| rahaa-o doojaa. ||12||81||
By God's Grace, I have joined the Saadh Sangat. ||1||Second Pause||12||81||

gauVI guAwryrI mhlw 5 ] (179-19)
ga-orhee gu-aarayree mehlaa 5.
Gauree Gwaarayree, Fifth Mehl:


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD