Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


myry rwm mY mUrK hir rwKu myry guseIAw ] (166-1)
mayray raam mai moorakh har raakh mayray gus-ee-aa.
O my Lord, I am so foolish; save me, O my Lord God!

jn kI aupmw quJih vfeIAw ]1] rhwau ] (166-1)
jan kee upmaa tujheh vad-ee-aa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Your servant's praise is Your Own Glorious Greatness. ||1||Pause||

mMdir Gir Awnµdu hir hir jsu min BwvY ] (166-2)
mandar ghar aanand har har jas man bhaavai.
Those whose minds are pleased by the Praises of the Lord, Har, Har, are joyful in the palaces of their own homes.

sB rs mITy muiK lgih jw hir gux gwvY ] (166-2)
sabh ras meethay mukh lageh jaa har gun gaavai.
Their mouths savor all the sweet delicacies when they sing the Glorious Praises of the Lord.

hir jnu prvwru sDwru hY iekIh kulI sBu jgqu CfwvY ]2] (166-3)
har jan parvaar saDhaar hai ikeeh kulee sabh jagat chhadaavai. ||2||
The Lord's humble servants are the saviors of their families; they save their families for twenty-one generations - they save the entire world! ||2||

jo ikCu kIAw so hir kIAw hir kI vifAweI ] (166-3)
jo kichh kee-aa so har kee-aa har kee vadi-aa-ee.
Whatever has been done, has been done by the Lord; it is the Glorious Greatness of the Lord.

hir jIA qyry qUM vrqdw hir pUj krweI ] (166-4)
har jee-a tayray tooN varatdaa har pooj karaa-ee.
O Lord, in Your creatures, You are pervading; You inspire them to worship You.

hir Bgiq BMfwr lhwiedw Awpy vrqweI ]3] (166-4)
har bhagat bhandaar lahaa-idaa aapay vartaa-ee. ||3||
The Lord leads us to the treasure of devotional worship; He Himself bestows it. ||3||

lwlw hwit ivhwiJAw ikAw iqsu cqurweI ] (166-5)
laalaa haat vihaajhi-aa ki-aa tis chaturaa-ee.
I am a slave, purchased in Your market; what clever tricks do I have?

jy rwij bhwly qw hir gulwmu GwsI kau hir nwmu kFweI ] (166-5)
jay raaj bahaalay taa har gulaam ghaasee ka-o har naam kadhaa-ee.
If the Lord were to set me upon a throne, I would still be His slave. If I were a grass-cutter, I would still chant the Lord's Name.

jnu nwnku hir kw dwsu hY hir kI vifAweI ]4]2]8]46] (166-6)
jan naanak har kaa daas hai har kee vadi-aa-ee. ||4||2||8||46||
Servant Nanak is the slave of the Lord; contemplate the Glorious Greatness of the Lord||4||2||8||46||

gauVI guAwryrI mhlw 4 ] (166-6)
ga-orhee gu-aarayree mehlaa 4.
Gauree Bairaagan, Fourth Mehl:

ikrswxI ikrswxu kry locY jIau lwie ] (166-7)
kirsaanee kirsaan karay lochai jee-o laa-ay.
The farmers love to work their farms;

hlu joqY audmu kry myrw puqu DI Kwie ] (166-7)
hal jotai udam karay mayraa put Dhee khaa-ay.
they plow and work the fields, so that their sons and daughters may eat.

iqau hir jnu hir hir jpu kry hir AMiq Cfwie ]1] (166-7)
ti-o har jan har har jap karay har ant chhadaa-ay. ||1||
In just the same way, the Lord's humble servants chant the Name of the Lord, Har, Har, and in the end, the Lord shall save them. ||1||

mY mUrK kI giq kIjY myry rwm ] (166-8)
mai moorakh kee gat keejai mayray raam.
I am foolish - save me, O my Lord!

gur siqgur syvw hir lwie hm kwm ]1] rhwau ] (166-8)
gur satgur sayvaa har laa-ay ham kaam. ||1|| rahaa-o.
O Lord, enjoin me to work and serve the Guru, the True Guru. ||1||Pause||

lY qury saudwgrI saudwgru DwvY ] (166-9)
lai turay sa-udaagree sa-udaagar Dhaavai.
The traders buy horses, planning to trade them.

Dnu KtY Awsw krY mwieAw mohu vDwvY ] (166-9)
Dhan khatai aasaa karai maa-i-aa moh vaDhaavai.
They hope to earn wealth; their attachment to Maya increases.

iqau hir jnu hir hir bolqw hir boil suKu pwvY ]2] (166-10)
ti-o har jan har har boltaa har bol sukh paavai. ||2||
In just the same way, the Lord's humble servants chant the Name of the Lord, Har, Har; chanting the Lord's Name, they find peace. ||2||

ibKu sMcY htvwxIAw bih hwit kmwie ] (166-10)
bikh sanchai hatvaanee-aa bahi haat kamaa-ay.
The shop-keepers collect poison, sitting in their shops, carrying on their business.

moh JUTu pswrw JUT kw JUTy lptwie ] (166-11)
moh jhooth pasaaraa jhooth kaa jhoothay laptaa-ay.
Their love is false, their displays are false, and they are engrossed in falsehood.

iqau hir jin hir Dnu sMicAw hir Krcu lY jwie ]3] (166-11)
ti-o har jan har Dhan sanchi-aa har kharach lai jaa-ay. ||3||
In just the same way, the Lord's humble servants gather the wealth of the Lord's Name; they take the Lord's Name as their supplies. ||3||

iehu mwieAw moh kutMbu hY Bwie dUjY Pws ] (166-12)
ih maa-i-aa moh kutamb hai bhaa-ay doojai faas.
This emotional attachment to Maya and family, and the love of duality, is a noose around the neck.

gurmqI so jnu qrY jo dwsin dws ] (166-12)
gurmatee so jan tarai jo daasan daas.
Following the Guru's Teachings, the humble servants are carried across; they become the slaves of the Lord's slaves.

jin nwnik nwmu iDAwieAw gurmuiK prgws ]4]3]9]47] (166-13)
jan naanak naam Dhi-aa-i-aa gurmukh pargaas. ||4||3||9||47||
Servant Nanak meditates on the Naam; the Gurmukh is enlightened. ||4||3||9||47||

gauVI bYrwgix mhlw 4 ] (166-13)
ga-orhee bairaagan mehlaa 4.
Gauree Bairaagan, Fourth Mehl:

inq idnsu rwiq lwlcu kry BrmY BrmwieAw ] (166-13)
nit dinas raat laalach karay bharmai bharmaa-i-aa.
Continuously, day and night, they are gripped by greed and deluded by doubt.

vygwir iPrY vygwrIAw isir Bwru auTwieAw ] (166-14)
vaygaar firai vaygaaree-aa sir bhaar uthaa-i-aa.
The slaves labor in slavery, carrying the loads upon their heads.

jo gur kI jnu syvw kry so Gr kY kMim hir lwieAw ]1] (166-14)
jo gur kee jan sayvaa karay so ghar kai kamm har laa-i-aa. ||1||
That humble being who serves the Guru is put to work by the Lord in His Home. ||1||

myry rwm qoiV bMDn mwieAw Gr kY kMim lwie ] (166-15)
mayray raam torh banDhan maa-i-aa ghar kai kamm laa-ay.
O my Lord, please break these bonds of Maya, and put me to work in Your Home.

inq hir gux gwvh hir nwim smwie ]1] rhwau ] (166-16)
nit har gun gaavah har naam samaa-ay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
I continuously sing the Glorious Praises of the Lord; I am absorbed in the Lord's Name. ||1||Pause||

nru pRwxI cwkrI kry nrpiq rwjy AriQ sB mwieAw ] (166-16)
nar paraanee chaakree karay narpat raajay arath sabh maa-i-aa.
Mortal men work for kings, all for the sake of wealth and Maya.

kY bMDY kY fwin lyie kY nrpiq mir jwieAw ] (166-17)
kai banDhai kai daan lay-ay kai narpat mar jaa-i-aa.
But the king either imprisons them, or fines them, or else dies himself.

DMnu Dnu syvw sPl siqgurU kI ijqu hir hir nwmu jip hir suKu pwieAw ]2] (166-17)
Dhan Dhan sayvaa safal satguroo kee jit har har naam jap har sukh paa-i-aa. ||2||
Blessed, rewarding and fruitful is the service of the True Guru; through it, I chant the Name of the Lord, Har, Har, and I have found peace. ||2||

inq saudw sUdu kIcY bhu Bwiq kir mwieAw kY qweI ] (166-18)
nit sa-udaa sood keechai baho bhaat kar maa-i-aa kai taa-ee.
Everyday, people carry on their business, with all sorts of devices to earn interest, for the sake of Maya.

jw lwhw dyie qw suKu mny qotY mir jweI ] (166-19)
jaa laahaa day-ay taa sukh manay totai mar jaa-ee.
If they earn a profit, they are pleased, but their hearts are broken by losses.

jo gux swJI gur isau kry inq inq suKu pweI ]3] (166-19)
jo gun saajhee gur si-o karay nit nit sukh paa-ee. ||3||
One who is worthy, becomes a partner with the Guru, and finds a lasting peace forever. ||3||


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD