Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


gauVI bYrwgix mhlw 4 ] (168-1)
ga-orhee bairaagan mehlaa 4.
Gauree Bairaagan, Fourth Mehl:

ijau jnnI suqu jix pwlqI rwKY ndir mJwir ] (168-1)
ji-o jannee sut jan paaltee raakhai nadar majhaar.
Just as the mother, having given birth to a son, feeds him and keeps him in her vision

AMqir bwhir muiK dy igrwsu iKnu iKnu pocwir ] (168-2)
antar baahar mukh day giraas khin khin pochaar.
- indoors and outdoors, she puts food in his mouth; each and every moment, she caresses him.

iqau siqguru gurisK rwKqw hir pRIiq ipAwir ]1] (168-2)
ti-o satgur gursikh raakh-taa har pareet pi-aar. ||1||
In just the same way, the True Guru protects His GurSikhs, who love their Beloved Lord. ||1||

myry rwm hm bwirk hir pRB ky hY ieAwxy ] (168-3)
mayray raam ham baarik har parabh kay hai i-aanay.
O my Lord, we are just the ignorant children of our Lord God.

DMnu DMnu gurU guru siqguru pwDw ijin hir aupdysu dy kIey isAwxy ]1] rhwau ] (168-3)
Dhan Dhan guroo gur satgur paaDhaa jin har updays day kee-ay si-aanay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Hail, hail, to the Guru, the Guru, the True Guru, the Divine Teacher who has made me wise through the Lord's Teachings. ||1||Pause||

jYsI ggin iPrMqI aUfqI kpry bwgy vwlI ] (168-4)
jaisee gagan firantee oodtee kapray baagay vaalee.
The white flamingo circles through the sky,

Eh rwKY cIqu pICY ibic bcry inq ihrdY swir smwlI ] (168-5)
oh raakhai cheet peechhai bich bachray nit hirdai saar samaalee.
but she keeps her young ones in her mind; she has left them behind, but she constantly remembers them in her heart.

iqau siqgur isK pRIiq hir hir kI guru isK rKY jIA nwlI ]2] (168-5)
ti-o satgur sikh pareet har har kee gur sikh rakhai jee-a naalee. ||2||
In just the same way, the True Guru loves His Sikhs. The Lord cherishes His GurSikhs, and keeps them clasped to His Heart. ||2||

jYsy kwqI qIs bqIs hY ivic rwKY rsnw mws rqu kyrI ] (168-6)
jaisay kaatee tees batees hai vich raakhai rasnaa maas rat kayree.
Just as the tongue, made of flesh and blood, is protected within the scissors of the thirty-two teeth

koeI jwxhu mws kwqI kY ikCu hwiQ hY sB vsgiq hY hir kyrI ] (168-6)
ko-ee jaanhu maas kaatee kai kichh haath hai sabh vasgat hai har kayree.
- who thinks that the power lies in the flesh or the scissors? Everything is in the Power of the Lord.

iqau sMq jnw kI nr inMdw krih hir rwKY pYj jn kyrI ]3] (168-7)
ti-o sant janaa kee nar nindaa karahi har raakhai paij jan kayree. ||3||
In just the same way, when someone slanders the Saint, the Lord preserves the honor of His servant. ||3||

BweI mq koeI jwxhu iksI kY ikCu hwiQ hY sB kry krwieAw ] (168-8)
bhaa-ee mat ko-ee jaanhu kisee kai kichh haath hai sabh karay karaa-i-aa.
O Siblings of Destiny, let none think that they have any power. All act as the Lord causes them to act.

jrw mrw qwpu isriq swpu sBu hir kY vis hY koeI lwig n skY ibnu hir kw lwieAw ] (168-8)
jaraa maraa taap sirat saap sabh har kai vas hai ko-ee laag na sakai bin har kaa laa-i-aa.
Old age, death, fever, poisons and snakes - everything is in the Hands of the Lord. Nothing can touch anyone without the Lord's Order.

AYsw hir nwmu min iciq iniq iDAwvhu jn nwnk jo AMqI Aausir ley CfwieAw ]4]7]13]51] (168-9)
aisaa har naam man chit nit Dhi-aavahu jan naanak jo antee a-osar la-ay chhadaa-i-aa. ||4||7||13||51||
Within your conscious mind, O servant Nanak, meditate forever on the Name of the Lord, who shall deliver you in the end. ||4||7||13||51||

gauVI bYrwgix mhlw 4 ] (168-10)
ga-orhee bairaagan mehlaa 4.
Gauree Bairaagan, Fourth Mehl:

ijsu imilAY min hoie Anµdu so siqguru khIAY ] (168-11)
jis mili-ai man ho-ay anand so satgur kahee-ai.
Meeting Him, the mind is filled with bliss. He is called the True Guru.

mn kI duibDw ibnis jwie hir prm pdu lhIAY ]1] (168-11)
man kee dubiDhaa binas jaa-ay har param pad lahee-ai. ||1||
Double-mindedness departs, and the supreme status of the Lord is obtained. ||1||

myrw siqguru ipAwrw ikqu ibiD imlY ] (168-12)
mayraa satgur pi-aaraa kit biDh milai.
How can I meet my Beloved True Guru?

hau iKnu iKnu krI nmskwru myrw guru pUrw ikau imlY ]1] rhwau ] (168-12)
ha-o khin khin karee namaskaar mayraa gur pooraa ki-o milai. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Each and every moment, I humbly bow to Him. How will I meet my Perfect Guru? ||1||Pause||

kir ikrpw hir myilAw myrw siqguru pUrw ] (168-13)
kar kirpaa har mayli-aa mayraa satgur pooraa.
Granting His Grace, the Lord has led me to meet my Perfect True Guru.

ieC puMnI jn kyrIAw ly siqgur DUrw ]2] (168-13)
ichh punnee jan kayree-aa lay satgur Dhooraa. ||2||
The desire of His humble servant has been fulfilled. I have received the dust of the Feet of the True Guru. ||2||

hir Bgiq idRVwvY hir Bgiq suxY iqsu siqgur imlIAY ] (168-14)
har bhagat darirh-aavai har bhagat sunai tis satgur milee-ai.
Those who meet the True Guru implant devotional worship to the Lord, and listen to this devotional worship of the Lord.

qotw mUil n AwveI hir lwBu iniq idRVIAY ]3] (168-15)
totaa mool na aavee har laabh nit darirhee-ai. ||3||
They never suffer any loss; they continually earn the profit of the Lord. ||3||

ijs kau irdY ivgwsu hY Bwau dUjw nwhI ] (168-15)
jis ka-o ridai vigaas hai bhaa-o doojaa naahee.
One whose heart blossoms forth, is not in love with duality.

nwnk iqsu gur imil auDrY hir gux gwvwhI ]4]8]14]52] (168-15)
naanak tis gur mil uDhrai har gun gaavaahee. ||4||8||14||52||
O Nanak, meeting the Guru, one is saved, singing the Glorious Praises of the Lord. ||4||8||14||52||

mhlw 4 gauVI pUrbI ] (168-16)
mehlaa 4 ga-orhee poorbee.
Fourth Mehl, Gauree Poorbee:

hir dieAwil dieAw pRiB kInI myrY min qin muiK hir bolI ] (168-16)
har da-i-aal da-i-aa parabh keenee mayrai man tan mukh har bolee.
The Merciful Lord God showered me with His Mercy; with mind and body and mouth, I chant the Lord's Name.

gurmuiK rMgu BieAw Aiq gUVw hir rMig BInI myrI colI ]1] (168-17)
gurmukh rang bha-i-aa at goorhaa har rang bheenee mayree cholee. ||1||
As Gurmukh, I have been dyed in the deep and lasting color of the Lord's Love. The robe of my body is drenched with His Love. ||1||

Apuny hir pRB kI hau golI ] (168-18)
apunay har parabh kee ha-o golee.
I am the maid-servant of my Lord God.

jb hm hir syqI mnu mwinAw kir dIno jgqu sBu gol AmolI ]1] rhwau ] (168-18)
jab ham har saytee man maani-aa kar deeno jagat sabh gol amolee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
When my mind surrendered to the Lord, He made all the world my slave. ||1||Pause||

krhu ibbyku sMq jn BweI Koij ihrdY dyiK FMFolI ] (168-19)
karahu bibayk sant jan bhaa-ee khoj hirdai daykh dhandholee.
Consider this well, O Saints, O Siblings of Destiny - search your own hearts, seek and find Him there.

hir hir rUpu sB joiq sbweI hir inkit vsY hir kolI ]2] (168-19)
har har roop sabh jot sabaa-ee har nikat vasai har kolee. ||2||
The Beauty and the Light of the Lord, Har, Har, is present in all. In all places, the Lord dwells near by, close at hand. ||2||


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD