Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


guru pUrw pwieAw vfBwgI hir mMqRü dIAw mnu TwFy ]1] (171-1)
gur pooraa paa-i-aa vadbhaagee har mantar dee-aa man thaadhay. ||1||
I have found the Perfect Guru, through great good fortune; He has given me the Mantra of the Lord's Name, and my mind has become quiet and tranquil. ||1||

rwm hm siqgur lwly kWFy ]1] rhwau ] (171-2)
raam ham satgur laalay kaaNdhay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
O Lord, I am the slave of the True Guru. ||1||Pause||

hmrY msqik dwgu dgwnw hm krj gurU bhu swFy ] (171-2)
hamrai mastak daag dagaanaa ham karaj guroo baho saadhay.
My forehead has been branded with His brand; I owe such a great debt to the Guru.

praupkwru puMnu bhu kIAw Bau duqru qwir prwFy ]2] (171-3)
par-upkaar punn baho kee-aa bha-o dutar taar paraadhay. ||2||
He has been so generous and kind to me; He has carried me across the treacherous and terrifying world-ocean. ||2||

ijn kau pRIiq irdY hir nwhI iqn kUry gwFn gwFy ] (171-3)
jin ka-o pareet ridai har naahee tin kooray gaadhan gaadhay.
Those who do not have love for the Lord within their hearts, harbor only false intentions and goals.

ijau pwxI kwgdu ibnis jwq hY iqau mnmuK griB glwFy ]3] (171-4)
ji-o paanee kaagad binas jaat hai ti-o manmukh garabh galaadhay. ||3||
As paper breaks down and dissolves in water, the self-willed manmukh wastes away in arrogant pride. ||3||

hm jwinAw kCU n jwnh AwgY ijau hir rwKY iqau TwFy ] (171-5)
ham jaani-aa kachhoo na jaanah aagai ji-o har raakhai ti-o thaadhay.
I know nothing, and I do not know the future; as the Lord keeps me, so do I stand.

hm BUl cUk gur ikrpw Dwrhu jn nwnk kuqry kwFy ]4]7]21]59] (171-5)
ham bhool chook gur kirpaa Dhaarahu jan naanak kutray kaadhay. ||4||7||21||59||
For my failings and mistakes, O Guru, grant me Your Grace; servant Nanak is Your obedient dog. ||4||7||21||59||

gauVI pUrbI mhlw 4 ] (171-6)
ga-orhee poorbee mehlaa 4.
Gauree Poorbee, Fourth Mehl:

kwim kroiD ngru bhu BirAw imil swDU KMfl KMfw hy ] (171-6)
kaam karoDh nagar baho bhari-aa mil saaDhoo khandal khanda hay.
The body-village is filled to overflowing with sexual desire and anger, which were broken into bits when I met with the Holy Saint.

pUrib ilKq ilKy guru pwieAw min hir ilv mMfl mMfw hy ]1] (171-7)
poorab likhat likhay gur paa-i-aa man har liv mandal mandaa hay. ||1||
By pre-ordained destiny, I have met with the Guru. I have entered into the realm of the Lord's Love. ||1||

kir swDU AMjulI puMnu vfw hy ] (171-7)
kar saaDhoo anjulee punn vadaa hay.
Greet the Holy Saint with your palms pressed together; this is an act of great merit.

kir fMfauq punu vfw hy ]1] rhwau ] (171-8)
kar dand-ut pun vadaa hay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Bow down before Him; this is a virtuous action indeed. ||1||Pause||

swkq hir rs swdu n jwinAw iqn AMqir haumY kMfw hy ] (171-8)
saakat har ras saad na jaani-aa tin antar ha-umai kandaa hay.
The wicked shaaktas, the faithless cynics, do not know the taste of the Lord's sublime essence. The thorn of egotism is embedded deep within them.

ijau ijau clih cuBY duKu pwvih jmkwlu shih isir fMfw hy ]2] (171-9)
ji-o ji-o chaleh chubhai dukh paavahi jamkaal saheh sir dandaa hay. ||2||
The more they walk away, the deeper it sticks into them, and the more they suffer in pain, until finally, the Messenger of Death smashes his club against their heads. ||2||

hir jn hir hir nwim smwxy duKu jnm mrx Bv KMfw hy ] (171-9)
har jan har har naam samaanay dukh janam maran bhav khanda hay.
The humble servants of the Lord are absorbed in the Name of the Lord, Har, Har. The pain of birth and the fear of death are eradicated.

AibnwsI purKu pwieAw prmysru bhu soB KMf bRhmMfw hy ]3] (171-10)
abhinaasee purakh paa-i-aa parmaysar baho sobh khand barahmandaa hay. ||3||
They have obtained the Imperishable Supreme Being, the Transcendent Lord God, and they obtain great honor throughout all the worlds and realms. ||3||

hm grIb mskIn pRB qyry hir rwKu rwKu vf vfw hy ] (171-11)
ham gareeb maskeen parabh tayray har raakh raakh vad vadaa hay.
I am poor and meek, God, but I am Yours! Save me, please save me, O Greatest of the Great!

jn nwnk nwmu ADwru tyk hY hir nwmy hI suKu mMfw hy ]4]8]22]60] (171-11)
jan naanak naam aDhaar tayk hai har naamay hee sukh mandaa hay. ||4||8||22||60||
Servant Nanak takes the Sustenance and Support of the Naam. In the Name of the Lord, he enjoys celestial peace. ||4||8||22||60||

gauVI pUrbI mhlw 4 ] (171-12)
ga-orhee poorbee mehlaa 4.
Gauree Poorbee, Fourth Mehl:

iesu gV mih hir rwm rwie hY ikCu swdu n pwvY DITw ] (171-12)
is garh meh har raam raa-ay hai kichh saad na paavai Dheethaa.
Within this body-fortress is the Lord, the Sovereign Lord King, but the stubborn ones do not find the taste.

hir dIn dieAwil AnugRhu kIAw hir gur sbdI ciK fITw ]1] (171-13)
har deen da-i-aal anoograhu kee-aa har gur sabdee chakh deethaa. ||1||
When the Lord, Merciful to the meek, showed His Mercy, I found and tasted it, through the Word of the Guru's Shabad. ||1||

rwm hir kIrqnu gur ilv mITw ]1] rhwau ] (171-14)
raam har keertan gur liv meethaa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Lovingly focused upon the Guru, the Kirtan of the Lord's Praise has become sweet to me. ||1||Pause||

hir Agmu Agocru pwrbRhmu hY imil siqgur lwig bsITw ] (171-14)
har agam agochar paarbarahm hai mil satgur laag baseethaa.
The Lord, the Supreme Lord God, is Inaccessible and Unfathomable. Those who are committed to the True Guru, the Divine Intermediary, meet the Lord.

ijn gur bcn suKwny hIArY iqn AwgY Awix prITw ]2] (171-15)
jin gur bachan sukhaanay hee-arai tin aagai aan pareethaa. ||2||
Those whose hearts are pleased with the Guru's Teachings - the Lord's Presence is revealed to them. ||2||

mnmuK hIArw Aiq kToru hY iqn AMqir kwr krITw ] (171-15)
manmukh hee-araa at kathor hai tin antar kaar kareethaa.
The hearts of the self-willed manmukhs are hard and cruel; their inner beings are dark.

ibsIAr kau bhu dUDu pIAweIAY ibKu inksY Poil PulITw ]3] (171-16)
bisee-ar ka-o baho dooDh pee-aa-ee-ai bikh niksai fol futheelaa. ||3||
Even if the poisonous snake is fed large amounts of milk, it will still yield only poison. ||3||

hir pRB Awin imlwvhu guru swDU Gis gruVu sbdu muiK lITw ] (171-17)
har parabh aan milaavhu gur saaDhoo ghas garurh sabad mukh leethaa.
O Lord God, please unite me with the Holy Guru, so that I might joyfully grind and eat the Shabad.

jn nwnk gur ky lwly goly lig sMgiq krUAw mITw ]4]9]23]61] (171-17)
jan naanak gur kay laalay golay lag sangat karoo-aa meethaa. ||4||9||23||61||
Servant Nanak is the slave of the Guru; in the Sangat, the Holy Congregation, the bitter becomes sweet. ||4||9||23||61||

gauVI pUrbI mhlw 4 ] (171-18)
ga-orhee poorbee mehlaa 4.
Gauree Poorbee, Fourth Mehl:

hir hir AriQ srIru hm byicAw pUry gur kY Awgy ] (171-18)
har har arath sareer ham baychi-aa pooray gur kai aagay.
For the sake of the Lord, Har, Har, I have sold my body to the Perfect Guru.

siqgur dwqY nwmu idVwieAw muiK msqik Bwg sBwgy ]1] (171-19)
satgur daatai naam dirhaa-i-aa mukh mastak bhaag sabhaagay. ||1||
The True Guru, the Giver, has implanted the Naam, the Name of the Lord, within me. A very blessed and fortunate destiny is recorded upon my forehead. ||1||

rwm gurmiq hir ilv lwgy ]1] rhwau ] (171-19)
raam gurmat har liv laagay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Through the Guru's Teachings, I am lovingly centered on the Lord. ||1||Pause||


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD