Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


ijqnI BUK An rs swd hY iqqnI BUK iPir lwgY ] (167-1)
jitnee bhookh an ras saad hai titnee bhookh fir laagai.
The more one feels hunger for other tastes and pleasures, the more this hunger persists.

ijsu hir Awip ik®pw kry so vycy isru gur AwgY ] (167-1)
jis har aap kirpaa karay so vaychay sir gur aagai.
Those unto whom the Lord Himself shows mercy, sell their head to the Guru.

jn nwnk hir ris iqRpiqAw iPir BUK n lwgY ]4]4]10]48] (167-2)
jan naanak har ras taripti-aa fir bhookh na laagai. ||4||4||10||48||
Servant Nanak is satisfied by the Name of the Lord, Har, Har. He shall never feel hungry again. ||4||4||10||48||

gauVI bYrwgix mhlw 4 ] (167-2)
ga-orhee bairaagan mehlaa 4.
Gauree Bairaagan, Fourth Mehl:

hmrY min iciq hir Aws inq ikau dyKw hir drsu qumwrw ] (167-3)
hamrai man chit har aas nit ki-o daykhaa har daras tumaaraa.
Within my conscious mind is the constant longing for the Lord. How can I behold the Blessed Vision of Your Darshan, Lord?

ijin pRIiq lweI so jwxqw hmrY min iciq hir bhuqu ipAwrw ] (167-3)
jin pareet laa-ee so jaantaa hamrai man chit har bahut pi-aaraa.
One who loves the Lord knows this; the Lord is very dear to my conscious mind.

hau kurbwnI gur Awpxy ijin ivCuiVAw myilAw myrw isrjnhwrw ]1] (167-4)
ha-o kurbaanee gur aapnay jin vichhurhi-aa mayli-aa mayraa sirjanhaaraa. ||1||
I am a sacrifice to my Guru, who has re-united me with my Creator Lord; I was separated from Him for such a long time! ||1||

myry rwm hm pwpI srix pry hir duAwir ] (167-5)
mayray raam ham paapee saran paray har du-aar.
O my Lord, I am a sinner; I have come to Your Sanctuary, and fallen at Your Door, Lord.

mqu inrgux hm mylY kbhUM ApunI ikrpw Dwir ]1] rhwau ] (167-5)
mat nirgun ham maylai kabahooN apunee kirpaa Dhaar. ||1|| rahaa-o.
My intellect is worthless; I am filthy and polluted. Please shower me with Your Mercy sometime. ||1||Pause||

hmry Avgux bhuqu bhuqu hY bhu bwr bwr hir gxq n AwvY ] (167-6)
hamray avgun bahut bahut hai baho baar baar har ganat na aavai.
My demerits are so many and numerous. I have sinned so many times, over and over again. O Lord, they cannot be counted.

qUM guxvMqw hir hir dieAwlu hir Awpy bKis lYih hir BwvY ] (167-6)
tooN gunvantaa har har da-i-aal har aapay bakhas laihi har bhaavai.
You, Lord, are the Merciful Treasure of Virtue. When it pleases You, Lord, You forgive me.

hm AprwDI rwKy gur sMgqI aupdysu dIE hir nwmu CfwvY ]2] (167-7)
ham apraaDhee raakhay gur sangtee updays dee-o har naam chhadaavai. ||2||
I am a sinner, saved only by the Company of the Guru. He has bestowed the Teachings of the Lord's Name, which saves me. ||2||

qumry gux ikAw khw myry siqgurw jb guru bolh qb ibsmu hoie jwie ] (167-8)
tumray gun ki-aa kahaa mayray satiguraa jab gur bolah tab bisam ho-ay jaa-ay.
What Glorious Virtues of Yours can I describe, O my True Guru? When the Guru speaks, I am transfixed with wonder.

hm jYsy AprwDI Avru koeI rwKY jYsy hm siqguir rwiK lIey Cfwie ] (167-8)
ham jaisay apraaDhee avar ko-ee raakhai jaisay ham satgur raakh lee-ay chhadaa-ay.
Can anyone else save a sinner like me? The True Guru has protected and saved me.

qUM guru ipqw qUMhY guru mwqw qUM guru bMDpu myrw sKw sKwie ]3] (167-9)
tooN gur pitaa tooNhai gur maataa tooN gur banDhap mayraa sakhaa sakhaa-ay. ||3||
O Guru, You are my father. O Guru, You are my mother. O Guru, You are my relative, companion and friend. ||3||

jo hmrI ibiD hoqI myry siqgurw sw ibiD qum hir jwxhu Awpy ] (167-10)
jo hamree biDh hotee mayray satiguraa saa biDh tum har jaanhu aapay.
My condition, O my True Guru - that condition, O Lord, is known only to You.

hm rulqy iPrqy koeI bwq n pUCqw gur siqgur sMig kIry hm Qwpy ] (167-10)
ham rultay firtay ko-ee baat na poochh-taa gur satgur sang keeray ham thaapay.
I was rolling around in the dirt, and no one cared for me at all. In the Company of the Guru, the True Guru, I, the worm, have been raised up and exalted.

DMnu DMnu gurU nwnk jn kyrw ijqu imilAY cUky siB sog sMqwpy ]4]5]11]49] (167-11)
Dhan Dhan guroo naanak jan kayraa jit mili-ai chookay sabh sog santaapay. ||4||5||11||49||
Blessed, blessed is the Guru of servant Nanak; meeting Him, all my sorrows and troubles have come to an end. ||4||5||11||49||

gauVI bYrwgix mhlw 4 ] (167-12)
ga-orhee bairaagan mehlaa 4.
Gauree Bairaagan, Fourth Mehl:

kMcn nwrI mih jIau luBqu hY mohu mITw mwieAw ] (167-12)
kanchan naaree meh jee-o lubhat hai moh meethaa maa-i-aa.
The soul of the man is lured by gold and women; emotional attachment to Maya is so sweet to him.

Gr mMdr GoVy KusI mnu An ris lwieAw ] (167-13)
ghar mandar ghorhay khusee man an ras laa-i-aa.
The mind has become attached to the pleasures of houses, palaces, horses and other enjoyments.

hir pRBu iciq n AwveI ikau CUtw myry hir rwieAw ]1] (167-13)
har parabh chit na aavee ki-o chhootaa mayray har raa-i-aa. ||1||
The Lord God does not even enter his thoughts; how can he be saved, O my Lord King? ||1||

myry rwm ieh nIc krm hir myry ] (167-14)
mayray raam ih neech karam har mayray.
O my Lord, these are my lowly actions, O my Lord.

guxvMqw hir hir dieAwlu kir ikrpw bKis Avgx siB myry ]1] rhwau ] (167-14)
gunvantaa har har da-i-aal kar kirpaa bakhas avgan sabh mayray. ||1|| rahaa-o.
O Lord, Har, Har, Treasure of Virtue, Merciful Lord: please bless me with Your Grace and forgive me for all my mistakes. ||1||Pause||

ikCu rUpu nhI ikCu jwiq nwhI ikCu FMgu n myrw ] (167-15)
kichh roop nahee kichh jaat naahee kichh dhang na mayraa.
I have no beauty, no social status, no manners.

ikAw muhu lY bolh gux ibhUn nwmu jipAw n qyrw ] (167-16)
ki-aa muhu lai bolah gun bihoon naam japi-aa na tayraa.
With what face am I to speak? I have no virtue at all; I have not chanted Your Name.

hm pwpI sMig gur aubry puMnu siqgur kyrw ]2] (167-16)
ham paapee sang gur ubray punn satgur kayraa. ||2||
I am a sinner, saved only by the Company of the Guru. This is the generous blessing of the True Guru. ||2||

sBu jIau ipMfu muKu nku dIAw vrqx kau pwxI ] (167-17)
sabh jee-o pind mukh nak dee-aa vartan ka-o paanee.
He gave all beings souls, bodies, mouths, noses and water to drink.

AMnu Kwxw kpVu pYnxu dIAw rs Ain BogwxI ] (167-17)
ann khaanaa kaparh painan dee-aa ras an bhogaanee.
He gave them corn to eat, clothes to wear, and other pleasures to enjoy.

ijin dIey su iciq n AwveI psU hau kir jwxI ]3] (167-18)
jin dee-ay so chit na aavee pasoo ha-o kar jaanee. ||3||
But they do not remember the One who gave them all this. The animals think that they made themselves! ||3||

sBu kIqw qyrw vrqdw qUM AMqrjwmI ] (167-18)
sabh keetaa tayraa varatdaa tooN antarjaamee.
You made them all; You are all-pervading. You are the Inner-knower, the Searcher of hearts.

hm jMq ivcwry ikAw krh sBu Kylu qum suAwmI ] (167-19)
ham jant vichaaray ki-aa karah sabh khayl tum su-aamee.
What can these wretched creatures do? This whole drama is Yours, O Lord and Master.

jn nwnku hwit ivhwiJAw hir gulm gulwmI ]4]6]12]50] (167-19)
jan naanak haat vihaajhi-aa har gulam gulaamee. ||4||6||12||50||
Servant Nanak was purchased in the slave-market. He is the slave of the Lord's slaves. ||4||6||12||50||


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD