Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


aukiq isAwxp sglI iqAwgu ] (177-1)
ukat si-aanap saglee ti-aag.
Give up all your clever tricks and devices,

sMq jnw kI crxI lwgu ]2] (177-1)
sant janaa kee charnee laag. ||2||
and hold tight to the Feet of the Saints. ||2||

srb jIA hih jw kY hwiQ ] (177-1)
sarab jee-a heh jaa kai haath.
The One, who holds all creatures in His Hands,

kdy n ivCuVY sB kY swiQ ] (177-2)
kaday na vichhurhai sabh kai saath.
is never separated from them; He is with them all.

aupwv Coif ghu iqs kI Et ] (177-2)
upaav chhod gahu tis kee ot.
Abandon your clever devices, and grasp hold of His Support.

inmK mwih hovY qyrI Coit ]3] (177-2)
nimakh maahi hovai tayree chhot. ||3||
In an instant, you shall be saved. ||3||

sdw inkit kir iqs no jwxu ] (177-2)
sadaa nikat kar tis no jaan.
Know that He is always near at hand.

pRB kI AwigAw siq kir mwnu ] (177-3)
parabh kee aagi-aa sat kar maan.
Accept the Order of God as True.

gur kY bcin imtwvhu Awpu ] (177-3)
gur kai bachan mitaavhu aap.
Through the Guru's Teachings, eradicate selfishness and conceit.

hir hir nwmu nwnk jip jwpu ]4]4]73] (177-3)
har har naam naanak jap jaap. ||4||4||73||
O Nanak, chant and meditate on the Naam, the Name of the Lord, Har, Har. ||4||4||73||

gauVI guAwryrI mhlw 5 ] (177-4)
ga-orhee gu-aarayree mehlaa 5.
Gauree Gwaarayree, Fifth Mehl:

gur kw bcnu sdw AibnwsI ] (177-4)
gur kaa bachan sadaa abhinaasee.
The Guru's Word is eternal and everlasting.

gur kY bcin ktI jm PwsI ] (177-5)
gur kai bachan katee jam faasee.
The Guru's Word cuts away the noose of Death.

gur kw bcnu jIA kY sMig ] (177-5)
gur kaa bachan jee-a kai sang.
The Guru's Word is always with the soul.

gur kY bcin rcY rwm kY rMig ]1] (177-5)
gur kai bachan rachai raam kai rang. ||1||
Through the Guru's Word, one is immersed in the Love of the Lord. ||1||

jo guir dIAw su mn kY kwim ] (177-6)
jo gur dee-aa so man kai kaam.
Whatever the Guru gives, is useful to the mind.

sMq kw kIAw siq kir mwin ]1] rhwau ] (177-6)
sant kaa kee-aa sat kar maan. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Whatever the Saint does - accept that as True. ||1||Pause||

gur kw bcnu Atl ACyd ] (177-6)
gur kaa bachan atal achhayd.
The Guru's Word is infallible and unchanging.

gur kY bcin kty BRm Byd ] (177-7)
gur kai bachan katay bharam bhayd.
Through the Guru's Word, doubt and prejudice are dispelled.

gur kw bcnu kqhu n jwie ] (177-7)
gur kaa bachan katahu na jaa-ay.
The Guru's Word never goes away;

gur kY bcin hir ky gux gwie ]2] (177-7)
gur kai bachan har kay gun gaa-ay. ||2||
through the Guru's Word, we sing the Glorious Praises of the Lord. ||2||

gur kw bcnu jIA kY swQ ] (177-8)
gur kaa bachan jee-a kai saath.
The Guru's Word accompanies the soul.

gur kw bcnu AnwQ ko nwQ ] (177-8)
gur kaa bachan anaath ko naath.
The Guru's Word is the Master of the masterless.

gur kY bcin nrik n pvY ] (177-8)
gur kai bachan narak na pavai.
The Guru's Word saves one from falling into hell.

gur kY bcin rsnw AMimRqu rvY ]3] (177-9)
gur kai bachan rasnaa amrit ravai. ||3||
Through the Guru's Word, the tongue savors the Ambrosial Nectar. ||3||

gur kw bcnu prgtu sMswir ] (177-9)
gur kaa bachan pargat sansaar.
The Guru's Word is revealed in the world.

gur kY bcin n AwvY hwir ] (177-9)
gur kai bachan na aavai haar.
Through the Guru's Word, no one suffers defeat.

ijsu jn hoey Awip ik®pwl ] nwnk siqgur sdw dieAwl ]4]5]74] (177-10)
jis jan ho-ay aap kirpaal. naanak satgur sadaa da-i-aal. ||4||5||74||
O Nanak, the True Guru is always kind and compassionate, unto those whom the Lord Himself has blessed with His Mercy. ||4||5||74||

gauVI guAwryrI mhlw 5 ] (177-10)
ga-orhee gu-aarayree mehlaa 5.
Gauree Gwaarayree, Fifth Mehl:

ijin kIqw mwtI qy rqnu ] (177-11)
jin keetaa maatee tay ratan.
He makes jewels out of the dust,

grB mih rwiKAw ijin kir jqnu ] (177-11)
garabh meh raakhi-aa jin kar jatan.
and He managed to preserve you in the womb.

ijin dInI soBw vifAweI ] (177-11)
jin deenee sobhaa vadi-aa-ee.
He has given you fame and greatness;

iqsu pRB kau AwT phr iDAweI ]1] (177-12)
tis parabh ka-o aath pahar Dhi-aa-ee. ||1||
meditate on that God, twenty-four hours a day. ||1||

rmeIAw rynu swD jn pwvau ] (177-12)
rama-ee-aa rayn saaDh jan paava-o.
O Lord, I seek the dust of the feet of the Holy.

gur imil Apunw Ksmu iDAwvau ]1] rhwau ] (177-12)
gur mil apunaa khasam Dhi-aava-o. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Meeting the Guru, I meditate on my Lord and Master. ||1||Pause||

ijin kIqw mUV qy bkqw ] (177-13)
jin keetaa moorh tay baktaa.
He transformed me, the fool, into a fine speaker,

ijin kIqw bysurq qy surqw ] (177-13)
jin keetaa baysurat tay surtaa.
and He made the unconscious become conscious;

ijsu prswid nvY iniD pweI ] (177-13)
jis parsaad navai niDh paa-ee.
by His Grace, I have obtained the nine treasures.

so pRBu mn qy ibsrq nwhI ]2] (177-14)
so parabh man tay bisrat naahee. ||2||
May I never forget that God from my mind. ||2||

ijin dIAw inQwvy kau Qwnu ] (177-14)
jin dee-aa nithaavay ka-o thaan.
He has given a home to the homeless;

ijin dIAw inmwny kau mwnu ] (177-14)
jin dee-aa nimaanay ka-o maan.
He has given honor to the dishonored.

ijin kInI sB pUrn Awsw ] (177-15)
jin keenee sabh pooran aasaa.
He has fulfilled all desires;

ismrau idnu rYin sws igrwsw ]3] (177-15)
simra-o din rain saas giraasaa. ||3||
remember Him in meditation, day and night, with every breath and every morsel of food. ||3||

ijsu pRswid mwieAw islk kwtI ] (177-15)
jis parsaad maa-i-aa silak kaatee.
By His Grace, the bonds of Maya are cut away.

gur pRswid AMimRqu ibKu KwtI ] (177-16)
gur parsaad amrit bikh khaatee.
By Guru's Grace, the bitter poison has become Ambrosial Nectar.

khu nwnk ies qy ikCu nwhI ] (177-16)
kaho naanak is tay kichh naahee.
Says Nanak, I cannot do anything;

rwKnhwry kau swlwhI ]4]6]75] (177-17)
raakhanhaaray ka-o saalaahee. ||4||6||75||
I praise the Lord, the Protector. ||4||6||75||

gauVI guAwryrI mhlw 5 ] (177-17)
ga-orhee gu-aarayree mehlaa 5.
Gauree Gwaarayree, Fifth Mehl:

iqs kI srix nwhI Bau sogu ] (177-17)
tis kee saran naahee bha-o sog.
In His Sanctuary, there is no fear or sorrow.

aus qy bwhir kCU n hogu ] (177-18)
us tay baahar kachhoo na hog.
Without Him, nothing at all can be done.

qjI isAwxp bl buiD ibkwr ] (177-18)
tajee si-aanap bal buDh bikaar.
I have renounced clever tricks, power and intellectual corruption.

dws Apny kI rwKnhwr ]1] (177-18)
daas apnay kee raakhanhaar. ||1||
God is the Protector of His servant. ||1||

jip mn myry rwm rwm rMig ] (177-19)
jap man mayray raam raam rang.
Meditate, O my mind, on the Lord, Raam, Raam, with love.

Gir bwhir qyrY sd sMig ]1] rhwau ] (177-19)
ghar baahar tayrai sad sang. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Within your home, and beyond it, He is always with you. ||1||Pause||

iqs kI tyk mnY mih rwKu ] (177-19)
tis kee tayk manai meh raakh.
Keep His Support in your mind.


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD