Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


hir kw nwmu AMimRq rsu cwiKAw imil siqgur mIT rs gwny ]2] (170-1)
har kaa naam amrit ras chaakhi-aa mil satgur meeth ras gaanay. ||2||
I have tasted the Ambrosial Nectar of the Naam, the Name of the Lord, by meeting the True Guru. It is sweet, like the juice of the sugarcane. ||2||

ijn kau guru siqguru nhI ByitAw qy swkq mUV idvwny ] (170-2)
jin ka-o gur satgur nahee bhayti-aa tay saakat moorh divaanay.
Those who have not met the Guru, the True Guru, are foolish and insane - they are faithless cynics.

iqn ky krmhIn Duir pwey dyiK dIpku moih pcwny ]3] (170-2)
tin kay karamheen Dhur paa-ay daykh deepak mohi pachaanay. ||3||
Those who were pre-ordained to have no good karma at all - gazing into the lamp of emotional attachment, they are burnt, like moths in a flame. ||3||

ijn kau qum dieAw kir mylhu qy hir hir syv lgwny ] (170-3)
jin ka-o tum da-i-aa kar maylhu tay har har sayv lagaanay.
Those whom You, in Your Mercy, have met, Lord, are committed to Your Service.

jn nwnk hir hir hir jip pRgty miq gurmiq nwim smwny ]4]4]18]56] (170-3)
jan naanak har har har jap pargatay mat gurmat naam samaanay. ||4||4||18||56||
Servant Nanak chants the Name of the Lord, Har, Har, Har. He is famous, and through the Guru's Teachings, He merges in the Name. ||4||4||18||56||

gauVI pUrbI mhlw 4 ] (170-4)
ga-orhee poorbee mehlaa 4.
Gauree Poorbee, Fourth Mehl:

myry mn so pRBu sdw nwil hY suAwmI khu ikQY hir phu nsIAY ] (170-4)
mayray man so parabh sadaa naal hai su-aamee kaho kithai har pahu nasee-ai.
O my mind, God is always with you; He is your Lord and Master. Tell me, where could you run to get away from the Lord?

hir Awpy bKis ley pRBu swcw hir Awip Cfwey CutIAY ]1] (170-5)
har aapay bakhas la-ay parabh saachaa har aap chhadaa-ay chhutee-ai. ||1||
The True Lord God Himself grants forgiveness; we are emancipated only when the Lord Himself emancipates us. ||1||

myry mn jip hir hir hir min jpIAY ] (170-6)
mayray man jap har har har man japee-ai.
O my mind, chant the Name of the Lord, Har, Har, Har - chant it in your mind.

siqgur kI srxweI Bij pau myry mnw gur siqgur pICY CutIAY ]1] rhwau ] (170-6)
satgur kee sarnaa-ee bhaj pa-o mayray manaa gur satgur peechhai chhutee-ai. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Quickly now, run to the Sanctuary of the True Guru, O my mind; following the Guru, the True Guru, you shall be saved. ||1||Pause||

myry mn syvhu so pRB sRb suKdwqw ijqu syivAY inj Gir vsIAY ] (170-7)
mayray man sayvhu so parabh sarab sukh-daata jit sayvi-ai nij ghar vasee-ai.
O my mind, serve God, the Giver of all peace; serving Him, you shall come to dwell in your own home deep within.

gurmuiK jwie lhhu Gru Apnw Gis cMdnu hir jsu GsIAY ]2] (170-8)
gurmukh jaa-ay lahhu ghar apnaa ghas chandan har jas ghasee-ai. ||2||
As Gurmukh, go and enter your own home; anoint yourself with the sandalwood oil of the Lord's Praises. ||2||

myry mn hir hir hir hir hir jsu aUqmu lY lwhw hir min hsIAY ] (170-8)
mayray man har har har har har jas ootam lai laahaa har man hasee-ai.
O my mind, the Praises of the Lord, Har, Har, Har, Har, Har, are exalted and sublime. Earn the profit of the Lord's Name, and let your mind be happy.

hir hir Awip dieAw kir dyvY qw AMimRqu hir rsu cKIAY ]3] (170-9)
har har aap da-i-aa kar dayvai taa amrit har ras chakhee-ai. ||3||
If the Lord, Har, Har, in His Mercy, bestows it, then we partake of the ambrosial essence of the Lord's Name. ||3||

myry mn nwm ibnw jo dUjY lwgy qy swkq nr jim GutIAY ] (170-10)
mayray man naam binaa jo doojai laagay tay saakat nar jam ghutee-ai.
O my mind, without the Naam, the Name of the Lord, and attached to duality, those faithless cynics are strangled by the Messenger of Death.

qy swkq cor ijnw nwmu ivswirAw mn iqn kY inkit n iBtIAY ]4] (170-10)
tay saakat chor jinaa naam visaari-aa man tin kai nikat na bhitee-ai. ||4||
Such faithless cynics, who have forgotten the Naam, are thieves. O my mind, do not even go near them. ||4||

myry mn syvhu AlK inrMjn nrhir ijqu syivAY lyKw CutIAY ] (170-11)
mayray man sayvhu alakh niranjan narhar jit sayvi-ai laykhaa chhutee-ai.
O my mind, serve the Unknowable and Immaculate Lord, the Man-lion; serving Him, your account will be cleared.

jn nwnk hir pRiB pUry kIey iKnu mwsw qolu n GtIAY ]5]5]19]57] (170-12)
jan naanak har parabh pooray kee-ay khin maasaa tol na ghatee-ai. ||5||5||19||57||
The Lord God has made servant Nanak perfect; he is not diminished by even the tiniest particle. ||5||5||19||57||

gauVI pUrbI mhlw 4 ] (170-13)
ga-orhee poorbee mehlaa 4.
Gauree Poorbee, Fourth Mehl:

hmry pRwn vsgiq pRB qumrY myrw jIau ipMfu sB qyrI ] (170-13)
hamray paraan vasgat parabh tumrai mayraa jee-o pind sabh tayree.
My breath of life is in Your Power, God; my soul and body are totally Yours.

dieAw krhu hir drsu idKwvhu myrY min qin loc GxyrI ]1] (170-13)
da-i-aa karahu har daras dikhaavhu mayrai man tan loch ghanayree. ||1||
Be merciful to me, and show me the Blessed Vision of Your Darshan. There is such a great longing within my mind and body! ||1||

rwm myrY min qin loc imlx hir kyrI ] (170-14)
raam mayrai man tan loch milan har kayree.
O my Lord, there is such a great longing within my mind and body to meet the Lord.

gur ik®pwil ik®pw ikMcq guir kInI hir imilAw Awie pRBu myrI ]1] rhwau ] (170-14)
gur kirpaal kirpaa kichant gur keenee har mili-aa aa-ay parabh mayree. ||1|| rahaa-o.
When the Guru, the Merciful Guru, showed just a little mercy to me, my Lord God came and met me. ||1||Pause||

jo hmrY mn iciq hY suAwmI sw ibiD qum hir jwnhu myrI ] (170-15)
jo hamrai man chit hai su-aamee saa biDh tum har jaanhu mayree.
Whatever is in my conscious mind, O Lord and Master - that condition of mine is known only to You, Lord.

Anidnu nwmu jpI suKu pweI inq jIvw Aws hir qyrI ]2] (170-16)
an-din naam japee sukh paa-ee nit jeevaa aas har tayree. ||2||
Night and day, I chant Your Name, and I find peace. I live by placing my hopes in You, Lord. ||2||

guir siqguir dwqY pMQu bqwieAw hir imilAw Awie pRBu myrI ] (170-17)
gur satgur daatai panth bataa-i-aa har mili-aa aa-ay parabh mayree.
The Guru, the True Guru, the Giver, has shown me the Way; my Lord God came and met me.

Anidnu Andu BieAw vfBwgI sB Aws pujI jn kyrI ]3] (170-17)
an-din anad bha-i-aa vadbhaagee sabh aas pujee jan kayree. ||3||
Night and day, I am filled with bliss; by great good fortune, all of the hopes of His humble servant have been fulfilled. ||3||

jgMnwQ jgdIsur krqy sB vsgiq hY hir kyrI ] (170-18)
jagannaath jagdeesur kartay sabh vasgat hai har kayree.
O Lord of the World, Master of the Universe, everything is under Your control.

jn nwnk srxwgiq Awey hir rwKhu pYj jn kyrI ]4]6]20]58] (170-18)
jan naanak sarnaagat aa-ay har raakho paij jan kayree. ||4||6||20||58||
Servant Nanak has come to Your Sanctuary, Lord; please, preserve the honor of Your humble servant. ||4||6||20||58||

gauVI pUrbI mhlw 4 ] (170-19)
ga-orhee poorbee mehlaa 4.
Gauree Poorbee, Fourth Mehl:

iehu mnUAw iKnu n itkY bhu rMgI dh dh idis cil cil hwFy ] (170-19)
ih manoo-aa khin na tikai baho rangee dah dah dis chal chal haadhay.
This mind does not hold still, even for an instant. Distracted by all sorts of distractions, it wanders around aimlessly in the ten directions.


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD