Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


sMq jnw imil pwieAw myry goivdw myrw hir pRBu sjxu sYxI jIau ] (174-1)
sant janaa mil paa-i-aa mayray govidaa mayraa har parabh sajan sainee jee-o.
Meeting the Saints, O my Lord of the Universe, I have found my Lord God, my Companion, my Best Friend.

hir Awie imilAw jgjIvnu myry goivMdw mY suiK ivhwxI rYxI jIau ]2] (174-2)
har aa-ay mili-aa jagjeevan mayray govindaa mai sukh vihaanee rainee jee-o. ||2||
The Lord, the Life of the World, has come to meet me, O my Lord of the Universe. The night of my life now passes in peace. ||2||

mY mylhu sMq myrw hir pRBu sjxu mY min qin BuK lgweIAw jIau ] (174-3)
mai maylhu sant mayraa har parabh sajan mai man tan bhukh lagaa-ee-aa jee-o.
O Saints, unite me with my Lord God, my Best Friend; my mind and body are hungry for Him.

hau rih n skau ibnu dyKy myry pRIqm mY AMqir ibrhu hir lweIAw jIau ] (174-3)
ha-o reh na saka-o bin daykhay mayray pareetam mai antar birahu har laa-ee-aa jee-o.
I cannot survive without seeing my Beloved; deep within, I feel the pain of separation from the Lord.

hir rwieAw myrw sjxu ipAwrw guru myly myrw mnu jIvweIAw jIau ] (174-4)
har raa-i-aa mayraa sajan pi-aaraa gur maylay mayraa man jeevaa-ee-aa jee-o.
The Sovereign Lord King is my Beloved, my Best Friend. Through the Guru, I have met Him, and my mind has been rejuvenated.

myrY min qin Awsw pUrIAw myry goivMdw hir imilAw min vwDweIAw jIau ]3] (174-5)
mayrai man tan aasaa pooree-aa mayray govindaa har mili-aa man vaaDhaa-ee-aa jee-o. ||3||
The hopes of my mind and body have been fulfilled, O my Lord of the Universe; meeting the Lord, my mind vibrates with joy. ||3||

vwrI myry goivMdw vwrI myry ipAwirAw hau quDu ivtiVAhu sd vwrI jIau ] (174-6)
vaaree mayray govindaa vaaree mayray pi-aari-aa ha-o tuDh vitrhi-ahu sad vaaree jee-o.
A sacrifice, O my Lord of the Universe, a sacrifice, O my Beloved; I am forever a sacrifice to You.

myrY min qin pRymu iprMm kw myry goivdw hir pUMjI rwKu hmwrI jIau ] (174-6)
mayrai man tan paraym piramm kaa mayray govidaa har poonjee raakh hamaaree jee-o.
My mind and body are filled with love for my Husband Lord; O my Lord of the Universe, please preserve my assets.

siqguru ivstu myil myry goivMdw hir myly kir rYbwrI jIau ] (174-7)
satgur visat mayl mayray govindaa har maylay kar raibaaree jee-o.
Unite me with the True Guru, Your Advisor, O my Lord of the Universe; through His guidance, He shall lead me to the Lord.

hir nwmu dieAw kir pwieAw myry goivMdw jn nwnku srix qumwrI jIau ]4]3]29]67] (174-8)
har naam da-i-aa kar paa-i-aa mayray govindaa jan naanak saran tumaaree jee-o. ||4||3||29||67||
I have obtained the Lord's Name, by Your Mercy, O my Lord of the Universe; servant Nanak has entered Your Sanctuary. ||4||3||29||67||

gauVI mwJ mhlw 4 ] (174-9)
ga-orhee maajh mehlaa 4.
Gauree Maajh, Fourth Mehl:

cojI myry goivMdw cojI myry ipAwirAw hir pRBu myrw cojI jIau ] (174-9)
chojee mayray govindaa chojee mayray pi-aari-aa har parabh mayraa chojee jee-o.
Playful is my Lord of the Universe; playful is my Beloved. My Lord God is wondrous and playful.

hir Awpy kwn@ü aupwiedw myry goivdw hir Awpy gopI KojI jIau ] (174-10)
har aapay kaanH upaa-idaa mayray govidaa har aapay gopee khojee jee-o.
The Lord Himself created Krishna, O my Lord of the Universe; the Lord Himself is the milkmaids who seek Him.

hir Awpy sB Gt Bogdw myry goivMdw Awpy rsIAw BogI jIau ] (174-10)
har aapay sabh ghat bhogdaa mayray govindaa aapay rasee-aa bhogee jee-o.
The Lord Himself enjoys every heart, O my Lord of the Universe; He Himself is the Ravisher and the Enjoyer.

hir sujwxu n BuleI myry goivMdw Awpy siqguru jogI jIau ]1] (174-11)
har sujaan na bhul-ee mayray govindaa aapay satgur jogee jee-o. ||1||
The Lord is All-knowing - He cannot be fooled, O my Lord of the Universe. He is the True Guru, the Yogi. ||1||

Awpy jgqu aupwiedw myry goivdw hir Awip KylY bhu rMgI jIau ] (174-12)
aapay jagat upaa-idaa mayray govidaa har aap khaylai baho rangee jee-o.
He Himself created the world, O my Lord of the Universe; the Lord Himself plays in so many ways!

ieknw Bog Bogwiedw myry goivMdw ieik ngn iPrih nµg nµgI jIau ] (174-12)
iknaa bhog bhogaa-idaa mayray govindaa ik nagan fireh nang nangee jee-o.
Some enjoy enjoyments, O my Lord of the Universe, while others wander around naked, the poorest of the poor.

Awpy jgqu aupwiedw myry goivdw hir dwnu dyvY sB mMgI jIau ] (174-13)
aapay jagat upaa-idaa mayray govidaa har daan dayvai sabh mangee jee-o.
He Himself created the world, O my Lord of the Universe; the Lord gives His gifts to all who beg for them.

Bgqw nwmu AwDwru hY myry goivMdw hir kQw mMgih hir cMgI jIau ]2] (174-14)
bhagtaa naam aaDhaar hai mayray govindaa har kathaa mangeh har changee jee-o. ||2||
His devotees have the Support of the Naam, O my Lord of the Universe; they beg for the sublime sermon of the Lord. ||2||

hir Awpy Bgiq krwiedw myry goivMdw hir Bgqw loc min pUrI jIau ] (174-14)
har aapay bhagat karaa-idaa mayray govindaa har bhagtaa loch man pooree jee-o.
The Lord Himself inspires His devotees to worship Him, O my Lord of the Universe; the Lord fulfills the desires of the minds of His devotees.

Awpy jil Qil vrqdw myry goivdw riv rihAw nhI dUrI jIau ] (174-15)
aapay jal thal varatdaa mayray govidaa rav rahi-aa nahee dooree jee-o.
He Himself is permeating and pervading the waters and the lands, O my Lord of the Universe; He is All-pervading - He is not far away.

hir AMqir bwhir Awip hY myry goivdw hir Awip rihAw BrpUrI jIau ] (174-16)
har antar baahar aap hai mayray govidaa har aap rahi-aa bharpooree jee-o.
The Lord Himself is within the self, and outside as well, O my Lord of the Universe; the Lord Himself is fully pervading everywhere.

hir Awqm rwmu pswirAw myry goivMdw hir vyKY Awip hdUrI jIau ]3] (174-17)
har aatam raam pasaari-aa mayray govindaa har vaykhai aap hadooree jee-o. ||3||
The Lord, the Supreme Soul, is diffused everywhere, O my Lord of the Universe. The Lord Himself beholds all; His Immanent Presence is pervading everywhere. ||3||

hir AMqir vwjw pauxu hY myry goivMdw hir Awip vjwey iqau vwjY jIau ] (174-17)
har antar vaajaa pa-un hai mayray govindaa har aap vajaa-ay ti-o vaajai jee-o.
O Lord, the music of the praanic wind is deep within, O my Lord of the Universe; as the Lord Himself plays this music, so does it vibrate and resound.

hir AMqir nwmu inDwnu hY myry goivMdw gur sbdI hir pRBu gwjY jIau ] (174-18)
har antar naam niDhaan hai mayray govindaa gur sabdee har parabh gaajai jee-o.
O Lord, the treasure of the Naam is deep within, O my Lord of the Universe; through the Word of the Guru's Shabad, the Lord God is revealed.

Awpy srix pvwiedw myry goivMdw hir Bgq jnw rwKu lwjY jIau ] (174-19)
aapay saran pavaa-idaa mayray govindaa har bhagat janaa raakh laajai jee-o.
He Himself leads us to enter His Sanctuary, O my Lord of the Universe; the Lord preserves the honor of His devotees.


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD