Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


vfBwgI imlu sMgqI myry goivMdw jn nwnk nwm isiD kwjY jIau ]4]4]30]68] (175-1)
vadbhaagee mil sangtee mayray govindaa jan naanak naam siDh kaajai jee-o. ||4||4||30||68||
By great good fortune, one joins the Sangat, the Holy Congregation, O my Lord of the Universe; O servant Nanak, through the Naam, one's affairs are resolved. ||4||4||30||68||

gauVI mwJ mhlw 4 ] (175-2)
ga-orhee maajh mehlaa 4.
Gauree Maajh, Fourth Mehl:

mY hir nwmY hir ibrhu lgweI jIau ] (175-2)
mai har naamai har birahu lagaa-ee jee-o.
The Lord has implanted a longing for the Lord's Name within me.

myrw hir pRBu imqu imlY suKu pweI jIau ] (175-2)
mayraa har parabh mit milai sukh paa-ee jee-o.
I have met the Lord God, my Best Friend, and I have found peace.

hir pRBu dyiK jIvw myrI mweI jIau ] (175-3)
har parabh daykh jeevaa mayree maa-ee jee-o.
Beholding my Lord God, I live, O my mother.

myrw nwmu sKw hir BweI jIau ]1] (175-3)
mayraa naam sakhaa har bhaa-ee jee-o. ||1||
The Lord's Name is my Friend and Brother. ||1||

gux gwvhu sMq jIau myry hir pRB kyry jIau ] (175-3)
gun gaavhu sant jee-o mayray har parabh kayray jee-o.
O Dear Saints, sing the Glorious Praises of my Lord God.

jip gurmuiK nwmu jIau Bwg vfyry jIau ] (175-4)
jap gurmukh naam jee-o bhaag vadayray jee-o.
As Gurmukh, chant the Naam, the Name of the Lord, O very fortunate ones.

hir hir nwmu jIau pRwn hir myry jIau ] (175-4)
har har naam jee-o paraan har mayray jee-o.
The Name of the Lord, Har, Har, is my soul and my breath of life.

iPir bhuiV n Bvjl Pyry jIau ]2] (175-5)
fir bahurh na bhavjal fayray jee-o. ||2||
I shall never again have to cross over the terrifying world-ocean. ||2||

ikau hir pRB vyKw myrY min qin cwau jIau ] (175-5)
ki-o har parabh vaykhaa mayrai man tan chaa-o jee-o.
How shall I behold my Lord God? My mind and body yearn for Him.

hir mylhu sMq jIau min lgw Bwau jIau ] (175-6)
har maylhu sant jee-o man lagaa bhaa-o jee-o.
Unite me with the Lord, Dear Saints; my mind is in love with Him.

gur sbdI pweIAY hir pRIqm rwau jIau ] (175-6)
gur sabdee paa-ee-ai har pareetam raa-o jee-o.
Through the Word of the Guru's Shabad, I have found the Sovereign Lord, my Beloved.

vfBwgI jip nwau jIau ]3] (175-7)
vadbhaagee jap naa-o jee-o. ||3||
O very fortunate ones, chant the Name of the Lord. ||3||

myrY min qin vfVI goivMd pRB Awsw jIau ] (175-7)
mayrai man tan vadrhee govind parabh aasaa jee-o.
Within my mind and body, there is such a great longing for God, the Lord of the Universe.

hir mylhu sMq jIau goivd pRB pwsw jIau ] (175-7)
har maylhu sant jee-o govid parabh paasaa jee-o.
Unite me with the Lord, Dear Saints. God, the Lord of the Universe, is so close to me.

siqgur miq nwmu sdw prgwsw jIau ] (175-8)
satgur mat naam sadaa pargaasaa jee-o.
Through the Teachings of the True Guru, the Naam is always revealed;

jn nwnk pUirAVI min Awsw jIau ]4]5]31]69] (175-8)
jan naanak poori-arhee man aasaa jee-o. ||4||5||31||69||
the desires of servant Nanak's mind have been fulfilled. ||4||5||31||69||

gauVI mwJ mhlw 4 ] (175-9)
ga-orhee maajh mehlaa 4.
Gauree Maajh, Fourth Mehl:

myrw ibrhI nwmu imlY qw jIvw jIau ] (175-9)
mayraa birhee naam milai taa jeevaa jee-o.
If I receive my Love, the Naam, then I live.

mn AMdir AMimRqu gurmiq hir lIvw jIau ] (175-9)
man andar amrit gurmat har leevaa jee-o.
In the temple of the mind, is the Ambrosial Nectar of the Lord; through the Guru's Teachings, we drink it in.

mnu hir rMig rqVw hir rsu sdw pIvw jIau ] (175-10)
man har rang rat-rhaa har ras sadaa peevaa jee-o.
My mind is drenched with the Love of the Lord. I continually drink in the sublime essence of the Lord.

hir pwieAVw min jIvw jIau ]1] (175-10)
har paa-i-arhaa man jeevaa jee-o. ||1||
I have found the Lord within my mind, and so I live. ||1||

myrY min qin pRymu lgw hir bwxu jIau ] (175-11)
mayrai man tan paraym lagaa har baan jee-o.
The arrow of the Lord's Love has pierced by mind and body.

myrw pRIqmu imqRü hir purKu sujwxu jIau ] (175-11)
mayraa pareetam mitar har purakh sujaan jee-o.
The Lord, the Primal Being, is All-knowing; He is my Beloved and my Best Friend.

guru myly sMq hir suGVu sujwxu jIau ] (175-12)
gur maylay sant har sugharh sujaan jee-o.
The Saintly Guru has united me with the All-knowing and All-seeing Lord.

hau nwm ivthu kurbwxu jIau ]2] (175-12)
ha-o naam vitahu kurbaan jee-o. ||2||
I am a sacrifice to the Naam, the Name of the Lord. ||2||

hau hir hir sjxu hir mIqu dsweI jIau ] (175-13)
ha-o har har sajan har meet dasaa-ee jee-o.
I seek my Lord, Har, Har, my Intimate, my Best Friend.

hir dshu sMqhu jI hir Koju pvweI jIau ] (175-13)
har dashu santahu jee har khoj pavaa-ee jee-o.
Show me the way to the Lord, Dear Saints; I am searching all over for Him.

siqguru quTVw dsy hir pweI jIau ] (175-13)
satgur tuth-rhaa dasay har paa-ee jee-o.
The Kind and Compassionate True Guru has shown me the Way, and I have found the Lord.

hir nwmy nwim smweI jIau ]3] (175-14)
har naamay naam samaa-ee jee-o. ||3||
Through the Name of the Lord, I am absorbed in the Naam. ||3||

mY vydn pRymu hir ibrhu lgweI jIau ] (175-14)
mai vaydan paraym har birahu lagaa-ee jee-o.
I am consumed with the pain of separation from the Love of the Lord.

gur srDw pUir AMimRqu muiK pweI jIau ] (175-15)
gur sarDhaa poor amrit mukh paa-ee jee-o.
The Guru has fulfilled my desire, and I have received the Ambrosial Nectar in my mouth.

hir hohu dieAwlu hir nwmu iDAweI jIau ] (175-15)
har hohu da-i-aal har naam Dhi-aa-ee jee-o.
The Lord has become merciful, and now I meditate on the Name of the Lord.

jn nwnk hir rsu pweI jIau ]4]6]20]18]32]70] (175-15)
jan naanak har ras paa-ee jee-o. ||4||6||20||18||32||70||
Servant Nanak has obtained the sublime essence of the Lord. ||4||6||20||18||32||70||

mhlw 5 rwgu gauVI guAwryrI caupdy (175-17)
mehlaa 5 raag ga-orhee gu-aarayree cha-upday
Fifth Mehl, Raag Gauree Gwaarayree, Chau-Padas:

<> siqgur pRswid ] (175-17)
ik-oaNkaar satgur parsaad.
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:

ikn ibiD kuslu hoq myry BweI ] (175-18)
kin biDh kusal hot mayray bhaa-ee.
How can happiness be found, O my Siblings of Destiny?

ikau pweIAY hir rwm shweI ]1] rhwau ] (175-18)
ki-o paa-ee-ai har raam sahaa-ee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
How can the Lord, our Help and Support, be found? ||1||Pause||

kuslu n igRih myrI sB mwieAw ] (175-19)
kusal na garihi mayree sabh maa-i-aa.
There is no happiness in owning one's own home, in all of Maya,

aUcy mMdr suMdr CwieAw ] (175-19)
oochay mandar sundar chhaa-i-aa.
or in lofty mansions casting beautiful shadows.

JUTy lwlic jnmu gvwieAw ]1] (175-19)
jhoothay laalach janam gavaa-i-aa. ||1||
In fraud and greed, this human life is being wasted. ||1||


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD