Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


hir hir inkit vsY sB jg kY AprMpr purKu AqolI ] (169-1)
har har nikat vasai sabh jag kai aprampar purakh atolee.
The Lord, Har, Har, dwells close by, all over the world. He is Infinite, All-powerful and Immeasurable.

hir hir pRgtu kIE guir pUrY isru vyicE gur pih molI ]3] (169-2)
har har pargat kee-o gur poorai sir vaychi-o gur peh molee. ||3||
The Perfect Guru has revealed the Lord, Har, Har, to me. I have sold my head to the Guru. ||3||

hir jI AMqir bwhir qum srxwgiq qum vf purK vfolI ] (169-2)
har jee antar baahar tum sarnaagat tum vad purakh vadolee.
O Dear Lord, inside and outside, I am in the protection of Your Sanctuary; You are the Greatest of the Great, All-powerful Lord.

jnu nwnku Anidnu hir gux gwvY imil siqgur gur vycolI ]4]1]15]53] (169-3)
jan naanak an-din har gun gaavai mil satgur gur vaycholee. ||4||1||15||53||
Servant Nanak sings the Glorious Praises of the Lord, night and day, meeting the Guru, the True Guru, the Divine Intermediary. ||4||1||15||53||

gauVI pUrbI mhlw 4 ] (169-4)
ga-orhee poorbee mehlaa 4.
Gauree Poorbee, Fourth Mehl:

jgjIvn AprMpr suAwmI jgdIsur purK ibDwqy ] (169-4)
jagjeevan aprampar su-aamee jagdeesur purakh biDhaatay.
Life of the World, Infinite Lord and Master, Master of the Universe, All-powerful Architect of Destiny.

ijqu mwrig qum pRyrhu suAwmI iqqu mwrig hm jwqy ]1] (169-4)
jit maarag tum parayrhu su-aamee tit maarag ham jaatay. ||1||
Whichever way You turn me, O my Lord and Master, that is the way I shall go. ||1||

rwm myrw mnu hir syqI rwqy ] (169-5)
raam mayraa man har saytee raatay.
O Lord, my mind is attuned to the Lord's Love.

sqsMgiq imil rwm rsu pwieAw hir rwmY nwim smwqy ]1] rhwau ] (169-5)
satsangat mil raam ras paa-i-aa har raamai naam samaatay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Joining the Sat Sangat, the True Congregation, I have obtained the sublime essence of the Lord. I am absorbed in the Name of the Lord. ||1||Pause||

hir hir nwmu hir hir jig AvKDu hir hir nwmu hir swqy ] (169-6)
har har naam har har jag avkhaDh har har naam har saatay.
The Lord, Har, Har, and the Name of the Lord, Har, Har, is the panacea, the medicine for the world. The Lord, and the Name of the Lord, Har, Har, bring peace and tranquility.

iqn ky pwp doK siB ibnsy jo gurmiq rwm rsu Kwqy ]2] (169-7)
tin kay paap dokh sabh binsay jo gurmat raam ras khaatay. ||2||
Those who partake of the Lord's sublime essence, through the Guru's Teachings - their sins and sufferings are all eliminated. ||2||

ijn kau ilKqu ilKy Duir msqik qy gur sMqoK sir nwqy ] (169-7)
jin ka-o likhat likhay Dhur mastak tay gur santokh sar naatay.
Those who have such pre-ordained destiny inscribed on their foreheads, bathe in the pool of contentment of the Guru.

durmiq mYlu geI sB iqn kI jo rwm nwm rMig rwqy ]3] (169-8)
durmat mail ga-ee sabh tin kee jo raam naam rang raatay. ||3||
The filth of evil-mindedness is totally washed away, from those who are imbued with the Love of the Lord's Name. ||3||

rwm qum Awpy Awip Awip pRBu Twkur qum jyvf Avru n dwqy ] (169-9)
raam tum aapay aap aap parabh thaakur tum jayvad avar na daatay.
O Lord, You Yourself are Your Own Master, O God. There is no other Giver as Great as You.

jnu nwnku nwmu ley qW jIvY hir jpIAY hir ikrpw qy ]4]2]16]54] (169-9)
jan naanak naam la-ay taaN jeevai har japee-ai har kirpaa tay. ||4||2||16||54||
Servant Nanak lives by the Naam, the Name of the Lord; by the Lord's Mercy, he chants the Lord's Name. ||4||2||16||54||

gauVI pUrbI mhlw 4 ] (169-10)
ga-orhee poorbee mehlaa 4.
Gauree Poorbee, Fourth Mehl:

krhu ik®pw jgjIvn dwqy myrw mnu hir syqI rwcy ] (169-10)
karahu kirpaa jagjeevan daatay mayraa man har saytee raachay.
Show Mercy to me, O Life of the World, O Great Giver, so that my mind may merge with the Lord.

siqguir bcnu dIE Aiq inrmlu jip hir hir hir mnu mwcy ]1] (169-11)
satgur bachan dee-o at nirmal jap har har har man maachay. ||1||
The True Guru has bestowed His most pure and sacred Teachings. Chanting the Name of the Lord, Har, Har, Har, my mind is transfixed and enraptured. ||1||

rwm myrw mnu qnu byiD lIE hir swcy ] (169-11)
raam mayraa man tan bayDh lee-o har saachay.
O Lord, my mind and body have been pierced through by the True Lord.

ijh kwl kY muiK jgqu sBu gRisAw gur siqgur kY bcin hir hm bwcy ]1] rhwau ] (169-12)
jih kaal kai mukh jagat sabh garsi-aa gur satgur kai bachan har ham baachay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The whole world is caught and held in the mouth of Death. Through the Teachings of the Guru, the True Guru, O Lord, I am saved. ||1||Pause||

ijn kau pRIiq nwhI hir syqI qy swkq mUV nr kwcy ] (169-13)
jin ka-o pareet naahee har saytee tay saakat moorh nar kaachay.
Those who are not in love with the Lord are foolish and false - they are faithless cynics.

iqn kau jnmu mrxu Aiq BwrI ivic ivstw mir mir pwcy ]2] (169-13)
tin ka-o janam maran at bhaaree vich vistaa mar mar paachay. ||2||
They suffer the most extreme agonies of birth and death; they die over and over again, and they rot away in manure. ||2||

qum dieAwl srix pRiqpwlk mo kau dIjY dwnu hir hm jwcy ] (169-14)
tum da-i-aal saran partipaalak mo ka-o deejai daan har ham jaachay.
You are the Merciful Cherisher of those who seek Your Sanctuary. I beg of You: please grant me Your gift, Lord.

hir ky dws dws hm kIjY mnu inriq kry kir nwcy ]3] (169-15)
har kay daas daas ham keejai man nirat karay kar naachay. ||3||
Make me the slave of the Lord's slaves, so that my mind might dance in Your Love. ||3||

Awpy swh vfy pRB suAwmI hm vxjwry hih qw cy ] (169-15)
aapay saah vaday parabh su-aamee ham vanjaaray heh taa chay.
He Himself is the Great Banker; God is our Lord and Master. I am His petty merchant.

myrw mnu qnu jIau rwis sB qyrI jn nwnk ky swh pRB swcy ]4]3]17]55] (169-16)
mayraa man tan jee-o raas sabh tayree jan naanak kay saah parabh saachay. ||4||3||17||55||
My mind, body and soul are all Your capital assets. You, O God, are the True Banker of servant Nanak. ||4||3||17||55||

gauVI pUrbI mhlw 4 ] (169-17)
ga-orhee poorbee mehlaa 4.
Gauree Poorbee, Fourth Mehl:

qum dieAwl srb duK BMjn iek ibnau sunhu dy kwny ] (169-17)
tum da-i-aal sarab dukh bhanjan ik bin-o sunhu day kaanay.
You are Merciful, the Destroyer of all pain. Please give me Your Ear and listen to my prayer.

ijs qy qum hir jwny suAwmI so siqguru myil myrw pRwny ]1] (169-17)
jis tay tum har jaanay su-aamee so satgur mayl mayraa paraanay. ||1||
Please unite me with the True Guru, my breath of life; through Him, O my Lord and Master, You are known. ||1||

rwm hm siqgur pwrbRhm kir mwny ] (169-18)
raam ham satgur paarbarahm kar maanay.
O Lord, I acknowledge the True Guru as the Supreme Lord God.

hm mUV mugD AsuD miq hoqy gur siqgur kY bcin hir hm jwny ]1] rhwau ] (169-18)
ham moorh mugaDh asuDh mat hotay gur satgur kai bachan har ham jaanay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
I am foolish and ignorant, and my intellect is impure. Through the Teachings of the Guru, the True Guru, O Lord, I come to know You. ||1||Pause||

ijqny rs An rs hm dyKy sB iqqny PIk PIkwny ] (169-19)
jitnay ras an ras ham daykhay sabh titnay feek feekaanay.
All the pleasures and enjoyments which I have seen - I have found them all to be bland and insipid.


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD