Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


Git Git rmeIAw rmq rwm rwie gur sbid gurU ilv lwgy ] (172-1)
ghat ghat rama-ee-aa ramat raam raa-ay gur sabad guroo liv laagay.
The All-pervading Sovereign Lord King is contained in each and every heart. Through the Guru, and the Word of the Guru's Shabad, I am lovingly centered on the Lord.

hau mnu qnu dyvau kwit gurU kau myrw BRmu Bau gur bcnI Bwgy ]2] (172-2)
ha-o man tan dayva-o kaat guroo ka-o mayraa bharam bha-o gur bachnee bhaagay. ||2||
Cutting my mind and body into pieces, I offer them to my Guru. The Guru's Teachings have dispelled my doubt and fear. ||2||

AMiDAwrY dIpk Awin jlwey gur igAwin gurU ilv lwgy ] (172-2)
anDhi-aarai deepak aan jalaa-ay gur gi-aan guroo liv laagay.
In the darkness, the Guru has lit the lamp of the Guru's wisdom; I am lovingly focused on the Lord.

AigAwnu AMDyrw ibnis ibnwisE Gir vsqu lhI mn jwgy ]3] (172-3)
agi-aan anDhayraa binas binaasi-o ghar vasat lahee man jaagay. ||3||
The darkness of ignorance has been dispelled, and my mind has been awakened; within the home of my inner being, I have found the genuine article. ||3||

swkq biDk mwieAwDwrI iqn jm johin lwgy ] (172-4)
saakat baDhik maa-i-aaDhaaree tin jam johan laagay.
The vicious hunters, the faithless cynics, are hunted down by the Messenger of Death.

aun siqgur AwgY sIsu n byicAw Eie Awvih jwih ABwgy ]4] (172-4)
un satgur aagai sees na baychi-aa o-ay aavahi jaahi abhaagay. ||4||
They have not sold their heads to the True Guru; those wretched, unfortunate ones continue coming and going in reincarnation. ||4||

hmrw ibnau sunhu pRB Twkur hm srix pRBU hir mwgy ] (172-5)
hamraa bin-o sunhu parabh thaakur ham saran parabhoo har maagay.
Hear my prayer, O God, my Lord and Master: I beg for the Sanctuary of the Lord God.

jn nwnk kI lj pwiq gurU hY isru byicE siqgur Awgy ]5]10]24]62] (172-5)
jan naanak kee laj paat guroo hai sir baychi-o satgur aagay. ||5||10||24||62||
Servant Nanak's honor and respect is the Guru; he has sold his head to the True Guru. ||5||10||24||62||

gauVI pUrbI mhlw 4 ] (172-6)
ga-orhee poorbee mehlaa 4.
Gauree Poorbee, Fourth Mehl:

hm AhMkwrI AhMkwr AigAwn miq guir imilAY Awpu gvwieAw ] (172-7)
ham ahaNkaaree ahaNkaar agi-aan mat gur mili-ai aap gavaa-i-aa.
I am egotistical and conceited, and my intellect is ignorant. Meeting the Guru, my selfishness and conceit have been abolished.

haumY rogu gieAw suKu pwieAw Dnu DMnu gurU hir rwieAw ]1] (172-7)
ha-umai rog ga-i-aa sukh paa-i-aa Dhan Dhan guroo har raa-i-aa. ||1||
The illness of egotism is gone, and I have found peace. Blessed, blessed is the Guru, the Sovereign Lord King. ||1||

rwm gur kY bcin hir pwieAw ]1] rhwau ] (172-8)
raam gur kai bachan har paa-i-aa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
I have found the Lord, through the Teachings of the Guru. ||1||Pause||

myrY hIArY pRIiq rwm rwie kI guir mwrgu pMQu bqwieAw ] (172-8)
mayrai hee-arai pareet raam raa-ay kee gur maarag panth bataa-i-aa.
My heart is filled with love for the Sovereign Lord King; the Guru has shown me the path and the way to find Him.

myrw jIau ipMfu sBu siqgur AwgY ijin ivCuiVAw hir gil lwieAw ]2] (172-9)
mayraa jee-o pind sabh satgur aagai jin vichhurhi-aa har gal laa-i-aa. ||2||
My soul and body all belong to the Guru; I was separated, and He has led me into the Lord's Embrace. ||2||

myrY AMqir pRIiq lgI dyKn kau guir ihrdy nwil idKwieAw ] (172-10)
mayrai antar pareet lagee daykhan ka-o gur hirday naal dikhaa-i-aa.
Deep within myself, I would love to see the Lord; the Guru has inspired me to see Him within my heart.

shj Anµdu BieAw min morY gur AwgY Awpu vycwieAw ]3] (172-10)
sahj anand bha-i-aa man morai gur aagai aap vaychaa-i-aa. ||3||
Within my mind, intuitive peace and bliss have arisen; I have sold myself to the Guru. ||3||

hm AprwD pwp bhu kIny kir dustI cor curwieAw ] (172-11)
ham apraaDh paap baho keenay kar dustee chor churaa-i-aa.
I am a sinner - I have committed so many sins; I am a villainous, thieving thief.

Ab nwnk srxwgiq Awey hir rwKhu lwj hir BwieAw ]4]11]25]63] (172-12)
ab naanak sarnaagat aa-ay har raakho laaj har bhaa-i-aa. ||4||11||25||63||
Now, Nanak has come to the Lord's Sanctuary; preserve my honor, Lord, as it pleases Your Will. ||4||11||25||63||

gauVI pUrbI mhlw 4 ] (172-13)
ga-orhee poorbee mehlaa 4.
Gauree Poorbee, Fourth Mehl:

gurmiq bwjY sbdu Anwhdu gurmiq mnUAw gwvY ] (172-13)
gurmat baajai sabad anaahad gurmat manoo-aa gaavai.
Through the Guru's Teachings, the unstruck music resounds; through the Guru's Teachings, the mind sings.

vfBwgI gur drsnu pwieAw Dnu DMnu gurU ilv lwvY ]1] (172-13)
vadbhaagee gur darsan paa-i-aa Dhan Dhan guroo liv laavai. ||1||
By great good fortune, I received the Blessed Vision of the Guru's Darshan. Blessed, blessed is the Guru, who has led me to love the Lord. ||1||

gurmuiK hir ilv lwvY ]1] rhwau ] (172-14)
gurmukh har liv laavai. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The Gurmukh is lovingly centered on the Lord. ||1||Pause||

hmrw Twkuru siqguru pUrw mnu gur kI kwr kmwvY ] (172-14)
hamraa thaakur satgur pooraa man gur kee kaar kamaavai.
My Lord and Master is the Perfect True Guru. My mind works to serve the Guru.

hm mil mil Dovh pwv gurU ky jo hir hir kQw sunwvY ]2] (172-15)
ham mal mal Dhovah paav guroo kay jo har har kathaa sunaavai. ||2||
I massage and wash the Feet of the Guru, who recites the Sermon of the Lord. ||2||

ihrdY gurmiq rwm rswiexu ijhvw hir gux gwvY ] (172-16)
hirdai gurmat raam rasaa-in jihvaa har gun gaavai.
The Teachings of the Guru are in my heart; the Lord is the Source of nectar. My tongue sings the Glorious Praises of the Lord.

mn rsik rsik hir ris AwGwny iPir bhuir n BUK lgwvY ]3] (172-16)
man rasak rasak har ras aaghaanay fir bahur na bhookh lagaavai. ||3||
My mind is immersed in, and drenched with the Lord's essence. Fulfilled with the Lord's Love, I shall never feel hunger again. ||3||

koeI krY aupwv Anyk bhuqyry ibnu ikrpw nwmu n pwvY ] (172-17)
ko-ee karai upaav anayk bahutayray bin kirpaa naam na paavai.
People try all sorts of things, but without the Lord's Mercy, His Name is not obtained.

jn nwnk kau hir ikrpw DwrI miq gurmiq nwmu idRVwvY ]4]12]26]64] (172-17)
jan naanak ka-o har kirpaa Dhaaree mat gurmat naam darirhaavai. ||4||12||26||64||
The Lord has showered His Mercy upon servant Nanak; through the wisdom of the Guru's Teachings, he has enshrined the Naam, the Name of the Lord. ||4||12||26||64||

rwgu gauVI mwJ mhlw 4 ] (172-18)
raag ga-orhee maajh mehlaa 4.
Raag Gauree Maajh, Fourth Mehl:

gurmuiK ijMdU jip nwmu krMmw ] (172-19)
gurmukh jindoo jap naam karammaa.
O my soul, as Gurmukh, do this deed: chant the Naam, the Name of the Lord.

miq mwqw miq jIau nwmu muiK rwmw ] (172-19)
mat maataa mat jee-o naam mukh raamaa.
Make that teaching your mother, that it may teach you to keep the Lord's Name in your mouth.

sMqoKu ipqw kir guru purKu Ajnmw ] (172-19)
santokh pitaa kar gur purakh ajnamaa.
Let contentment be your father; the Guru is the Primal Being, beyond birth or incarnation.


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD