Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


vfBwgI imlu rwmw ]1] (173-1)
vadbhaagee mil raamaa. ||1||
By great good fortune, you shall meet with the Lord. ||1||

guru jogI purKu imilAw rMgu mwxI jIau ] (173-1)
gur jogee purakh mili-aa rang maanee jee-o.
I have met the Guru, the Yogi, the Primal Being; I am delighted with His Love.

guru hir rMig rqVw sdw inrbwxI jIau ] (173-2)
gur har rang rat-rhaa sadaa nirbaanee jee-o.
The Guru is imbued with the Love of the Lord; He dwells forever in Nirvaanaa.

vfBwgI imlu suGV sujwxI jIau ] (173-2)
vadbhaagee mil sugharh sujaanee jee-o.
By great good fortune, I met the most accomplished and all-knowing Lord.

myrw mnu qnu hir rMig iBMnw ]2] (173-2)
mayraa man tan har rang bhinnaa. ||2||
My mind and body are drenched in the Love of the Lord. ||2||

Awvhu sMqhu imil nwmu jpwhw ] (173-3)
aavhu santahu mil naam japaahaa.
Come, O Saints - let's meet together and chant the Naam, the Name of the Lord.

ivic sMgiq nwmu sdw lY lwhw jIau ] (173-3)
vich sangat naam sadaa lai laahaa jee-o.
In the Sangat, the Holy Congregation, let's earn the lasting profit of the Naam.

kir syvw sMqw AMimRqu muiK pwhw jIau ] (173-3)
kar sayvaa santaa amrit mukh paahaa jee-o.
Let's serve the Saints, and drink in the Ambrosial Nectar.

imlu pUrib iliKAVy Duir krmw ]3] (173-4)
mil poorab likhi-arhay Dhur karmaa. ||3||
By one's karma and pre-ordained destiny, they are met. ||3||

swvix vrsu AMimRiq jgu CwieAw jIau ] (173-4)
saavan varas amrit jag chhaa-i-aa jee-o.
In the month of Saawan, the clouds of Ambrosial Nectar hang over the world.

mnu moru kuhuikAVw sbdu muiK pwieAw ] (173-5)
man mor kuhuki-arhaa sabad mukh paa-i-aa.
The peacock of the mind chirps, and receives the Word of the Shabad, in its mouth;

hir AMimRqu vuTVw imilAw hir rwieAw jIau ] (173-5)
har amrit vuth-rhaa mili-aa har raa-i-aa jee-o.
the Ambrosial Nectar of the Lord rains down, and the Sovereign Lord King is met.

jn nwnk pRyim rqMnw ]4]1]27]65] (173-6)
jan naanak paraym ratannaa. ||4||1||27||65||
Servant Nanak is imbued with the Love of the Lord. ||4||1||27||65||

gauVI mwJ mhlw 4 ] (173-6)
ga-orhee maajh mehlaa 4.
Gauree Maajh, Fourth Mehl:

Awau sKI gux kwmx krIhw jIau ] (173-6)
aa-o sakhee gun kaaman kareehaa jee-o.
Come, O sisters - let's make virtue our charms.

imil sMq jnw rMgu mwixh rlIAw jIau ] (173-7)
mil sant janaa rang maanih ralee-aa jee-o.
Let's join the Saints, and enjoy the pleasure of the Lord's Love.

gur dIpku igAwnu sdw min blIAw jIau ] (173-7)
gur deepak gi-aan sadaa man balee-aa jee-o.
The lamp of the Guru's spiritual wisdom burns steadily in my mind.

hir quTY Fuil Fuil imlIAw jIau ]1] (173-8)
har tuthai dhul dhul milee-aa jee-o. ||1||
The Lord, being pleased and moved by pity, has led me to meet Him. ||1||

myrY min qin pRymu lgw hir Foly jIau ] (173-8)
mayrai man tan paraym lagaa har dholay jee-o.
My mind and body are filled with love for my Darling Lord.

mY myly imqRü siqguru vycoly jIau ] (173-9)
mai maylay mitar satgur vaycholay jee-o.
The True Guru, the Divine Intermediary, has united me with my Friend.

mnu dyvW sMqw myrw pRBu myly jIau ] (173-9)
man dayvaaN santaa mayraa parabh maylay jee-o.
I offer my mind to the Guru, who has led me to meet my God.

hir ivtiVAhu sdw Goly jIau ]2] (173-9)
har vitrhi-ahu sadaa gholay jee-o. ||2||
I am forever a sacrifice to the Lord. ||2||

vsu myry ipAwirAw vsu myry goivdw hir kir ikrpw min vsu jIau ] (173-10)
vas mayray pi-aari-aa vas mayray govidaa har kar kirpaa man vas jee-o.
Dwell, O my Beloved, dwell, O my Lord of the Universe; O Lord, show mercy to me and come to dwell within my mind.

min icMidAVw Plu pwieAw myry goivMdw guru pUrw vyiK ivgsu jIau ] (173-10)
man chindi-arhaa fal paa-i-aa mayray govindaa gur pooraa vaykh vigas jee-o.
I have obtained the fruits of my mind's desires, O my Lord of the Universe; I am transfixed with ecstasy, gazing upon the Perfect Guru.

hir nwmu imilAw sohwgxI myry goivMdw min Anidnu Andu rhsu jIau ] (173-11)
har naam mili-aa sohaaganee mayray govindaa man an-din anad rahas jee-o.
The happy soul-brides receive the Lord's Name, O my Lord of the Universe; night and day, their minds are blissful and happy.

hir pwieAVw vfBwgIeI myry goivMdw inq lY lwhw min hsu jIau ]3] (173-12)
har paa-i-arhaa vadbhaagee-ee mayray govindaa nit lai laahaa man has jee-o. ||3||
By great good fortune, the Lord is found, O my Lord of the Universe; earning profit continually, the mind laughs with joy. ||3||

hir Awip aupwey hir Awpy vyKY hir Awpy kwrY lwieAw jIau ] (173-13)
har aap upaa-ay har aapay vaykhai har aapay kaarai laa-i-aa jee-o.
The Lord Himself creates, and the Lord Himself beholds; the Lord Himself assigns all to their tasks.

ieik Kwvih bKs qoit n AwvY ieknw Pkw pwieAw jIau ] (173-13)
ik khaaveh bakhas tot na aavai iknaa fakaa paa-i-aa jee-o.
Some partake of the bounty of the Lord's favor, which never runs out, while others receive only a handful.

ieik rwjy qKiq bhih inq suKIey ieknw iBK mMgwieAw jIau ] (173-14)
ik raajay takhat baheh nit sukhee-ay iknaa bhikh mangaa-i-aa jee-o.
Some sit upon thrones as kings, and enjoy constant pleasures, while others must beg for charity.

sBu ieko sbdu vrqdw myry goivdw jn nwnk nwmu iDAwieAw jIau ]4]2]28]66] (173-15)
sabh iko sabad varatdaa mayray govidaa jan naanak naam Dhi-aa-i-aa jee-o. ||4||2||28||66||
The Word of the Shabad is pervading in everyone, O my Lord of the Universe; servant Nanak meditates on the Naam. ||4||2||28||66||

gauVI mwJ mhlw 4 ] (173-16)
ga-orhee maajh mehlaa 4.
Gauree Maajh, Fourth Mehl:

mn mwhI mn mwhI myry goivMdw hir rMig rqw mn mwhI jIau ] (173-16)
man maahee man maahee mayray govindaa har rang rataa man maahee jee-o.
From within my mind, from within my mind, O my Lord of the Universe, I am imbued with the Love of the Lord, from within my mind.

hir rMgu nwil n lKIAY myry goivdw guru pUrw AlKu lKwhI jIau ] (173-16)
har rang naal na lakhee-ai mayray govidaa gur pooraa alakh lakhaahee jee-o.
The Lord's Love is with me, but it cannot be seen, O my Lord of the Universe; the Perfect Guru has led me to see the unseen.

hir hir nwmu prgwisAw myry goivMdw sB dwld duK lih jwhI jIau ] (173-17)
har har naam pargaasi-aa mayray govindaa sabh daalad dukh leh jaahee jee-o.
He has revealed the Name of the Lord, Har, Har, O my Lord of the Universe; all poverty and pain have departed.

hir pdu aUqmu pwieAw myry goivMdw vfBwgI nwim smwhI jIau ]1] (173-18)
har pad ootam paa-i-aa mayray govindaa vadbhaagee naam samaahee jee-o. ||1||
I have obtained the supreme status of the Lord, O my Lord of the Universe; by great good fortune, I am absorbed in the Naam. ||1||

nYxI myry ipAwirAw nYxI myry goivdw iknY hir pRBu ifTVw nYxI jIau ] (173-19)
nainee mayray pi-aari-aa nainee mayray govidaa kinai har parabh dith-rhaa nainee jee-o.
With his eyes, O my Beloved, with his eyes, O my Lord of the Universe - has anyone ever seen the Lord God with his eyes?

myrw mnu qnu bhuqu bYrwigAw myry goivMdw hir bwJhu Dn kumlYxI jIau ] (173-19)
mayraa man tan bahut bairaagi-aa mayray govindaa har baajhahu Dhan kumlainee jee-o.
My mind and body are sad and depressed, O my Lord of the Universe; without her Husband Lord, the soul-bride is withering away.


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD